Strip Games To Play With Your Boyfriend

Strip Games To Play With Your Boyfriend


Strip Games To Play With Your Boyfriend
17 Naughty & Sexy Drinking Games for Couples To Spice Up Your Love Life
Doesn’t it feel great to be in a relationship with someone you’re head-over-heels in love with? The one who made you feel nervous, excited and blissful, all at the same, when you confessed your love for him. The one who made your heart beat faster with butterflies jittering in your tummy when you kissed him for the first time. And the one whose mere touch made you feel like doing the naughtiest of stuff with him. Oh, how I wish I could experience these swoony sensations all over again and relive each and every moment of this initial lustful phase with him. But with time, as comfort sets in, enthusiasm slowly begins to fade away. This is why even the happiest couples yearn for new experiences and fantasies to keep their chemistry alive.
If you’re wondering how to get started, fret not. Our expertise has proved that by indulging in just a few naughty games with your lover , you will earn nights full of unforgettable memories and passionate love-making. What’s better than just a naughty game? A sexy *drinking* game, of course. So, if you’re willing to shed your inhibitions and go crazy with your partner, here are 15-easy-to-play, sexually stimulating drinking games for couples. All you need is a good dose of alcohol and a naughty motive to do all things fun and sexy.
When you fall in love – or rather, in lust – your brain doesn’t push magic buttons to get your heart rate to pump up or cheeks to turn red; your body has its own sneaky ways of conveying that you’re aroused by someone’s presence. Your ‘love hormone’ or dopamine levels increase when it detects something desirable in your environment. This is why you’re instantly focussed and excited when you see your partner. However, this phase doesn’t last very long.
With several months down the line, your ‘bonding drug’ or oxytocin increases as you start feeling more comfortable and closer to your partner. This is when your love transitions into an attachment phase. You start feeling a sense of safety and accountability with him instead of surprise and spontaneity that you felt in the early days. And although we might enjoy this comfortable silence for some time, it won’t be too late before we start getting bored with him.
Let’s admit. As much as we all love ‘being in love’ with our partner, no relationship will last for too long without any attraction or chemistry. And no matter how old you get, there is always a desire for a certain amount of affection, flirtation and even exploration of sexual desires.
So, it’s time to ask yourself. Would you rather risk giving up your relationship for the lack of excitement or put in some extra efforts to bring back the honeymoon phase again ?
We have picked some of the funniest, sexiest and most daring drinking games for couples. These games are most likely to bring you closer as a couple and add a little spice to your routine relationship. So go on and choose the one that best suits you or maybe- try them all!
Give yourself and your partner a sheet of paper each to write 5-10 fantasies using as naughty and dirty words as possible, without disclosing them to each other. Fold these into chits and throw them into a bowl. Now, with every turn, you each take out one chit and attempt to read it out loud without displaying even a flicker of expression. If you and your partner can keep a straight face, nothing happens. Whoever shows even the slightest bit of emotion like laughter or cringe, they have to take a shot.
The game of twister is all about perfecting your balance. So, what happens when we add the mandatory rule of drinking while positioning? Things get tipsy and a lot more fun. So, play twister in exactly the same way, except you need to place several shots of vodka and some with water on all the numbers of the sheet. Now, all you need to do is drink up before you place your hand/leg on the same. If you get to drink water, lucky you. If you end up drinking vodka, good luck! And who knows? You may even get to discover some new fun ‘positions’ to try out later on the bed.
When was the last time you both looked deeply into each other’s eyes? Well, here’s your chance to do that now. Look into your partner’s eyes and remain still for a while. Whoever blinks first, he/she drinks a shot. Whoever blinks twice takes off a piece of their clothing. Not only will this give rise to an intense, sexual tension between you two but make it even more difficult for the partners to resist looking elsewhere other than the eyes.
You don’t need any reason to kiss your partner, but if you did, well now you have the best one. All you have to do is make a mental note of where you wish to be kissed with lips and think of it as an X spot. Now, your partner gets only 3 chances to guess where that X spot is. If they guess it right, good for you! If they don’t, they have to drink 3 shots. So keep kissin’ and guessin’ and play this game for as long as you want. After all, isn’t that what you secretly wished all along?
Think of any one word in the world – thing, emotion, person or place. Your partner will have 3 chances to guess it right and 20 questions to ask before they find out what the word is. For every guess that’s wrong, they take a shot. If they couldn’t guess the right word even after 20 questions and 3 chances, they give you a lap dance and strip – and we all know where that eventually leads, don’t we? *wink*
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It’s time for the classic game of love dares to begin. Attach chits containing naughty dares on all the pieces of Jenga and play it in exactly the same way. Every time you remove a piece, you have to perform the dare mentioned on it before you add it to the top of the tower. For every dare that you don’t wish to perform, you must drink a shot. Whoever knocks down the entire tower has to drink 2 shots.
