Submissive Man

Submissive Man


Submissive Man

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# FLR # submissive male

Posted on December 12, 2021 December 12, 2021

Posted on November 10, 2021 November 15, 2021

Posted on November 24, 2021 November 24, 2021

Posted on November 15, 2021 November 15, 2021

Posted on December 3, 2021 December 3, 2021

Posted on November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021

The submissive male, if we want to keep the description simple, is the nice guy , the beta male , you can spot him from miles away, the submissive, non-confrontational behavior that plagues today’s male population.
Do keep in mind, we are not talking about whether you hit the gym or not, whether you make bank or not, or whether you’re generally attractive, this is about mindset, the holistic approach to male dominance.
It is clear to everyone that men are becoming soft , this is a result of a very comfortable life without real challenges, this isn’t saying that men are getting softer physically, which is a reality, but we are talking about mental toughness.
Men are no longer need to work hard to get their daily dose of sense of accomplishment , there is no challenge, there is no war, there is no difficulty, dopamine is one porn video or one sugar-filled meal, or one video game level up away, the desire for dopamine coupled with our own lazy survivalist nature in an easy access technological world, is a perfect formula for fat, soft, fragile, men.
Men today are almost rewarded for existing, there is no special trophy for the winner because everyone gets one, this will discourage both winner and loser from trying, because why the hell would they? If everyone is equal then why put effort?
To put it bluntly, it is a relationship where a man is a follower instead of the leader, these are relationships are where women call the shots, they get all the money, do whatever they deem appropriate or necessary, while the man is either a supplicant to the woman, or her follower as she handles all the responsibilities that come with the relationship .
This goes without saying, but having the female lead the relationship will make her tired, and pissed off most of the time, and, what the hell are you doing as a man in the first place if she is the one doing everything?
This is not to say that it is a bad thing necessary to have a female leader, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the men that have the ability to take on the pressure of responsibility.
1. Shy, Socially Awkward, and Indecisive
This is a common trait in modern men, they are simply not sociable, the highest social activity today’s men engage in is online gaming, and that is saying something!
They are also unable to make decisions for themselves, they delegate their lives to other people, sometimes it could be parents, sometimes it could be their girlfriend, they fail miserably at being their own emotional centers, and cannot bear the crushing weight of responsibility, there is a lot of comforts that comes with having other people calling the shots for you because in case you fail, you can always, and I mean always, play the victim card.
When it comes to shyness, most societies find it a repulsive trait in men, never mind what other people say, or what the media enforces through publicities, women like dominant men, other men respect dominant men, because “dominant men get shit done”.
In the end, results are what matters, and while it may seem dehumanizing, I have to ask a question, since when were we ever treated with unearned respect? If you are a man trying to make it in a men’s world, keep your batman origin story out of the equation, you will have no pity, you will have no sympathy, you can only have respect, and you can only have it through dominance.
Most of these character traits originate from childhood, sadly the absolute minority of people bother to correct their submissive and self-destructive behavior, from being conditioned to bullying and humiliation or even abuse, it gets a lot worse if the person realizes in his old age, how much shit he took, and how much he let people walk all over him.
At moments like these you have to look back to your past, how have you been acting around others? Are you a people pleaser? How is that working for your friendships or romantic relationships? If it is not working, then it would be the definition of insanity to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
At some point of your life, you have to say no, you have to face your bullies, whether it is the high school in childhood or the workplace in adulthood, in every single environment, professional or otherwise, there are alpha males that are dominant , and beta males that are submissive, bullying is bad, no doubt about that, but like most bad things, we will come face to face with them at one point or another.
Most character traits form in childhood and stick around in your adult life. Most people get bullied in life but guess what, you will have to deal with them throughout your life in different forms.
Ask yourself one question, does it feel good to be a submissive male, or does it hurt you so badly that you feel as if your inner dominant nature is wanting to be unleashed and punishing you whenever you act against it?
You cannot afford to be offended by reality, just as much as you cannot afford the consequences of ignoring reality, being the beta male nice guy archetype that constantly reduces himself to upgrade other people’s image is something you will end up paying for, both short and long term.
Being overly sensitive paints an even bigger target on your back, people know who to mess with, bullies always target the weakest and most emotionally reactive kid, they get a kick out of it, they are considered “easy game”.
In fact, if my article managed to provoke an emotional reaction in you, then this is a sign that you may have not faced these truths, but you acknowledge them.
With that out of the way, I hope you take everything I said into consideration, it is very easy to be an attractive male nowadays since there is very little competition in the first place.
