Subgroup Concept

Subgroup Concept


Subgroup Concept

Mehran: This concept is a more logical subgroup model. I used the most likely current iOS UI and implemented the “Subs” concept on it.

A “Sub” is a group can be created or be merged from another existing group. As it becomes a “Subgroup” for our current group, Name and description may be changed for merged groups.

On a notification, a 3 line one is used, and the subgroup’s name is shown by a hashtag.

A group with subgroup(s) is just there on the chatlist “collapsed”. It can be expanded by a tap on the expand icon. And if there are messages on subgroups, there is no need for a counter on the main group’s indicator. Just a dot behind the name is enough to make user expand and see. (By the way those subgroups are subgroups! it means not too important ones)

A subgroup can be added by 

Group info > Edit > Subs > Add Sub

or just a long hold on the profile picture and tap on “Add Sub”

Title of the sub’s chat is shown by a breadcrumb to show it’s main group. 

There is a maximum of 2 subs (3 chats including the main chat on the menu)

As it is obvious each sub has it’s own profile picture and description, so it can be separated anytime.

I hope you like the concept.

Mehran Shaebani

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