Судебное Решение Должно Быть Мотивированным

Судебное Решение Должно Быть Мотивированным

Судебное Решение Должно Быть Мотивированным
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Title: Судебное Решение Должно Быть Мотивированным: Основы Правосудия и Справедливости


The principle of "a reasoned judgment" or "motivated decision" is a fundamental rule of procedural law, which requires that every judicial decision be based on clear and explicit reasons. This principle is essential for ensuring that legal proceedings are fair, transparent, and predictable. In this article, we will explore the concept of a motivated decision, its importance, and the implications for litigants and the legal system as a whole.

Understanding Motivated Decisions:

A motivated decision is a judicial ruling that is based on clear and explicit reasons. These reasons should be articulated in the judgment, providing a logical and coherent explanation for the decision reached. The reasons should be sufficient to allow the parties to understand why the court reached the decision it did and to enable the decision to be reviewed by higher courts or appellate bodies.

Importance of Motivated Decisions:

The importance of motivated decisions lies in their role in ensuring that legal proceedings are fair, transparent, and predictable. By requiring that reasons be given for every decision, the law fosters a culture of accountability and transparency. This, in turn, strengthens public trust in the legal system and the judiciary. Moreover, motivated decisions help to foster legal certainty, enabling parties to understand the legal consequences of their actions and to plan for the future.

Implications for Litigants:

For litigants, the importance of motivated decisions lies in their ability to provide a clear and predictable basis for the resolution of disputes. By requiring that reasons be given for every decision, the law enables parties to understand the legal basis for the outcome of their case and to plan for the future. Moreover, motivated decisions help to reduce the risk of ambiguity and uncertainty, enabling parties to resolve disputes in a fair and efficient manner.

Implications for the Legal System:

For the legal system, the importance of motivated decisions lies in their role in ensuring that legal proceedings are fair, transparent, and predictable. By requiring that reasons be given for every decision, the law fosters a culture of accountability and transparency, enabling higher courts and appellate bodies to review lower court decisions and to ensure that they are consistent with the law. Moreover, motivated decisions help to promote legal certainty, enabling parties to understand the legal consequences of their actions and to plan for the future.


In conclusion, the principle of a motivated decision is a fundamental rule of procedural law that plays a crucial role in ensuring that legal proceedings are fair, transparent, and predictable. By requiring that reasons be given for every decision, the law fosters a culture of accountability and transparency, enabling parties to understand the legal basis for the outcome of their case and to plan for the future. Moreover, motivated decisions help to promote legal certainty, reducing ambiguity and uncertainty, and enabling the legal system to function efficiently and effectively.


This is a post in Russian about the importance of motivated decisions in the legal system. It explains what motivated decisions are, their significance, and their implications for litigants and the legal system as a whole. The post highlights the role of motivated decisions in ensuring fairness, transparency, and predictability in legal proceedings and fostering a culture of accountability and legal certainty.

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