Streets Of Fire Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent

Streets Of Fire Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent


Streets Of Fire Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent

It is another time... Another Place... where the 1950's is mixed with the present or the future. In a city where it is always nighttime, during a concert performing live before a crowd of her fans, singer Ellen Aim is kidnapped by motorcycle gang leader Raven Shaddock and his gang "The Bombers" on stage. Billy Fish, Ellen's manager and boyfriend hires Ellen's Ex boyfriend, Hired mercenary Tom Cody (who has arrived in town to visit his sister Reva) to rescue Ellen from the Bomber's nightclub, where they are holding her captive for their own amusement. Joined by female soldier McCoy who is also in town looking for work, Cody and Fish set out across the rain infested streets inhabited by cops, street gangs and rock fans and into the gang controlled neighborhood 'The Battery', where Cody, Fish and McCoy set out to rescue Ellen from the "Bomber" motorcycle gang.
A mercenary is hired to rescue his ex-girlfriend, a singer who has been kidnapped by a motorcycle gang.
Streets of Fire (1984) *** (out of 4)<br/><br/>Pop Queen Ellen Aim (Diane Lane) returns to her crap hometown to perform a benefit concert even though her manager Billy Fish (Rick Moranis) didn&#39;t want her to. Before long she is kidnapped by Raven Shaddock (Willem Dafoe), the leader of a motorcycle gang. The police can&#39;t do anything so Ellen&#39;s ex-boyfriend Tom Cody (Michael Pare) agrees to try and save her.<br/><br/>Walter Hill&#39;s string of hits came to a crashing halt with STREETS OF FIRE but thankfully home video was right around the corner and the film eventually found it audiences and turned into a cult favorite. The film starts off with a title card call this a rock and roll fable set sometime during the future. What you&#39;ve basically got here are elements of THE WARRIORS with a pinch of THE SEARCHERS thrown in but of course it&#39;s surrounded by a 50&#39;s rock and roll vibe.<br/><br/>STREETS OF FIRE might not be the director&#39;s best film but it&#39;s certainly a good one and one with many fun elements to it. I think a lot of credit has to go to Hill and his eye as he certainly knows how to build up an atmosphere and make you feel the locations that you&#39;re in. As with THE WARRIORS, both films were set in an unknown future but the films don&#39;t look like science fiction movies or the type of futures that they offer. Instead the director creates his own little world and he does a wonderful job at it. The costume design and set design are wonderful and add to the entertainment as well.<br/><br/>Another major plus are the performances including some future stars. Pare is wonderful in the lead role of the mercenary who agrees to take on this gang to get his former woman back. I really loved the laid back approach that Pare brought to the film and his comic timing, when needed, was also quite good. Lane is good in her role and Moranis adds some nice comic touches as well. Amy Madigan, Dafoe, Richard Lawson, Bill Paxton, Robert Townsend and Mykeltii Williamson are also good in their supporting parts.<br/><br/>The film also benefits from a good rock and roll soundtrack that once again helps add to the film&#39;s look and style. There are certainly some flaws with the picture but for the most part Hill has created a very fun and entertaining mix of action, music and comedy.
Another stylish middle-budgeted macho movie from a Director who entertains with a visual flare that evokes Pulp and Comic Book aesthetics and an ear for the music and the action of the streets painted with neon and littered with glitter.<br/><br/>What makes this film so successful is its ability to incorporate cinema music with renditions imitating real life music. The eighties and fifties, radio friendly Techno and Rockabilly with a dash of Doo-wop are presented here with authenticity lacking in most Hollywood tries at this problematic presentation.<br/><br/>There is surrealism to burn with an energy of enthusiasm that is persistent in all of the Director&#39;s work. A real auteur with a passion for pictures that are highly entertaining and never boring. An under rated Cultist who makes films that tickle the spine.
The disappointing thing about Streets of Fire is that it can't deliver on the promise of a tangy, sexy evening of stimulation. The failure is aggravated by the exorbitant scale of the production, which seems much too lavish for an atmosphere of B-movie squalor. [01 June 1984, p.B4]
The film was created with the intention of being the first in a series of three. Sadly the terrible commercial response to &#39;Streets&#39; eliminated any possible continuation. Despite frequent requests from hardcore fans, there is little chance of any sequels seeing the light of day. Perhaps due to the fact that the part had originally been written for a man and was only slightly modified after Amy Madigan expressed an interest in playing the role, this has become one of the most frequently debated topics on these boards and sadly there is no definitive answer. Both sides of the argument can quote dialogue that they feel proves their point but no one involved with the production has ever truly taken a side to either confirm or deny the characters orientation. It is simply left for each fan to decide for themselves. However, throughout the film, McCoy smokes cigars. In the old days of Hollywood, this was a visual code that a woman was gay. Hill likely added this as a knowing wink to older viewers. a5c7b9f00b

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