Submissive Trap

Submissive Trap


Submissive Trap
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When you hear the word “punishment,” sex probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But in BDSM —an umbrella term that encompasses bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism, and masochism—punishment can be a major component of sex. And a pleasurable one, at that.
“Punishment is a behavior modification tool used in some [dominant/submissive] dynamics to train or discipline a submissive when they’ve defied a boundary or disobeyed an order,” explains Charyn Pfeuffer, a sex and relationships writer and author of 101 Ways to Rock Online Dating . “There’s no one-size-fits-all playbook for punishment, and not every kinky relationship uses it.”
Every couple is free to determine the type and severity of punishments they want to use—and the options are essentially endless. For example, if the submissive partner is a "brat" (a sub who enjoys disobeying their dom’s rules), a dom might give you a spanking as a punishment for being naughty.
“Punishment can include spankings, slapping, choking, use of restraints, or (consensually) forcing your partner into sexual acts," says Daniel Saynt, founder and chief conspirator of The New Society for Wellness , a private members Open Love club for the adventurous. "It's really up to you and your partner to set the limits of what's okay for punishment and what's not.”
Like with most deliciously kinky things, punishment is not just about pain, but also pleasure. It’s a dance between the dom and sub that allows them to explore sides of themselves they may not get a chance to express in real life.
“Sexual punishment is when you know there is a part of you that is under-expressed, maybe from shame or fear,” says Kenneth Play , international sex educator and and creator of the Sex Hacker Pro Series . “So, if you feel like you’re being a dirty slut, being punished by your partner allows you to live out that feeling, while also enjoying your 'dirty slut' side.”
IMPORTANT: Before you engage in any BDSM punishments, you and your partner must thoroughly discuss your boundaries and limits beforehand. Despite the connotation of punishing someone, the activity still requires enthusiastic consent from all parties; the punished wants to be punished, and the punisher wants to punish.
This is where you bring someone to the brink of orgasm, only to stop touching them right before orgasm. Oh, the sweet agony.
Put them over your knee and show them what happens to naughty people who break the rules. Just remember to aim for the fleshy parts of the body, such as the butt cheeks and upper thighs.
Or, you could deny them a spanking. “Sometimes a submissive will ‘act out’ to get the punishment that they really enjoy," says Taylor Sparks, erotic educator and founder of Organic Loven , the largest BIPOC-owned online intimacy shop. "One way to punish them is to NOT give them what they enjoy."
Force your sub to agree to keep their pretty little mouth shut. You can go a step further by not allowing your submissive to speak while in a public place without asking permission first.
This would be cruel outside of a consenting dom/sub dynamic, but hot as hell if both parties are into it. “[This entails] getting your submissive dressed up for an event that they really enjoy, but upon arrival making them sit outside on the ground with their hands in their lap and not allow them to come into the event for a specific amount of time,” Sparks says.
Make your submissive walk on all fours with a collar and a leash like a dog. You can incorporate a dog mask designed for kink, like this one , and even take the act outside for the public humiliation factor.
This is a form of public degradation: You make your submissive wear a shirt that literally says "slut" on it.
“Chain your partner to the bed and leave them there to wait for your return,” Saynt says. “Leave your home and decide how long you want to make them wait for you. Come back to them begging you to set them free.” Oh, the fun that can ensue afterward!
This is when you "make" your partner "take" the pleasure, even if it feels like over-stimulation. “Force your partner to have orgasms until they are completely overwhelmed—then keep going,” Play says.
This is when the dom has sex with someone else and forces the sub to watch. Cuckolding is a more advanced activity, and we suggest doing your research before bringing a new person into the bedroom. For a slightly tamer version, the dominant partner can make the submissive watch them get off with a toy.
“Refuse to let your partner pleasure you and make them beg for a taste," Saynt suggests. "Come within a few inches of their mouth, watch their tongue slip out and get just close enough but not quite there. Make your body their prize and make the longing for it the punishment.”
“Grab ice cubes and use them to run along your partner's body while they are restrained,” Saynt says. “Use the ice to stimulate their body and offer a chilling experience.” This can go really well with a blindfold—that way the sub’s other senses, including touch, are heightened.
“What chore(s) does your sub hate doing? Make them do it—meticulously,” Pfeuffer suggests. What better excuse to not have to do the dishes tonight?
