Studying Ancient History - История и исторические личности учебное пособие

Studying Ancient History - История и исторические личности учебное пособие

What is Civilization. Ancient Western Asia, before Civilization. Who Were the Hurrians. Mesopotamian Civilization, ancient Sumer. Digging in the Land of Magan. The Code of Hammurabi. Laws of Babylon, Egyptian Civilization, the Akkadian Kingdom.

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(Учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «История», «Музеология»)
(Учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «История» - 020700, «Музеология» - 021000)
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Studying Ancient History: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «История», «Музеология»./ Каз. Гос. Ун-т, Институт Языка, каф. англ. языка; сост. А. А. Гильманова, А. А. Благовещенская, С. Е. Никитина, Н. О. Першина - Казань: Казан. Гос. Ун-т, 2009. - 112 с.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «История», «Музеология» и содержит материалы по специальности, дополняющие основной курс английского языка. Пособие предназначено для студентов исторического факультета, аспирантов, а также всех, кто интересуется проблемами истории Древнего мира.
Одной из важнейших характеристик компетентного специалиста является умение работать с оригинальными источниками на иностранном языке. Для этого требуется не только умение читать и переводить текст, но и владеть лексикой в рамках своей специальности.
Учебное пособие «Studying Ancient History» призвано обучить будущих специалистов - историков работать со специальными текстами и расширить их словарный запас.
В пособии представлены неадаптированные тексты для развития различных умений коммуникативного чтения и перевода со словарем, сопровождаемые до- и после-текстовыми заданиями. Лексические упражнения позволяют проработать необходимую лексику и дополнить словарный запас обучаемых.
Поставленные авторами задачи отражаются в структуре пособия. Пособие состоит из 13 уроков, каждый из которых включает в себя два текста - Text A предназначен для изучающего чтения и включает в себя упражнения на отработку произношения, словообразование, лексику, развитие навыков языковой догадки, перевод. Text B предназначен для ознакомительного, поискового чтения или реферирования, в зависимости от специфики текста.
Тексты учебного пособия представлены в хронологическом порядке и охватывают период, начинающийся с древнейших цивилизаций и заканчивающийся падением Римской империи. Тексты для пособия были взяты с образовательных ресурсов (автор лекционного курса проф. Стивен Креис), электронных журналов по истории и археологии, а также из других источников. В пособии имеется раздел текстов для дополнительного чтения, содержащий не вошедший в основную часть материал по истории Древнего мира.
Материалы пособия прошли апробацию в студенческих группах и могут быть использованы как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.
Text A. Ancient Western Asia. Before Civilization
Text B. Digging in the land of Magan
Text A. Dark Ages and Greek Renaissance
Text A. The Athenian origins of Direct Democracy
Text A. From Polis to Cosmopolis: Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World, 323-30 B.C
Text A. Early Roman Civilization, 753-509 BC
Text A. Augustus Ceasar and the Pax Romana
Text A. The Decline and Fall of Rome
The time in history before anything was written down
Someone whose job is to do something using hands
A system of organization in which people or things are divided into levels of importance
A disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people
A system which divides and measures time with the help of the Sun
Someone from a different tribe or land, who people believe to be wild and uncivilized
An object which was made in the past (a tool, a weapon etc.) that was made in the past and is historically important
A device designed to supply land or crops with water
A pottery vessel discovered at the oldest, best-preserved Neolithic village in eastern Arabia may be evidence of early trade across the Persian Gulf between southern Mesopotamia and an island community off the coast of the United Arab Emirates.
Found on the island of Marawah near the UAE capital Abu Dhabi, the 7,000-year-old pottery vessel has a pale-green surface and is painted with black geometric lines and chevrons--characteristics of pottery from Tell Al-Ubaid in southern Iraq, the heart of Mesopotamia. The design is also similar to that found on pottery made in the Susiana region of southern Iran during the fifth millennium B.C. Archaeologists suggest the presence of the pottery indicates trade at a surprisingly early time between peoples on the Gulf.
