Sugar Baby Reddit

Sugar Baby Reddit


Sugar Baby Reddit
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I ran away from home in the midwest at 19 to live in the Bay Area. I've been a sugar baby since. I am now 22. AMA.
Edit: A sugar baby is a young lady or young man who exchanges their company (sometimes sexual, sometimes not) with an older male or female in return for gifts, money, vacations, etc.. The older of the duo is referred to as a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mommy.
Do you have any hints or tips on someone else becoming a sugar baby?
Yes! Always use a website that does background checks.
I recommend skyping with potential suitors before meeting them, and even when you do decide to meet make sure you do so in a public location! I cannot stress that enough. Make sure your friends know where you are and who you're with if at all possible.
Sugar Daddies know you're after money, so don't be all coy about what you expect. You need to get everything out on the table, and they will do the same for you. This makes for no shocks when he says he wants sex.
Also, if you're not comfortable with a potential suitor, break it off. Go with your gut feeling no matter what he's offering you. Safety first.
Do you ever say no to people that are say, too ugly or have reputations of lasting a very long time?
To put things in perspective, I respectfully decline an estimated 80% of the men and women requesting to meet in person. I will turn down someone if I find them especially unattractive. I have actually walked out on a first date while he was in the bathroom because his profile pictures must have been taken about 300 lbs ago. I have no way of knowing how long they last, but I typically find that men looking for companionship on the internet don't last too long.
How do you like living in the Bay Area? As someone who's lived here my whole life, I'm interested to know why you made the choice to move here, how it compares to the midwest, any other interesting perspective you might have.
I love the Bay Area! It's a completely different world from the midwest.
My decision to move out here was 100% random. When I left I knew I wanted to go out west and Emeryville was the last stop on the California Zephyr. Once I got to Emeryville I got on a bus to San Francisco and I've loved everything about it from the beginning.
When I got out here I had nothing, but people around here are very kind so I made it through. I'm so thankful to be where I am. SF is a gorgeous place, and I have a nice home here. Nothing comparable to anything I've ever had in my life. By my account I find people here so much more friendly and open minded than in the midwest. The sheer number of people amazes me to this day. Nothing makes me smile more than all the random things I see going on everywhere. (critical mass, pillow fights, etc..) It seems like I can make a friend anywhere anytime.
How do you balance time between all three guys?
They are all very busy businessmen. One of them is usually traveling all over the country on business, so I see him about once a week. The other two I see probably just about equally. They're very busy, so I know of our plans pretty far in advance.
If the favors you exchange for money and gifts sometimes include sex, do you see yourself as a kind of upscale prostitute? Why or why not? Please keep in mind I'm not asking this question to insult you, I'm just genuinely curious.
I do see myself as sort of an upscale prostitute. I do take comfort in knowing these men on a consistent basis and on a personal level.
I have met younger men on these websites that are only interested in sex. To be frank, if they appeal to me and I could see myself bringing them home on a drunken night anyhow, I'll make the exchange. Sort of a one or two time deal.
So the main difference I suppose is being able to call a sugar daddy anytime with a financial need/want. I couldn't do that as a prostitute.
What do you dislike about your decisions?
The only thing I dislike is the potential danger. The last thing I want is to end up on the news as a missing person or a murder victim.
How much on average do you make in a year? Whether it be from cash or gifts.
At what age did you lose your virginity?
I am bisexual. I first had sex with a female at 14 years old. I first had sex with a male at 16 years old.

