Superheroine Slave

Superheroine Slave


Superheroine Slave
Superheroine Slave Auction—Scarlet Witch
WARNING: This story contains sexual situations and sexual
violence (nc, MF, FF). It is to be read by adults only. If this sort of
material is not to your liking, then read no further.

Credits: This story is based on a story idea suggested by The Sexecutor. The Scarlet
Witch, Doctor Doom, and Selene (Marvel Enterprises), and Wonder Woman and
Supergirl (DC Comics) are Trademarked characters used in this not-for-profit
fan-fiction; no Trademark infringement is intended. Click on the images to
           “All right,
ladies…or should I say, slaves…listen up!” commanded Selene, Black Queen of the
Hellfire Club. The buxom raven-haired woman dressed in skimpy shorts, a
string-tied over-bust corset that left the abdomen and lower back uncovered,
thigh-high high-heeled boots, long fashion gloves, and full cloak, all black in
color, waited impatiently as the tense whispering in the large, metal,
air-conditioned Quonset hut slowly quieted. The foxy, red-eyed, self-styled
goddess who looked to be in her late twenties, despite having lived for several
millennia, grinned maliciously around the room filled with costumed
superheroines lounging on fluffy floor pillows under the watchful eyes of
fully-armed, masked, Hellfire Club goons. “As I understand that it has been
some time since one of you, having learned the effectiveness of the metahuman
power suppression field blanketing this building, tried to escape or jump a
guard, and because the slave auction will soon be ready to begin, I thought I
might give you my usual pep talk.”  
giggled as the dozen guards in the room guffawed whiled the assembled
superheroines frowned despondently, before acknowledging, “Yes, I realize that
for many of you…probably most of you…this is not your first superheroine slave
auction. Many of you are treating today’s events as just another superheroine
setback…setbacks that are just part of the price of being a costumed vigilante
operating outside the protection of the law. Many of you have been sold into
slavery before, only to escape and resume your exciting and glamorous
avocations. Good for you if that was the case in the past! The Hellfire Club is
more than happy to profit from your sales over and over again, until, of
course, one of your owners manages to make your slavery permanent, or to end
your glorious crime-fighting career in some other way. However, this slave
auction will be unlike any of the previous superheroine slave auctions in
several ways, so you veterans are going to want to listen up along with the
things first!” Selene chirped jovially. “All forty-three of you ARE
superheroines, so we expect you to act like superheroines. That means you are
expected to maintain decorum at all times. That means do what you’re told when
you’re told to do it, and keep your mouths shut…or at least your words polite.
Failure to maintain decorum may result in your being made an example of. Despite
the fact that each and every one of you is extremely valuable chattel, the
Hellfire Club is willing to punish…even snuff…any trouble makers in order to
keep the slave auction orderly. What about it, Wonder Woman? Are you ready to
have us devalue you by hacking off an arm or two? You’ll still bring big bucks
for us and plenty of profit to whatever brothel purchases your armless ass!”
have already had my fill of your guards’ electro-guns, Selene,” the ageless
6-foot-tall 165-pound Princess Diana of Themyscira replied gruffly. Wonder
Woman was dressed in her usual costume which consisted of a red bustier topped
by a golden eagle, blue trunks splashed with white stars, and red, calf-high,
high-heeled boots decorated with white stripes. 
She wore a belt, bracelets, and tiara, all made of gold- or silver-colored
metal—the tiara was centered with a red star, and a thin golden lasso hung from
the right side of the belt. “I’ll wait for a better chance to escape from
whichever slaver is foolish enough to throw away his money by purchasing and
trying to hold an Amazon. Besides, I would not be surprised if we are all
rescued by our colleagues before your auction has ended.”
vast majority of your colleagues…all of you girls’ colleagues…are off planet trying
to save Earth from invasion by a combined Skrull and Kree task force, Wonder
Woman,” Selene chortled gleefully as she stared at the raven-haired, blue-eyed
Amazon’s double-D cupped bosom. “By the time there’s enough metahuman might to
even think about challenging the Hellfire Club’s ownership of you super sluts,
you’ll have been sold and scattered across the planet…although many of you will
be back here in the Big Apple again in two weeks. I’ll get back to that later!”
