Strip Poker Night at the Inventory

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory


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This game contains material that is only suitable for adults. If you are under the age of 18, please leave now. Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a free, open source, and community run


Стрип покер играть онлайн бесплатно

This game contains material that is only suitable for adults.
If you are under the age of 18, please leave now.

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a free, open source, and community run project. All characters represented within are 18+ and the property of their original owners.

The latest version of the game can be played at

Make sure to check out our list of Frequently-Asked Questions!

By default, we collect some basic statistics about how this game is played. This can be configured in the settings menu.

By clicking the button below, you are confirming that you are an adult and such material is legal in your region.

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory (“SPNATI”) is a non-profit, user-driven, online collaborative project. Some characters and scenes contained within SPNATI may use or reference copyrighted material. Any and all such references to copyrighted material are protected by the “Fair Use” exception described in 17 U.S.C. § 107. The use of these materials is (1) exclusively noncommercial, (2) intended solely as parody, and not as an attempt to substitute for the materials in their respective works; (3) transformative and restricted only to such use as is necessary to render the materials recognizable for the purpose of parody; and (4) engenders no competition with the market for the original works. No attempt is made to infringe upon the copyright of or derive profit from the copyrighted material of another.

Additionally, the content other than source code or basic programming of SPNATI is generated by individual users, and the creators and maintainers of SPNATI and any affiliated websites are not directly responsible for content created by users that is hosted on those websites. Contributing users receive no compensation for their work, and are not employed in any capacity by SPNATI.

In the event a copyright holder believes their rights are being infringed upon by material in SPNATI, its creators respectfully request that the holder contact them directly regarding the offending material, and the creators will take all steps possible to remove the offending material.

Re-Sort Poll

We'd like to collect additional information about how you approach the game, such as your player tags, size, and clothing.

This is completely anonymous, and will help us write dialogue that's better tailored to your preferences.

















The Collectibles feature is now in open beta testing. Please report any issues with specific collectibles via the character’s bug report function.



(You haven't unlocked this deck yet.)

Search Options

Table Name Filter

Player Name Filter

Sex Filter

Source Filter

Tag Filter

Are you sure you want to return to the title screen?

Select an article of clothing to remove


Collectible Obtained!

Dialogue Transcript

Click on any line of dialogue to re-view it in-game.


Table Style

Auto Table Fade

Card Suggest

Explain all Hands after Reveal

AI Turn Time

Deal Animation

Auto-Advance during Forfeit

Auto-Advance at End

Minimal UI

UI Text Weight

UI Text Width

UI Theme

Visual Finishing Effect

How long do you. last?

Please enter a positive number.

Submit an Issue Report

  1. Copy the Issue Report Data above into a text-sharing service such as Pastebin or Gist.

  2. Submit your issue report (with the Data above!) to the developers on our subreddit, /r/spnati or through our Discord server.

Submit Character Feedback

Voice your thoughts on a character here.

Please remember that behind every character, there are human creators hard at work.
Be nice!

Also, if you would like to report a specific problem with a character, please send a bug report instead.

Roster Re-Sort

The Roster Re-Sort is now live!

This re-sort poll will help determine the order of characters on the character roster for the following months. Higher-voted characters will be placed closer to the top of the roster!

Now is your chance to help your favorite characters rise to prominence!

You can vote in the Re-Sort poll here:

Who made this game?

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory (SPNatI) was first developed by Joseph Kantel, who designed a small Javascript mockup game based on a choose-your-own-adventure fanfiction work on The original version of the project appeared in August 2015 featuring the four video game characters Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Zoey (Left 4 Dead), Lilith (Borderlands), and Elizabeth Comstock (BioShock Infinite), who were the girls featured in the fanfiction story.

The project died out, but it was rediscovered in August 2016 and exploded in popularity, with new characters being added and the community you see today being formed. To date, over 200 characters (in various states of completion) have been made for SPNatI.

What does "At the Inventory" mean?