If your sub is naughty, take away their table privileges and force them to eat off the floor like a dog.
Tell your sub to get on all fours and act as a stool for you to rest your feet. Dive into a good book and force them to stay still until you’re good and ready to let them get up.
Is your sub being a little brat? “Put your submissive in the corner for a time-out,” Pfeuffer says. “Being ‘grounded’ for a little while can be incredibly effective” in getting them to follow your rules next time.
Dribble hot wax on a naughty sub’s body. Be sure you’re using a body-safe candle (like these from LoveHoney ), unless you really know what you’re doing. You don’t want to cause burns.
“Only allow your sub to pleasure themselves with your permission," Pfeuffer says. "If rules are broken, that permission is revoked." This means you hold the power over whether they experience pleasure or not; their pleasure is a gift you’re allowing them to enjoy in return for good behavior.
Have your sub go to the grocery store, the dry cleaners, or some other ordinary place while wearing a panty vibrator. You can accompany them, if you choose. We love the We-Vibe Moxie , which comes with its own remote for the dom to control.
If your sub breaks the rules, write what they did wrong on their body in permanent marker. Make them wear it around all day so they don’t forget how naughty they were.
Have your sub sit in the shower or bathtub and pee on them. This kind of humiliation play can get messy, so you might want to do it in the nude.
This is a form of “restrictive discipline,” much like giving your sub a “time out” in the corner. If they break the rules, take away something they enjoy as punishment. This could be access to the show they want to watch, their cell phone, or even an orgasm.
This one is taken right out of the old Catholic school playbook. If your sub does something they’re not supposed to, have them write out what they did a hundred times as punishment.
Have your sub wear a collar around. This shows them that they belong to you and you are in control. If you want ideas, we love this one .

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This is a commissioned fantasy that has been made available to everyone. It plays in a world controlled by women.
You will be seduced, then castrated and thus turned into a thrall by a headhunter. This is an extreme fantasy, don’t listen if you’re unsure this might be for you. If in doubt, read the history below to understand the world in which this fantasy plays.
In order to understand the world this fantasy plays in, please read the history below. The short form is that women have all power, and some men are thralls (slaves), but most men are free and don’t think about it a lot. And there are some women who turn men into thralls, which is illegal, but there isn’t a lot you can do about it. If you fully want to enjoy the fantasy, read the history below.
This is the background for this fantasy. It was writte by Martin FM who commissioned the file.

Note: This is NOT written by me, and it’s NOT an invitation for political discussion, but the background for an erotic fantasy. I will delete all political and or gender discussion comments.
The past century has seen devastating wars and great environmental destruction. There were great economic and political crises. Whenever there was a big crisis, some group, sometimes a small splinter faction at first (like with the communists, but initially also the Nazis) got into power and consolidated that power. Basic political theory. Many of the great ideologies of the previous century have failed, and many feel there is little new to believe in. However, one great ideology has remained with us: feminism. The first wave of feminism was already in the late 19th and early 20th century, when women received both active and passive voting rights. With the introduction of the contraceptive pill and increased female labor market participation in the 50s and 60s came the second wave of feminism, which lasted until the ‘80s. There was increased pressure for further feminization, but this was initially ignored by the powerful ‘old boys networks’ of male white bankers and politicians. However, with the oil crisis of the 80s, and then great economic crisis of the 90s, the unnecessary first gulf war, ethnic cleansing in the Balkan, and more, came an increase in general protests. In our world, politicians were able to quell the crying masses and remain in power (leading later to the unnecessary invasion of Iraq, a new banking crisis, and more). However, in Femdom earth, that didn’t happen: the protests became more violent, occurred in multiple Western countries (and even some areas of South America and Asia). Radical ideologies gained more traction, including radical feminism, and one very powerful message was as follows: men have ruled over society for millennia, and look how far it has brought us. They care only for war making, profit and power, at the cost of the environment and over the back of the very people they swore to protect. It is time to give women a chance, to cause real political change. The feminist parties did not only have a strong feminist message (which, actually, was already supported by a large majority of men and women) but also other things that people cared for, such as a strong ideas of economic equality, racial equality, and environmental message. For many of those ideas, there were actually few other viable alternatives. The traditional left and right wing parties were painted as having had their chance and failed. So these groups gained a lot of support. The exact specifics differ by country: in countries with much support, already in the late 90s there were feminist majority parties voted into power. In some more unstable countries, small radical factions without much support got into power through coups, but then consolidated that power. In some monarchical countries, kings (and even queens) got deposed and became republics. There was much general elation: something was finally happening! The 20th century will forever be known as the century of the feminist revolution.
