Submissive Crossdresser Stories

Submissive Crossdresser Stories


Submissive Crossdresser Stories
Featuring the fabulous and stunning Theona Staind from Romagna, Italy as our CoverGirl of the ...
▶ Femme name: Alana Grant ▶ Location: Peru ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...
▶ Femme Name: Kristy ▶ Location: Louisville, Kentucky. ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...
Charming crossdresser Sylvia Greene shares with us her 5 most favorite outfits & style ideas. Outfit ...
My name is Amanda and this is the story of my first encounter as a woman. I have been a secret crossdresser since I was quite young. After I once tried on my sister’s skirt when I was a kid, I just fell in love with feminine clothing and my crossdressing journey began. I would sneak into my sister’s room and try on her lovely outfits when no one was around. When I was dressed like a girl, I felt wonderful. 
After college I moved out and got my own apartment. I was so happy that I could finally dress up as much as I wanted to. I brought so many dresses, wigs, lingerie, shoes and lots of makeup too. I would spend most of my time as a young woman inside the apartment. I kept my crossdressing a complete secret because I was afraid my family and friends won’t accept me or judge me because of me being a crossdresser. 

When I was not working, I would spend most of my time inside the apartment dressing up and having girly time with myself. I got really good at makeup, walking in heels and other girly stuffs. The only thing that was left for me to do was to go out in public. But it was just too scary for me and also because my apartment was on the 4th floor of the building where there were other families living in the building too. I would surely get caught if I tried so I didn’t really attempt to go outside but I really fantasized about people seeing me as a woman.
After returning from work everyday, I would change into my female clothes rather than male clothes, put on a hair wig and light makeup and spend my time as a woman. I would even go to bed wearing lingerie and silky night gowns most of the times. 
One evening, the dresses that I ordered had arrived and I was really excited to try them on. I also decided to take some nice videos in my new dresses. So I got ready and went for a full glam makeup look. Then I wore my favorite bra and panty set, put on my black hair wig and unpacked the dresses. There were 3 dresses that I had ordered and they were all so lovely. I tried them on one by one and took quite a lot of videos in them. My favorite was the red bodycon dress with a nice cut on one of the side.

I was up all night taking videos and when I looked at the time, it was almost 3 am in the morning. I couldn’t believe how fast time had passed. I started feeling sleepy so decided to get some sleep. I was too tired to take of my makeup and everything so thought to take them off in the morning. 
I woke up with the sound of my doorbell. I looked at the watch and it was around 9 am. I was pretty sleepy so I tried to ignore the bell but it kept on ringing. So I got up, went to the door and opened it. There was a delivery guy and he greeted me with a smile. ” Hi Mam, we forgot to include the receipt with yesterday’s delivery. So, I am here to give you that.” and handed me the receipt. 
When I heard him call me mam, I finally came to my senses and remembered I was still dressed. I almost jumped with horror. How could I have forgotten I was still all dressed. The door was open so if people were passing by they could see me dressed as a woman too. Luckily, it was only the delivery guy in the hallway and no one else. I knew I had to hurry before anybody else would see me like that. So, I took the receipt, gave the delivery guy a smile and closed the door. 

My heart was beating like crazy even after closing the door. I rushed to look at myself in the mirror and luckily, my makeup and hair looked fine.  I couldn’t believed it really happened with me and I was pretty shaken up for quite a while.
I was having so many thoughts inside my head, did the delivery guy really think I was a woman? or did he notice I was actually a guy? Could I really pass as a woman? Would the delivery guy tell other people about me?. It took me a while to calm down and accept what had happened to me. That was my first encounter as a woman. Now when I think about it, I am happy that it happened with me and something that I will never forget. 
What a nice story Amanda! I am sure the delivery guy fell for you looking your beauty with that red dress, and that smile you gave him… ;o))
Your story is almost like all the others who have taken this incredible journey to womanhood. We all have started out with similar experiences trying on sisters clothes or moms clothes. the end result is that we can attain our dream of womanhood if we just trust ourselves enough to move forward
A year from now when Amanda looks back on this experience she will laugh at her are absolutely correct Jaye Dee but it certainly helps if you are accompanied by another girl in each forward moving step. the end result is worth it!
Wish that would happen to make me!!!!
I to used to only wear at home but one day I decided to do it wore bra,panties,thigh highs(no male socks) some light Colored eye shadow and black mascara. At first I was EXTREMELY concerned about it bring noticed never had a word said. Got to be everyday routine getting ready for work everyday clothes then make up
I Live as A Crossdresser in And I wear Crossdressing Clothes Out and About. With Out Fear.
I am so happy for Miss Amanda. I so want it to happen to me! To become a sweet, pretty girl for a nice, gentle man is a desire of mine. No, IS a desire of mine! I want to wear pretty panties for him, do my makeup, slip into a pretty dress, and become everything a man wants, happily. And, if I can really please him, to hear those sweet words, “Please be my wife!”. I would simply worship him, forever! He would always be “Daddy” to me. I want to become his housemate, yes, his bedmate!. He could claim all of my love! I would make him the most satisfied man in the world! I promise!
Miss Roxanne Lanyon
“His Wife To Be”
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Pink Christmas

