Stretched Pussy Stories

Stretched Pussy Stories


Stretched Pussy Stories
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A panty girdle would have done a better job of keeping the dildos in. Story is fake.
Stretching Pt. 01 Part 1. The Early Days.
Accidental Gangbang Wife-to-be ends up fuck-slut at her fiancé's bachelor party.
Outsourcing His shrewd wife taps ready young coed for booty duty.
Filling up Amy Devoted wife will do anything for hubby.
Tara's Breeding Three men decide to have their way with fertile Tara.
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Over the years a number of men with whom I have corresponded and sent my naughty photos have been interested in how I got my cunt hole permanently stretched many years ago. I decided to sit down one night a write up the whole story for one of my men.
I thought you might like to read it too. Also, in the latter part of the story you will notice some discussion about clitoral hood removal surgery. One of my photographers has been trying to get me to submit to have my clitoral hood removed surgically to increase my sensitivity and orgasm more frequently. I have been seriously considering undergoing the procedure but as of yet have not.
Why not add all of this to some of my photos, especially the ones that show my gaping cunt hole.
Rich: You asked me to tell you about my permanently stretched pussy and how I got it that way. Well, here is the story.
During my years when I first became sexually active in high school and college my cunt hole was extremely tight when I had intercourse. Early on most men just thought that since I was just beginning to have intercourse that I'd loosen up over time as I had more and more penetrations to open me up. That is why they kept suggesting that I have intercourse with them trying to convince me that the more times I was penetrated the easier it would get. I gave myself to lots of men during this period but I just never did. I eventually went to a doctor who was very unsympathetic during the session and said I was just born that way as some girls are. He really didn't have any suggestions as to what I might do to alleviate this problem and basically told me that it was just something that I'd have to learn to live with. It was not a good visit to say the least.
I did keep trying and I had intercourse regularly with men during those years, but I was still a tight fit and often times it hurt when I was penetrated or the next morning when I would feel sore and achy in my crotch. That is one reason that I became so adept at deep throating men—it would allow me to satisfy the man without having to have intercourse which could often be painful for me unless the man took a long time getting me opened up prior to entering my cunt hole. Men who learned of my problem, took their time and got me loosened up and usually had no problem having intercourse with me. But men who wanted a quick entry often caused me pain and discomfort.
I guess I was just born on the small side and it was hard to take a man inside me. No matter how hard I tried—and I wanted it bad let me tell you—it still was tight and sometimes resulted in some pain afterwards. I had intercourse with many men during high school and college and I just learned to sort of tolerate the fact that I might be sore afterwards. I still enjoyed intercourse and had strong vibrant orgasm while being penetrated but was often sore afterwards.
Well a few years, and many men later, after I got out of college I started dating a guy who I really liked and eventually, one night, he got me in bed to seduce me and have intercourse. When he dropped his underpants I was unbelievably stunned—he had the most enormous cock I had ever seen—the largest man that I had ever witnessed to date. Later on I learned that he was 12"+ and thick as a piece of summer sausage and when he was erect his head was enormous too. I had seen some pretty big cocks in my many years of being sexually active but this was my first super massive cock. It was erotic to look at when he dropped his pants seeing this enormous snake hanging down between his legs. And as he got erect it was even more amazing to see his glans swell up into this huge bulbous head. I loved sucking it and learned to deep throat him easily. I loved getting on my knees as he stood in front of me and taking his massive tool into my mouth and down my throat until he ejaculated his load into my mouth. I sort of worshipped that huge cock of his with my mouth.
That first night when we had intercourse, I did manage to get him most of the way inside me but it was a struggle for sure and I was extremely sore for the next few days after our first night of intercourse.
Well we continued to date and I really liked him and one day told him how hard it was for me to take him vaginally without some discomfort. We were by now boyfriend and girlfriend—I was dating him exclusively having given up the other men that I was seeing intimately (when I met him I was dating about 3 other men and having sexual intercourse with 1 or 2 of them) and felt it was time to talk about this problem that I was having. We talked about it at length and he told me that I was not the first girl who had experienced difficulties taking him vaginally. He told me that since he was so enormous there were other girls who had had difficulty when he penetrated them vaginally during intercourse.
He then went on to tell me that he had done some detailed study of genital modification techniques that would help loosen up a tight cunt hole through dedicated stretching techniques and could help me with this problem. He had studied a number of books on genital modification and he brought them over to take a look at. I was amazed.
There were numerous genital modification techniques discussed in the books—labia stretching and elongation (which he later tried on me and I will tell you about that at another time), nipple piercing, clit hood piercing, clit hood reductions or complete removal, clit removal, labia lip piercing and internal vaginal stretching exercises and techniques to permanently open up a woman's vaginal cavity for easier access through a dedicated stretching program.
He told me that he had had two previous girlfriends who had experienced tremendous difficulty taking him vaginally and that he had put them through a pussy stretching program that permanently stretched out their cunt holes so that they had no problem whatsoever taking him vaginally. To say the least, I was intrigued.