The vessel was discovered in the remains of a four-room building erected in phases between 7000 and 6500 B.C. So far, archaeologists have only excavated one of the rooms, in which they have also unearthed the oldest human remains ever found in the region. The person had been buried just inside the threshold, making it likely the building hadn't been in regular use by the time of the burial--anyone entering would have literally tripped over the remains. In fact, at one point someone may indeed have stumbled over them--the bones were damaged and scattered, the feet found several yards away from the rest of the body. Among the most beautiful artifacts found so far, according to the archaeologists, were delicate buttons made of pearl oyster shells.
the Archaeological Institute of America
Vol. 57 № 5, September/October 2004
Ex. 1. Use the context of the article to work out the meaning of these words:
Ex. 2. Give a short summary of the article in 4-5 sentences.
Text A. Ancient Western Asia. Before Civilization
New discoveries in Syria suggest a little-known people fueled the rise of civilization
(1) With its vast plaza and impressive stone stairway leading up to a temple complex, Urkesh was designed to last. And for well over a millennium, this city on the dusty plains of what is now northeastern Syria was a spiritual center for a puzzling people called the Hurrians. All but forgotten by history, their origin remains obscure, but excavations led by husband-and-wife UCLA archaeologists Georgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati over the past quarter century reveal that the Hurrians were far more than just another wandering tribe in the fractious Middle East. And during last year's season, they found compelling evidence that the Hurrians not only strongly influenced the language, culture, and religion of later peoples, but also may have been present 1,000 years earlier--just as nearby Mesopotamians began to create the first cities.
(2) That idea is at odds with a long-held belief among scholars that the Hurrians arrived much later from the Caucasus or some other distant region to the northeast, drawn to the fringes of civilization after the rise of the great southern Sumerian centers of Ur, Uruk, and Nippur. Scholars long assumed that the Hurrians arrived in the middle of the third millennium B.C., and eventually settled down and adopted cuneiform as a script and built their own cities. That theory is based on linguistic associations with Caucasus' languages and the fact that Hurrian names are absent from the historical record until Akkadian times.
(3) But Piotr Michaelowski, an Assyriologist at the University of Michigan, notes that Hurrian, like Sumerian, is a language unrelated to Semitic or Indo-European tongues that dominated the region during and after the third millennium B.C. Perhaps, he suggests, the Hurrians were earlier inhabitants of the region, who, like the Sumerians, had to make room for the Semitic-speaking people who created the world's first empire based at Akkad in central Mesopotamia around 2350 B.C.
(4) The discovery of a sophisticated city with monumental architecture, plumbing, stonework, and a large population contradicts the idea that Hurrians were a roving mountain people in a strange land. Far from being yet another rough nomadic tribe, such as the Amorites or Kassites who were latecomers to the Mesopotamian party, the Hurrians and their unique language, music, deities, and rituals may have played a key role in shaping the first cities, empires, and states. The language has died, the music faded, and the rituals are forgotten. But thanks to the sculptors, stone masons, and seal carvers at Urkesh, Hurrian creativity can shine once again.
the Archaeological Institute of America
Ex.1. For each part (1)-(4) choose a title A-D which best fits its meaning:
C. The achievements of the Hurrians
Ex. 2. Write out the key words from each paragraph.
Ex. 3. Write down a brief summary of the text in English.
When was the system of writing first introduced?
What was the ancient system of writing like?
Why were the gods important for ancient people?