I am a 22 year old sugar baby, ask me anything!
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
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After seeing all the misconceptions people have about the lifestyle I'd like to answer questions about my successful experiences as a sugar baby!
Could you clear up the difference between being a sugar baby and being a prostitute?
Sugar babies don't always have sex, I don't sleep with anyone outside of a relationship. And in general I know other sugar babies have only one man they are with, they may not love him but they are with just one person who helps them financially. Prostitutes sleep with anyone for the right price and don't have relationships. That's the difference.
Obviously people think your situation equates to prostitution. Could you talk about this began and whether you are also an escort and what that experience has been like?
I joined a website when I was 18 that connects sugar babies with sugar daddies. I had only ever been with my high school sweetheart sexually, so I was scared what they would expect and decided I would let them know right away I was looking for a non-sexual sugar relationship. A lot of men were still interested, I had all kinds of men want to have me accompany them to events, dinners, sports games, etc. They would compensate me for my time and became more like friends, who would give me an allowance. It was amazing and helped me out in a rough place in my life. When I was 20 I met a man who started out as a typical sugar daddy but I ended up falling for him, and he fell for me but we only dated for about a year before we realized we weren't a good long term match. We're still good friends. I ended up in the same sort of situation at 21, but that didn't work out either. They are the only 2 that I have been intimate with. From now on I decided I will stick with platonic sugar.
You're a prostitute. It's sex in exchange for money. Look for depth or meaning all you want, it isn't there.
I'm not judging. I just want you to own it and stop using words like "misconceptions" when talking about this subject.
There are misconceptions. Prostitutes have pimps/stand on corners and will have sex with anyone who spends money on them. I have been doing this since I was 18 and have slept with 2 men who I ended up having long term relationships with, it wasn't sex for money. The way all my sugar relationships begin (and the way most of them stay) is meeting a man who is looking for a pretty younger girl to keep him company, accompany him to functions, talk to about his failing marriage, etc. In exchange they compensate me for my time/help me pay tuition, buy me things I need, or give me an allowance when I need one. The two men that I have been with intimately ended up becoming more like generous boyfriends-things just became intimate because we ended up developing genuine feelings for each other. I don't consider that prostitution, stop being close-minded.
Do you have many friends and if so, do you tell them what you do?
Also, what do you do when people ask you, "so what do you do?"
I do enjoy a large group of friends, and many of them know what I do. I got into it because a few of my girlfriends were doing it as well. Whenever I tell a girlfriend about it, she ends up joining the site to find a daddy of her own. I've even gotten men to join the site. As for exclusivity, when I ended up falling for my sugar daddy, the two times it happened, we dated in an exclusive relationship. Otherwise I see many men and have them at my disposal at all times. The relationships aren't sexual so I see no need to cut down on the amount of men and only see one. I have a day job, which doesn't pay much, and am a student. When people who don't ask how I'm able to afford nice things/go out so often/pay for tuition/etc, I just tell them I'm dating a generous guy who helps me out. People don't question that. My hobbies include reading, listening to podcasts, studying (yes, I actually enjoy it), shopping, and going out
[I'm being friendly]Sorry but I think you're just a serous gold digger with a working, acceptable outlet. Am I right? Explain the difference please.
It's not the same as being a gold digger in my eyes. The way I view a gold digger (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is someone who tries to take advantage of an unsuspecting guy and using him for money unbeknownst to him. I'm very clear upfront that I'm not looking for a traditional relationship and that I expect an allowance/gifts/financial assistance to further my life in some way. They are ok with this and agree to the relationship on those terms. A gold digger would probably have the guy believing she was in love with him and tricking him for financial gain.
Read my other replies, I don't have sex outside of a loving relationship. As for you, you couldn't afford to even take me out to dinner.
Yes, I feel like I'm giving lonely men an activity partner, someone to show off to their colleagues, I've tried to save many marriages (I hate infidelity so whenever I meet a man who is married and dissatisfied I'll try to talk to him about the marriage to see what's wrong and how he can work on it), and in return I get to always look nice since they pay for my hair/nails/clothes/etc to always look good and I also get tuition money.
Can you describe the relationship(s) you've experienced? Do you generally prefer sugar or more traditional relationships?
I've had all kinds of relationships. Two of them ended up being longer term boyfriend/girlfriend relationships and they were also wealthy so they helped me out financially and with gifts the way I imagine a wealthy generous boyfriend of any age would. The rest are more like friendships where the guy has a crush on the girl but the girl doesn't feel the same-I know they like me and are attracted to me, but I let them know I'm interested only in a friendship with financial benefits for me. A lot of them like that-some men I've met call me a goddess and seem to get off on the fact that they're giving me all their hard earned money. Some men like me to talk down to them when they give me money. Some men just want someone to do things with, like go to museums or dinners. And sometimes I feel like a therapist, a lot of men talk to me about their failing marriages. I've also helped "coach" some guys on their dating game to help them attract women closer to their own age/league.
How long have you been a sugar baby, do you plan to do it forever? Also how do you feel about it, does it ever feel seedy (particularly in the beginning) or just like a relationship typically does?
For 4 years now, I've been doing it since I was 18. I plan to stop once I'm done with my education and have a stable career of my own. I'm not doing this for designer bags and shoes and to live some lavish lifestyle (though I have been gifted nice things and get luxurious experiences), I'm doing this to further my life . I've gotten some great mentoring and career insight from some wealthy and powerful men which is a great perk, as well as assistance with tuition and books. It sometimes feels seedy, mostly when I talk to them online. I never meet guys who are looking to "pay to play", which is a lot of them. I never meet anyone who is rude, disrespectful, overly sexual, or expects sexual favors. So I do a good amount of screening before I meet anyone in person so don't meet anyone seedy, and it usually feels the way a typical friendship/relationship does.
Your 28 now. how's it all working out?? kinda curious since I just saw this and it's 5yrs since the last comment I've seen.

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Scambaiting by definition is the practice of feigning interest in a fraudulent scheme in order to waste a scammer's time and resources to keep them away from real victims. Share your scambaiting success stories, workflows, techniques, or post questions to other members of the group.
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I tend to wonder how stupid these scammers are.
They aren’t always stupid, but by acting that way, they can weed out the ones that are less likely to fall for the scam. But hey it is soooo much fun to just waste their time.
Did you message them first or what? Haha dumb scammers.
I logged into that bank and it's the fakest website I've ever seen.
Next time don't. Websites like those could be riddled with maleware
Do sugar babies even exist in not scam form?
Sure but id guess a sugar mommy is muuuuuch rarer than a sugar daddy
I don’t think sugar mommas online exist, you’d have to be close and personal in a relationship with a real life human first I imagine.
I will tell you why they chat with so much audacity. So scamming is called "Yahoo Yahoo" in local lingo. Then there are the ones who "plus" it up i.e they do Voodoo to make their scams more successful. The Yahoo Yahoo+Voodoo is called Yahoo+. Those Yahoo+ are the ones that talk this curtly because their voodoo priest has allegedly provided with a charm called "commanding tone" where they allegedly can order anyone to do their bidding without any protestations or resistance
Imagining dudes subscribing to their voodoo priest for that yahoo+
Oh my God, I get those scammers a lot. U make me wanna post the screenshots I have of them on here
Edit: don’t know why I got downvoted. I’m just saying, these scammers need a new hobby. I get at least 5 of them hitting me up on a daily, which is sad.
since when you have to pay money to be a sugar baby or whatever?
is there a legal binding contract to acquire a sugar baby/daddy/mom/whatever?
Sugar babies get paid for romance or sex by a sugar mama/daddy. In real life it’s pretty rare outside of kinky roleplay. looking for sweet baby and successful man.
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I’m seeking for a sugar baby that would be, honest and trustworthy whom I can share my thoughts and feelings with,someone to give me attention and in return for your spoils and support.
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