Such Dicks

Such Dicks


Such Dicks
Its like when you're being a fucking jerk and shit and you call someone that cause they're like a dick, ya'know?
A term of endearment for cool/slightly odd couples to use to show affection and humour towards one another.
Non-offensive when used between the right people in the right circumstances.
Q." Darling , do you actually know how cool I am??"
A. "Awww honey, you're a dick "
Typically used when describing a person bearing the name Tony, Most often used when a Tony does something stupid, lame, funny or really if a Tony does anything, You're a dick can (granted a Tony is not around) can also be used to describe a Duke .
Tony: is that brick welded to that pole? Everyone: Tony you're a dick . Tony: I Painted my car dash again....
Everyone: you're a dick. Tony: sthe sthells sthea sthells bthy the sthea sthore.
Everyone: your a dick.. Duke: arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh
Everyone: you're a dick
Someone you find endearing and could in fact be in love with
Q. Do you know how much i love the Beatles even though i know you think the Stone's are superior??
A. Yeah(dreamy look).....but you're a dick 💜
Something said when you pwn someone so badly that you need to use a graphic blowjob metaphor .
Dear Lakers ,

The way you're on my dick must really hurt your knees.

Love, the Pistons
Said to someone when they have an expressed an opinion .
Person 1: Hey man have you tried that buffalo chicken ?
Person 2: Yeah but I'm more of a Parmesan guy.
Person1: Hey, Whatever Sucks You're Dick.
by Watermelonjuice January 11, 2011

My parents r such fucking Asswholes and I want to fucking kill them so much. They let my older brother do what ever he wants and never let me do anything. I want them out of mi lives because they have fucked me up
My parents are like that to. This may be for different reasons. Are you their only child, first, youngest, in the middle? If you're the first, usually parents are still figuring out how to raise their kids and their kids become older, etc. Same with the second child, plus it can be based on the first. Maybe when they were younger they were raised differently and decided when they were older they would be different. Hope that helps at all, I'm not a parent. I can only generalize.
I am their last child my mom isn't the one that does this I love my mom it's my step dad this is how his parents treated him so he thinks he has to treat me like this too. He treated my two brothers this way also.
Oh okay. In that case, yeah it's not anything you should worry about too much then. ^.^ and not always, but sometimes step-parents don't always feel as close to their family since he's not your real dad biologically. When people don't feel wanted or close to the people they care about then generally they become more and more upset and it'll be taken out on others. Maybe try spending time with him and his hobbies, if you haven't tried already. I hope that helped ^.^
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I actually find plenty to admire about the traditional conservative worldview - small government, strong military, emphasis on personal responsibility, etc. I think many rational people can identify with those principles.
Lately, however, conservatives have taken dicktitude to a whole new level - birther conspiracies, town hall shout downs, cries of socialism, equating Obama’s healthcare plan to the Final Solution. And that’s not even counting everything that took the place the past eight years, when daring to question the Republican president got you branded as some sort of latte-sipping, un-American pussy.
Of course this is not to say that the left doesn’t have it’s share of assholes - Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann, I’m looking at you. But those assholes don’t set the agenda in the same way nor do they have the type of sway within the Democratic Party as the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck do in the GOP.
There are extremists on both sides of the political spectrum. Not all conservatives are right-wing nuts, and not all liberals are left-wing loons.
More important, when did conservatives become such lunatics?
I grew up on the conservatism of Ronald Regan, George Bush Sr and Rudolph Guiliani. The types of conservatives who defeated the Soviets in the Cold War, won the first Gulf War and turned NYC from a shithole into a place where people actually wanted to live.
There is a reason why so many moderates have been fleeing the Republican party. It’s because they don’t want to be associated with what has become the party of right wing nutjobs, religeous fanatic fundamentalists and red neck bigots.
Parties of the moneyed class tend to think they are the natural rulers of society, and that arrogance leads to dickishness (or they are one and the same).
