Summer Camp Sex Story

Summer Camp Sex Story


Summer Camp Sex Story


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Mixed Emotion's And Treasure Hunting




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by PeytonNovak


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When seventeen year old Mia is sent by her mother to go work at an all-boys summer camp, she can’t help but worry. As the assistant cook, she interacts with the boys throughout the whole day. Soon Mia finds herself in a sticky situation being strung...

# adam
# boys
# brien
# camp
# collins
# cook
# dave
# dylan
# franco
# gregory
# guys
# hot
# kiss
# lilly
# love
# sexxxy
# summer
# summercamp
# trust

This book was written when I was very young. I know there are many plot issues, grammatical errors, and cringeworthy lines. While I would one day like to revisit and rewrite all of my old stories, that is not a possibility right now. Keep that in mind as you read. 


"Mom, when you said you loved me, I thought you meant it." My mother gave me a warm smile. "I do love you." Of course she loved me. I was just frustrated with her. I opened up my underwear drawer and dumped every last pair into my already full duffle bag. "Then why would you get me a job, at an all-boys summer camp? What guy even wants to go to an all-boys summer camp in the first place?" "Well first off, this is a great way for you to make money and second, I'm sure not all the guys mind it. And to answer your questions truthfully some boys are sent there as a punishment of some sort," my mother replied, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. "What, you're sending me to go cook for creepy delinquents?" I asked, concerned laced in my words. She rolled her eyes. "No, they are delinquents! Some of them are there for fun too!" "I doubt it." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I was always truthful with my mother. We were like best friends, that's why I was so surprised when she said she was shipping me off to some camp for a summer job. Looking into her deep brown eyes, I could tell something was off. Had her and my dad been fighting again? I grabbed a piece of clothing that was lying on the bed and threw it at her. "Whatever, just let me leave dad a note and then we'll be off." Slowly walking to the desk I picked up my favorite pink pen and scribbled down a few things for my dad. Even though I had said goodbye the night before, I still wanted to leave him a letter. After all, I would be gone almost the whole summer. Finishing my note, I neatly laid it onto my desk and met my mom outside. She already had the car running, so I quickly slipped in and buckled my seat belt. "Off we go," I said reaching to turn on the radio. "Only four hours of driving," she joked. Great I thought as we pulled out of the driveway. Just great. ** "Mom, did you seriously just take another right, I said left!" My mom swiftly did a U-turn and then took a right. "See, there's the sign," I stated pointing over to the wooden sign that said "Welcome to Camp Single Tree". "Uh, that's funny. I see a lot more than one tree," my mom said, trying to be funny. It was only funny because she said it. Chuckling to myself I looked down at my phone screen. I had been texting my best friend Nathan the whole ride, but he had failed to text back over the past twenty minutes. "I hope they have air conditioning in the cabin I'm staying in because this ninety degree weather will kill me!" Finally what looked like the main building came into view. Although it reminded me of some log cabin a really rich person would stay in for the winter, it wasn't too oversized. Almost like the size of a really big cafeteria. Gazing past the large building I spotted an open field with two soccer nets at each end. To my amazement, there were about twenty shirtless guys running around the field kicking a soccer ball around. Well, it wasn't that amazing that they were playing soccer, it was just amazing because they all looked so hot. Shirtless, muscles flexed and bare backs dripping with sweat. Maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad. Trying to take my mind off the boys, I peered over to where the lake was. A little sandy beach lead out to beautiful teal water that rippled gently onto shore. Everything was so pretty. Finally I spotted the log cabins that must have been the dorms. There were at least twenty of them lined up next to the lake. "See, you'll have fun here," my mother started, seeing how interested I looked. "Well, lets go talk to the camp manager. She really can't wait to meet you." Wait, the camp manager was a girl? "Mom, did you say she?" I asked, wondering why they would have a woman run an all-boy's camp. "Yeah, she is the one who wanted you. See they had an assistant cook, but he couldn't make it and they saw the application form I filled out and sent at the beginning of the year and needed you on short notice." I nodded my head, sort of wishing my mom wouldn't have sent that application. I just wanted to spend the summer hanging out with Nathan at the beach all day. Opening the car door, I made my way to the trunk where my things were. My mother popped the trunk and I pulled out a duffle bag and my sleeping bag. "Do you need help?" she asked before I shook my head no. I followed her up to the building, and as soon as we were inside I was relieved to feel cool air. "Oh you must be Mrs. Fray, and this must be your daughter Mia," said a woman with long brown hair and plump red cheeks as shee approached the two of us. I nodded my head.


