Stripped By Bullies Stories

Stripped By Bullies Stories


Stripped By Bullies Stories
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My freshman year of high school, was a milestone that for the rest of my life I would never forget. Every emotion of figuring out who I was and where I fit into the world was just a minimal part of my life. But my biggest fear of being bullied came with an exceedingly high cost that I would continue to pay for the rest of my life.
It started out with just the normal tendencies of bullying, name calling, and poking etc. but my instinct of ignoring it only made the problem worsen. Until the moment when I was literally threatened during lunch period. We had bullying prevention talks all the time, so I knew going to a teacher I trusted or administrator was the way to solve this issue.
After addressing the threat to a teacher, and promised everything would be taken care of, I proceeded about my day like normal and took my seat in class, only the bullying and outbursts were magnified and I remained speechless the whole entire time, until the bell rang to switch classes and I waited till every last person except for the teacher was out of the classroom, then I made my way out only then to be assuaged from behind.
As I was attacked I let out screams, but everyone around remained frozen, and no teacher came to break up the fight. My friends just stood while I was spinning around on a merry go round watching people remain frozen like someone had a stopped the hands of time.
Finally a friend came through and guided me back into the classroom and there I was facing the teacher I just left to only hear her say, “sweetie was that you?” The rest is school protocol to assess my wounds and then get me to the office so administrators could contact parents, talk to witnesses etc. after my mom’s arrival she decided to press charges against my attacker, which then lead to the rest of my high school years to be bullied by my attacker’s friends or people who thought I was weak for not hitting back. It was this moment in time when I felt like I was one the biggest stage in the world, stripped in front of the entire world.
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I was in the ninth grade when this incident happened. I was walking through the hallway at high school when I suddenly felt two hands on the waistband of my tighty whities. Then my underwear was pulled very hard up my butt crack. The guy that gave me the wedgie was so strong, he easily lifted me up by my underwear so I kicked around with my legs and squealed with a whiny voice:"Please let me down!" "Why? Do you not like to hang out with me?", asked a familiar voice. It was Jake, the quarterback of the schools football team and one of the biggest guys that I ever seen. He was a real popular jock and dated one of the hottest cheerleaders and he really liked to pick on me and to embarrass me. Jake let me fall to the ground. As I stood up another jock said:"Let's strip the nerd!" Jake looked at me with an evil grin at his face. Then he and four other jocks ganged up against me and started to strip me. First they took off my sweater and my shirt. Then they threw me to the ground and took off my shoes and socks. After that they pulled my pants from my legs and threw them away. I was only in my tighty whities. A crowd of students watched all of this. They laughed and cheered on the jocks. "Would you like to see the little nerd completely naked?", asked Jake. The crowd hooted. "Took off the nerds underwear", yelled a girl and laughed. Then the jocks pulled on my underwear. I really tried to hold them but I wasn't strong enough. Two jocks forced my Arms to the ground and then Jake took off my tighty whities and threw them away. Then Jake forced me to stand up and pressed my arms on my back. All the students burst out in laughter as they saw my teeny weeny. Jakes girlfriend and a few other cheerleaders laughed hysterically and a few of them made the tiny dick sign with their thumb and forefinger. "Now I know why you are a virgin!", laughed one girl. To make things worse Jake and the other jocks took up my clothes and ran away while laughing. "Have fun, Loser", Jake said as he ran away with my clothes. The crowd of students all pointed at me, laughed at me and mocked me merciless. A few of them took pictures, some other chanted:"Baby Dick! Baby Dick!" The school principal called my mom to pick me up, but sadly he didn't said that my clothes were taken away. I left the school naked with a red head and tried to cover my teeny weeny. As I sat naked in the car, my mother looked at me with disbelief in her face. I started to cry from the embarrassment and humiliation and I knew that I would be bullied and mocked for the rest of my high school time.

It's very coold right now and there is a lot of snow where I live. That remembers me at the snowy days at school. Wintertime and snow offers a lot of opportunities for bullies to torment their victims. And that's exactly what my bullies did to me at school. One very popular winter-specific bullying technique was the "snow wedgie". That means that my bullies put snow into my underwear and then gave me a big wedgie. It is very uncomfortable to get snow wedgied up your butt crack. My bullies really enjoyed giving me snow wedgies so I often got a cold and wet butt and wet underwear during wintertime at school. Sometimes they stuffed very much snow into my underwear to make it look like I wet my pants. All the other kids at school teased me about it and said I peed myself, but that wasn't true! Something that was even worse at the schoolyard during winter was when they stripped me. Yes, sometimes they stripped me completely naked and shoved me into the snow. What really sucked was when
This happened when I was in high school, junior year. My friends and I were hanging out after lunch with this girl we knew. She was a short, freshman girl whose heart must have pumped Red Bull...because she was the energetic type who often talked in fast forward. We were talking, to each other and with her when...I don't know how this happened...but she took an interest in what kind of underwear we wore. Which of us wore boxers, which of us wore briefs, and what kind of designs or colors we had. She even wanted us to show her. She was VERY persistent in her motormouth manner. One of my friends was a wise-ass and told her that we'd show her if she showed us HER underwear. The bundle of energy didn't hesitate and she pulled up her colorful rainbow-striped panties out of her jeans...which I thought was pretty cute. I certainly wasn't expecting to find out what undies she had picked out that day. So my friends followed suit and each pulled up their underwear a bit out of their
 few weeks ago,i was casually walking at the main hall at school,going to my locker to get some books for next class,i had almost reached the locker when all of sudently I got tackled by a jock,he shoved me face first in the wall with the lockers and said :"were do you think u are going dweeb? U haven't receved your nerd punishment today".He was just messing up my hair asking me if I was "thirsty for toilet water",thats when some guy in the crowd that had formed around us(watching,taking pics and laughing, of course...) screamed:"give the nerd a wedgie!!! I guess the kids liked the idea bc soon after,the crowd started chanting wedgie, wedgie,
So I wanted to share my most embarrassing break up with you guys and galls. At this time I was 19 and my girlfriend(let's call her Amy) was 18. We both loved going to the gym and that also turned out to be the place were we broke up.