There’s a reason why blindfolds are considered to be one of the sexiest tools to spice up your love life. Shutting down one sense certainly intensifies the others. Even a simple touch goes from standard to electric in just two seconds when you can’t see it coming. So, if you want to take things to another level, this game will be perfect. Blindfold your partner and guide their hand to a certain body part of yours – slowly, recklessly and teasingly – which they need to guess. However, only their index finger gets to touch it. If they guess it right, you need to drink and if not, they will drink.
                                 Also Read: 20 Question Game Ideas 
This game involves the two of you watching an adult movie together. Anytime a male body part is mentioned, he takes a shot and if a female body part is mentioned, then you drink. If someone drops the ‘f-bomb’ you both drink together. Before you know it, you’ll find yourselves getting turned on by the end of it.
This is where your speed and self- control (if you know what I mean) can be tested. On the count of three, stand up, remove your underwear as fast as you can, and put it back on over your clothes. The one who changes the slowest takes a shot. Now, take it off again and wear it normally. The last dresser has to drink 2 shots.
Out of all the aforementioned drinking games for couples, this one’s a real hoot! You can play it by using anything that you can draw on along with something to draw with – it may be a piece of paper, a whiteboard or even a body part! The goal here is to draw something where your partner can see it. And, mind you, you need to do it fast because every 20 seconds you take a shot until your partner guesses what it is. In case, your partner voluntarily plays dumb so you keep taking the shots, you can get back at them and take your revenge on the next turn. Have fun guys but remember to draw responsibly!
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Are you prepared for some stripping? This one is super fun and all you need is a dice and some potent drinks. The first person who rolls the dice and lands with an even number has to drink a shot, and if it’s an odd number then he/she takes off an article of clothing. Just to add, there are really no losers in this game!
You can make this game more romantic by adding different meanings to different numbers. Like, number 7 and you have to give a kiss, number 3 and you need to whisper something sexy in your partner’s ear. We say, make this game more than a striptease.
Balance a deck of cards on top of 2-3 open bottles of beer or on glasses that are slim enough. Sit opposite each other and on the count of three, blow furiously at them. The one who ends up with the most cards on their side drinks up.
Ah, the good ol’ coin-flipping troublemaker remains a classic. The only thing required here is a coin. Once you flip it, your partner has to guess if it is heads or tails. If they guess it correctly, nothing happens. If they guess incorrectly, they must drink. Now, they will get another chance to redeem themselves. If they’re wrong even in the second flip, they must remove an article of their clothing and vice versa.
Your favourite game is back, but with a naughty little twist that will leave you wanting for more. Place a bottle of your favourite liquor and some sweet little treats like whipped cream, strawberries, chocolate sauce, honey etc in a circle along with you and your partner. Now spin the bottle. If it points towards your partner, give them a kiss. If it points towards other items, feel free to use them in *whichever* way you want.
Remember playing this game as a child? Well, we’ve got a much more fun and adult version of it. Play it in the same way and with the same enthusiasm but with just a slight addition to the rules. Lucky enough to climb up the ladder? Take a shot. Fall down the ladder? You get to take off an article of your clothing.
Ever imagined any other way to take your shots apart from the glass? Get a pair of dice and write down six body parts next to every number and six kinky little ways to take the shots (such as licking, sucking, sipping, etc). All you have to do now is roll the dice to find out how you’ll be taking the shot and from which part of your partner’s hot body. It certainly doesn’t get any dirtier and naughtier than this, does it?
Any drinking night would be incomplete without this game. It begins with either of you saying something wild or naughty that you’ve never done before. For example, ‘never have I ever made out with someone in an elevator’. If your partner has done it, they take a shot. Take turns to do this and get ready for some shockingly naughty revelations. Plus, if you haven’t done something that your partner has, you could always tell them to show you how they did it, can’t you?
So, go ahead and indulge yourselves in these passionate moments of fun and revamp your relationship to it’s best, all over again!
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It's a scientific fact that people don't like wearing clothes. I don't know if there is a specific formula to back this up or not, so you are going to just have to take my word for it. Keeping this in mind, it would go without saying that anything that is fun to do with your clothes on, is very likely to be better with them off. People have been stripping while doing things for years. We have strip twister, strip poker, and even strip... Well, I'll get to that in a minute. What I'm about to bring to you isn't your grandfather's top-10 list. You're not going to find to find 5-card stud here. No, instead you should prepare yourself for the most innovative games with strip-rules. So without further adieu, here goes.

