



We can offer you the best live camming experience, but don't take our word for it. Sign up today for free and find out just how much money you can make.
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Why become a webcam model? Why choose Streamate?

What do I need to become a webcam model?
You just need a few things to get started, along with a great attitude.

Signing up is as easy as 1-2-3!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to look, sound, or act a certain way?

Are there any set-up fees or costs to join?

I'm not a US citizen. Can I be a webcam model?

I still have questions about webcam modeling. Who should I contact?

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Are you ready to mix business with pleasure? Join the Streamate family now and start making money today!
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Streamate Models offers you the world's biggest live cam community. Join now to start making money from home.
You get to be the boss. There's no central office or supervisor to report to and you can set your own pace. Start working from home today.
You'll have total control over your schedule. There are no minimums to meet, and you can work the hours and times you choose!
Payments are sent weekly through the method of your choice. You could earn hundreds or even thousands a week!
Streamate handles all the advertising at no cost to you. Millions of visitors have immediate access to your chat daily. You can also bring in new customers with provided marketing tools!
Being a Streamate Model is safe, secure, and free. You receive a percentage of every dollar billed in your chat. We handle all the processing for you, so you can focus on your fans.
You only need three pieces of equipment to get started: a webcam, a computer, and an internet connection. That's it! No technical skills required.
Webcam performers know that this is one of the most versatile and exciting jobs out there. You get to work from the privacy of your own home, set your own hours, and get to decide who you will do business with. You get to set your own pace.
Some performers sign up for extra income, others make it their primary source of income! For more information on how it works, read through the FAQ.
Streamate is one of the most exclusive networks of live adult chat sites on the web today! We have over 500 million visitors each month from all over the world.
We take care of all of the advertising costs in order to drive even more visitors to the websites where your model profile will appear. This means more people in your chat room and higher earning potential.
Our continued success is fueled by our dedicated in-house staff who are ready to assist you with any questions you have! Do you have a question about the sign-up process? About Streamate? About how webcam modeling works? Contact us! A Streamate representative will answer any questions you have. Once you sign up, you'll have access to our many guides and tips for maximizing your earning potential.
You can start streaming with almost any modern computer running Windows or Mac OS! For the best video experience, we recommend a computer running an i7 processor (or equivalent) and at least 3 GB of RAM. Contact Us if you're not sure your computer is fast enough, or if you want advice for upgrading.
Any webcam will work, including a built-in laptop camera. To help you earn more attention, we recommend a widescreen webcam with HD quality video. You can also go all out and use a camcorder and capture card for crystal clear video. Contact Us if you need any advice for choosing the right camera.
Any internet connection will get you started, but faster connections will ensure a better experience and higher quality video. Click here to test your internet speed Contact Us if you have any questions about internet connections or speed.
Streamate strictly follows legal requirements, so you must be able to prove your identity and that you are old enough to sign up (18+). Any government issued photo ID will work! This information will be kept secure.
You'll fill out a profile about you and your interests. Your profile will be visible on over 2000 popular cam sites within our network! For your privacy, you can choose to set up geographic restrictions to hide your profile from people in certain locations.
You'll need to upload at least one photo for your public profile. Choose one that will show off your good side and draw in customers! You can upload as many additional photos to your profile as you want.
Just enter your email. Voila! Wait for your confirmation email and start your application.
Complete the application steps by filling out your profile and setting up your account.
Wait for your account to be approved, log in, and start making money right away.
Your profile will appear on over 2000 popular live adult chat sites. Members can find you by browsing or searching, and can pay to watch your live shows that are broadcast from your webcam.
As a Streamate model, you'll have the freedom to choose the price to charge your customers during private chat. There are no is completely up to you! You can also choose when you want to work, and for how long. Of course, the more you work, the more money you will make! You'll earn a set percentage of the money spent on you. You can closely track your earnings from your account.
Once a week, you'll be sent a secure payment through the method of your choice. We never penalize performers for charge-backs or card declines; you will always be paid for your performances.
Absolutely not. If you're confident, have personality, and are motivated, then you can be a successful webcam model. You'll have access to our help site with guides and tips to help you get started! You can also contact us at any time if you need advice on how to maximize your earning potential.
No! Webcam models come in all sizes, sexes, ethnicites, and orientations. Couples and groups are welcome too! Being unique can help you stand out, and our search tools are set up to help your target audience find you. We believe everyone has something to offer, and we pride ourselves in that diversity. As long as you're confident, outgoing, and driven to be successful, we welcome you to sign up!
No, sign-up is 100% free. There are no costs to having a performer account. You will only ever earn money, you'll never be charged!
You'll need to have a computer, webcam, and an internet connection before you start, but you can choose how much to spend on buying or upgrading your equipment.
Each model has the freedom to choose their own per-minute rate and is paid a percentage of their successful transactions. The amount you can make depends on your rate, how frequently you're online, and the popularity of your shows. Our models make anywhere from $200 - $10,000+ per week.
When you start streaming, you'll be in free chat mode. Members can enter your room, chat, and see your video. If they take you into one of the types of paid chat, non-paying customers can't see what's going on. When the paid show ends, you'll go back to free chat.
Members may show extra appreciation by giving you a one-time payment of "Gold." These bonus amounts are usually small, but can add up! They can be given in both free chat or paid chat.
You'll get a set percentage of all the money spent in your room. The more time you spent in paid chat and the more Gold you get, the more you'll make each week!
You get to choose your preferred method of payment upon sign-up. Payment methods are different depending on your location, but we offer many options such as check, wire transfer, and international e-wallet accounts.