"The Inventory" is the name of a fictional bar that SPNatI takes place in. The name itself comes from SPNatI's other inspiration, Poker Night at the Inventory--a series of two games by TellTale wherein a nameless player plays Texas Hold 'Em Poker with four video game/webcomic characters and watches them interact.

Did Joseph Kantel make all the characters?

Not at all! SPNatI is an open-source game, and over 130 different people have contributed to not only the creation of its many characters, but also its codebase, community, moderation, hosting, documentation, background art, etc. You can see who's credited for a character by clicking the "Credits" button on the character selection screen.

Anyone can make a character and add them to SPNatI, so if you don't see your favorite character, you should try to make them yourself!

How often is the game updated?

Because each author is responsible for their own characters, the game receives multiple small and large updates almost every day! The Discord servers have a channel, #game-updates, that lists the full changelog, as well as #dev-updates, which lists updates that have not been pushed to the live game yet.

However, not all characters have authors that still actively update them. Consider adopting one of these orphaned characters!

Can I donate to the game via a Patreon or something similar?

Nope! SPNatI has remained, and will always remain, separate from any issues of money besides the small amount needed to host the domain. There will never be any advertisements or sponsors, nor the need to support the game financially in any way. This keeps the game free of copyright concerns.

If Lara, Zoey, Lilith, and Elizabeth were the first characters made, why aren't they the first on the list?

Every few months, the character roster is reshuffled based on the results of polls held on the SPNatI subreddit, r/spnati. This gives newer characters the chance to move from the back of the roster and be in the spotlight, and the order is determined by factoring in both how many votes each character received in the poll and how many total lines of dialogue each character has. More details about the methodology used can be found in the posts announcing each re-sort.

One male is always included on the first row to let players know that male characters exist, and characters that share a franchise are grouped together if their scores are close.

Is it open-source? Where are the game's files?

Yes! The game is completely open-source, with all of its files available to view and download. You can find the file repository on GitGud:

How can I make a character for the game?

Making a character for SPNatI requires no prior artistic skills or knowledge of coding.

The art for characters, which includes their model and the poses that make up their sprites, is made in a Japanese paper doll program called Kisekae, which is based on the K-On anime art style and was developed by a user named Pochi. Kisekae has both an online and offline version; the offline version is the one used with other SPNatI character creation software to make sprites. Pochi continues to update Kisekae with new features to this day.

Many characters' sprites also utilize image editing and other forms of post-processing, such as Photoshop. Additionally, to save file space, character sprites are compressed using a web tool known as TinyPNG.

A character's dialogue, mechanics, metadata/information, and pose-to-line assignments are found in their "behaviour.xml" files, which are essentially text documents. Creating a .xml file can be done by using the SPNatI Character Editor program ("CE") to write dialogue. The CE also has built-in support for converting Kisekae scenes ("codes") into character sprites, which would otherwise have to be done manually.

SPNatI offers comprehesive documentation on our tools, features, and policy in our Official Docs Repo. We highly recommend any new devs start here:

For advice and feedback on how best to make your character, try interacting with other users on the official subreddit and Discord servers:

The majority of community and development discussion takes place on the Discord servers, while the subreddit is the site of official requests for character entry into the game. You can find links to the Discord servers in the suggestion thread.

The following is a Google Doc containing documentation on all the contributors, characters, works-in-progress, and other information of SPNatI. It is community-run/maintained and completely unofficial; none of the moderators for SPNatI have editing privileges, and being listed on it is not a rite-of-passage.

Are there any rules about what characters can be in the game?

Yes, but only a few. You can read the official rules page here:

What happens after I make a character? How do they get into the game?

Once you think your character is ready, you can submit their files either as a .zip file to the moderation team on the subreddit or, for a more elegant long-term approach, make a merge request on GitGud (if you know how to do this).

If your character meets basic requirements (obeys the rules; 300 total lines of dialogue, some of which are targeted or have other conditions; and a set of working images for their sprites), then they will enter what's called the "Testing Tables," which you can see via the Testing Tables button on the character select screen. You can check how many lines a character has via the CE or the ingame credits.