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Here you'll find my favorites Sissy & Femdom stories, the best one I've ever read over the net since many years and believe me, that's a lot ! I'm also a wool fetishist, so you may come accross this type of topic around here too... Hope you'll like it !
"Wakey, wakey, Neal, baby," my stepmother's honey dipped voice summoned me from dreamland, "It's time to get up and about on your big, big day."
"Go 'way, Monica, 'm sleepy," I grumbled in reply.
"No whining now, sleepyhead," Monica cheerfully countered, grabbing the coverings I had been attempting to pull over my head and yanking them down.
"Okay, okay, I'll be down in a few minutes," I said, giving in to the inevitable. I feebly sat up and opened my eyes.
Just in time for Monica to draw back the curtains and flood the room with morning sunlight, painfully blinding me. "Right this second, grumpy gus," Monica chirped, ignoring my whimpers of pain. "It's Christmas morning and the whole family is just waiting for you." Taking firm hold of my hand she pulled me stumbling out of the room.
Naturally, I hated being led about like a child. Unsucessfully, I tried to pull free from her grip. "I'm not a little boy!" I complained, {For what must have been the millionth time!} unable to keep a whining tone from entering my voice. I was in fact twenty-two years old, the same as Monica, and fought a constant battle to get her to treat me accordingly.
"Oh, sweetheart," Monica soothed in exactly the tone used for cranky toddlers. "I'm not treating you like a little BOY."
Despite her reassuring tone, something about what she said set off little alarm bells in my mind, and she still did not release my hand. Quite the opposite in fact. As we neared the stairs she pulled me closer and protectively wrapped her arm around my waist. "Watch your step, baby. Down we go." 'Great,' I thought, 'Complain about being treated like a kid and she starts treating me like a toddler.'
"I'm not a BABY! And I can do it myself!" I whined. Realizing even as I spoke that I had managed to sound just like a petulant three year old.
"Of course you can, sweetheart," Monica crooned in Motherly tones that I am sure would have pacified any tot. "But your not fully awake yet and you don't want to have an accident on Christmas Morning, do you?"
Sighing in frustration, I shook my head in reply. There was no use in fighting. Monica, of good heart but simple mind, took her role as "Mother" much too seriously. I supposed she had a point, anyhow. My vision was still more than a little blurry and I could easily have stumbled without her strong, yet gentle, guidance.
"There, that's settled then," Monica happily purred. "Oh, honey, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye in the months since you've returned home. I really only recently began to understand your needs. But I promise that from now on I'll be the Mommy of your dreams. And no-one is going to treat you like a little BOY ever again."
There it was again! She was definately putting an odd stress on the word "boy" Maybe if I had been more awake that would have alarmed me more than it did, but I only dismissed that and the strange speech as more of Monica's "Mommy" syndrome. I actually almost giggled at the promise of never being regarded as a child again. That really would be a Christmas miracle! Standing at barely five foot three in platform shoes, and with a baby face, to boot, I could easily get into movies for half price. Monica was by no means even the worst in the family about acting like I was a little boy instead of a man. My fourteen year old sister, Jennifer, was worse. Monica's younger sister, Erica, was absolutely horrible.
Needless to say, I was not thrilled when Erica's mocking voice greeted our arrival in the living room. "Oh, how cute!" she squealed, "I just love your darling pee-jays, Nelly-kins."
This was followed by a chorus of laughter. I stood there, open mouthed and blinking to clear my vision, trying to figure out what in the world was so funny. "Nelly" had been a nickname the kids at school stuck me with way back in first grade, and Erica had added the diminutive suffix months ago. She had never before used it within Monica's hearing, but it was not too much of a shock and should not have led to such widespread mirth.
My eyes finally focused and I took in my audience -- And could not stop a whimper from escaping my suddenly trembling lips! Father was there, and Jennifer and Erica, of course, and Monica and Erica's Mother, Jessica {But she insisted on being called Nana, making clear where Monica got her maternal instincts} and they were all laughing, -- At me! -- but that was not what had brought me to verge of the tears.
The cause of my distress was the man sitting next to Erica. I had not seen him in years, but even if I did not recognize his face I could never forget his laugh. God knows I had heard it enough. More than enough! None other than Mick Donnoly, the bane of my existence, number one on my list of characters from childhood I never wanted to see again, the bone-headed, ham-fisted farmboy who pinned the hated nickname of "Nelly" on me in the first place, had returned to torment me.
I was fully awake, now, and Erica's taunt suddenly made ghastly sense. With a heavy heart, I looked down at myself, desperately praying that my rapidly returning memory of the previous night was only a bad dream. Unfortunately, I rememberd correctly, and it was my life that had suddenly become a nightmare.
I was wearing my sister's pink, one-piece footsies.