"Yes, and you must be Julie," my mother said extending her hand. "Mia, this is Julie the camp manager." I extended my hand just like my mother did. "Nice to meet you," I said. "You really don't know how nice it is meeting you Mia. I'm so glad we could have you on such short notice. We can't have all the boys going hungry can we?" she replied, looking very relieved that me and my mother had showed up. "Well I'll get going," my mother said embracing with me with a quick hug and kiss. "I love you Mia. Behave and have a good summer. Text and call every night." Then, in a matter of seconds, my mother was out the door and heading back to her car. It almost felt like she wanted to go. What happened to best friends forever? "Well Mia, let me show you to your cabin." I looked up at Julie and smiled. She pointed towards two double doors and we both made our way across the room that looked almost like a lobby. "Since you are taking a camp helpers place, you will be staying in one of the better cabins. It was meant for the assistant cook, so it will have a double bed, and small bathroom. The boys cabins are only equipped with four bunk beds," she told me, leading me out the double doors. The heat of the sun hit my skin instantly and I decided to take off my cardigan. Finally with the warm cotton off my shoulders, I felt better. Looks like my wardrobe would be tank tops and shorts all summer. "Through those doors on the other side of the building is the cafeteria and kitchen. Now, we have a head cook who will be making all the meals, but you will be helping him around the kitchen. His name is Owen, and he will be talking to you about the schedule and other stuff. The things we will have you be preparing won't be too hard, and this camp isn't very big. Although the number of cabins looks intimidating, not even half of them are full." It was a lot to take in, all of Julie's words, but I somehow managed to listen. Soon we were making our way down a path towards the lake. I peered over my shoulder at the soccer field to find a large number of boys with their eyes on me. I couldn't help but notice one of them in particular. His dark brown hair wasn't my usual type, but I could definitely loosen up for a guy like him. His piercing green eyes darted to me and a grin played at the corner of his plump lips. I almost had to hold back a smile of my own. "Oh and one more thing," Julie said sharply, interrupting my thoughts, "no physical relationships with the guys." Warmth blossomed over my cheeks as her harsh stare turned into a smile. "I know how you teens are, but just make sure you're smart. Anyway, we almost run this camp like a school. The weekends are free days, and during the week the guy's usually participate in some sort of sport activity. Soccer games, capture the flag, maybe some kickball. Also, we hold weekly campfires and scavenger hunts. You'll be allowed to do what you want and participate in the activates if you want to in your free time." Julie paused, as if something was in her throat. I took it as a chance to ask my question, but she started up again. "There is a ropes course in the woods. I think the trail starts by your cabin and ends by the lake, but you can explore if you want to. Since today is a Friday you're free to do what you want. Owen will stop by with your schedule later. On the weekends you only have to help Owen out in the kitchen at breakfast, but otherwise you have the whole day. He'll explain everything else." Julie finally stopped in front of a rather small log cabin. Three wooden steps led up to a rather old looking door. "This is where you'll be staying. I hope you find it comfortable." Looking up at the cabin I shrugged my shoulders. "It looks cozy. Oh and I was wondering if I would ever be allowed to leave the campsite. Maybe to visit a friend or something?" "I thought you would ask that. Well, since you are basically a counselor, yes, you can leave on the weekends as long as we don't need your help. Also, there is visiting hours every Friday is you want someone to come by here. But the boys are not allowed to leave." I nodded my head, sending a silent thank you to God. Turns out I would be able to see Nathan this summer after all. Without another word she turned around and headed back up to the main building. "Oh and you can go ask Owen to show you around, he's in the cabin next to you. Once again thanks for taking the job on such short notice," she called back. Grabbing my bag, I made my way up the steps towards my cabin door. Hearing a commotion behind me, I spun around to see some boys swimming in the lake. Some were on the pier, doing dangerous flips off the side. One of them spotted me and said something before they all turned their heads to look at me. The boy waved in my direction before doing a backflip off the end of the dock. Rolling my eyes I reached up and opened my cabin door. "Need help," a deep voice asked from the side of me. I looked over my shoulder to find a boy, no not a boy, a man standing on the poarch of the cabin next to me. His deep brown eyes stared back at me as I studied his gorgeous face. Unlike the other guy I saw earlier, he had scruff covering the bottom of his chin and the skin above his upper lip. He must have been in his mid-twenties, and looking great. But what was a twenty year old doing at camp? "I'm Owen the cook," he stated, venturing up the stairs and extending his hand. Well that answered my question. I peered down at his huge hand, and couldn't help but smile. "Ah, I would shake it, but I sort of have my hands full." A grin spread across his face, and he quickly grabbed my sleeping bag. "Shake it, or my hand?" Did he really just ask if I wanted to shake it, as in shake my goods? "Your hand!" I stated, feeling blood pooling to my cheeks. I always found some way to make myself look like a
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