Once on testing, people can play your character online and download their files as part of the overall game, as well as give feedback through bug/feedback reports (the triangle icon ingame), the subreddit, and the Discord servers. One user cannot have more than two characters on testing at once.

When you feel your character is ready for the main roster (and they have at least 500 lines of dialogue), you can make a post on the subreddit asking for people to "sponsor" them. If at least five people reply with approval and/or feedback that you then address, a mod will put your character through QA, which is a basic test to make sure they function properly. Pass that, and you will have made a character for SPNatI's main roster!

More information on Testing and Sponsorship is available in the Docs Repo linked above.

Why did X get moved to the Testing Tables?

Sometimes main-roster characters are moved back to testing (and must be sponsored again) for certain updates made to them. These updates usually consist of either:

  1. A substantial dialogue/art update by someone other than the original writer(s)/artist(s) of the character.

  2. An art update by their original artist(s) that is substantial enough to change something significant about the character, such as their model's silhouette or the majority of their poses/expressions/mechanics.

(b) is usually more up to moderator discretion as far as whether they go back to testing or not; art updates are often put up for a "quickpass" vote among developers to skip this process if they feel it is unnecessary.

Characters looking for re-sponsorship only need 3 sponsors instead of the normal 5.

How do I play poker?

SPNatI uses a simplified version of Five-Card Draw Poker where there is no betting. Instead, whoever has the worst hand each round is the loser and must strip.

To learn which poker hands beat which, see the graphic below. Try using Card Suggest in the options menu for the game to exchange cards for you, but be aware that this is imperfect by design. The best strategy is usually to aim for pairs: keep the ones you have, or just keep the highest card you have if you have no pairs, and exchange the rest.

Remember, your goal is not to have the best hand--only to not have the worst hand.

Is there a way to win every time?

No. Poker is a game of chance, and your luck can turn around at any moment. The best way to win is to wear more clothing and pick opponents who wear less clothing. Otherwise, you are on an even playing field with the computer opponents. The characters themselves each have different levels of intelligence, but they are at the mercy of luck as much as you are.

However, if you are playing offline, then you can cheat by enabling debug mode in config.xml . Pressing Q in a game will then allow you to select which character loses the round by clicking the "X" next to their name.

And remember: even if you lose, all but one of your opponents will still end up naked anyway. In fact, they all might!

What is the triangle icon with the exclamation point for?

Clicking that icon will bring up SPNatI's built-in bug report feature, which allows you to send detailed bug reports directly to the corresponding Discord channel. Using it on the main menu allows you to report general game issues; using it during a game allows you to do the same, or also note specific character issues (typos, broken images, etc.) This is especially useful for characters on the testing tables!

Bug reports for characters come with extra information such as the table you're playing on, what layer of clothing everyone is down to, and what's going on in the game. This includes the current text for the character in question, so you don't need to copy/paste their entire line just to report a typo.

I heard that you can input cheat codes using the bug reporter. Is this true?

No. The bug reporter is only for reporting bugs. Spamming it will only result in reports from your IP being muted.

If you want to cheat, download and play the offline version of SPNATI and change settings in config.xml , such as debug mode.

Also, please do not use the bug reporter to role-play with the characters. Again, you will be muted, and the reports are publically readable. You will be mocked.

Are there hotkeys for SPNatI?

Yes, and they are as follows:

Game Hotkeys

  • Space key: "Next"

  • 1: Select card 1

  • 2: Select card 2

  • 3: Select card 3

  • 4: Select card 4

  • 5: Select card 5

  • Q: Open Debug Screen

  • T: Show/Hide UI

When picking what to strip

  • Space key: Strip Selected

  • 1: Select item 1

  • 2: Select item 2

  • 3: Select item 3

  • 4: Select item 4

  • 5: Select item 5

  • 6: Select item 6

  • 7: Select item 7

  • 8: Select item 8

Select Screen Hotkeys

  • Left arrow: Back

  • Right arrow: Next

  • Enter Key: Select Group

How do I unlock endings? Who has an ending?

