Submissive Slave Stories

Submissive Slave Stories


Submissive Slave Stories
This is a story I made up and wanted to share with people, hope you enjoy it.

P.S. This is not a real a story, only a fantasy.

Tommy was 13 the day when his life was fully changed.
It was Friday, the day Tommy would go to his room and talk to his friends on social networks or applications, he was home alone, as it was like this everyday. Tommy, who has a stunningly beautiful mother at the age of 30 with wonderful size 8 feet and 2 sisters that are adopted when their mother was 21, are both blonde with size 7 feet, one of which was 17 and the other 18, his father had died after a plane crash. Tommy would usually make his sisters and mother angry by his natural aggression to them, but this week, he was grounded with no computer in his room and couldn't leave his room after school hours. He was extremely bored, so he decided to ride his bike, even if it was against the rules of his punishment, but he went on to ride it anyways. After about 2 hours he parked his bike back home and opened the door, there his mother and sisters stood there.
"What on earth were you thinking Tommy?!" Yelled his mother.
"I was bored so I went for a bike ride, but that's none of your business, bitch." Replied Tommy.
His mother was just an inch from beating him, but that never worked, Tommy was a true paintballer, he could rarely feel pain.
"That's another week for you Tommy, cussing at your mother is a terrible sin." Said his mother.
But Tommy didn't care... at all.
"Can it skank!" Tommy said with anger coming from his voice.
"Go to your room we will arrange what will your punishment be. NOW!" Said his mother angrily.
Tommy could never stand his mother's screaming so he went to his room immediately. After fifteen minutes Tommy heard his name called by his mother from the Entertainment room.
"Tommy come down here, I want to apologize for the screaming and drama I did fifteen minutes ago."
Tommy rushed down and saw his mother and sisters sitting down in front of the television.
"You can watch T.V. if you're that bored." Said his mother
"Cool, where's the remote though?" Replied Tommy.
His mother had told him that she forgot where she put it and asked him to find it under the sofa, as she reminded him that it might have been there. Tommy went down on his knees and hands to look for the remote, but as he saw the remote he felt the pressure from his mother and sisters hands pressing on to his hands and simply bringing them behind his back and tying them up.
"OH WHAT THE F**K LET ME GO!!" Tommy screamed out.
His mom and his sisters dragged him to the sofa and moved the carpet, it seems that they have installed chain loops for Tommy to hold him and prevent him from escaping. His mom stood over him, she was still in her business dress, pantyhose and high heels.
"Listen, we've got you now, you're ours. You will follow every single command that we give you from now on."
"NO LET ME GO NOW!" He flinched and moved, but nothing worked.
His mother attached the loops and chains of his to the loops on the ground.
"I told you once, if you don't follow our commands, we will call the police, and set you up in a way that it would seem that you wanted to brutally murder us. So you've got 2 options."
His mother took off her high heels and held it in her hands.
"Now this is extremely necessary. I know, I know, I've been on this heels like, aaaalllll day, but you gotta accept your consequences, we're not taking shit from you anymore. So get ready to give up your life to us now."
Tommy shook his head and accepted the consequences.
"Alright here we go, first whiff for our new family owned slave"
She lowered her high heel to his face and placed the smelliest part of her foot, the toes. He inhaled, coughed and gagged he did, but he knew what his job was and had to do it. His mother and sisters laughed as hard as they could. The youngest of the two sisters took off her Puma high tops that she wore all day at cheerleading.
"Hey loser, I've been at cheerleading all day today, mind if you take whiff of what that smells like?"
"Yes Josie, I do, if it is your command and wish." Said Tommy
"Excuse me? My name isn't Josie for you anymore, from now on you will call me Goddess!" Said Josie
"Yes Goddess, you are the most powerful one and rule me. I am meant to be stepped on and nothing more." Replied Tommy
"That's better." Said Summer, Tommy's oldest sister
Their mother smiled with happiness in her, seeing her daughters dominating her son as well as her. She always thought that men are nothing more but snakes and deserve this kind of treatment from women. Josie placed her Puma on his face and held it there for a minute straight. Tommy almost died without any air in him. Summer, his older sister took off her knee high boot and placed it on his face after her younger sister was done. After several minutes they all finished choking him with their terrible foot odor inside of their shoes, boots and heels.
"Okay dear, now you need to clean our shoes, the inside and the outside, we've been walking on dirt and they're really dirty. I mean, you can't expect me to go to work with dirty heels like these will you now?" Said Mary, Tommy's mother.
"No! Smelling them is the last straw, but licking them?! I mean that's just degrading!" Tommy replied.
"Oh dear, you are a comedian aren't you? You know what's going to happen if you don't do it dear. I'm not going to clean my heels for something I didn't do, so as default you'll do it. Oh, and also you'll clean everything that I do to them too!" His mother told him with a sweet voice.
So he got to it, knowing he would have to do this for the rest of his life. After what seemed like hours to Tommy, he was finally done with licking the dirtiness from the outside of their shoes and the sweat from the inside of their shoes.
"That's right dear, suck it up. You will be doing this for the rest of your life. Oh yes and I've planned out what we're going to do to you tomorrow and so forth." Said her mother sweetly.

