Student Nurse Dating

Student Nurse Dating


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12 Signs You're Dating A Nursing Student

Although you may not think it is cool when you can only understand half of what we are actually saying, we feel pretty special when you acknowledge how smart we are.

This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

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Let's be honest, relationships are hard no matter who you are dating. While dating any student is hard, nursing students can sometimes have it especially hard given all of the extra criteria that falls into their major in order to obtain their degree. Face it-- we're literally studying to take care of other human beings from the beginning of life to their final days. The stress is real. But the reward is also real!
At some point during nursing school when you look into your closet, all you own are scrubs. And for some reason, nursing student's love it. Honestly, scrubs are so comfortable I would rather wear them than... well, just about anything. So if your significant other tries wearings scrubs to dinner after a long day, know it's because they are comfy and they probably have no other clothing.
Nursing students have so many things to do-- clinical on the weekends, documentation after 8-hour clinical's, tests, dreaded group projects... The list goes on and on. I think I honestly believed at one point I could squeeze 25 hours out of the day-- as does every other nursing student. Usually, that extra hour is spent trying to squeeze in time for your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Whenever you ask your significant other if they can catch a movie or go out for a drink-- don't be surprised when they take out their planner and try to schedule you in. Don't take offense, we're just really busy and the only way to keep our sanity is to write our schedule out in highlighter 30 million times.
If you think your significant other is lame because they go to sleep at 9 p.m. when they have clinical at 5 a.m. -- think again. I also remember the nights I tried to be fun and stayed up until 2 a.m. when I had clinical at 5 a.m., no bueno. I would rather be lame and function than a zombie the next day.
First, I would like to point out that "thang" was written on purpose. At one point in my past relationship, I would diagnose my significant other based on his bowel movements and urine output. Totally normal to talk about when you're dating a nursing student.
Sorry friends-- studying comes before anything. It doesn't matter if it's Thanksgiving and you are begging them to come to dinner with your family, if they have a pediatrics test the Monday they come back to school-- sayonara! And don't plan on seeing them the entire break either, you can find them nose deep in a book that probably weighs more than they do.
One of the very first skills in nursing school you learn is how to take a blood pressure-- and YES they will ask you if they can borrow your arm and you will say yes because you love them and want to support them to grow as a student. Although, after the 50th time of blowing up the blood pressure cuff on the same arm, you might be regretting agreeing to be a human test dummy.
It's so cool when we finally understand medical terminology and feel confident enough to use it in normal conversation. Although you may not think it is cool when you can only understand half of what we are actually saying, we feel pretty special when you acknowledge how smart we are.
This goes for any student in the medical field-- you haven't dated if they haven't forced you to watch all of "Grey's Anatomy." Then you can be prepared for them to start referring to as "their person".
When your family starts asking you to ask your nursing student significant other what this odd rash is on their arm-- you know it's real. While we may not fully know all the clinical manifestations, diagnoses, or treatments-- we definitely will pretend we do!
While professionalism and appearance happen to be part of a nursing student's everyday lifestyle-- don't forget it's part of our grades and we need to look put together. We actually don't have our shit together and probably won't for the four years we are in school. But don't give up-- we'll get there one day!
One of the best feelings in the world is when someone tells you, "You're going to make a great nurse." Recognition of all the hard work we are putting in is easily the best way to get on our good side. Sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and sometimes you forget just how far you've come until someone reminds you! If you're dating a nursing student, don't remember that they could use a little recognition here and there!
We're not going to lie—last year was actually quite a bummer. Many of us feel like we didn't get a summer of fun at all. But this year has been different, with plenty of fun had already.
Compared to last summer, this summer has been full of more promise, hope and optimism. It has been a season that has been full of more opportunities, more reunions and more adventures.
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When you are arrested for driving under the influence, or DUI, it is naturally a frightening experience. The consequences can be severe, which makes it crucial that you understand how to set up a DUI legal defense.
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The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns and isolations have left an incredible number of people to self-medicate with some of their favorite comfort foods. And that's okay, comfort foods can help with our mental health, but the challenge comes with the inability to hit the gym whenever you need a little more wiggle room in your daily calorie intake.
The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns and isolations have left an incredible number of people to self-medicate with some of their favorite comfort foods. And that's okay, comfort foods can help with our mental health, but the challenge comes with the inability to hit the gym whenever you need a little more wiggle room in your daily calorie intake.