You unlock endings by winning the game against one or more characters with an ending, i.e. being the only one who doesn't have to masturbate. You can then select which character's ending you'd like to view, and your selection is then unlocked in the gallery.

However, not all characters have endings. Those that do have a big yellow "SPNatI Epilogue Available" badge near their head on the Character Selection Screen.

It says a character has an ending, but they don't.

Check their ending's entry in the gallery (the trophy icon on the main menu) or their entry on the character select scren for hints. Some endings require more conditions than simply winning the game against the character, such as being a certain gender or playing with them and another character present.

My endings aren't saving. Why?

This is a known issue that has no consistent fix at the moment. Try enabling cookies, clearing cache, and avoid using incognito mode while playing the game.

If all else fails, changing certain settings in config.xml can unlock all endings instantly or activate debug mode in the offline version of SPNatI.

Where did X go? They used to be in the game.

The consequence of avoiding money is that SPNatI is limited to free hosting space, which had been 1 GB on past hosts like GitLab. The total data of all the characters submitted to the game exceeds this, so characters were removed from the online version of the game every so often to make room for new ones.

However, you can still play with the removed characters by downloading and playing the offline version of SPNATI.

The criteria for which characters got removed has changed over time. In the past, whichever character had the fewest unique lines of dialogue was removed whenever more space was necessary. This ended when all online characters had more than 500 lines of dialogue. Several popularity polls have also been held on the subreddit, and those characters with the fewest votes were also prioritized when it came time for removal.

At present, culling is not used for online characters because of additional space present on our current host. However, if a character on testing does not receive an update in over a month, they will be removed (testing characters also take up online space).

Why does the game have different numbers of characters on different sites, even with the same version number?

Versions of SPNatI with more characters tend to be rehosted versions on proprietary porn sites. While uses free hosting space, many porn sites that rehost it pay for their own server space through advertisements, so they can afford to host all of the characters online.

However, rehosted versions are slow to update, meaning brand-new characters and bugfixes might not be present there. is the official version of the game and will always be the most up-to-date (including changes to this FAQ), and you can still download the offline version to play with the older and incomplete characters. The version number is updated manually, usually every few days, but updates to the game itself come more frequently.

Can you put X in the game?

You can request that certain characters be made on the Discord servers or the following discussion thread:

However, because of the time and effort making a character requires, you are unlikely to find someone willing to make a complete character for you. Instead, you should ask if someone is interested in making a character and offer to do it yourself or to help them with part of the process, such as doing the art or dialogue.

Remember: you don't need artistic or coding skills to make a character. Don't be afraid to try and do it yourself!

Can I download the game?

You can download bundles for the offline version from here:

Follow the instructions on that page to download and set up the offline version. This will allow you to download the entire game and all its files; note that this is a several-GB download thanks to all the character sprites!

Extract all the files, and you'll have offline SPNatI. Opening config.xml in the main folder (use Notepad) will allow you to change some settings, such as enabling debug mode and unlocking all endings. Open index.html in your browser to play the game!

The tools folder of offline SPNATI is where you can find offline Kisekae and the Character Editor.

Opening the offline version didn't work. Why?

Did you download the game directly from GitGud? If so, you need to download the game from our bundles page instead.

If you used Git to clone our repository, make sure you have Git LFS installed, or a client that has LFS support like Github Desktop.

You can find a guide for playing the offline version here:

It's also possible you forgot to extract the game files from the .zip you downloaded.

How do I keep my offline version updated?

You can do this very easily without redownloading the game every time. Follow the instructions here:

Can I play the offline version on mobile?

Unfortunately, no. There is no way to play the offline version on mobile at this time. SPNatI is primarily built for computer use, and its mobile version is a straight port.

Can you make a mobile app?

There are no plans to make a mobile app for SPNatI at this time, and because of copyright reasons, certainly not one that would appear in any official app stores.