Once into power, most feminist governments proceeded in a similar manner: rapid and steady power consolidation. They were aware that they got into power through the whims of voters, and didn’t want to lose it in the same way. Already in 2001, just after the terrorist attacks, the republican president Laura Welch of the United States implemented the Patriot Act. This act included, among others, persecution of ‘female unfriendly ideologies’ (including various religious groups), increased foreign and domestic surveillance, and included a temporary a by-law which removed passive voting rights for men. This by-law caused much consternation: it meant that men could still vote, but no longer be political representatives. Nevertheless, it was pushed through, for one because it was seen as fixing a temporary crisis; the by-law would only be in effect for 10 years. However, 10 years later, the law was renewed indefinitely without any opposition or much media attention by single-mother and popular democratic president Michelle Robinson. Afghanistan was also still invaded shortly after 2001, given that the Taliban were extremely female unfriendly. The invasion was a large success. However, insurgency took place. The response, however, was vastly different than in our world: captured Taliban men were castrated. Women in Afghanistan were re-schooled in an expensive program. This caused much consternation, especially in the Arab world, and nearly led to a war with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, but Robinson succeeded in keeping the peace. In the long term, this proved to be an extremely effective policy. Few men dared to rise up, and stability came about. Young boys and girls grew up in that country not knowing any better than that girls deserve schooling and boys should work the field. The country is now a shining beacon of Western feminist ideology for the Middle East, and actively exporting feminist ideology to neighboring countries (later resulting in the ‘Arab Spring’). In many ways, the culture of that country got turned around; women rule and men follow. It is as if such countries could not understand a policy of moderation. Nevertheless, given this precedent, Israel controversially started applying a similar policy to Palestinian insurgents in the Gaza strip and the East Bank. Men in Western countries were initially very skeptical of these policies, but they weren’t the ones being castrated… so they didn’t rise up. However, given the success of these policies in foreign countries, it wasn’t long before there was advocacy for similar implementations to resolve internal problems. Debaters could use facts to back up their arguments, and so criticism was quelled. Some debaters even advocated an entirely Afghan approach. Already in 2006, many countries adopted the ‘zero tolerance’ policy: men involved in violent crimes, rape, etc. were castrated. Initially, the loss of ‘drive’ of these men (caused by castration) in their personal lives was seen as a small but irrelevant problem. However, in 2007-2009, with the new economic crisis, politicians realized untapped economic potential and started using these men as forced labor through (in the US) the ‘True Purpose’ program. Equal rights activists were outraged, but violent protest was hardly an option anymore: protesting men were castrated, and insurgent women received re-education. Those groups have now gone underground. More laws were passed over time (Michelle had been elected on the strong feminist message of ‘Change’, and she made her promises come true), further compounding this scenario. Michelle was largely popular, though was not afraid of taking unpopular measures. For one, she refused to close ‘Guantanamo Bay’, a secure facility in Cuba in which so-called ‘Afghan practices’ were rumored to be honed and experimented with, including methods of hypnosis, Pavlovian conditioning, extreme stress situation simulation, the use of electrical collars to force obedience, and there was even the rather laughable rumor of men being forced to become pregnant through ‘biomedical hocus pocus’ (as the pundits called it). In fact, it was later found out that she had opened more such black sites in Europe, and intelligence services in European countries were found to collude with those of the United States on these issues. As with previous such news, there was some outrage but it was quickly ‘forgotten’. The men who made this information public, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, attempted to escape but when they were found out, but were later caught and stood trial behind closed doors. They went through a re-education program. It is said that Bradley Manning now prefers to be known as Chelsea, but she is still behind bars. The status of Snowden is unknown. In 2010, collaring proved not to be a rumor, and was widely implemented for men in forced labor programs. The use of collaring has since spread drastically. See also the later section on current laws and practices.
In many ways, Europe was socially ahea
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