Superman Pregnant

By Robert QuigleyJun 10th, 2010, 3:58 pm
A tipster — who we’re guessing may have seen this on Reddit? — sends along this interesting fan picture accompanied only by the subject heading “for you” and the word “Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” — Batman is pregnant. And on the moon. And Superman is listening to his unborn child kick while Batman smiles knowingly.
We can’t say it any better than Redditor DarkBlueAnt, who wins the Internet:
See, here are the problems that I have with this image (As a nerd):
1. Batman can’t lift his costume over his stomache like that. It’s made of Kevlar.
2. Batman can’t breathe on the moon.
3. The sun is illuminating half of the back side of Earth.
4. The sun is too large. If it’s supposed to be a red sun, then Superman should have retired the uniform and it should engulf Earth.
5. Superman is pressing up against Batman to hear the baby. He has super hearing and should not need to do this.
6. Batman no longer wears his logo like that.
7. Batman wouldn’t even bother being Batman if he were pregnant. Notice the lack of utility belt? He’s not prepared to do superhero work.
8. Batman is a man.
9. Batman’s breasts are not swelled.
We’d love to know a source for this — there are no TinEye results, and the signature appears to say “Kevin D. Maddox” or “Kevin I. Maddox,” neither of whom we could find any record of on Batman pregnancy fanfic forums or elsewhere. Internet, please help!
Have a tip we should know?
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Перевести · 11.06.2010 · Batman is Pregnant. And on the Moon. And Superman is Listening to his Unborn Child. By Robert Quigley Jun 10th, …
Перевести · 29.07.2021 · But during Lois Lane's pregnancy, Batman took things a step further by running tests on Superman and Lois' unborn child in order to understand just how powerful this child could become in Superman…
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Is it true that Batman and Superman are pregnant?
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Batman is Pregnant. And on the Moon. And Superman is Listening to his Unborn Child. A tipster — who we’re guessing may have seen this on Reddit? — sends along this interesting fan picture accompanied only by the subject heading “for you” and the word “Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” — Batman is pregnant.…
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Перевести · Lois Lane dies while pregnant with Superman's child in The Adventures of Superman Annual #3 "Armageddon 2001" (1991) Richard, M'R'R and K'R'K, with Lois Lane in Superman …
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Перевести · 19.08.2017 · Superman and Wonder Woman had a son (appropriately named Adam) but they also used Superman's DNA to impregnate a bunch of women. Sadly, Superman …
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