Grabbing my seat before this thread takes off for the pit …
I used to be a subscriber to National Review. I used to work for the Conservative Party in New York. I read tons of Buckley’s books. I voted for Reagan, twice.
But Reagan was pragmatic. When this last, more ideological, bunch got control, the results clearly indicated that lots of principles dear to conservatives didn’t work without major modifications. There are two reactions to that. The first is to keep your head down or even change your opinion, like I did. The second is to push harder, and say that even the slightest deviation from the true faith just shows that no one even tried to do it the conservative way. That results in the extremists who now dominate the Republican congressional delegation. It is just like the way every new fossil discovery just makes creationists more dogmatic.
It’s a damn shame, because conservative principles, leavened by a dose of reality, are really helpful in keeping things in check.
There are extremists on both sides of the political spectrum. Not all conservatives are right-wing nuts, and not all liberals are left-wing loons.
True. But it seems to me that the majority of conservatives these days are right wing nuts, something that I don’t remember being true during the 25 years that I have been cognizant of politics.
I don’t think it’s really that conservatives are dicks… but rather that conservative dicks are able to get a wider audience nowadays.
Is this REALLY a Great Debate? Seems more like a pitting or an IMHO to me.
More important, when did conservatives become such lunatics?
I grew up on the conservatism of Ronald Regan, George Bush Sr and Rudolph Guiliani. The types of conservatives who defeated the Soviets in the Cold War, won the first Gulf War and turned NYC from a shithole into a place where people actually wanted to live.
There is a reason why so many moderates have been fleeing the Republican party. It’s because they don’t want to be associated with what has become the party of right wing nutjobs, religeous fanatic fundamentalists and red neck bigots.
You really put Rudy Giuliani in that category? Really? Rudy Giuliani is part of the reason the Republican party is in shambles, he’s not an old school conservative like Reagan and Bush.
This is the guy who ran for President and had nothing to say but 9/11. So beating up homeless people, raping minorities with mops, trying to push out taxicabs and food vendors from their lines of work, shutting down every party thrown by someone who isn’t rich, decimating the international tourism business of NYC by shutting down the night clubs.
He’s one of the dicks, one of the lunatics, not one of the good ones.
It isn’t so much tht conservatives are dicks, but that the nominal conservative party has spent several decades now pandering to dicks – massaging out, nurturing and exploiting the most tribalistic elements within the party – and now they’ve lost control of it. What started out as cynical manipulation of base emotionalism – playing to fear, religionism, bigotry and shallow patriotism – has now resulted in a party of nothing BUT base emotionalism.
Once it was Bill Buckley and William Safire now it’s Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Parties of the moneyed class tend to think they are the natural rulers of society, and that arrogance leads to dickishness (or they are one and the same).
I think this nails it. Left-wing assholes tend to represent positions that have historically been (rightly or wrongly) marginalized or powerless, so while this may tend the most extremist of these sentiments to carry on with a huge air of self-righteousness, very rarely does it manifest itself in the enormous sense of entitlement that emerges from the powerful who see their power slipping away.
The health insurance disruptions are a perfect example–although the Code Pinkers on the left have a habit of similar behavior, you can always tell that they know they’re in the minority and they feel like they’re simply trying to get their foot in the door about being heard. They’re fighting the establishment, lone voices speaking “truth to power” (regardless of whether you actually buy their arguments). But these townhall free-for-alls are different; those disruptions have a level of anger that only comes from people used to having things a certain way (usually their way) being unexpectedly challenged. Their behavior doesn’t acknowledge the fact that they’re now in the minority (politically and culturally)–they still act as if their way is the only true way of seeing things and nobody else is entitled to being heard.
Left-wing jerks are good at assuming the role of martyr or victim or holier-than-thou lecturer or politically correct zealot. But the right wing is used to being in power, which means their extremists are better at being bullies. And even when you don’t have the same institutional power to back you up like you used to, it’s hard for a bully to stop being a bully when facing any kind of fight.
