Sugar Momma Reddit

Sugar Momma Reddit


Sugar Momma Reddit
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Online, offline, email, or postal. If you know of or encounter a scam, this is the place to let people know about it. If you have any questions, you can post here and have your question answered by people who are knowledgeable about all types of scams. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others.
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Ive been talking to this girl for a couple days now and she said she wants me to be her sugar baby she said she is ready to send me an allowance of $1500 into an account that i would have to create with her account officer, so i made a bank account with him blah blah blah (used a fake social so he didnt have my real one) but in order for me to have access to the money i have to send another $1000 into the account without having access to it ive asked to see pictures of ger to make sure she was real and every picture she sends is the same girl but different clothes and poses and she sends me pics of her in bed if i ask but idk if its a scam or not ive searched the images on google nothing pops up? Should i send the moneh to the account and ride the wave or is it for sure a scam?
If she really wanted to give you money (she doesn’t), she would just...give you money (she won’t). Please don’t do things like open bank accounts with and for people you don’t know and then put money in said account. Run away from her, she’s a scammer and not a very good one at that.
Will do i wanna say thank you all for your feedback im so stupid
Just to let you know the next 1000 sugar mamas you meet online will also be scammers. Real sugar mommas do not send money to random internet people. You're not going to get money just for existing. You're going to have to work, just like everybody else.
Why would a woman you’ve never met give you money?
I mean i was getting iffy but when she kept talkimg about meeting in person lol i was hoping
"Hey baby, sweet honey, u r so CUTE! We have NEVER met, we will NEVER meet, I want to NEVER PHYSICALLY SEE YOU but oh baby oh honey oh kew-tee-pie, be my special sugar baby honey sweetie k baby? k honey? I will send you money and NEVER EVER MEET YOU k baby k honey sweetie-pie baby?"
"Maybe we can meet soon sweetie, but I'm busy with work....or maybe I need to go back on active duty in the US Military assigned to Botswana....and also COVID-26.....but I promise I will meet you soon k baby sweetie u trust me right?"
"Oh, baby, u r so cute I sent you $2500 can u please send back to me $1500 in gift cards baby sweetie I'm so busy and dont' have time baby k baby sweetie I love u, u r 2 cute k sweetie trust me? do you trust me? You trust me k baby?"
All of this "online only" shit regarding Sugar Daddies, Sugar Mommas, and Sugar Babies is 100% a scam.
Sugar = meeting in real life. It involves physical sex.
Anyone who claims that "platonic" or "virtual" sugar exists is:
(b) engaged in something that is nothing more than a virtual/sexting fantasy and paying someone to have, basically, phone sex.
Finally - hoping people actually search this goddamned subreddit instead of posting over and over - no one, absolutely NO ONE, randomly chats someone up and offers to be a "sugar parent" Just doesn't happen.
...well, yes, it does. Scammers do it 100% of the time.
Thanks everyone i now know to just stay away from anything like that
I'm glad you were clever enough to seek for advice when your bs detector started ticking. Many people fall to these scams, that's why they do these. If you feel like you'd fall into scams easily, join the sub. You'll learn how to detect them better quickly :)
No one gives money away. If it’s too good to be true ... it is.
This is an internet sugar mama scam. (same scam as sugar daddy scam) A REAL sugar mama/daddy would never send you money without meeting your first. They would meet you, spend the evening together to see how you both got along and make arrangements from there. You are dealing with a scammer. A real sugar mama does not need you to send her money, ever. She does not and would not need your banking details. Many (not all) sugar parents are married and don't like a trail left behind.
Possibly a real girl. Who is scamming you. Bank accounts don't work like that, and neither do sugar arrangements. I'm sorry, but please don't pursue this lifestyle. You fell for the most well-known scam, you'll likely fall for other scams that more accomplished predators will pull on you.
I agree that i would i just thought id give it a try to get some extra cash
AutoModerator has been summoned to explain sugar scams. Sugar dad/daddy/mom/momma scams are very common and usually come in two varieties:\ fake check style scams, and advance-fee scams. Fake check style scams involve the scammer making a fraudulent payment to you that will later be reversed, and then you making some sort of payment to the scammer that will not be reversed. Common examples include the scammer sending you a fake check and asking you to buy gift cards, or to send money via Western Union, or to purchase Bitcoins. Another common example involves the sugar scammer offering to pay your bills, or offering you banking information that you will use to pay off your bills. These bank accounts are stolen and the innocent victim will reverse the charge when they notice the fraud. The second variety of sugar scammers use advance-fee scams, where they offer you money but require you to pay first. They may ask for you to pay them to prove that you are loyal, or they may require you to pay a "processing fee". It's common for sugar scammers to send spoofed emails that look like they came from services like PayPal or CashApp that will inform you that you have received money, but that also ask for a "processing fee" before the funds are released. We do not recommend that people try to be a sugar baby, but if this is what you are looking into, ask the r/sugarlifestyleforum / community for specific information on how to be safe in those situations .
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She also says i can visit her in a near by city when i have access to all this money
She can say she's the Queen of England and that she'll make you Commander of the British Navy if she feels like it. She can say anything she wants to.
Wherever you are at, "she" will be nearby. Tell her you live in the North Pole and she'll say she's 5 minutes away.

