Sucking On My Tit

Sucking On My Tit


Sucking On My Tit
For starters we haven't had sex. I'm 22 and a virgin and he's 29 and had 12 sexual partners. He does have quite a high sex drive and tends to get horny but he's very respectable of my boundaries. We're close and he hopes to marry me someday and make me the mother of his children. A lot of the time we could be lying on his bed, clothed watching a film. We'll be cuddled up and kissing a little and before I know it, his hand is on my boob or he's taking off my bra. Then he'll put his face right onto my breast and start sucking on my nipple. Not kissing it, but properly sucking like a baby would do. Don't get me wrong I don't mind it I actually find it more comforting than anything. All I can do is run my fingers through his hair. Usually he'll be there for a good 20 mins-half an hour purely sucking my nipples. He knows I don't get turned on by nipple sucking, so I guess I'm just wondering why he does it so often? Haha
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My boyfriend really likes to suckle on my nipples? Is that normal?
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A guy sucking on your nipples for like 20 minutes? Omg! You're so lucky! I'd be happy if I had a boyfriend who was that happy and willing to suck on mine. It does nothing for you though? Girl, I would have been orgasming lol It's normal and guys like it if you have nice boobs. If they're small and ugly, you'd have to beg and nag them to. Like I did with all my past partners.
Sounds like small equals to ugly. No way. Beautiful look isn't determined by the size. There are guys who like to do it with small ones without "begging and nagging". Believe me
My boyfriend sucks my nipples as much as he can when we have sex, even when I'm on top he will position me so that my boobs are right in his face and he'll suck them and hold them against his face. It doesn't do much for me but he seems to enjoy it, I don't mind so I don't say anything about it. Think guys just love boobs
ok 20min seems little long, but its pretty normal.. as long after sucking your boobs he dont looks up to you and says MOMMY!
Haha yeah I feel as if I'm breastfeeding him at times!
That's pretty normal, maybe not 20 mins but yeah.
Maybe stop expecting to marry and just let him plunder your field ok stop being such a prude honestly. This is why my guy who is 26 is with me im 51 not going to expect him to marry me at all who cares. And no he does not want kids thank god I have four from a previous disaster of a realtionship who are now grown up. So this is what younger girls are like huh impossible and impassible i think your quite cruel actually. Get over yourself asking such a OBVIOUS QUESTION. Maybe you should consider becoming a NUN.
For an old lady you definitely didn't get wisdom with your age . It's her choice not yours so don't give her rude opinions. Your opinion is definitely stupidity at its finest.
Did you not read what she said AT ALL? You’re in your 50s and cannot comprehend a simple ass sentence. She said, “HE HOPES TO MARRY HER”. I’m sure she wants marriage too, but she didn’t say she did, she said HE did. It’s literally in the passage and all you have to do is read. You wrote that unnecessary and long ass paragraph for what? It doesn’t cost a dime to read.
I have no idea if it is normal or not He has had an unusually high number of sexual partners though. Are u comfortable with that?
He's 29though so is 12 really that high? And yeah, it does bother me to be honest!
It's a bit high However u can always talk to him and try to figure his reasons for it. Sometimes helps
Sure is. I have talked to him about it. 8 of the girls were girls he had been in a relationship with... two he had called off and the other 6 had called it off with him. 5 girls had been one night stands. Even at that though, i still wonder.
oh I guess sometimes people just date lots of frogs and maybe that's why there were so many girls It's not my business. Sorry if I was being too nosy about it As long as u two get along and he treats u well, sometimes it's best not to judge.
It doesn't get you hot at all? If not, then does anything?
No, my boobs aren't sensitive I don't know why but nipple action never tends to get me hot
I've just answered. It doesn't do anything for me.
No, I mean is there anything ELSE that does it for you?
Sure, stroking, caressing, next kissing, ear biting/kissing, feeling him hard up behind me, tickling, kissing, hair playing... lots of stuff. All apart from my nipples.
Thanks haha the nipple thing is purely for his enjoyment!
It's unusual, but if there's one thing we've learned in our modern era, is that unusual is the norm
I love nipple licking and sucking as much as the next girl and find it completely normal, but just sucking, like an infant, for 20 minutes is weird.
My boyfriend does the same he stays there like a baby sucking away. He says it comforts him and I like the intensity of it and closeness we feel. It usually goes on to sex after. Dont knock it till you’ve tried it and I mean proper suckling not sucking briefly!
He loves boobs... He's a guy alright
I would probably spend my weekend doing so if I had some boobs at my disposition lol
you're all normal and having the time of your life
u guys XD XD XD cracked me up @AleDeEurope
@HookingSwan he doesn't even like milk
It's normal , we like sucking boobs
Yeah and with little moan it will make us so horny
That's one thing we never grow out of.
Obviously I didn't read the details. 20 mins, really? It's like he got stuck in the one area. Some kind of fetish I guess. Does he do sex as well or just sucking?
Just sucking haha I won't let him have sex!
Yes, but I think you secretly agree with me.
My boyfriend likes to suckle my nipples too..
I know lol. My boyfriend licks my tiny nipples though lolol @Polocrew
I can't tell you anything about your nips because there are no pics op
Ah. Well, believe me, they're much bigger than yours are! Haha
I am his 6'3 207 boyfriend who bench 225 for 8, he automatically wins. #nohomo
@Polocrew so you're actually not gay? Haha
Lmao probably not but I don't plan these things out I'd go for as long as I wanted.

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