Obviously, most conservatives aren’t bullies (or dicks) at all. But it’s easier and easier to stir up the hornet’s nest of those bullies that are out there–making them appear to be more visible and politically viable than the conservatives with more moderate views and temperaments would prefer.
Nick Hornby in Fever Pitch wrote something relevant to this, I feel. When examining why some clubs had a hooligan reputation of their fan clubs and others didn’t, he basically said each club has a certain amount of assholes following them - he looked at Birmingham City and Aston Villa. Both teams are from the same city, from the same socio-economic fan base, but City had a bad reputation and Villa had a good one.
The point is that when City got relegated, their overall attendance dropped. Therefore the crazies, who continued attending, made up a bigger, and much more visible, percentage of what was left. As Villa stayed in the top flight, and maintained larger crowds, their equal number of dicks were less visible.
So we have a situation now where it appears that Independents shifted over towards the Democrats. The crazy wing of the party, that exists in probably equal amounts in the Democrats, therefore became a bigger group of what was left of the GOP, relatively speaking. These are the people who will not desert the party, because they view the alternative, a Democrat administration, as evil.
Trouble is, such a cycle becomes, for a while at elast, self perpetuating. The increased voice of the fringe drives more of the moderates out, leading to an even greater voice for the fringe. Same thing happened with the UK Labour Party in the early 1980s. Its only when the party gets bored of being in opposition (which may take a while, because especially for those in the fringe, being in opposition is more fun and easier, and because the fringe is least likely to compromise its core principles) that these people get muzzled, and the party can be elected once more.
It’s also a product, I fear of the primary system. To be elected on a national basis, one has to appeal to the median voter. To be nominated through pirmaries, one has to appeal to the party loyalists, who fund and work on campaigns. Especially in opposition, then, there is more of an incentive for a candidate to sound further right, if he is a Republican, or further left, if he is a Democrat.
I don’t think it is conservatives who are necessarily dicks, then. It’s just the dick-wing is much more visible these days because of a combination of factors.
DtC has it. This is just a natural consequence of national party strategy. The Republicans have pandered to divisive, exclusionary groups; the Democrats have tried to be all things to all people. The former strategy can work, as evidence by lots of Republican success in eletions these past few decades, but what you’re now seeing is the hangover. If you want to bring radical groups into your tent, you have to accept that you’ll drive out moderate people. Blue Republicans feel they’re being pushed away, stop being involved, and their influence is lost.
Pandering to the tribes will work to a point, because the process of driving away the moderates takes time, but we’re past that point; now, the radicals have driven out too many moderates. It becomes a self-perpetuating process; radicals drive out moderates, which makes the party more attractive to radicals, and drives out more moderates.
I said this last year and will say it again; A party in decline needs at least TWO serious ass-kickings to learn their lesson. One is never enough; it just hands the reins over to the radicals. The Republicans have an excellent chance of running an evangelical kook in 2012 and being utterly obliterated; THEN new leadership will emerge, and the party will reorient itself and start its way back up.
I think this nails it. Left-wing assholes tend to represent positions that have historically been (rightly or wrongly) marginalized or powerless, so while this may tend the most extremist of these sentiments to carry on with a huge air of self-righteousness, very rarely does it manifest itself in the enormous sense of entitlement that emerges from the powerful who see their power slipping away.
In all fairness the most marginalized group in American history has been poor white Southerners. We’re not talking about the plantation holders here. We’re talking about people who when spoke of by anyone it’s usually with derision as rednecks, hicks and racists. In the Presidential primary Jim Webb talked about the people of Appalachia as having almost no voice in politics.
The answer to the OP is that it works. They’re considered dicks the way a tough woman is considered a bitch. The Conservative mantra is to never back down; go on the offense, stay on the offense, remain on the offense.
