Studiofow Blog

Studiofow Blog


Studiofow Blog
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Originally published at: New blog! - Community FOW
Greetings, darlings! With our launch into Early Access, we decided it was time to move on from Kickstarter as our primary method of communication with our fans. All blog posts will be automagically sent over to our Discourse forum, here. With that being said, we have a forum now too! It’s using the Discourse forum software and is pretty neat! It’s over here @ We hope everyone can enjoy it and get some good usage out of it. Expect a lot of the same rules & topics to be in both! We look forward to seeing the community on both Discourse and Discord grow together! xx
Very happy to see the blog and forum open!we finally have such a place to discuss more conveniently.
Great decision!
Hope to see a lot of development updates from now on.
As someone living in Germany, I also hope you can tell a bit about streemster here and when it might launch. I know how hard it is sometimes to launch a web platform to high demand, but I cannot wait to finally be able to buy the game.
Maybe put it on the kickstarter that all future community updates will be here?
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A fiery starlet is blackmailed by the mob...

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Kunoichi 3
The curtain falls on the depraved Kunoichi trilogy

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UPDATE: Working with the beta testers to polish everything up for October release. Everythings looking good so far, and Ela is a great addition to Pandora! Gonna need some time to package for GOG, once we've had the green light we'll let everyone know about exact dates! -DC