the guards will begin securing you girls in sets of three into transport racks
equipped with metahuman suppression fields,” the Black Queen of the Hellfire
Club announced. “Once the first three slaves are on the auction platform, the
next transport rack will be taken into the auction arena. There will be no more
than six unsold slaves in the auction arena at any time, for security reasons, despite
the fact that the auction arena is also equipped with a metahuman suppression
field. With forty-three slaves to be sold, the auction may last well into the
evening hours, so try to be patient AND stoic regarding your ultimate disposal.”
auctioneer will be Vladi the Wizard, who I’m sure many of you have met,” Selene
continued with a grin. “Vladi is a professional who is sure to get the best
price possible for each and every one of you…even though he is unhappy with one
of the new innovations that has been incorporated into today’s festivities.
I’ll get to that innovation the Wizard disapproves of shortly. He arranged for
the two slaves he is personally putting up for sale…Supergirl and the Scarlet
Witch…to be part of the first lot; Vladi made this arrangement before the new
innovation was disclosed. Wonder Woman will be the third girl in the first lot.
We want you up there, Princess, while everyone’s coffers are still full.”
up, ladies!” the Black Queen barked and then grinned like a Cheshire cat. “The
Hellfire Club takes pride in its slave stock, and we want you slaves to take
pride in yourselves. That means we want you to want to bring the best prices
you can for yourselves. To do that, follow the auctioneer’s instructions. When
Vladi asks you to show the bidders your tits, a guard will get those tops off
or pull those catsuits down to your waist. When Vladi asks you to display your
tight, well-groomed snatches, with the guard’s help, it will be off with the
bottoms or bodysuits down around your ankles. Do some turns so all the bidders
cans see what they should be eager to buy. However, when the Wizard starts
taking bids again, let the guard quickly get your clothes back on and all the
buttons, zippers, and snaps back in place! If the bidders want to play with you
superheroines, they are going to have to pay for you!” 
Witch, you will be the first superheroine up for sale this auction,” Selene chortled
as she winked at Wanda Maximoff, “so we’re counting on you to show the rest of
the girls, most of whom will be in here watching you on the flat-screen
monitor, how to follow instructions. There are a couple of reasons why you got
picked to go first, Wanda. One reason will soon be obvious and left unsaid. The
second reason is, we think you’ll manage a sexier smile than the Princess while
you’re displaying your assets. You can do that, can’t you, Scarlet Witch?”
exclaimed the 5-foot-7-inch-tall 130-pound Avenger with long auburn hair and
gold-flecked blue eyes wearing her ‘gypsy witch’ costume, which barely covered
the 21-year-old’s huge perfect-shaped D-cups and left her midriff bare. The
costume consisted of a bikini-like top, a loin cloth that hardly covered the
mutant’s obviously panty-less vulva, calve-high boots, long fashion gloves, and
a long cloak, all crimson in color. “I hate going first! Yes, Selene, I can
smile while I debase myself. Maybe if the asshole I escape from loses enough
money, he or she won’t bid on anyone next time.”
I knew we could count on you, Wanda,” the Black Queen acknowledged as she
ignored the Avenger’s hopeful supposition. “Then I guess I can get to the
innovation introduced for this slave auction, can’t I? I am pleased to announce
that, for this and future slave auctions, the Hellfire Club has contracted with
‘Sunni Circumcision Services, Inc.’
to provide slave branding and female circumcision services free of charge to
our clientele.”
           Selene grinned malevolently as the
captured superheroines in the room gasped in unison, the color running from the
faces of most of the girls, before chiding, “Now don’t pretend that at least
some of you didn’t see that coming. With severe body
modification now legal in the United States and most other countries, and the
development of new circumcision technology that has reduced the cost of the procedure to a pittance of what
it was, it was inevitable that post-sale clitoridectomy services would be
offered to further crush the spirit of newly sold superheroine slaves. We’ve
polled the clientele that sent RSVPs as bidders, and every responder indicated
they would take advantage of SCS’s circumcision option, although many,
surprisingly, indicated they would pass on the branding option. In case you’re
wondering, anesthetics will NOT be made available. Can you still promise me a
smile, Scarlet Witch?”
           “Surely you are jesting, Selene?”