Part 2 will be continued soon. 
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Copyright © 2022 The Ethical Dom Privacy Policy | Signify Dark by WEN Themes
24/7 Master/slave. With added ethics.
Control and no compromise: that’s my m.o. I am the Boss, they are my slaves. Sound unfair? Don’t care. It’s who I am. But, and it’s a big but: I am an ethical dom. 
Control is intrinsic in all aspects of my daily life. The 24/7 master/slave dynamic is a lifestyle I wouldn’t trade for anything. What’s point in turning it off and on at a whim? That wouldn’t be true to the needs of myself or my bois. When I am in control I expect to be so for life. 
I’m not here to control those who don’t wish for it. I own two slaves (one in containment) and have three in training, each committed to a life of submission. All have dedicated themselves to serving my wants, my needs, my whims; pledging to love, honour and obey. For life.
My slaves entered into this relationship under full negotiation and consent. I respect their limits and they respect mine. Compromise may test my patience – it’s a waste of time. But it’s a necessary evil, when developing new relationships with potential slaves. If I have to compromise too much with a prospective slave, it is not for me. A little bit of compromise goes a long way. My bois know that once they submit to ownership, the compromise ends and their work begins. Limits, strengths, weaknesses, the inner workings of its submissive self: these are all known to me before I accept a slave as property. It is then branded, collared and accepted at my feet. 
In return, I see the human being behind each of my slaves – this is where my ethics kick in. I don’t treat any one of my bois the same. They are all submissive, yes. They are all here for the same thing, yet each of them got here through singular means and not one of them are the same. You could say that through adaption comes compromise, but I am willing to adapt my style when it comes to my bois. That is my job, to know them inside out. It doesn’t mean they get much of a say. They get downtime, they are free to live the lives they wish outside of my house, as long as they fulfil my needs first.
We are a family. We function as a single unit with me at the top. I control everything: appearance, finances, social interaction, what they eat, et al. I’d like to think, on an unconscious level, that I choose what they think and believe.
 This blog is here to document the inner workings of our lifestyle. Making connections within the wider BDSM community is another plus.
I have some exciting plans for the site, which we will reveal in the coming weeks and months. The bois have instructions to introduce themselves in due course. Hope you enjoy the experience.
You can reach out to us at and find our social media here .
May I ask where is this house located Sir?
Sir thank you for the insight to your lives and the Master/slave dynamics that obviously work so well.
Sir this slave wishes it was part of your stable Sir.
Sir this is a excellent site, wish I was Your slave
Thank you, lad. If you ever wish to offer your services, visit the contact page.
This is amazing, I wish this could be the standard of social norm. I can’t wait to see you and your family grow Sir
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My wife came to me and said that she could not continue to work at the office and I asked why and she said that at the office she was in charge. She said that it was hard to instruct them in what to do when she was wearing short dresses and that also when she gets home she has to totally change her mind to not questioning or organising or leading but to be quiet and submissive. I said that we will write a letter of resignation so we did. This morning she took the letter into work. Then she called me and said that they have asked if she could continue to work there but just not in the managers position. I said yes that sounded like a good idea. So now they are swapping her and one of her underlings has been promoted to the managers position. The new manager is much younger, female and very self confident.

From the op: from the day we were married I'd insisted on obedience and submission. I imposed some rules. One was skirts and dresses and looking feminine. Being quiet. Responding in conversation rather than initiating. Serving. Looking to look after others. We would practice being submissive at home. When out together I would insist on Mini skirts. Then I started requiring them even when she was on her own.

