Supermaryface Nudes

Supermaryface Nudes


Supermaryface Nudes

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Mary : “I don’t know how to start this video… so, let’s talk about my nudes.”

Ken : “Dun dun dunnn!” – “Hello everybody! Me ‘n Mary sitting here. I’m the emotional support, helping Mary to feel brave and to help her get started. What this video is about, is ehm… there’s been a lot of controversy around Mary in the past. For many years –“

Mary : “From the beginning.”

Ken : “And we’ve tried to ignore and hope it’ll go away and, you know, it never has. It always ends up coming back. And Mary would like to address it and talk about some of the things that happened, and talk about what actually REALLY happened. Because there’s like this big, dramatic story that isn’t even real, but ehm…”

Mary : “When I was 18 I did a nude photoshoot with this photographer who was a really nice guy, and I was on friendly terms with. Yeah, it was a thing that happened.”

Ken : “It’s not even like you were trying to be super sexy – “

Mary : “None of them… are sexy. They’re all, like… “arty”. They’re not the kind of, like, nudes you, like, send to your boyfriend. They’re kind of cringe, but they were fun and… I don’t regret them. And my whole family have known about them since I did them. Like, my parenst knew and stuff. And I was never told that my body was, like, this gross secretive thing that I had to hide away. So, when Ken and I got together –“

Ken : “Yeah I was gonna say – this was before we met.”

Mary : Yeah!”

Ken : “And ehm… I mean even I have known about them and it’s nothing to be ashamed of but the reason we’re bringing it up is because people use it as like a weapon against Mary. Like if she does cosplay they bring it up and they’re like ‘Oh you got NUDES!’… and we’re like ‘so what?’ – BUT… people latch on to like this hate train that she’s ashamed of ‘em for some reason, and… that’s not how it is. It’s not. But that goes into another, more serious story.”

Mary : “Which… yeah. When Ken and I first got together, it was, like, not that long after I came into the picture in America… it was, I don’t know, like 6 months or less. People “discovered” these photos, right? And they would get a selfie of me and a picture of my nudes and like, put circles around my moles and, like, “PROOF! PROOF!!!” [unintelligible] like as if it was something I had, like, tried to hide away or anything. And just to be clear I did have an alias, a modelling alias, that I used. And then after the pictures came out the photographer even changed that alias again to try and, like, give me more protection. Because when they did come out… it wasn’t… it wasn’t something that I wanted to, like, advertise. For Ken. BecauseI felt like I was doing [Ken] a disservice. [Ken] was trying to do the whole, like, kids-friendly content… had really young audience at that time, and… it just wasn’t, like, something that we wanted to broadcast and have everywhere. So I really didn’t talk about it much at all. I addressed it a really small amount at the time and then since then I’ve basically said nothing. Whenever people have, like, tweeted them at me, or made Instagram accounts with, like, just those photos, I always just ignore it – “

Ken : “I mean it’s understandable. You thought that this thing would actually, like, HURT my career. And I didn’t care at all, I was like ‘whatever’.”

Mary : “I did. And yeah… I did try to, like, minimize it. Not talk about it. And I shouldn’t have done that. At the time I should have just been like ‘yes, they exist, get over it’.”

Ken : “But from there… we go into like what… like those exist, fine, sure, whatever – and she owns it and she’s not ashamed of ‘em. But then we go into the real problem that people have made.”

Mary : “Yeah.”

Ken : “There’s a – “

Mary : “They’ve made like this separate story around these pictures which some people think is, like, WORSE than the pictures themselves. Like I’ve gotten tweets and emails and stuff being like… ‘okay yeah whatever the nudes are fine, but this story is like the reason that I hate Mary and the reason that she’s evil. So… we should address that as well.”

[edit cut]

Mary : “When the pictures first came out from what I know they were first released on Tumblr – and back in the day I was like really really into Tumblr. Like 24/7 into Tumblr. So there was this person on Tumblr who made these photoshopped pictures of me. And I don’t know if it was, like, right before my nudes were released, or around, it was around the same time. And I addressed THAT publicly on my Tumblr… and I said that they’re gross, they’re out there, they’re FAKE, and ehm… yeah, that’s – I addressed that. Ehm… and then people got their wires crossed and thought that I was talking about like the real nude shoots that I’ve done. When in reality I wasn’t addressing those nude shoots at all. When I should have.”

Ken : “To simplify it, is that… we had these photoshopped pictures, that was basically Mary’s face and like child pornorgraphy mixed together – “

Mary : “They were really messed up.”

Ken : “Yeah. And we had those removed. And she addressed it. But people thought that she meant the actual photographer that she worked with had those removed. And they were like super upset because they thought that she was ruining this photographer’s career –“

Mary : “Yeah. So this is where people got mixed up about it, and… then this whole other, like, ball started rolling, that was that I was destroying this photographer’s career… and pretending that it was child porn and having him arrested and pressing charges and all of this stuff –“

Ken : “When it doesn’t even have anything to do with that guy!”

Mary : “Because they thought that I was like ashamed so I just lied about it all. It wasn’t about him or those photos at all. And ehm… yeah but because I never addressed it people just kept going with this mixed up story that they created, and… now… people try to use it as this, like, “SuperMaryFace EXPOSED” thing.”

Ken : “’SuperMaryFace is a liar, she ruins photographers’ careers, she did child porn’, and all this other stuff and we’re just like… what?!”

Mary : “From what I know that photographer still shoots. I definitely did not press charges against him. In fact he helped me to have some of the other pictures removed. And the whole reason… like, why talk about it now, right? Like why after 3 years, why talk about it now?”

Ken : “Yeah, why talk about it now. It’s because people still talk about it. Even, like… most of you watching this video –“

Mary : “Have no idea.”