Wanda Maximoff spat acerbically back, finally recognizing that the ‘unsaid’
reason for her being forced to go first was her part-time job as a professional
castratrix (with both male and female patients). “Our new owners wouldn’t want
their new sex toys neutered. Forcing a climax on their new slave would become
nearly impossible!”
“I am not jesting and I gather our clientele have decided
that forcing orgasms on superheroines is old hat and overrated, Wanda,” Selene
chirped back sweetly. “Now, can you promise me a smile as your pleasure node
gets clipped away, Scarlet Witch?”
           “NO!” the Scarlet Witch yelled back
laconically. “No one can fulfill such a promise as their sexual center is
assassinated, not even when the assassination is something the patient desires.
The agony will be extreme! However, I will maintain my composure and dignity as
well as I can…and I’ll pray that our scientists can heal our wounds once we are
recovered from enslavement. By what method will our declittings occur?”
           “With any luck, the neutering will
be permanent, Miss Maximoff!” the Black Queen jibed with a broad grin on her
face. “Permanent or irrelevant! For a good many of you, two weeks from now,
your stolen sex lives will be the least of your worries. However, you might as
well be told how you’re to be circumcised. The SCS clitoridectomy specialist
will be using the new pneumatic vacuum extractor. The
equipment is so efficient she should be able to manage the female castrations
at a pace equaling or exceeding the auction sales. You girls won’t have to wait
in line for your turn to get clipped.”
I not to be the first patient…no…victim, for I have signed no consent form…I
would find your last declaration assuring, Selene,” Wanda hissed back with
obvious anger. “Although getting declitted is horribly painful, the fear of
waiting to have your sex life destroyed against your will is much worse. Like I
said, I’ll try to make the best of it and maintain my composure and dignity…although
I can’t promise that I won’t shed tears. I’m sure my colleagues will manage to
maintain their dignity…at least as well as I do…for, as you well know, I’ll be
all too aware of exactly what the body modification technician is doing to me
as I am processed. Now, what is this unpleasantness in two weeks time that you
have hinted about several times now, villainess?”
get to that, Wanda,” Selene replied with a gleeful smirk on her face, “but
first I’ll explain the only option you do-gooders are going to get to decide
for yourselves today. Each of you, when you finally step into the ‘Sunni Circumcision Services, Inc.’
booth area, will need to immediately tell the clitoridectomy technician whether
you want a chance to achieve what will likely by your last climax ever. If you
pass on that potentially embarrassing final orgasm, the technician will clip
you as quickly and efficiently as possible and wait for her next customer. If
you beg her to give you that final climax before she cuts you, she’ll insert a
vibrator into your vagina, and maybe even digitally or orally stimulate you, in
an attempt to bring you to orgasm in the time she has available to do so
between customers. If you don’t get off before the next girl’s sale is
finalized though, tough luck; you’ll get clipped AND left hung up!”
           “We have an option to be forced
climaxed or not?” Wonder Woman barked angrily. “NEVER!”
           “Princess Diana,” Wanda urged softly
as she looked pleadingly at the huge-breasted Amazon, “please don’t make your
decision on the spur of the moment. Or at least don’t tell HER what your plans
are. What’s happening in two weeks, Selene?”
           “The Hellfire Club is sponsoring a
winner take all noose tournament, Scarlet Witch!” the Black Queen announced
jubilantly. “A no-drop hanging contest! The owner of the winning girl will take
home fifty million dollars plus the profits from any side bets. There will be
some professional noose sluts entered into the contest, but most of the
contestants will be superheroines slaves sold during today’s slave auction. I
did say winner take all. That means, unless a professional noose slut wins, only
the last-slave dancing goes home with her master! Which means all of the other superheroine
slaves will be dead. Your friends aren’t going to try to regenerate your
clipped out clit, Wanda…after you’re dead!” Selene roared with laughter as she
hurried away, leaving the Scarlet Witch, and most of the other captive
superheroines, looking stunned and dismayed.
           With Selene out of the holding pen,
Wanda Maximoff called out loudly as she observed the desperate looks on the
faces of the girls around her, “Brave hearts, my friends. Unarmed and depowered
as we are, we remain helpless against these guards. It will do no good to lose
your head and get yourself crippled or killed, as Selene promised would happen
to trouble makers. Yes, I do know she has also promised that most of us will be
maimed anyhow, after we are sold.”