What to Do with a Husband Who Cross-Dresses
A majority of crossdressers live their public life as men while at times dressing as women in their private lives.
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It all started innocently enough. I never meant to do it, it just sort of happened. I got home from school, when I was in the 10th grade. I put my bag down on my desk, and noticed that mom had left the laundry basket on my bed. This was her signal that I was supposed to put the clothes away in my drawers, and bring down any dirty clothes I had.
So I put everything away, except when I came to the underwear, there was a problem. Mom had accidentally left one of Jody’s panties in my pile. Jody is my elder sister who is just 2 years older than me. I held her panty in my hands, feeling the silky material. I was a typical 10th grade boy, so as you can imagine, my mind raced at the thought that I was holding panties in my hand.
I had naughty thoughts on the mind all the time, and I had wanted to get into a lot of girl’s pants at school. For some reason, I had an urge to try them on, to see how they felt. I locked my door, closed all the shades, and put them on.
They were so different! Not rough or clingy like what I wore, but the smoothest, silkiest feeling, like I was wrapped in softness.

“Nick, are you in there? Why is your door locked!” said mom.
I didn’t know what to do, so I quickly pulled on my jeans, and then went to unlock the door.
“Why are all your blinds closed? What were you up to? Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t think I want to know” she said.
I was so close to being busted! I was lucky she didn’t see me. What would she have said?
“Come on, we’re late. We’re taking your father out to dinner tonight for his birthday. Don’t you remember?”
“Oh yeah” I said. She dragged me on out of the house, and we got in the car. With every step I took, I noticed the panties. The silkiness against my skin. I felt so turned on! I couldn’t explain it. And now I was wearing them in public! Without anybody knowing! When we sat down and the waitress came out to serve us, all I could think of was the fact that I was wearing panties, just like her.
Needless to say, I was excited all night. When we got home, instead of putting the panties back in Jody’s room, I hid them in my closet. It was only a few days later that I wore the panties again. And again, I got really excited. So for some reason, I decided to sneak into my sister’s room. Nobody was home, so who would know?
I dug through her underwear drawer, until I found her bras. If the panties made me that excited, I wondered what the bra would do. I took it back to my room, and tried it on. That excited me even more, so I stuffed it with some of my socks, then put on a white T-shirt. You could clearly see the bra underneath, and it jutted out, like I had breasts. I almost came in my pants. I made myself climax, then quickly took everything off and hid it back in my closet. I felt shamed and embarrassed, but it was so exciting! I knew I was hooked, and would do it again tomorrow.

In fact, almost every day I would wear Jody’s under garments. I even wore the panties to bed one night. But they were starting to smell from having been worn too many times. So I reluctantly put them in the wash. I waited a few days, and then dug through Jody’s drawers when I had a chance to find them, or a similar pair.
Nobody would know a thing! Some time passed, and I was still doing it. It was so exciting that I wanted to try to push the envelope, and do something more daring. So I waited for a good time when nobody else was home, and went into Jody’s closet. I dug through all the things on hangers, until I found one of her blouses that might fit me. She didn’t wear it too often (I didn’t think), so she wouldn’t notice it. And there was a red plaid skirt that she used to wear to school, but didn’t anymore.
I took that too, and went back to my room. With the door locked, and dressed up in full female attire for the first time. It felt wonderful! When I was fully dressed, I laid on my bed like a girl does,and read a book. I slid forward a bit, and felt some warmth between my legs. I moved back and forth a couple of times, and bam! I climaxed.
I ran to get tissues to clean it all up. That was stupid of me! But for some reason, thinking of myself as a girl made me really turned on, and made me climax so easily! I wanted to be with a girl so much, but this was exciting too. I would just do both. If I could get Lynn, my crush, to go out with me, I’d still do this in my spare time. Perhaps, I could get some of her panties too. Then I’d be wearing *her* clothes. Now *that* sounded really exciting to me! Over the next few weeks, I kept dressing up. Sometimes with just the panties, but sometimes in full outfit. I stole a pair of pantyhose from the laundry room, and started wearing those too.
The cotton crotch turned me on for some reason. I tried on some of Jody’s shoes, but they were too small. I found an old pair of mom’s, and I could get them on with a struggle. But I was afraid to try makeup or anything. That would be too hard to get on and off. But I did take one of Jody’s necklaces. The rings and bracelets were too small to fit on me.

Too bad. I had a couple of outfits now. I loved the one yellow floral dress, because it was such a soft material, and when I whirled around, it would swish against the pantyhose, and send shivers up and down my spine. I just loved it! It turned me on so much! But one day, even in full dress, it didn’t seem like enough. I wanted more! Nobody was home, so for the first time, I left my room dressed as a girl. I was *so* afraid that someone would look in the windows and see me!
But I got into Jody’s room safely, and took a couple of her books, and a magazine. Then I went back to my room. I had something to do now when I was dressed up like a girl. I read her copies of some girly magazines. I was so thrilled that I was reading *girls* magazines. I also read her fashion magazines, and was fascinated by all of the women’s clothes, makeup, and accessories.
I loved reading about girls, and wanted to know all there was to know about them. One day I finished her copy of Cosmo, so I went to put it back, and find the next thing to read. I was sure that nobody was home, so I snuck into her room. I dug around, and found a couple o
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