Lies, not one lie, not two lies, not from one source, I am talking about lies on a massive scale, parents, society, women, the media, when every single source is telling you to be a nice guy, to sacrifice yourself to uplift others, to be the stepdad that stepped up.
Men are logical creatures, they take the information given to them literally, therefore, they change themselves this way, going against what nature is telling us, in order to gain validation and social approval, and it is poetic irony, to have the same ideals you were told to aspire to, hit you right in the face when men who ignored the rules got the bigger slice of the cake, be smart first, be strong first, then be the good guy.
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We can all probably agree that dating is a hard task, right? Getting to know someone and figuring out what they are all about is difficult as it is. So when you throw in a specific type of personality, you may not be sure how to navigate the relationship. Unless you’re well versed in that type of persona. But if that was true, you probably wouldn’t be here reading this article right now, would you?
You’re here because you are trying to figure out what dating a certain type of man is like. What type of man would that be? A submissive one.
Submissive men are much different than your average type of male, so it’s totally understandable that you’d reach out for help. You’re probably baffled because you are not sure what to expect when it comes to being in a relationship with this kind of person.
First let’s go over a few things and then we can dive right into what submissive men are like when they are in a relationship with someone and what you should know about them!
A submissive man is someone who doesn’t like to take charge in the relationship. That doesn’t mean he isn’t happy with you or that he has given up by any means. Quite the contrary, he loves this structure in the relationship and would not want it to be any other way!
Submissive men like to date women who can be responsible for most of the decisions and can guide them in them. Not only do they want to be told what to do when it comes to finances and every day choices, but they also really enjoy being told what to do when it comes to physical intimacy. This doesn’t mean that they want to be demeaned constantly or have you demanding things out of them on a daily basis. Being submissive makes them more sensitive, but it doesn’t make them weak at all. They still like to have some respect in the relationship.
Just like you expect certain things when it comes to dating a submissive male, they are also going to expect certain things out of you. There’s definitely a different type of dynamic when it comes to this relationship. A submissive male will only want to be in a relationship where their counterpart meets all of their needs. Some of these needs might include their partner to be dominant, confident and reliable. They want to feel like they are in good hands with the women they date. You might not be right for a submissive man if you cannot be all of those things for him.
Like if you, yourself, are submissive and sensitive, the relationship definitely won’t work out. There cannot be two submissive people in the relationship or the dynamic will blow up entirely.
Like we said, we are going to go over some of the things that you should expect when you are in a committed relationship with a submissive man.
Take a look below to find out some of the most important details when it comes to this relationship!
Although you may think that there is no chance that your partner gives a flying crud about being treated equally in the relationship, you’d absolutely be wrong. In most aspects, yes, there is going to be a dynamic where you are the sole provider, decision maker and partner in charge. However, that does not mean that your partner will not want to be treated with decency. They are still a human being with real emotions. They are going to want to be treated as an equal before they are treated as submissive. It’s a good idea for the two of you to set up boundaries before getting too deep into your relationship with each other. That way you know where your limits in the dominant/submissive areas stand.
If you can’t be large and in charge a majority of the time, it might not be a great idea for you to date someone who is known as a submissive male. Why? Because they are not going to expect you to fall back when it comes to things that require you to make decisions. They will always want to be with someone who is confident in taking the reigns in any situation. This is especially true when it comes to being in the bedroom! There is very few times when the submissive man will want to be dominant, if there is any time all, when you two are being physically intimate. The place that you will find a submissive man being his most submissive is in private, when you two are getting freaky!
This isn’t entirely true for every submissive man, but it holds true when it comes to most of them. Submissive and sensitive are two words that go hand in hand with one another. Submissive men can be more emotional beings, which is nice when it comes down to it. It means they will be able to connect with you on a deeper level much easier than a dominant male. However, being emotionally aware can also make it so that they are rocked a little easier when it comes to certain situations. You might have to be more careful of how you treat them, because although they want you to be the dominant person in the relationship, they will be more affected if you are not kind about it. Be cautious of how you fight with a submissive male. They tend to take things a little more personally and straight to heart.
Now, this isn’t always the case, but a majority of the time it holds up! Submissive men will cater to you in more ways than a dominant male might. They will not only be there for you emotionally in any way that you need, but they will be there to fullfill all of your physical needs as well. This is nice, but it can be a little overwhelming if you are not used to being treated in such a way.