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If you’re reading this post most likely you’re a nursing student or a pre-nursing student wanting more information about how to navigate relationships while simultaneously getting through the beast that is nursing school. I’m here to tell you it’s doable but it won’t be easy. A lot of my classmates are married, in long-term relationships, and there is even one couple that is doing the program together. All this to say that again it’s possible to succeed.
At the beginning of my nursing program I was in a long-term relationship with a man I thought I was going to marry. I was thinking about our future together, the type of home we would buy, what our children would look like, the works. We had been seriously dating for three years and I knew going into my nursing program that this program would test our relationship. Would would sink or we would swim and I so badly wanted us to swim. We had prior issues before I started school and this is important to note because it effected why things happened the way they did. So like I said, this program was going to determine if we sank or swim as a couple. Unfortunately, we sank. Two months into the program, I called it quits. He was my first love and I always thought making a choice to split up would be devastating. I expected depression and anguish. Long afternoons watching Law & Order SVU while eating strawberry cheesecake Ben & Jerry’s. I thought it would be the same awful experience I had helped some of my best friends get through. But I was fine. I was better than fine, I was stress free. I could think clearer and a weight was lifted.
Nursing school magnified and compounded all the issues in our relationship and because I was so busy and under so much stress I knew I was better off alone focusing on school than in a relationship that just added more stress. He and I had communication issues before the program and nursing school made our issues worse. But I’m not sad about what happened. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If he and I were meant to be than we would be together. And us splitting apart while I was in the program was a blessing in disguise. Maybe if I hadn’t been so busy I would have devoted more energy to being sad. But the fact is I didn’t have time to be sad. I barely had time to grieve. I had chapters to read and exams to prepare for. I was way too busy to spend a lot of time being sad about a failed relationship. These distractions helped me get through that tough time and for that I am grateful for nursing school.
I’m no relationship expert but I’ll offer some advice and how to navigate dating and nursing school as best as I can from my experiences.
Things are going to change. If you’re a couple that generally spends a lot of time together than those moments might be cut back. If you’re a couple that doesn’t get to spend as much time together, nursing school can compound that tissue. Communicating what is about to happen can prevent confusion and frustration. Communication also brings me to my next point.
Maybe you want more space. Maybe you want less space. Maybe you want you partner to let you vent and listen to your frustrations or maybe you want your partner to tell you to suck it up and keep pushing. Maybe you need your partner to support you and keep you grounded financially or spiritually or emotionally. And this goes both ways. Everyone needs to communicate what they expect from each other. Letting your expectations be known can make this transition smoother. Starting my nursing program I was looking for my partner to support me emotionally. Don’t get me wrong, he tried, but he struggled to understand the amount of stress I was under. The stress of nursing school is really something only other nursing students can really understand. I don’t think I effectively communicated how I need him emotionally and what I expected. I just thought things would fall into place.
Nursing school is hard and being a nurse will be very rewarding at the end. However, don’t let this be at the expense of losing your partner. I know it will be hard but carving out time for each other is absolutely necessary. Plan a date night or a monthly staycation, whatever it takes.
Even though your going through this difficult time in your education, your partner is also going through a transition. They may not fully understand what you experience but it’s unfair to shut them out because they may not understand. So if they ask you how your day went tell them. Tell them you did your first wound vac, if you were covered in amniotic fluid, when started your first IV, or fed someone oatmeal. Make them feel included. There on this journey with you.
These are things I knew before starting this program but I didn’t really implement like I should have.Although my relationship didn’t work out I’m glad it happened when it did. Like I said before I do believe every that occurred with my relationship happened for a reason. The biggest thing is communication and transparency. I hope I could help some out there. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. I’ll make a separate blog post about gaining/maintaining/losing friendships while in nursing school. Until next time, see ya!
The Basics of My Nursing Program July 20, 2016 In "Nursing School"
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