After getting a handsome job I was the happiest woman in the world. But when my Boss started to flirt at first I objected. But due to compulsions and pressure I had to budge in and we had s** . He was too caring and financially supportive. After one month of daily f*** and suck, the other day he brought in one of his close buddy and introduced a threesome for the first time in my life. It was a wonderful experience, two big c**** of different attitude. They tried all type of positions which made me more h**** . Now I enjoy the threesome s** .

Does your hisband know and if so does it turn him on?

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Hi people. I am new to this mousepad, this is an awesome place to share out experiences. So, here I tell my own story, and I think this is the perfect place to
put it.

I was selected to a local university which is about 150 miles away from my home. And my parents asked me to stay in my aunt's place (which is just near the
university) during my university life. I did not have much connection with her before, so felt a bit uneasy at the beginning. About the family background of my
aunt's place is, my uncle visits home once in a month, he is always out of home for his business works. My cousin (aunt's son) was in college hostel
which is about 200 miles away from their home. So, it was only me and my aunt stayed at home most of the time. So, here I will start the way this thing all

First couple of months, I went to the university early morning and came home in the evening, and had a little chat with my aunt before going to bed. One day we
were watching a movie at night before sleeping and it contained some adult scenes. In one occasion the servant boy was massaging the home mistress and I saw
that my aunt was watching it with very carefully. Though I also had a great foot fetish, I tried to hide my likeness in front of my aunt. But at the end of the
scene, for my surprise, my aunt moaned and told me that she also like to have her feet pampered and my uncle used to do it to her and now she is really missing
it. She extended her feet as she told and I was sitting next to her in the sofa. I did not tell anything at the moment, but that was the time I really looked
at her feet with much attention. 'WOW', I told to myself. What an awesome pair of feet. I stared at my aunt feet for couple of seconds and watched the
movie again.

Next morning, while having breakfast, my aunt sat beside me at the table and had a look at me with a different smile in her face. I asked what was the matter
and she laughed. 'Hey, yester night I saw you were staring at my feet, after I told about my likeness to have my feet pampered !!! Is there any particular
reason for it dear?? ' . This sudden question made me rock motionless. I tried to answer but the words did not come out. However I managed to tell that,
' Well aunt you really have beautiful feet, and they really deserve great pampering, and I can see uncle has done his job well. ' She smiled for what I
said and she asked me directly whether I can do that job when my uncle is not there. Internally I was overjoyed, but I was so shy to express my feeling. '
Well aunt, I will give it a try then.' and went for my studies to the university. Whole day long I was thinking about the incident happened in the morning.
And I came home a bit earlier that day. Well guys, that was the day my life got changed. Here is the the best part .. ..

I came to the living room after taking a wash and my aunt was sitting on the sofa, and she did not looked at me at that time. I asked whether she was all
right. Then she turned to my side and, wowwwww, she looked at me with a furious face. 'Hey, you know what, I was thinking about the thing happened today,
well I want to tell you something, you admired my feet in morning don't you? Well that is the result of your uncle being my slave when he is here. I really
wanted to become a mistress and that feeling came in to me when I was in high school. So I married your uncle because he promised me to be my slave forever. I
put your cousin into a far away school because I wanted to be a real mistress at home. Well enough of that, now YOU have to replace your uncle's position
now onwards and be my slave forever until he is here. Do you understand??'

I just listened to her and could not tell or argue about it. I felt that I am already become a slave and ready to do what ever she likes. I admitted that I
will be her slave form now onwards. Well these were her instructions to me.

' Ok, listen to this very carefully, I am not a normal mistress whom you will find around. I really want to be the queen in the house and none is allowed
to do anything without my permission. Even your personal activities. I order you the time to go to wash room to clean your self. And remember, I am not using
the toilet even, DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? It is you, which is going to be my toilet here after UNDERSTAND?? And most importantly, you will be dined at my feet, I
give your food on a plate on the floor near my feet REMEMBER? You will have to lick my feet and soles when ever I will be sitting or until I fall asleep on
bed. I will be not washing my feet with water, regardless of how dirty my feet are. You will have to lick them clean and apply foot lotion on them. And you
noticed the back room, which is always locked?? Well that is the place I use you as my toilet. My toilet pit is your ugly mouth UNDERSTAND??? I want you to eat
my whole waste stuff and drink my pee to the last drop. I will kick your face if you fail to do any of those things. Finally, managing your uni studies is up
to you, but the service to me is the most important REMEMBER. And one more thing, forget about your life, if you mention any of these things with your parents.
Ok, one more thing, you will not drink any water here after remember, I will give a bottle filled with my urinate and that will be the drink you have for
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