           “As most of you know, I perform VOLUNTARY
clitoridectomies at the ‘ Wicked Wanda Body Modification Clinic’, ”
Wanda admitted softly. “As you have heard, I do not look forward to the
procedure being performed on me against my will, and I have said it will be
very painful. I’ll use any means at my disposal, even groveling, to avoid
having female castration forced upon me. Unfortunately, it sounds as if
declitting will be unavoidable for most of us. That said, do keep in mind, many
of us have suffered such injuries in the past and the damage was undone. If you
can manage an escape within a week, or perhaps as much as three weeks, there is
a good chance your sexual centers can be restored.”
The Scarlet Witch
smiled sheepishly before continuing with, “If you can’t escape in time for the
tissue regeneration technology to be successfully employed…and if you are not
entered into the death games Selene described…most every one of you will find
you can adjust to life after circumcision. Many women have lived long and happy
lives after having a clitoridectomy performed on them. There are even some
upsides to the procedure! No more sexual distractions. No more trying to find a
new partner to reward you with orgasm when you’re significant other isn’t
available. No more sleepless nights as you ache for sexual satisfaction” 

“Wanda, I’m not sure you can sell me on my being happy after
being circumcised,” Supergirl interjected with a frown on her face and concern
in her eyes. The blonde, blue-eyed, eighteen-year-old Kryptonian wearing a blue
long-sleeve top with a triangular S-shield on it and a short skirt, panties, and calf-high boots,
all red in color, blurted out, “Frankly I’m more worried about how I’m going to
cope with the pain that is going to accompany getting my love button stretched
out and snipped off. I’m so mad at Vladi right now I can’t stand it…even though
I know Selene was saying Vladi didn’t know about the circumcision plans. Can’t
you say something…positive…about our situation?”
“Probably not,” Wanda admitted glumly as she stared at the
buxom blonde. “Look, I’m sure you are right and Vladi didn’t know about our
imminent body modifications…OR the hanging tournament. In your case, Kara, I’m
sure he will arrange your escape before two weeks time, and his magic could
heal you if he needs to. That said, etiquette will prevent Vladi from pulling
even you out of the slave auction. You ARE going to get clipped if your
purchaser desires it so…and that seems likely. Supergirl, you and I both would
likely have gotten nabbed into this mess, even if we hadn’t been hanging out at
the Wizard’s Lair. I’m not particularly peeved at Vladi for his being the one
to toss me into the holding pen.”
“It would be wrong for me to tell any of you girls how to
face the, admittedly dire, fate before us,” the Scarlet Witch continued as she
shrugged her shoulders. “I can only tell you how I am going to TRY to handle
the situation...IF my new owner has circumcision in mind for me…and I can’t get
him or her to reconsider forcing the procedure on me. I’ve
learned that pain and pleasure, although quite opposite sensations, are
transmitted to the brain using the same nervous system pathways, and, when
experienced simultaneously, tend to mix into a new unique sensation that can
sometimes be…interesting. So, I’m going to try to fight the pain by diluting it
with pleasure, and I’m going to accomplish this by asking the circumcision
technician to bring me to climax just before she clips me. I’m going to let the
villains in the room laugh at me as I sigh in orgasm, because I’d rather be
embarrassed with self-debasement than humbled by agony. I’m choosing survival
over pride. That doesn’t mean Wonder Woman is wrong to put dignity first.”
“All right, let’s get
you first three superheroine sluts locked into the transport rack,” one of the
black and red clad, fully hooded, Hellfire goons interjected, ending the
discussion. Soon, Wanda, Princess Diana, and Kara were standing secured within
frames attached to a wheeled cart headed across a paved area towards a large
nearby building that served as the auction hall. Even with the doors to the
building closed, the girls could hear the excited conversation being made by
the many dozens of supervillains, rich criminals, and foreign leaders waiting
to bid on superheroine slaves.   
Wanda,” Vladi the Wizard, said softly with a sheepish grin on his face as one
of the Hellfire goons pushed the Scarlet Witch to the front of the auction
block platform’s central runway. Wanda’s hands were cuffed behind her back, and
there was a steel collar around her neck with a chain attached in the rear. The
chain rose upward to connect to a ring around a horizontal pole, which was
attached to the auction hall’s ceiling and ran from the front to the back of
the platform’s runway. Ther
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