Streaming Database Use Cases

Streaming Database Use Cases

In decentralized finance there are among more decentralized asset management protocols on ethereum. A decentralized approach to asset management seeks to make the relationship between client and trader more transparent. ... For large managers, perhaps a derivative contract will be formed on their return stream, and big and small investors can trade in an out and establish an effective “interest rate” in fees for their services.

PEAKDEFI Global Asset Management Fund Shares are decentralized asset management and exchange platform built on a delegated proof of stake (dpos) blockchain. The peakdefi global fund's decentralized asset management protocol is becoming one of the biggest names in defi including framework ventures and specialized defi research backing the expansion of the decentralized asset management fund. ddam ~ decentralized digital asset management Marketpeak with peakdefi is on the frontline of developing apps in the field of decentralized finance with decentralized wallet app dapps, decentralized exchange, dex and decentralized hedge fund or decentralized asset management fund. The peakdefi global fund with cryptocurrency investments. From the beginning the results were about 9% in 57 days.

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