One of the most important things to remember when it comes to dating this type of man is that they will expect roles to stay the same throughout most, if not the entire, relationship. This means that you cannot just up and change roles. There is slight to no chance that he will be cool with you suddenly wanting to be the submissive partner. They will definitely expect stability in your relationship.
A submissive male will be very quick to end things between the two of you if they feel like the structure in the relationship has been compromised. They have a specific ideas for how they want their relationship to be. So if they feel like their needs aren’t being met, they’ll be fast to head out the door!
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13 Big Signs You're In Love With A Sexually Submissive Man
Photo: 4 PM production / shutterstock
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By Joyce Snyder — Written on Dec 04, 2021
When you think of a sexually submissive man who's aroused by dominant women, chances are you picture a meek, awkward, beta male who will go to embarrassing lengths to please his date.
In reality, submissive men are just as likely to be a fit, confident and successful professional (think: corporate executives, doctors, or attorneys).
Since many submissive men have high-powered jobs that require them to always be in control, they want nothing more than to relinquish that responsibility in their off-hours. They seek strong, authoritative, and even sadistic women (called Dommes) who can dish out what they crave.
Although pro-Dommes are well-paid, there are women called lifestyle Dommes who dominate men without compensation because it is their preference and their way of life.
While researching my book " Mistress Pussycat: Adventures with Submissive Men in the World of Femdom ", I learned all about female domination of submissive men (or femdom): a large, thriving subculture that's often misrepresented.
Does he talk a lot about "high-powered women" and get excited simply speaking about female politicians or business leaders? When asking what a woman does at work, does he follow up by asking whether she "runs the show"?
Submissive men often have a reverence for super-successful females.
Does he love having a woman make all the decisions about dates and outings? Is he pleased because she's not relying on him to lead? When a female complains about the service or asserts herself in public, is he overly impressed by her behavior?
What a misogynistic guy might deem "neurotic b*tchiness," he praises as "magnificent."
Is he a huge fan of high-heeled shoes with a pronounced disdain for flats or comfort shoes? Does he go crazy for Louboutins?
Those red soles send many subs into a frenzy. To him, they're practically power and female dominance incarnate.
A regular guy will ask, "Do you work out?" But a sub will inquire, "Do you get regular pedicures?"
The sub rarely cares whether or not a woman is overweight because her feet are his particular treat. He'll typically compliment her toes and look forward to giving foot rubs.
When it comes to penetrative sex, he isn't at all enthusiastic, maintaining it "isn't his thing." Many submissive men abhor intercourse and are often turned on by sexual rejection.
This doesn't mean he's homosexual or even bisexual — just straight and submissive.
Being physically below his woman excites the sub. You'll often find him sleeping on the floor beside his Domme's bed or asking his lady to perch on a chaise while he sits below (often while massaging her feet!).
Does he often shave his body hair: chest, legs, and pubic area? Unless he's a competitive swimmer, this is one possible sign of a sub.
Submissive men don't just make great parents; they are often overly involved in their children's lives. A sub will travel far to attend his kid's every athletic game or school activity.
He relishes being a caregiver. In the event of divorce, subs will often initiate a custody battle.
Subs fetishize cleaning and are always happy to perform the most menial chores.
Whether it's dusting or the laundry, a submissive man will consider helping out with the housework a blissful part of his daily existence.
These guys have major female-first manners and put extra emphasis on deference toward women. Look for exaggerated signs of chivalry.
Many subs make florid demonstrations of opening doors and pulling out chairs for their ladies. When out on the town with their date, they pointedly ask if the meal, table or seat is to her satisfaction.
Subs can be like cats: they often love being in tight spaces. There are few claustrophobes found among their ranks.
A sub loves to see his date dress down the waiter for any perceived misdeed. He likes it when she's tough on him as well.
The more demanding she is, the more he'll apologize and appease, loving every minute of it.
Does he drone on and on about female superiority ? How women hold most of the wealth in this country? That women are better at tolerating pain? Why women are the superior sex?
He'll mention how women are making advances in business, politics, and leadership and seem excited, not threatened, by the fact.
Before you set your sights on a man who might be a sub, know that if you've correctly identified his lifestyle, he'll expect you to fulfill your side of the bargain, too.
The vast majority of submissive men don't crave or even want conventional sex. This doesn't mean they have no needs or make no demands — their desires are just out of the ordinary.
These guys are often aroused by being teased, humiliated, degraded, punished, and controlled.
If you don't find satisfaction in dishing out such things, the femdom lifestyle and the submissive men who love it aren't for you.
Joyce Snyder is a Manhattan-based relationship counselor for submissive men who'd like their wife or female partner to take the lead. As a journa
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