Study the pronunciation of the following proper names:
Sumer [?su:m?] - Шумер (древняя цивилизация в Месопотамии)
Guess the meaning of these words and expressions:
polytheistic religion [?p?li?i?istik]
redistributive economy [?ri:di?stri:bjutiv]
Study the following words and expressions:
character [?k?r?kt?] - буква, иероглиф; цифра; письмо; знак, символ
circumvent, v [?s?:k?m?vent] - обмануть, обойти, перехитрить
cuneiform, n [?kju:ni?f?:m] - клинопись
divination, n [?divi?nei?(?)n] - гадание, ворожба; предсказание
harness, v [?ha:nis] - впрягать, запрягать; укрощать
herdsman, n [?h?:dzm?n] - пастух, скотник
sacred, adj [?seikrid] - священный; святой
scribe, n [skraib] - писец; переписчик (документов, рукописей)
subservience, n [s?b?s?:vi?ns] - подчинение; покорение; угодничество
transaction, n [tr?n?z?k?(?)n] - дело; сделка, соглашение
wedge-shaped, adj [?wed??eipt] - клинообразный, клиновидный
ceremony of dedication [?serim?ni ?v ?dedi?kei?(?)n] - церемония посвящения
manual labor [?m?nju?l ?leib?]физический труд; ручной труд
political entity [?entiti] - политическое образование, субъект
reed stylus [?ri:d ?stail?s] - тростниковая палочка, стило
tally of cattle [?t?li ef ?k?tl] - учет, подсчет скота
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The origin of the Sumerians and their appearance in southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Their way of life and contribution to the history. The Sumerians culture, language and contribution to the history. презентация [252,4 K], добавлен 15.11.2014
European heritage and civil government and the foundation of colonial America. Revolution, confederation and the federal Constitution, The foundation of Hamilton’s vision on the treasury. Utility and the prime end of all law. Ancient and modern virtues. книга [905,1 K], добавлен 26.06.2008
History is Philosophy teaching by examples. Renaissance, French Revolution and the First World War are important events in the development of the world history. French Revolution is freedom of speech. The First World War is show of the chemical weapons. реферат [21,6 K], добавлен 14.12.2011
Studying the main aspects of historical development of the British Parliament, its role in the governing of the country in the course of history. The Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot. The functions of the British Parliament in the modern state management system. курсовая работа [70,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2014
The clandestine tradition in Australian historiography. Russell Ward's Concise History of Australia. Abolishing the Catholics, Macintyre's selection of sources. Macintyre's historical method, abolishes Langism. Fundamental flaws in Macintyre's account. реферат [170,7 K], добавлен 24.06.2010
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Studying Ancient History учебное пособие. История и исторические личности.
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Курсовая работа: Проектирование систем сбора и передачи информации
Курсовая работа: Исследование клеточного цикла методом проточной цитометрии. Скачать бесплатно и без регистрации
Курсовая работа: Международное сотрудничество Украины и стран Скандинавии. Скачать бесплатно и без регистрации
Курсовая работа: Наполеонівські війни
Реферат На Тему Просвещённый Социальный Дарвинизм
Сочинение Первоклассника О Первой Учительнице
Тіл Білімі Мен Философия Байланысы Эссе
Курсовая работа: Терминологическая точность в языке и стиле закона
Сочинение По Комедии Дениса Фонвизина Недоросль
Реферат по теме Нефтяные битумы
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Учебное пособие: Методические указания по выполнению курсовых проектов для студентов очного и заочного отделений
Профилактика и лечение телязиоза крупного рогатого скота в АОЗТ “Бердское” Искитимского района Новосибирской области
Доклад: Военная реформа Александра II
Курсовая Работа На Тему "Великая Депрессия" 1929–1933 Гг. В Сша
Реферат На Тему Nike
Дипломная Работа На Тему Подготовка И Ведение Дел В Арбитражном Суде
Контрольная работа по теме Финансовый учет, его содержание и цели в условиях рыночной экономики
Дипломная Работа На Тему Організація Контролю Навчальних Досягнень Учнів Початкових Класів На Уроках Природознавства
Становление и развитие правовых систем - Государство и право реферат
Структура и функции генов - Биология и естествознание реферат
Физиология и поведение животных в изменчивой среде - Биология и естествознание курсовая работа

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