Subway National Sandwich Day

Subway National Sandwich Day

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national sandwich day 2023

Of course, some judges do make bail decisions taking into account what the defendant can pay. This surplus arises because, in a market with a single clearing price, some customers (the very low price elasticity segment) would have been prepared to pay more than the single market price. The New York City Criminal Justice Agency assesses that risk using information which its research has shown to have a strong empirical relationship with the likelihood that defendants will appear for scheduled court dates. Lack of information alone, however, cannot be blamed for all the setting bail in a form and at amounts that defendants cannot provide. It is also striking, as noted above, that judges typically set bail in fixed amounts, e.g., $500 or $1,000, which suggests the judges have not tried to tailor bail amounts to defendants' actual resources. In the CJA's analysis of the factors influencing bail amounts requested by prosecutors, charge severity was far and away the most important factor, with the nature of offense (i.e., whether violent) and criminal history considerably less important. Careful consideration of the nature and significance of factors enumerated in the bail statute in the thousands of run-of-the-mill misdemeanor cases is not possible.

national sandwich day 2023

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