Submit guest post about casino and gambling

Submit guest post about casino and gambling


There are thousands of casino write for us doing the rounds these days, of which the majority are fully worthy of your trust. Of course, to assume that each and every casino on the market is as honest as the last can be a rather dangerous way of thinking to say the least – a small minority will always be quite to the contrary. As such, it is in the interest of the gamer to first assess whether or not their chosen site is indeed honest before handing over any cash.

So, what is it that makes an online casino trustworthy or otherwise? Is it a case of trial and error until you find one that suits, or are there some ‘tells’ to watch out for? is a blog & news website that reports on the gambling industry. Whether it’s a new casino opening, the latest sports news or betting advice from one of our experts, if it involves gambling or betting you can read about it here.

From time to time, we bring on board guest authors to give a unique take on a story or to share their expertise and advice. You don’t need any formal qualifications or past experience to be a guest writer – just a flair for writing and something to share with our audience.

Well, a good place to start is on the subject of what…if any…safe gambling policies are in place. Most casinos on the web offer a decent enough amount of freedom when it comes to how much you can bet and how long you can spend online with them, but at the same time they should also be very much aware of the signs of problem gambling. Say, for example, a specific member seems to have spent lots of the last week or two gambling non-stop – this is the kind of thing when you would like to see the site itself step in and question. And the same also applies to a member losing thousands and thousands of dollars making all the wrong moves – this shouldn’t be allowed to continue once picked up on.

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