Why isn't X loading?

Are you playing on mobile? Some characters' behavior files are very large, and your phone may be unable to process them. Try playing on a computer instead.

Why doesn't the offline version show all the characters?

Characters come in several designations: "online" for characters on the online main roster at, "testing" for characters on the online testing tables, "offline" for characters that used to be on the online main roster but were removed for space, and "incomplete." "Incomplete" is for characters who were submitted to testing but fell off due to lack of updates or author request, and it is used regardless of their quality or actual "completeness." Also included are "event" characters for seasonal events (usually April Fool's Day characters) and "duplicate" characters that have been superseded by newer and better versions.

Incomplete characters are not by default available offline, even though they are included in the offline version download. To use them, open config.xml and copy/paste the following line of code with the others like it:

"Duplicate" characters are also hidden by default. They can be enabled in a similar manner to incomplete characters:

You can also activate alternate costumes to be selectable offline using config.xml. These are different skins for characters that are usually holiday-themed.

My characters/text/game started glitching out. What's going on?

Are you playing with Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club? Monika uses special code in her behavior files to achieve these effects deliberately, much like in her source material. These effects can be turned off in the Options menu.

I clicked the triangle icon Monika mentioned and sent a report, but nothing happened.

That icon is for the ingame bug report feature, which only has the function of submitting bug reports. She means the triangle icon that appears in her speech bubble.

Can I give the player character more details than penis/breast size and clothes?

Yes, you can! The icon to the right of the "Enter the Inventory" button on the player clothing selection screen will bring up the list of tags that is used for the characters. You can choose these to apply to the player, as well, and characters will treat you as if you have those attributes.

Keep in mind that this is a more recent feature, so many characters do not have dialogue tailored for it.

Can I see the player character?

Unfortunately, the many combinations of clothing and stripping orders the player has makes the image space necessary for this unfeasibly large. There is also no space on the UI to show the player character.

Most developers for SPNatI will encourage you to simply use your imagination, or to strip along in real life. SPNatI is built around watching crossover characters interact, not detailed role-playing.

You can always make yourself in Kisekae and/or for SPNatI if you really want to--you just can't submit them to the online version of the game. No real people.

Can I play as one of the characters?

You can name yourself after them, but the other characters will still treat you as the player. This is because dialogue is coded to reference character folders, not their names.

Lots of targeted dialogue also assumes the responses of the computer versions of each character will play, so the role-play would not make much sense anyway.

Can you add voice acting or background music?

Unfortunately, the audio files needed for music and voice acting would take up even more of SPNatI's limited space than the sprites do. Since the game is silent, however, you can always play your own music.

Can you make the models 3D?

No. This would require even more file space and a completely different art program and interface, and likely a steeper learning curve.

Can you add multiplayer?

No. SPNatI is meant to be a single-player experience.

Can you add trans/nonbinary support? (e.g. selecting pronouns)

Unfortunately, SPNatI is hardcoded to link sex and gender, and has been since its earliest versions. This means that years of content, and hundreds of characters, are now written and structured with this link in mind and would require substantial revision. You're free to suggest solutions, but people have tried to no avail.

The game is cheating! It's rigged to make me lose at the end.

No, it isn't. What's happening is that there are fewer opponents remaining, so it's more likely that you have the worst hand in the group. Besides, winning doesn't do much, anyway.

What happened to the Swimsuit Edition?

The Swimsuit Edition was an unofficial offshoot of SPNatI. The users maintaining it have since left the community and let it become defunct, and there is little interest in reviving it among the current developers.

If you'd like to see the Swimsuit Edition return, consider making it yourself!

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 The SPNATI Contributors

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


For Contributors:

The vast majority of open-source software, by default, operates on "inbound = outbound" licensing: in other words, one license covers both "inbound" licensing (from contributors to the project), and "outbound" licensing (from the project back to contributors and users).

SPNATI also operates by this rule: by submitting contributions to SPNATI, you implicitly agree to make your contributions publically available to us under the MIT License, posted above.

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