I have to admit, the 8 years of the Bush Administration had it down to a science.
Reporter - How do you respond to accusations that the President eats puppies?
Ari Flisher - The democrats have been neglecting cats for decades now.
How do you respond to that? You’re left stuttering, trying to figure out what the hell he’s talking about, and admit, your immediate reaction was to defend, “the Democrats haven’t been neglecting cats.”
Well, now he’ll follow up with an example, any example, “Obama voted 427 times to increase the taxes of cat loving Americans.” What do you do? Defend again? If you try to go on the offensive you’re off topic, “McCain wanted a fish tax.” Wasn’t the question about eating puppies?
Watch the way the Obama Administration tries to field criticism of the C4C program. They’ll end up trying to answer, to provide reason and justification. But the real way to deal with the attack is to fire back.
Reporter - How do you respond to the accusation that the C4C program is a destruction of wealth and an example of the Broken Window Fallacy.
Robert Gibbs - The Republican party has been destroying wealth for decades, what we’re trying to do is rebuild the American spirit and get hard working Americans back to work.
See how I worked both a baseless and meaningless attack on the Republicans as well as appeal to patriotism into one sentence?
The person asking the question is now left to wonder, “what wealth did the Republicans destroy, and if I ask a follow up will I seem unAmerican?”
I tend to blame Limbaugh and Reagan. Current conservatism seems to be based on contempt for liberals. Reagan wasn’t necessarily extreme in many respects, but he did introduce the phrase “the L word” equating liberalism to an obscenity. Certainly Limbaugh and his imitators ran with this idea of sneering contempt for the opposition. With this as an underlying mindset, compromise is impossible, intelligent debate is ruled out, and fanaticism follows.
In all fairness the most marginalized group in American history has been poor white Southerners.
Marginalized? Yes. The most marginalized group in American history ? It is to laugh.
Blacks and Native Americans are the first two obvious examples that come to mind.
In all fairness the most marginalized group in American history has been poor white Southerners.
You have a amazingly poor grasp of history if you honestly believe that.
The loons now have a National network to support their "loon"acy.
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As an IT professional I have 2 mantras to keep me sane:
Humanity is your best entertainment value.
My customer's stupidity keeps me employed
If I could upvote this 1 million times I would
I’ve tried reminding myself of those two things but it never works.
I’ve joked about this with employees within our company while I’m helping and they always get a laugh out of it. Its true we are employed because people don’t know how to use computers.
When you are contracted for Hardware Support/Repair and they swear it's the computer, but turns out an application was updated and they aren't willing to accept it's the way it looks now and it's out of your hands because it's not the device, but they just want you to change it back, neither of these apply. You do get the slight satisfaction of walking away though if you can get over the guilt of not being able to do anything but pass the buck.
We have a description in German for the people that fit into the 2nd category
Translation: Stupidest user there could be.
as a guy in cyber security i can confirm #2 extremely well
Damn right I’ll settle forgiving him an award.
My experience with IT was 80% dealing with peoples , 20% dealing with technical problems . Does that sound about right ?
"Of course I've restarted it!" ..... 3 weeks uptime showing in task manager.....
When I did pc support I used to get in trouble for laughing at the predicaments that users got themselves into. "Wow! How'd you manage to do that?!" turned out not to be the best way to start a conversation.
I guess it's because I'm self taught. I literally learned to troubleshoot PC issues by just reading the dialog box text and thinking about what it means. I just can't understand people who would click things without thinking and then be surprised at the results, while simultaneously refusing to read the message that someone coded to help them. Meanwhile I'd never seen the problem before and had to fix it by, you know, reading the dialog box text and then clicking the option that made sense.
Damn right, but also computers can't get me COVID, so that is a huge plus
Oh THAT switch? Why didn’t you say so? You guys should do something about that…
And he got paid $200 just to go out and look at that switch 😮‍💨
Not that much. Also work piled up in his absence. Other customers are always
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