Comment removed by moderator · 4 days ago
Online, offline, email, or postal. If you know of or encounter a scam, this is the place to let people know about it. If you have any questions, you can post here and have your question answered by people who are knowledgeable about all types of scams. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others.
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So I recently got a message on Instagram from somebody claiming to want to bless people by giving them $5,000 and then like a weekly allowance of $1,000 or something like that. I kind of got red flags right off the bat because the grammar was just off and nobody ever just willingly randomly messages somebody and gives away money like that. But as I got to talking to the person they seem to try to make me believe that they were a sugar mama wanting to spoil people. But the real kicker that massive red flag me was they wanted me to send them money on cash app or PayPal to link our accounts so that they could send me money. They claim to want me to send them $100 or if I couldn't afford that then 50 or $30. I managed to talk them down to taking $5. I've only actually sent them $1 cuz I was screwing with them. But I'm wondering if anybody else is seen or heard of something like this because I kind of want to keep messing with them and send them another $4 just to see what happens but I'm concerned that there might be some trick that they're using to like gain access to my stuff. I highly doubt it cuz this seems more like a group of kids being stupid then any kind of professional scam artist. But I'm just curious of what other people have encountered.
Q: Why are you pissing away money, even a dollar?
A: Because you're hoping against hope that you're going to get that big windfall they promise.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You're marked as a sucker now because you sent money once, they will nag you until you send more.
Oh trust me I know all of that. Besides I won't even have this instagram account longer than like tomorrow anyway. I created it like 10 years ago and I only just recently re-downloaded it for getting it at the town in the first place. I am not comparing about them pestering a bad account. And hey what's a dollar going to kill me. It's fun to watch them squirm.
It would just try to convince you to send more if you send the rest of the $5 or switch to the fake check variation and have you mobile deposit.
I would not send even $4 more to that lowlife Nigerian scammer. All you are doing is giving it free money that they don't deserve.
Don’t waste your time or your dollar. It’s likely a stolen acct.
AutoModerator has been summoned to explain sugar scams. Sugar dad/daddy/mom/momma scams are very common and usually come in two varieties:\ fake check style scams, and advance-fee scams. Fake check style scams involve the scammer making a fraudulent payment to you that will later be reversed, and then you making some sort of payment to the scammer that will not be reversed. Common examples include the scammer sending you a fake check and asking you to buy gift cards, or to send money via Western Union, or to purchase Bitcoins. Another common example involves the sugar scammer offering to pay your bills, or offering you banking information that you will use to pay off your bills. These bank accounts are stolen and the innocent victim will reverse the charge when they notice the fraud. The second variety of sugar scammers use advance-fee scams, where they offer you money but require you to pay first. They may ask for you to pay them to prove that you are loyal, or they may require you to pay a "processing fee". It's common for sugar scammers to send spoofed emails that look like they came from services like PayPal or CashApp that will inform you that you have received money, but that also ask for a "processing fee" before the funds are released. We do not recommend that people try to be a sugar baby, but if this is what you are looking into, ask the r/sugarlifestyleforum / community for specific information on how to be safe in those situations .
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Thank you for this valuable information. I did already know that it was a scam but it's interesting to know how people try and go about things.

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