Stronger Younger Sister

Stronger Younger Sister


Stronger Younger Sister

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on 2006-03-08 00:10:27
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on 2007-02-09 22:49:08
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USSA Soldier

on 2007-04-01 12:52:34
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on 2007-05-05 02:34:20
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on 2009-03-07 09:12:41
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My older bro is 15 and is only 5'2 and like 100lbs. he has ADD and his medicine causes him to not grow as much. im 13 and already much stronger then him. I play basketball and dance and he isnt good at sports. And im 5'6 and weigh 135lbs.
I love having a older brother thats smaller then me. Hes like a big bro and little bro in one. I can get adive from him and meet all his hot friends and at the same time i can pick on him like he was younger. Im nice to him but if i wanted to i could be really mean and embarass him in front of his friends. and hes really nice to me cause he knows if we ever get in a real fight i could really hurt him. i think he likes being smaller then be because he likes it when i pick him up.
Wow, you are nice to your weak little brother. I am 16 and my stronger little sister dominates me.
I am 5'2", about 90 lbs, she is 14, 5'7" and 140 lbs. She likes to make fun of me because when I walk around the house with my shirt off and she has her bra on her arms is like 4 times the size of mine. Also, she makes fun of me because I am really skinny and my ribs poke through my stomach. Also, she makes fun of my tiny legs. Her thighs are like 23 inches and mine are under 10 in. She stands next to me and looks in the morror and humiliates me.
she also likes to wrestle me for fun and she always wins. She usually wrestles naked and sits on my face. I am scrawny and I can't even do a move against her. Sometimes when we are home alone for the weekend she doesn't let me eat while she eats doughnuts and pizza and makes me lose weight so she can physcially dominate me even more.
girls, could you dominate me like my sister does?
didn't you just say that your sister was 6'5 on another poll's messaging board at an EARLIER time? Hehe, looks like you've grown an inch and gained 20 lbs while your sister shrunk by 10 inches. Haha, now she's shorter than me by an inch so according to all of you people with Giantess fetishes I probably stand a chance against her solely based on my height. Even if she was at 6' 5" I'd still easily be able to knock her out, taller isn't always better too, taller peoples' vulnerable areas are more exposed.
Dude, that was my friend who uses my account. Stop going around and being such a $%!@!!
My little sister (13) beats me easily. She is taller and stronger than me and, usually plays with me crushing my head between her powerful tights. (I´m 25 years old)I´m only weight 115 and 5´2". My sister (145 - 5´9") toys with me at home every day, and sometimes she knock me out with her tights. Sometimes she forces me to kiss her big butt. What can I do?