It was a nice hot, but not to hot, friday. Me and Amy both had the same last class together which ended pretty early on the day so right after school we like to go to the gym for some exercise.

However when we arrived at the gym we noticed that for the first time ever we were alone at the gym. Amy suggested that we could use this alone time for a different kind of exercise if I wanted to try it in a public plac
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I'm sorry that happened to you. that's a riveting story. 

Stories from days past, you can find masterposts for series here about older stories, you can also post your favorite older stories here as well, be sure to credit the author.
Story from the old board, it was a gender switch rewrite for a story called Only boy at the bullies party.

I corrected a few spelling mistakes.

Tomboy at the bullies party

My mother had been good friends with Kerrie's Mother since both were children. Kerrie was an evil little cow and often her and her gang tormented boys and girls alike in our school. Anyway because of our mothers friendship I was forced to go to her birthday party. She was having it at a soft play gym of all places which was usually for ages 7-11. However with her Father owning the place they let her have the entire complex for the night despite us all being teenagers. Not only this but she was allowed to have the party unsupervised as it was only supposed to be us girls with the adults having a drink in the bar attached in the next building over. My heart dropped as I turned up and realised that none of my friends were there. The group of 15ish girls including most of her gang and hangers on eyed me giggling as I stood there awkwardly.

Their whispering made me feel suspicious. My mother left me to go get drunk with the other parents. "Oooo what are you doing here, it's supposed to be girl only " laughed Kerrie getting a round of giggles from the other girls. I was a tomboy and had often been teased for this by Kerrie and her hangers on. I felt so out of place, I feared I would just be bored the whole night and be left out of their games. Looking back I wish that had been the case...

It turned out Kerrie wasn't joking, "Hey Sandy" she laughed to one of the other girls. "Give me your sister's clothes I asked you to bring" I was confused but soon her meaning became apparent. "Ye here" she laughed, taking a short pink dress out of her bag. "That's good because this is a girls only party and so it looks like we need to dress this little boy up appropriately" I stood there shocked but soon I realised she wasn't joking. Sandy then pulled out a pair of embarrassing childrens knickers as well, they were white with a pink lacy trim. Usually I only wore boyshorts despite the regular snarky comments from the other girls when changing for PE "Go on Samantha, be a good little girl and go put these on for us" Kerrie laughed holding up the dress and knickers up for me. "No way!" I complained backing away. I was very reluctant as I had heard Kerrie and her cronies in school the previous day talking about a few boys sneaking in. The girls obviously just wanted to embarrass me by having me in the short kiddy dress and knickers for when the boys turned up. The play equipment would also mean my underwear would be constantly exposed.

"OOOo we will have to do it the fun way then, strip her girls!" She laughed! I turned and run into the play area. It was like the most terrifying game of chase ever. The girls were laughing and screaming behind me as I ran across the soft mats and up the stairs to the higher levels. I didn't know how I would escape but I couldn't bear the thought of boys even seeing me in my own underwear never mind the childish girly ones they wanted me to wear. My heart was racing as I climbed a net getting to the top level.

Some of the girls were a lot taller and faster than me and I quickly found a hand grabbing on the bottom of my fairly loose jeans. There was much laughter as I felt them starting to get pulled down as I tried to climb over the top of the net. I could have let go and tried to hold onto them but I realised that the rest of the girls would have been able to easily grab me and drag me down if I did so. It was mortifying but at the time I thought it was the best option as I felt them slip fully down my and off my legs.

I had to kick them off to stop myself being dragged down with them. I pulled myself over the ledge and looked down to see a couple more girls laughing holding up my jeans like a trophy. "got her pants!" they shouted in glee. "Nice undies! another laughed as I pulled my T-shirt down like a very short dress to cover my bright blue boyshorts. The girls started to climb up the net after me so I turned and ran way. The groups of laughing girls had split up and so I quickly had to jump through two foam padded rollers which reminded me of a carwash to escape them. I looked back to see a girl squeezing through giving me a view down her vest top from that position reminding me how small my own tits were in comparison to the curvy girl and her ample cleavage.