The pussy-stretching program was based on techniques developed by an African tribe who ritually stretched out young girls prior to ritual intercourse with the elder men in the tribe to induct these young girls into the ways of sexual intercourse. Their technique consisted of using 4"-6" long hollow bamboo tubes with ever-increasing width size to open the young girls up. The girls would start with a small bamboo tube secured in place by two cloth strips that, sort of like a diaper, covered the girl's vagina opening and then tied up around their waist to keep the bamboo tube securely up inside the vagina. The book noted that the technique took about 6 months to a year and resulted in the bones surrounding the girl's vaginas being slowly permanently opened up resulting in a wide-open vagina. The bones would slowly shift apart and fix permanently spread open.
My boyfriend had substituted the bamboo tubes for dildos starting with small ones that were worn internally for about 2 months each with an ever increasingly larger one used as the smaller one achieved the effect of opening up the vaginal hole.
We discussed this in detail—I was not certain that I wanted to do something like this---- permanently modifying my vagina and was uncertain as to the long-term effects of doing this to my body. He assured me that he had consulted a doctor who knew of these genital modification techniques and that there were no medical dangers to vaginal stretching. The vaginal muscles were not effected so the vagina was still able to offer a firm grip on a cock providing the stimulating feeling that a man likes but just that the hole was open and easily accessible resulting in less pain for girls who had this tight vagina problem.
Frankly I was getting pretty serious about him—I thought that I was falling in love with him—I so wanted to please him in any way in could and he seemed very insistent that this was something I should do to be able to more easily have intercourse with him. Pleasing my man was a top priority for me and I truly wanted to enjoy intercourse with him.
He said it would take dedication and work—most likely 6-9 months to achieve the desired effect but that if I would commit myself to the internal stretching program he could permanently modify my cunt hole. So after thinking carefully about it and talking it over with a few girlfriends I consented to take part in this program that he had developed. Since he had successfully stretched out two other girlfriends with no adverse effects I guess I felt that I could at least try it myself.
His program consisted of first using a 4" dildo for about two months and then going up in 2" increments until (4", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14") until he got to the size that he thought would have me adequately opened up for easy vaginal penetration—a 14" dildo. Each dildo that was longer was also thicker with the 14" dildo being almost 2"-3" thick.
He also had two different techniques to secure the dildo in place for me during the day. (I was to wear the dildo during the day at work) The first few sizes he secured internally in me by having me wear a pair of sheer white nylon panties one size too small (he bought me 7 pairs—one for each day to wear and he carefully washed each pair so that I had clean panties throughout the whole program) so that the panties were tight over my bottom, my waist and my cunt hole and the dildo would remain securely lodged inside me with no possibility of slipping out of me accidentally.
We had a fun ritual each morning after I had showered and was ready to get dressed for work: I'd lie on the bed with my legs spread for him and wide open and he'd insert the dildo into me. He would then slip the tight, very small nylon panties over my legs and snuggle them up tight to keep the dildo tightly inside my vagina. We made that a bit of "play time" so I would be stimulated as I went off to work with the promise that he would remove it at the end of the day when I came home from work and play with me. Sort of gave me incentive to enjoy the insertion process and I would look forward to the removal session later that night.
The routine changed after I progressed to the 10", 12" and 14" dildos, when he bought me a strap-on unit that I would wear but instead of having the dildo facing outwards as you would normally do using a strap-on, he'd have the dildo face inwards and up inside me with the strap-on securely keeping it buried internally with no need for the tight panties anymore. The only drawback for the strap on device was that it had straps around my waist and thighs to secure it to my body and it was hard to wear it with tight jeans or short shorts—the straps had a tendency to show through the material so I usually had to wear a loose-fitting skirt to hide the device during this phase of the program. Also if the skirt was too short and rode up my thighs, straps of the device might show which would be embarrassing for me if someone saw them and knew what I was wearing around outside which happened a few times to my embarrassment when it happened.
I started the program and found that it was not all that difficult to comply with following the regimen he had developed. My boyfriend was extremely attentive to the details of the program and all I had to do was be ready for insertion each morning and removal each evening. He took care of everything, which made it quite simple
After about 3 months I could already tell a vast difference and it got easier and easier for us to have pain-free intercourse. I noticed no other issues with being slowly and permanently stretched out so I consented to continue with the rest of the insertions until he had achieved the degree of openness he felt I needed.
The only other challenge we faced was that when we got to the 12" and 14" dildos, they were so large that it was hard to wear the dildo internally with the strap on device to secure it during the day without a bit of bow-legging from such an enormous dildo inside me. I looked a bit awkward walking around with something so large between my legs. You could tell that I was obviously carrying something between my legs at those sizes.