Ken : “ – probably didn’t even know this happened. But there is like this really small percentage of people that just, like… wanna attack her, like “ohhhh you did this!!!” and we’re like no… no we didn’t… no she didn’t.”

Mary : “And the majority, like, just ignore it, right like, just ignore the haters, whatever. But what hurts me, and when we get someone new into the community, and they’re super passionate and super excited and they like go back through my old cosplays and they’re posting my stuff and they’re really exicted and they wanna learn more about us… and then they come across this story. And it like changes their mind about everything. They suddenly think like ‘wow I thought she was so nice but she is a career ruiner of photographers and a liar and a bitch’. At the end of the day if you want to believe that, you can. Like there’s still gonna be people that like believe that that story is everything that happened. I just want to talk about it because I’m so… over it. I’m not ashamed of those real photos that were released. I mean… they’re not the most wonderful photos in the world, but… I still look pretty good. And it was a really fun time in my life. And it’s not something I’m shocked or appalled or embarassed by. It’s not some big horrible dark secret for me… and I want to get back into doing cosplay and probably get back into doing some sexy fun cosplay and I know as soon as I do this is gonna come back up again. And people are gonna talk about it again and it’s gonna get bigger again.”

Ken : “So maybe they can watch this video and be like ‘oh hey’.”

Mary : “It’s not some big, horrible, dark secret that we, like, keep in the closet. Ken knows. It’s not –“

Ken : “I don’t mind. She’s pretty dang sexy to me.”

Mary : “So yeah. I just… wanted to talk about it. And maybe making this video was dumb, because now a whole bunch of people who’ve never even heard about it before are gonna be searching ‘SuperMaryFace nudes’…”

Ken : “Yeah, well, have fun. Have fun with your imagination and your hand while I get the real thing. But it’s… she just wanted to make this video so that she could address it. I know it’s been a long time. This should have been done a long time ago, but…”

Mary : “I do regret not talking about it at the time. But I was so new to YouTube and to like having any kind of like people knowing who I was. I went from being a total nobody to like being thrust into this, and… it’s scary. And I reacted poorly. I should’ve just been like ‘yeah whatever’.”

Ken : “And even if someone goes and they start, like, digging it up and they find some kind of hole in what we’re saying… okay. This is our story. This is how we see it.”

Mary : “I mean this is how I remember it, it was a long time ago.”

Ken : “It’s not something either one of us are ashamed of –“

Mary : “It didn’t ruin our relationship. I was 18. It was all legal.”

Ken : “We didn’t RUIN anybody’s career. We just had some really gross pictures taken down from Tumblr that someone photoshopped together.”

Mary : “And they’re NOT the same pictures as what you’re gonna find. “

Ken : “They’re different. But, you know, stories are stories and once they get out there it’s hard to reel it back in and even for a long I would tell her ‘just don’t worry about it, it’ll go away’. But then, like, someone always makes a tweet or brings it back up like trying to use it as a weapon and then people will see that and look into it and then they buy into it. It’s like a never-ending process… of like, peopl have, like, fantasies of being able to uncover the truth of someone that’s on the internet [unintelligible]… there’s nothing there. Okay? You can go and type in ‘SuperMaryFace nudes’ and have a fun time and we’ll be none the wiser. But aside from that… there’s no other story there.”

Mary : “I feel good. Do you [Ken] feel good?”

Ken : “It’s whatever to me. It’s been a fair non-issue to me, but I know you –”

Mary : “I really wanna get back into cosplay… and I know people are gonna bring it up, and I’m beating you to the punch, so. That’s it for this video.”

Shredder. Master Splinter. Jackie. Boss. Pancake.
I think it's possible she also is doing this to set it all up for when her daughter hears about it.

And Ken is gross. Of course he had to mention he gets the real thing. Just...ew.

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I may be Canadian, but I can be snarky as hell.

Mary : “When I was 18 I did a nude photoshoot with this photographer who was a really nice guy, and I was on friendly terms with. Yeah, it was a thing that happened.”

Ken : “To simplify it, is that… we had these photoshopped pictures, that was basically Mary’s face and like child pornorgraphy mixed together – “

Shredder. Master Splinter. Jackie. Boss. Pancake.
Copying my previous post here because it's about the nudes:

You guys, I can't get over the lies in their videos about Mary's nudes.

And I still can't believe they went and lied on top of all their other lies instead of simply apologizing.

Saying the accusations of someone photoshopping Mary's head on a underage body is completely were about OTHER pictures, is complete bullshit.

How would you know the difference between the body of a 13 years old vs 18 years old?? Everyone has a different body type. Some people have curves from a very young age, other people are very skinny with small breasts even well into their 20s.

Someone just said here in the forums that Mary's leg look like a teens legs, that's the proof right there.

There is NO WAY you can tell the difference just by seeing someone nude, no face.

And IF she could really tell, just IF, she still let her fans bully her photographer for the nudes saying he did that, and she LET THEM BULLY HIM. She let people accuse HIM for YEARS. Until she made that video. Until she found a new lie to cover it all up again.

I WISH more people could read here and see what we have found. People like Ken and Mary don't deserve the views, they don't deserve the attention and the praise. They are liars, hypocrites, and using the fame of their friends instead of bringing actual quality to their own work.

I'm so done.

Love you guys, it's great to see some people see through their lies!

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By nudostar

Post date

January 20, 2020

1 Comment on SuperMaryFace marymakingit Youtuber Nudes Leaks

1 reply on “SuperMaryFace marymakingit Youtuber Nudes Leaks”

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Mary aka SuperMaryFace aka marymakingit is a YouTuber from the USA. Now she doesn’t post any sexy content now but we received some old hot photos of her nude body 😉
Do u know when did she stop posting these?
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