Succulents: Have You Ever Heard of These Things?

Succulents: Have You Ever Heard of These Things?

why do succulents turn red , succulents are enjoying a moment. Because they're so easy to maintain, come in just about every color, and are very adorable, their popularity has been long overdue. You should know these things before purchasing your next stonecrop or agave plant:

Succulents come from dry, desert regions.

Since succulent plants store water in their leaves, they appeared first in areas with long dry seasons (such as Africa).

Their name comes from the thick leaves that are filled with sap.

Sap or juice is the meaning of the Latin word sucus. This is also a nod to the nourishing leaves that help these plants survive in extremely warm conditions (aka you don't have to water them that often, as they thrive in sunlight and air that is not humid).

The succulent plant family includes about 60 different species.

Families like Cactaceae (cacti) and Xanthorrhoeaceae (also home to aloe vera).

The rainbow's worth of colors are represented in them.

The most common shade of succulent is green, but you can also find varieties that are blue, purple, pink, orange, and red!

Generally, succulents are pest resistent.

It's another reason why these plants are so easy to maintain. (If you experience issues with your succulent outside, you might have scale or aphid infestations. If it's inside, the problem might be fungus gnats, mealybugs, woolly aphids or spider mites.

You can grow succulents from cuttings.

It's called propagating. This is done by snipping off a succulent leaf, letting it dry in the sun, and planting it.

It is common to mistake succulents for cacti.

Succulents are also cacti but not all cacti are succulents. There is one thing that makes a cactus a cactus: its thorns, which are its version of leaves.

Apparently there is a succulent named after a donkey's tail.

Doesn't it seem quite sophisticated to you?

Basically, a Christmas cactus is a succulent poinsettia.

They bloom just in time for Christmas, which is why their name is so festive.

There is succulent jewelry, and when worn, it grows.

The plants are easy to maintain, so they can be worn on your wrists, ears, or fingers for weeks at a time.

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