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One of my friends introduced me to her and it was love at first sight. Not only was she beautiful but we discovered that we shared a lot of interest and we became rapidly best friends. Samatha have a little sister called Victoria. She is 15 years old but sure look older. She has dark brown hair and the same beautiful blue eyes as her sister. She is about 5'2'' and 110 pounds. Her face is beautiful but look like the face of a 15 year old girl. She look older because of her chest. She as an incredibly large chest, around 36 DD. Every where she goes, people, mostly men, stared at her because of her big breasts. 
When I first met her she was just 10 but even then, her chest were bigger than most girl much older than her. In fact, I think that Samantha's breasts are smaller then those of Victoria when she was 10. Another thing about Victoria is that she know that men are attracted by her breasts and she wear tight shirt just to entice men. I noticed that Victoria enticed men the first time I slept at Sam's house. It was a year after I started dated Samantha. Her mother (who raised them alone) agreed that I could spend the night and that Samantha and I could sleep in the living room on a matress only if Victoria who was 10 at that time slept between Samatha and me. Obviously she knew what was going on on the mind of two 17 years old . 
To my regret, the three of us went to bed, with Victoria between us. When I open my eyes the next morning I saw Victoria who was looking at me with a big smile on her face while Samantha was still asleep. It took me a few second to noticed that Victoria was holding my hand and was keeping it on one of her already big breast. When I realised that my hand was one my girlfriend»'s sister breast I try to take off my hand but Victoria stop me and whisper me to enjoy it because her breasts were beautiful. She was right. Her breast felt really good and it was the first time that I actually touched a breast. But I managed to take off my hand. 
After that incident, Victoria never talk to me about it and never tried anything like that except of course from time to time, when she stood in a position that permit me to see her chest just to entice me. Last summer, Samantha left for a job in california. She asked me if I could go see Victoria from time to time to help her since she had to take a few classes in summer school because her mother work a lot. So, one morning, I went to see if Victoria needed help. I enter in the house and I found Victoria in the kitchen where she was cleaning the dishes. She asked me if I could help with her maths when she finished the dishes. I told her that I was there for that and I helped her with the dishes. She was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans that revealed beautiful legs and a big sweater. I tough to myself that it was the first time that I saw Victoira with a buffy sweater. Just when we finish, she accidentally spilled the big jar of water that was on the counter. "Shit, i wet all my sweater" she said. Then she took off her sweater. Underneath, she wore a very tight black leotard with a low necked that put in evidence her big breasts. We sat down on the table and I explain the problems that she couldn't do. From time to time I couldn't help to looked at her chest. 
After I help her with her homeworks, I told her that I had to go and she thank me and give me a hug. She held me very thight and I could feel her breast crushing on my chest. I was also surprised by the strenght of her grip. I tried to break free but I couldn't break her hold. She started laughing. That made me angry and I tried harder and harder but she stand still. She told me to let it go, that she got me and that she would do anything that she want with me because she was stronger. I hate to admit it but she was right. She held me tight and there was nothing I could do to free myself. A mixed feeling of pleasure and fear got into me while this young teenager was helding me close to her so that I could feel her huge breasts. Naturally I couldn't help to have an erection and she noticed it. "Well, if you are so turn on by this, we should go to my bedroom". And with that, she lower her arms just above my butt and she lifted me off the ground as easy as she would lifted her school bag. That surprisingly show of strenght made my erection grow even more. "Wait a minute" she said "and I'll take care of you" apparently talking to my dick. When we arrived at her bedroom, I try to escape and go home but she got me and I couldn't move. How on earth that she got so strong ? "Relax, I told you that there's nothing you could do so try to enjoy what is happning." " Let me go Victoria, I don't want to make love to you and you can't forced me too." I said furious. "Sure I can. What would you do ? You can't stop me and after, what would you do, tell someone? I don't think that they would believe that a big 21 years old men was raped by a little 15 years old teenage girl.". Well she was right and even if someone believe me, how would I looked? Before I could say anything more, she put me on the bed and pull off my clothes. She strip down and got on top of me. Even if I didn't want to do this, I have to admit that I was really turned on by her incredible body. She pull my dick in her and started to ride me like she was a cow-boy ina rodeo. I clouldn't believe it, my girlfriend's kid sister was raping me. 
I thought that this nightmare was over when I cum but Victoria said that It was just the beginning and that she would keep me all week-end. She then lay down next to me and she take my head and after a long kiss, she put my head between her breasts and my two hands on them and she order me to rubbed them. She wrapt her powerful thighs around my waist and we stayed like this for the whole night. When I woke up, my head was still on Victoria's chest with my two hands on them. "Good morning." she said "Now that your awake we could continue what we did last night.", and, with that, she grab my dick and started to rub it. I try to control myself but I had and errection automatically and she began to ride me like the night before. When she was finished, she let me go but told me that everytime she would feel like having sex, I should give her what she wanted because she would tell Samantha that I slept with her and that I enjoyed it. 
For the rest of the summer Victoria ordered me to go to her house and made love to her. Everytime I try to tuck her out of it but she just lifted me up and carry me to her bedroom where she raped me over and over. When the summer was over, I thought that my problems were over too but I was wrong. Everytime I was at Samantha's, Victoria arrange for us to be alone together. She told her sister or her mother that I had to help her with her homework because she understood better when I helped her. So they bought that and every time, she raped me. Also, when I was with Samantha and she left me just for a couple of minutes, Victoria came near me and put my head between her chest or she grabbed and rubbed my dick. A few weeks ago, I was really tired of this and I told Samantha. I though that she wouldn't believe me or that she would be mad at me or something. Surprisingly, she beleive me right away and understood what I was feeling because, she said, I wasn't the first guy that was raped by Victoria. She told me that she would take care of that and she went straight to her sister's room. Finally this would be over. When she came back, she told me that everything was settle and that Victoria would stop rapping me. Then, she came next to me and gave me and incredible french kiss. She asked me if I enjoyed being lifted by Victoria. I told her that I was not in the mood to enjoy anything when Victoria raped me but I admit that being lifted was the only part that I enjoy. So, catching me off guard, she put her arms around my waist and lifted me off the groung without any effort. Now I was really turned on by this and we started kissing and we made love like never before. Since that day every time that Samantha and I made love, she lifted me and carry me. When did my girlfriend became so strong?
Dan's story that I found on internet...

The pool -

My name is Dan. I'm 26 years old and work for a big law firm in New-York. Since I started to work, I didn't have the chance to do sports like I use to in high school. I wasn't a jock but I liked to play football with my friends or swim at the local pool. At 5'7'', my 165 pounds made me look in good shape but I knew I had to work out more if I would like to stay thin. So, one day that I didn't work, I went to the pool not far from my place. At my surprise, there where nobody there except a young girl who was already in the water.

She said hi and told me that the pool was close for the visit
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to be honest it quite irresponsible of the older sister and the mother of letting the younger sister with a history of rape alone with a man.

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This story contains: GTS Growth, Kissing You can buy the audio version on gumroad in the description below the story! Kiss me, Grow me! - Read by Serena Muse - Written by SGA Oh, Hi darling, welcome home! C’mere How was your… uhh… wait a second… sorry, when we kissed just then… I don’t know, my body sort of tingled. Can… can we do it again? Oh, it happened again, I don’t know but… do you think I look taller? I’m looking at your chin at the moment, and you aren’t bending over are you? No, didn’t think so. Let’s kiss again! Wow… I’m the same height as you now! Isn’t this awesome?! Aww, you look kind of frightened. Don’t worry, I feel fine! In-fact, I feel pretty great! Soo, Aww, that was awesome! And look, I’m actually taller than you! Only by an inch or so, but what do you think? I kinda like it if I’m honest, I’ve always wanted to be tall. Well, you know that, don’t you darling? and now, you can help me! Aww, come’ere. How long’s it been since we’ve snuggled up on the sofa like
Nik was watching a female bodybuilding contest on television. He looked down at his own skinny body. “Damn, these women are all so much bigger than me; they are simply huge! Imagine what they can do to you with all those muscles,” he said to himself.