I cursed myself for the distraction, the last thing I needed was to be caught. Up ahead a fat girl was about to block my path. There was a slide off to her side that led into the ball pool. A quick glance made me realise this might be a way to escape. I pretended to try to tuck past her one way but instead jumped down the slide legs first. However I quickly found myself grabbed by the arms in her tight vice grip. The girl was much stronger than me and I found myself stuck hanging in the tube slide. "Quick to the ball pool, I’ve got her" she laughed, shouting down to the other girls who started swarming below us . A few seconds later that felt like an eternity I heard voices below. "Come down little boy, it's time to show us all your undies" I knew it was Kerrie’s voice.

Right then I longed to be pulled up but instead the girl holding me shifted her grip from my wrists to the sleeves of my modest long sleeve t-shirt and pulled upwards. Gravity did ithe rest of the work and I found myself sliding sight out of it. About halfway down the slide I braced myself against the walls in just my little blue boy shorts and my vest. I was dreading getting to the bottom to be almost naked and surrounded by my tormentors so I managed to stop myself and looked up to see the big girl grinning down. The fat girl was laughing at me drinking in the sight of my skinny body in just my undies and vest I felt so trapped right then for the moment giving one girl a great view but almost about to fall into a ball pool full of laughing teens that would probably strip me further so I didnt move.

To my horror she flung herself down the slide colliding with me and dragging me down with her. I screamed as I found myself landing in the ball pool surrounded by the other girls. I tried to hide myself but was quickly dragged out. "If you'd have been a good girl we wouldn't have had to do this." Kerrie laughed her eyes went to my undies and vest as I was pulled out of the multicoloured balls. "OOO nice boy panties she laughed" The other girls quickly joined the taunts as I was dragged out of the ball pool.

I was so helpless and humiliated being dragged around in just my undies by the group of girls my own age, I wanted to cry but didn't dare show myself up anymore. I didn't know where my clothes had gone and I was bright red as the girls stared at my skinny legs and modest but still embarrassing underwear. It was then I noticed the three boys entering the play gym from the outside. They were rushing over to get a look at me as I shivered in fear and wide eyed shame.

Sandy approached with the dress and knickers from earlier. "Shall we let her get dressed now?" she asked and Kerrie laughing responded. "Nah, I think we should nudie her first" laughed Kerrie. My heart dropped like a bomb. "What No!" I cried thinking this was the worst thing in the world. I threw myself to the floor narrowly pulling away and escaping the clutches of the shocked girls. As the boys entered this particular mesh room I pushed past them as they looked on in shock getting an embarrassingly close view of me and my pale skinny body. They accidentally blocked the other girls from catching me as I ran back for the ball pool between myself and freedom. However I only got a few steps in before I was tackled by a larger tall girl making me fall into the multicolored sea.

I let out a scream as I felt hands go for my knickers, I tried to hold on for dear life but got a sharp pinch to my side for my troubles. For that split moment I let go. I cried out as my boyshorts were dragged down my legs,luckily I was hidden by the balls as the girls held up my blue panties like a trophy flag.. I was now in the ball pool with only the balls covering my lower half for protection, almost butt naked. The girls didn't bother to restrain me now as they knew I would have to expose my nakedness to escape them and the boys. They surrounded me laughing and blocking the possible exits. Balls bounced off my head as some of the girls started throwing them at me teasing me chanting naked naked naked.

It felt so weird to be practically naked and barely concealed. “What does it feel like to be nekkid?” laughed Kerrie as I curled up in shame. I didn't speak, I wanted to cry. The girls had a great laugh for the next few minutes taunting me saying how they couldn't wait to drag me out and strip me all the way naked for the boys to see.

“Beg me for some underwear” laughed Kerrie and I did, I swallowed what little pride I had. “Please let me have my underwear” I cried. To much laughter she almost made me break down in tears telling her how great she was and how pathetic I was to be naked.

In the end I was forced to crawl to her through the balls and kiss her feet. “Please lovely Kerrie, give me some underwear, I don’t want the boys to see my naked” I begged. She made me stand up and I reluctantly did covering my private area with my two hands. I was naked from the waist down now with my naked bottom on display. A few girls could see it and laughed wolf whistling or calling me mean names like scrawny ass or baby bottom. I kept my covered front to the boys trying my hardest not to let them see my nudity. Not that it was much better. I was a modest girl and would usually have been embarrassed for the boys to see my thin vest that barely hid my bra underneath but this was awful. I was bright red in shame as the group taunted me more and more.

The boys grew wide eyed at seeing me in this state and I could feel their leering eye all over my skinny body. The girls had a massive laugh as Kerrie went behind me and spanked by naked bottom. She hit me hard but I endured without crying as my bare bottom turned red for her. It was then she pulled out the pair white and pink panties from earlier. I looked on in disbelief at the frilly delicate garment.

“You have thirty seconds to get them on and run off before we chase after you, this time when we catch you were going to have some real fun” Karrie laughed. I grabbed the panties in disbelief at what I was doing. I ducked back into the balls and awkwardly pulled them on and was suddenly running out of the ball pool in just a pair tight childish panties and my vest. I was so humiliated as the girls whooped and shouted insults after me as they chased me. Looking to the exit two girls
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