10. Battleship "Combine Strategy And Luck In This Exciting Naval Action Game." Everybody loves Battleship, it's a fun game. The problem is, when you get older you want to play some more adult games, or have a good reason not to put the game away when the kids go to bed. So let's say you want to try this out. First thing you need to know is the rules. In battleship you have a 10x10 alpha-numeric grid. On this grid, you have to place your ships in either a vertical or horizontal position. The ships are: Aircraft Carrier (5 Hits), Battleship (4 Hits), Submarine (3 Hits), Cruiser (3 hits), Destroyer (2 hits). Each player takes turns calling out a position e.g. "A-8". Your opponent will call out hit or miss depending on if a ship is there. Where it gets interesting though here is that for each ship you destroy you take off clothes. For a guy, socks count as two articles of clothing, as women have two pieces of underwear. So for each ship you sink, you take off one article: Socks, Shirt, Pants, and Underwear until one of you is naked. What you do afterward is none of my business.

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I'm a fan of pop-culture in all mediums: Music, Film, Gaming, Comics, TV, Whatever. I can generally find something enjoyable in even the worst trash. I guess as a B-Horror enthusiast, I kind of have to.

Currently I'm an author working on a manuscript for a crime novel, and attending school to be an Environmental Health and Safety Technician. In the past I've made a go at running in an election for MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for my hometown of Glace Bay. I was 23 at the time, and though I lost (by like a lot), I learned a lot more about politics in a month than I ever learned.

Get at me on Twitter @DanWilsonWC
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It's a scientific fact that people don't like wearing clothes. I don't know if there is a specific formula to back this up or not, so you are going to just have to take my word for it. Keeping this in mind, it would go without saying that anything that is fun to do with your clothes on, is very likely to be better with them off. People have been stripping while doing things for years. We have strip twister, strip poker, and even strip... Well, I'll get to that in a minute. What I'm about to bring to you isn't your grandfather's top-10 list. You're not going to find to find 5-card stud here. No, instead you should prepare yourself for the most innovative games with strip-rules. So without further adieu, here goes.

10. Battleship "Combine Strategy And Luck In This Exciting Naval Action Game." Everybody loves Battleship, it's a fun game. The problem is, when you get older you want to play some more adult games, or have a good reason not to put the game away when the kids go to bed. So let's say you want to try this out. First thing you need to know is the rules. In battleship you have a 10x10 alpha-numeric grid. On this grid, you have to place your ships in either a vertical or horizontal position. The ships are: Aircraft Carrier (5 Hits), Battleship (4 Hits), Submarine (3 Hits), Cruiser (3 hits), Destroyer (2 hits). Each player takes turns calling out a position e.g. "A-8". Your opponent will call out hit or miss depending on if a ship is there. Where it gets interesting though here is that for each ship you destroy you take off clothes. For a guy, socks count as two articles of clothing, as women have two pieces of underwear. So for each ship you sink, you take off one article: Socks, Shirt, Pants, and Underwear until one of you is naked. What you do afterward is none of my business.

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I'm a fan of pop-culture in all mediums: Music, Film, Gaming, Comics, TV, Whatever. I can generally find something enjoyable in even the worst trash. I guess as a B-Horror enthusiast, I kind of have to.

Currently I'm an author working on a manuscript for a crime novel, and attending school to be an Environmental Health and Safety Technician. In the past I've made a go at running in an election for MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for my hometown of Glace Bay. I was 23 at the time, and though I lost (by like a lot), I learned a lot more about politics in a month than I ever learned.

Get at me on Twitter @DanWilsonWC
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