He, therefore, switched the program and had me wear the larger ones at night instead of during the day and each morning when he withdrew the dildo he try me out so we would begin the day with a rousing session of pain-free intercourse. A nice way to send me off to work sexually relieved and full of ejaculate that dripped out of my cunt hole and into my panties for the morning.
He got me all the way to the 14" dildo, which took about 11 months or so but after it was clear that the 14" was easily slid into my hole he declared that I required no further sessions and was permanently stretched.
Intercourse was a breeze and I was easily able to take him vaginally for long vigorous sessions of sex. I have to say that I was really pleased with the results and have never had a moment of regret.
The only sadness in it all was that I really liked this guy—I even thought that we might get married—and that I'd be his permanently stretched wife providing him the intimate sexual pleasure he so richly deserved until I discovered that he was having an affair on me with a college tramp. We broke up under not-so-ideal terms but I am pleased that I, at least, allowed him to put me through this program. For years the many men with whom I have had intercourse have commented how easy and open I am and how much fun it is to have intercourse with me. I am quick to be open and men can slide themselves into me for rapid intercourse. I can be taken quickly anywhere—I can just hike my mini skirt up to my waist spread my crotchless panties open and be taken right there. No penetration problems whatsoever.
Finally, on an interesting note. The doctor who I told you about who may well perform the clit hood removal surgery had to, as a part of the pre-surgery process, do a thorough physical examination of me prior to being able to make any specific recommendations about the hood removal surgery.
The examination consisted of a thorough medical and physical examination of my vaginal opening and the rest of me and, to my surprise, during the examination he asked me if I had done any sort of genital modifications of my vagina. I asked him why and he noted that I appeared to be nicely stretched open and, using a medical measuring device, he noted that I appeared to have 2"-3" spread inside my vaginal opening and that this was not usually a naturally occurring phenomenon but rather something that was achieved through modification techniques that stretched the vaginal cavity permanently.
I confessed to him that I had participated in a genital modification program conducted by an old boyfriend many many years ago and asked him what he thought and if there was any noticeable damage or problems from what had been done to me. After a thorough exam, he announced that there was no damage and that the bone movement that had occurred was done well (the shifting had occurred gradually and gently allowing them to sift into a new location with no trauma) and that I was nicely modified and he was impressed with the results. He discussed with me the reasons I had submitted to the modifications for his medical records and I explained my previous problems with intercourse with men prior to the stretching to him in detail. He carefully tape-recorded my responses for his report.
He even asked if I might submit to being photographed for his medical archives and that my face would not be shown in any of the photograph and for privacy purposes, that I'd only have a medical identification number assigned to the photo should another doctor, in the future, want to contact me to examine me for any long term effects of modifications like this that I had undergone.
I was frankly flattered to be asked to be in his medical archives and so I willingly allowed him to take numerous photos of me while I lay there on the examining table completely exposed. (I even think he did take a few of me that did show my face—he was walking all around the examining table shooting from lots of different angles and I can't help but believe he snapped a few of me totally nude my face and all for his private collection. I was wearing an examining gown but it was reversed on me with the opening in the front for the examination and he had examined my breasts too since I was there already so with the gown completely open from the complete exam that he had performed, I was fully exposed for him with the gown totally open from top to bottom from the font as I lay there for the photographs he took of me). To document my actual size, he used the measuring device in some of the photos having the nurse hold it for the photographs to capture the exact number of inches that I had been stretched open. He also used a speculum to open me up sort of like the regular vaginal examination to show that there were no internal problems from the stretching and photographed me internally as well. It was a thorough documentation of me for sure. One naughty little secret—I know that I got stimulated with all this attention and flattery and began producing internal fluids that I am sure were visible to the doctor and the nurse and will be in the photos. But as you are sure to know by now, I am an exhibitionist and being displayed like this especially for such a successful accomplishment like this was sexually stimulating and I just could not help myself. Neither of them said anything—they are professionals—but I am sure they could tell I was dripping personal fluids on the examining table.
So there you have it. My long explanation of how I got my vagina permanently stretched. I have never told anyone other then my hubby the entire story like this and it was a turn on to sit here and write all about this.
As you said we are both telling each other naughty secrets and it is fun and liberating. Not that I needed to get any of this off my chest but it is fun to relive the entire experience thinking back on how all of this happened.
Some schizoposting going on in the comments below me.
What a bunch of s**t, fake story. First, there are no bones in a pussy. If there was, it would be impossible for a woman to go through child birth. A doctor would give exact measurements like 2.5 inches, not 2 to 3 inches. It is commonly known in the medical world and the public world that pussies can be enlarged by a simple slit with a knife or by using the same method described using sets of increasing diameter cylinders.
Hood removal is a know method of causing continuous extreme pain and discomfort. The hood is there to protect the clitoris from irritating rubbing that causes pain. It's like a roler bearing over the cllitorous.
A doctor who performed hood removals on women because he told them it would increase their sexual drive was sued by all of them for the continuous extreme irritation and pain they had to live with from abr
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