10:13 AM - 4 Oct 2021



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Let’s get the big news out of the way first and the reason you’re all here – when the hell is Elaisha releasing?
I’m here to tell you we’re aiming to release the next update in early October! This update will contain all the features I talked about in the last blog , including the 50+ Pandora scenes, Cinematics, Elaisha waifu, the Kloi faction and a ton of new planets.
I completely understand the frustration of some players that it took us 6 months to release this update. Obviously going forward, this kind of pace is not going to be acceptable for future content update releases. We want to be releasing these at 3-4 month increments not 6 month increments. We have high expectations of ourselves internally, and I know you guys have high expectations as well so I want to make sure everyone understands that we are not getting complacent.
The good news is that the new animators have integrated really well into our workflow and they’re already powering through the update after Elaisha’s! The software side is more complicated – integrating new remote working developers into a behemoth of a project like this in the middle of production has proven to be a challenge, but we have brought a new project manager on board to assist with the process. Combined with our redoubled recruitment effort via agencies, this will help us increase the speed of production for the next major update after Ela as it’s both lighter in features and shorter in length. Our lead developer is also off on paternity leave for the birth of their first child (congratulations to them!), so we’ve had our fair share of unavoidable delays.
I understand there have been some concerns about the difficulty of some upcoming missions, most notably the Battletoads style SHMUP map. In order to help out some of the casual players, we’ve installed a three-strike-system into the missions which means that you can skip the level if you’ve died three times on it. This method helps out our balancing workload, since we can maintain an entertaining level of difficulty while still giving a get-out-of-jail card for some of the players who are not experienced in SHMUPs. Looking forward to seeing how many of you guys end up using it! (but really, that level is not as hard as people are meme’ing it to be)
We’ve got two new mantics to discover in this update! The enigmatic test-tube baby known only as “Trisha” is a robust front-liner with a new transformation mechanic that lets you switch up your tactics on the fly. We want to begin introducing a bit more tactical depth to the combat this time around, so I can’t wait to see how you guys end up using this mean step-child. Also, obligatory dick pic:
Jawz is what happens when Lily splices the DNA of an extinct animal from Earth with some freaky Prodigium alien DNA. He uses a life-stealing mechanic in grid combat, and is perfect for assassinating your enemies’ squishies. Use him to turn the tide of battle by taking out a key target. Here’s the good doctor testing out its capabilities before battle. Does it check out?
We’ve implemented directional damage in Grid Combat which will add some more tactical depth to the system – the beta testers will soon get their hands on it and then it’ll be ready for prime-time. Surrounding enemies confers significant bonuses, but it works both ways so make sure you protect your waifus at the same time! Everyone loves explosions, so the devs have added some hazardous barrels that you can use to your advantage on certain maps. I don’t know what’s inside these barrels but they sure as hell pack a punch. These are just the first steps towards improving grid combat, and we’re going to be incrementally rolling out some features with the drop of each block, until hopefully the 1.0 version of grid combat becomes something we can be really proud of.
And last but not least, I’m delighted to announce that we are finally partnering with GOG to bring Subverse onto their platform along with this update! It’s amazing to see that other platforms are opening up to adult games and Subverse having a positive impact on the industry. I have a deep love of the Witcher games ever since I stumbled upon a second-hand copy of Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition in a store in Cardiff many years ago. I remember being blown away by The Beast quest and from then on CDPR were one of my favorite devs so I’m stoked to be part of the GOG family and so is the rest of the team. But mostly I’m happy that our fans who have been region-locked out of buying the game will finally get to experience the Prodigium galaxy! Thank you to everyone at GOG who worked with us to make this happen.
Good update!
That Mantic hog… oh boy is that ever going to bulge some tummy.
Shark boy is also looking awesome. He’s really giving it to Lily in that image. A beautiful sight if I’ve ever seen one.
I like the three strike system. It might be a bit controversial, but so long as the people who skip get the lowest rewards/rating/score I think it’s perfectly reasonable. Because if they struggle to get through and make it to the end of the fights they will likely only make it with minimal score anyway, so might as well let them continue without having to be angry. And this does allow you to keep up the difficulty for those who want a challenge without implementing some time consuming scaling system.
So long as we’re allowed to keep trying again so us hardcore blokes can restart a million times going for gold if we want to, I’m perfectly fine with the system.
I’m really looking forward to the grid combat updates. Directional damage works very well with this type of combat system. I can’t wait to see what comes next since this and explosion’s are only the start!
The Trisha and Jawz combat roles also look like they will be really fun. I always like the assassin type that regenerates HP on successful kills. Very good for pressing forward, but can also be OP if not excecated well. It fits the shark theme well too.
I don’t know what Trisha’s transformation mechanic entails, but it sounds like something I’m going to use a lot. I like adapting to the battlefield!
Very glad to hear you found an alternative release platform. Hope you got out of the whole streemster-mess without too many issues.
Looking forward to finally play the game when it goes live on gog.
Had I known it would be on GoG eventually I’d have held out. I’d much rather have the game through GoG than Steam.
DRM-free ftw!
I’m glad to see you’re acknowledging the time gap between release and first major content update. 6 months I’d a long time for any game, let alone one that has so little content to begin with.
I’m particularly glad to see an announced timeframe for future content updates. Communication is key. I for one would much rather have regular communication about issues than guessing at when stuff comes out. People rest easier with a realistic idea of what’s going on.
The proposed content looks great and I’m excited to see it.
Don’t you just hate it when that happens? I bought the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider Trilogy on Steam cuz I was tired of waiting for it to get on GOG, and lo and behold a few days ago they brought the games on their store.
Well, one received a Steam key when supporting the game on KS, and they were pretty adamant that Steam was going to be the only platform they were going to be on.
I mean, I sorta knew they’d get on others eventually, but didn’t think it’d be so soon.
New dev diary when? It’s october already.
I’ve inquired. DC said he’s working on the post to clarify specifics of the October content release. No ETA at this time.
Kind of frustrating since we were told early October for this content back in august, and then given no official update on it when we’re now into October. I was expecting when they talked about how this timeframe wasn’t acceptable that we’d see more transparency and communication, but it’s more of the same.
I have forwarded your feedback to Studio management.
we were told early October for this content back in august, and then given no official update on it when we’re now into October. I was expecting when they talked about how this timeframe wasn’t acceptable that we’d see more transparency and communication, but it’s more of the same.