Then, his girlfriend Nelli burst through the door. She was angry, Nik could tell. He turned off the sound of the television. “What’s the matter, honey?”

Nelli rolled her brown eyes. “Argh! It’s my parents again!” He remembered she would visit them.

“They still think I’m their little girl.” She kicked her shoes in a corner and la
Your Growing Sister Chapter 3
Script and Editing by MagnusMagneto
VA by Sycllas

(This is the script of a fully-voiced story available here: )

Hey. Did I wake you? Well, you should be up by now anyways. I need to wear your clothes. Yeah, don’t give me that look. It’s not like I think you have good taste or anything; it’s just I can’t fit into my stuff at all.

Oh simmer down. I’ll take the ones that you never wear anymore. Like this old sweatshirt of yours here. I haven’t seen you put this on in over a
It isn’t easy, growing up with younger sisters who are so much stronger than you are. But it wasn’t just me, but the whole town that suffered, when my twin sisters transformed into super strong she hulks, capable of lifting heavier weights than anyone had ever thought possible.

Guusje and Lieke were born when I was three years old. From day one, they were cute as a button. In the years that followed, they always wanted to be together. But at the same time, they seemed to be arguing constantly. If Guusje had something in her hand, Lieke wanted it too. If Lieke was talking to someone, Guusje interrupted her. So no one was really su
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This story contains: Muscle & Height Growth
You can buy the audio version on gumroad in the description below the story!
Stronger Sister - Read by Juno - Written by SGA
"So you know we’ll be out for the first week when you get back from university, but it’s okay, your sister will be home to let you in! She’s changed quite a lot since you last saw her, maybe you two can get over your silly sibling contests and finally start to behave like adults. Anyway, our flight is being called now, must dash, love you, bye!"
Ryan found the answerphone message a little foreboding. In the three years he’d been studying at university, his sister had just graduated from school at 18. Ryan wondered what their mother meant about her changing. The taxi arrived then and he got out to see his childhood home, or what was left off it. The first thing he noticed were the windows. He’d been told they’d had them replaced and it was noticeable; The neat 4 framed windows had been replaced by a single glass window spanning each frame. The effect was to make the familiar home feel foreign and unusual to Ryan, which may have been foreboding given what was about to happen.
Shaking the feeling off, Ryan paid the Taxi Driver, took his suitcase out of the trunk of the car and walked up the paved lane to the house through the front yard. After a moments hesitation at the new doorbell, he rang it. Beyond the shaded glass, a shape could be seen in the hallway behind it approaching the door.
"Bro, Hi! Come in, come in! Let me take that."
Ryan’s sister, Shae welcomed him in and took his suitcase. Ryan was stunned for a moment, could this really be Shae? Could she really have grown so much just in the 3 short years he’d been away? Her eyes were level with his mouth, and she was fit, like super fit! The way she’d so easily carried the suitcase through the hall should’ve been the first sign of that.
"Wow, how far’ve you been carrying that, bro? It’s probably pretty heavy for you. Anyway, sit down in the living room, how about I make us some tea?"
"S-Sure, that sounds lovely." said Ryan.
Shae had been such a moany teenager when Ryan had left that he thought she’d never grow out of it, so to return and have her offer to make tea? It was almost unthinkable, but that’s what happened.
So Ryan sat in his childhood living room waiting on his sister to make him tea. In a few moments she came in through the door holding two mugs.
"Now then, tell me all about Uni? What exciting stuff have you been up too?"
So Ryan told her. Told her about the late nights partying, the later nights studying and the friendships he’d formed.
"Ahahaha, I’m glad to hear that. I wasn’t really feeling well in myself, and I was grumpy at everyone because of it. I’m sure you remember what I was like. I’m sorry about behaving like that."
"But anyway, I decided one day that it was stupid, and that if I wanted to make something of myself I needed to take action. So I started running, every morning. Granted I wasn’t the most fit as you know, but still I tried it and over a couple of weeks I got quite into it. Last month I actually got a membership to the gym too, It’s just made me feel great again. I felt really useless and weak before, but now I feel strong and confident. I’m much more proud of who I am now."
"Great! Maybe you could come with me tomorrow? We could run together? You said you’ve been wanting to get back into shape."
The next morning, Shae was waiting out the front of the house while Ryan got his shoes on.
"Great, you ready now, bro? This’ll be my first run on this new growth enhancing protein powder I found online. I’m hoping it’ll help me beef up a little. Anyway, you ready?"
The siblings began running, with Shae blasting off ahead.
"Wow! You must be pretty out of shape. I’ll wait for you."
"Don’t worry,
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