No. As a Streamate model, you'll be in control of your experience. You can work as many or as few hours as you want, and you can get on at any time, day or night. You also get to decide which customers to accept and which shows to do! You really are your own boss.
Webcam modeling is a growing trend due to being a versatile and exciting job! For some people, this is a good way to earn spending cash. For others, it's their primary income! The amount of time and effort you put in will determine the success you have. You get to set the pace.
Yes! We provide several tools and options to help you promote your Streamate profile. If you have an existing website, there are many ways to connect it to your Streamate profile. We also have a member referral program set up for helping us bring in brand new members!
Yes. We accept models from all over the world. You must have an accepted form of government ID, and you should be able to speak English well. Contact Us if you have any questions about your specific country.
The sign-up process is easy and 100% free. Click here to complete the signup form. Once you submit it, you'll get an email to confirm you email address. After confirmation, you'll be able to log in and complete the application process.
Application steps include checking your age and Government ID, setting up payment method, completing your online profile, and submitting a picture to use on the site. Each step is short and has directions for completing. After you finish all steps, your application will be reviewed within 24-72 hours. If there are problems, we'll let you know so you can fix them. If everything looks good, you'll be notified that you're approved! You can start doing shows right away!
If you have questions at any point before or during the sign-up process, click here to submit a question, or email us at
Click here to submit a question, or email us at A representative will respond within 24 hours.
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If you would like to contact us by sending an email, please write to, or please use the form below to send us an inquiry, to leave a comment, or just to say hi.
Streamate is an industry leader with over a decade of experience. Since 2003 we have provided the best live cam community available, and we are continuing to grow and expand. Our system lets you decide how to customize your performer experience while keeping your information safe and secure. We are dedicated to providing you with all the tools you need to start making money safely from the comfort of your own home.
I have received so much help from you guys. I appreciate everything that you have given me. My first REAL job in my life. <3
I love Streamate for the crazy good traffic... great customer service... hd cams... and party chat!
You ROCK Streamate! That is why I have been EXCLUVISIVELY camming with you for years! XOXOX! ;)
I love Streamate because you treat your performers like partners and make it easy for us to promote. <3
They have the most AMAZING support staff ever! There isn't a better site out there!
I love Streamate Because it's FUNNNNN to cam on there! <3
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Insane number of live sex cam girls to choose from New girls as well as veterans Many ways to filter through streams Prices are variable Chicks don’t always do everything in public Ads load over the entire page when they come up Uninspiring design
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Live cam sites are always an amazing venue for all people who are looking for something fresh outside of the regular porn videos that we see every day. I would know, I’ve seen so much porn that I can’t stress enough how much real-time connections make the experience better. Then again, I’ve been with so many bitches in real life that even that is getting stale. But this review ain’t about that! Today, we’re talking about the free live sex cam site
There are thousands of live cam girls on all the time, so there’s definitely no shortage of girls to choose from, that’s for sure. Now, other than the fact that they’re online all the time, these babes have some other affinities to them as well. They’re all sexy as hell, I can attest to that. They’re also really good at what they do. Sure, there are copouts who use the vibrator toy that reacts to your donations, but those are easy pickings. I’m talking about the real pros here on
Furthermore, even the chicks with the vibra toy hack are doing a fine job at entertainment. They seem like they actually want to engage you if you put a little money on the line that is. But all in all, all of these girls seem to have in common that they’re working really hard for your pleasure. You can rest assured that these cuties are going to be working overtime just to bring you the hottest stream that you’ve ever seen in your entire damn life.
The Calendar is where you’ll find some of the upcoming featured streams that seems to sponsor. I can see why too, the babes that are featured are some of the sexiest goddesses that you’ll ever see in your entire life. It’s pretty amazing that they’re even on this site in the first place. I mean, most of these other sluts can’t even come close to the level that these babes are at. Seriously, this is some fine craftsmanship right here.
Oh, at the top of the Categories sidebar, you can also select whether you want to see girls, guys, or recents, whatever that last one means. I guess the ones that recently started their stream? I don’t know, it’s kind of vague if I am to be completely honest with you. But if you’re a, as they would say, homosexual, you’ll enjoy the fine selection of guys on, which I won’t even take a look at. I’m just going to trust my gut on this and say that they’re perfect for your taste.
What else… Ah yes, it wouldn’t be a review without me complaining about something. So, what could I possibly complain about on Ads. And not just any ads. Ads that open up in your entire tab when you try to open up a stream. The site is littered with these and very often when you click on a stream, you’ll instead be taken to an ad which made me completely furious. What made them think that this was a good idea? These are even worse than pop-up ads!
On the right of the Refresh button are a few filters that you can use to find the perfect live cam for you. You can filter them according to their Features, which covers a wide range of things, including HD, Audio, Party Chat, etc. Then you can also filter them according to their region. And finally, you can filter the Chat Language so that you might have an easier time talking to the live sex cam babe that you’re currently watching.
Finally, you can also use the search bar, or even go into Advanced Search if you want to be ultra-specific with your choice of live cam girl. I usually don’t put that much thought into my choice of slut that I want to watch, I just click on the first one that looks mildly amusing enough. But hey, that’s just me, and what’s more important is that you find your place on and experience some of the best live sex cams that the industry has to offer.
Overall, (often misspelled as "streammate" and "streammates") is a pleasure to use if we ignore all the ads that plague its existence. If you could look past that though, you’ll find some high quality live cam girls that are just waiting to make your day better when you come to their stream. And with so many babes to choose from, you’ll be sure to find the perfect one for you. Go ahead and see if you can find your dream live sex cam girl today on

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