it’ll still be “early october” for a few days…
I’d get your frustration if we were closing in on november…
The frustration isn’t that the content isn’t out. It’s more that when we’re this close to when it’s supposedly being released but have heard no further details on the when. Usually if something is being released say next week, we’d have the date by now.
To be clear, as they have pointed out, and I agreed with, 6 months is a long time between major content updates. But actual communication helps to stymie this. That’s where my frustration lies. That we’re hearing no eta for the next dev diary in an unofficial channel when it’s been 6 weeks is frustrating, when it could have just as easily been an official announcement. “We know you’re waiting for this dev diary, we’re working on it to clarify the release timeframe for this update, we apologize for the delay” doesn’t take long to type out, and it goes a long way.
It is only said to be updated at the beginning of October, but it is not said in which year it will be updated at the beginning of October
“We know you’re waiting for this dev diary, we’re working on it to clarify the release timeframe for this update, we apologize for the delay” doesn’t take long to type out, and it goes a long way.
I understand your frustration and have relayed that to management.
The overwhelming feedback during the Kickstarter was that people did not want Dev Diary posts like this because they were not substantive, and would rather the Studio actually post something substantive.
This is the reason the Studio decided not to do bi-weekly Dev Diaries during Early Access.
Nevertheless, please see the above Twitter update.
I have also forwarded your feedback about being receptive to short announcements on delays.
Yeah i kind of get that. Maybe i have already adjusted my expectations concerning fow. Communication is definitely not their strong suit. I mean there was dead silence about the failed streemster release for like 4 month. Don’t know if they are just set on communicating only over kickstarter, which i find very weird for a game that goes public on steam etc, but i believe even there they did not communicate about that. I can only imagine that this must have had (or will have) a terrible impact on potential sales in the regions that could not buy the game via steam.
So this october “delay” without communication seems rather harmless to me in comparison.
subverse’s communication method is really fun. But my eyes and mouth don’t smile.
Is it possible to receive also a GoG version if I was a Kickstarter backer and received Steam version?
Considering it’s not for sale or gift to a friend, but for ideological reasons (no DRM).
For example making Subverse available in GoG Connect . This way you can be sure that both accounts belongs to the same person.
If I’d knew that Subverse will be released on GoG and had a choice, I’d chose GoG instead of Steam version.
The Studio is not able to transfer Steam keys to GoG for Kickstarter backers. GoG was not an option at the time of the Kickstarter and there was no indication GoG had any interest in ever hosting Subverse during initial development.
I’ve inquired about whether Subverse will function properly with GoG Connect. While I’ll report back if I receive an answer, we’ll likely find out once the game goes live on GoG.
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Thanks for joining us for this round of updates on Subverse’s development!
We’ve finally got some fresh blood coming into the studio! We’ve been interviewing candidates all of last month for key technical positions and we’re pleased to be able to bring in some extra firepower and experience to help us out. More importantly, we’ve managed to retain all the core team members. We’re in good shape going forward.
We’re exploring how much of the dating system we can expand for Elaisha’s update. We understand that simply spamming gift items to waifus is not the best way to show your affections, and we’re working on a few things to spice this module up and make it more meaningful in the long run. I also feel it should feed in better to the sex experience, so I’m looking into how to connect the two more elegantly.
The script has received another round of revisions and cuts. Moving forward during the main quest, we want to steer away from the large exposition dumps and streamline the experience for you guys. The onboard dialogue will provide plenty of opportunities for worldbuilding and background development, without bogging down the main questline. The CODEX has also proven to be more popular than anticipated, so we want to use it more.
We’ve made several improvements to performance and load times on lower end systems. Please note that we can’t provide support for systems running Windows 7 in the future, as even Microsoft has ceased supporting it last year. The team is also improving the way Pandora scenes are handled in preparation for the system’s expansion.
We’ve got the actors back in the booth this month for additional pickup lines. The game’s at its best when you’re interacting with the waifus, which means more audio during combat, more audio during dating and more variations of audio during sex. It’s great to have the cast back and doing what they do best!
As we mentioned, it will take time to integrate the new team members and get them up to speed (especially the new animators) I’ve been hearing that people’s expectations for us are to push a new chapter out every few weeks. It kind of reminds me of when people expected us to churn out 30-minute movies every month in 2015. It was impossible back then, and its simply impossible now, considering that a videogame is 100 times more complex of a beast than any movie ever was.
I just wanted to make sure to quash any rumors so that the rumor mill doesn’t go into overdrive about when the next chapter is coming. Thanks for your understanding and patience!
To end with, please enjoy this glorious blooper reel prepared by Samantha showcasing some of the more…unexpected moments during the recording of Subverse. Have a good one!
Founder/Creative Director
A new chaper every couple weeks… who thought that possible? Like I thought I was optimistic with a every one or two months a new chapter given all the stuff that needs doing and especially the fact that you guys are trying to work something out with all the feedback. Especially because there was a lot of script related feedback which takes time to rewrite and rerecord stuff.
the only thing I would like at least every month is one of these Dev Diaries though. Even if there is not much to report it still makes it feel like there is significantly more communication going on.
For the dating system you could add choices during dates that unlocks new scenes. Being nice could unlock one specific scene and being a dick unlock a totally different one. That could add depth to the dating system and add replayability to the game, making people want to try other choices next time.
damn, cant wait for the next update, I AM hornyly ready
A simple update, likely not what many were anticipating but I like the information I see.
I’m really happy about the VA’s going back to the booth. That was something I was championing in feedback. It will definitely increase the experience tenfold. Sex uses all the senses, after all!
I’m also glad about the shortening exposition. As much as I like reading and listening, when I anticipate the end of the conversation 3 times it may bee a bit long!
Also, I am a patient one! The wait is like foreplay. Take the time you need to make a great experience and don’t even think about rushing out a half baked one!
p.s. And did we get some future line teasers in the blooper reel?
For the dating system you could add choices during dates that unlocks new scenes. Being nice could unlock one specific scene and being a dick unlock a totally different one. That could add depth to the dating system and add replayability to the game, making people want to try other choices next time.
I absolutely stand in opposition to this. The player should be able to unlock everything in one save file. Replayability should be so
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