Strategy By Example For Letting Go Of A Scarcity Mentality

Strategy By Example For Letting Go Of A Scarcity Mentality

It turned out, after several occasions of our nodding to each other from across the prison yard or other areas of travel inside the volatile and so often violent din of the cell block, we mutually decided to have a friendly chat to learn something of each other.

I can show you how the Holy Spirit--the mindful anti-virus protection that's installed in each of us, has used my ego-based scarcity thinking and my experience of eight long years in prison, to direct me into realizing that I do not need to own a piano in order to learn how to play it.

I am not too old to learn the piano, either--an added scarcity thought as I have aged.

After finding out about my love for the piano, Charlie had explained to me the many avenues I could take when I am released from prison to learn to play piano. His parents could not afford a piano, either, but Charlie's desire found a way.

While in prison I had a volatile confrontation that seemed to be heading toward violence with a black man, Charlie, I instantaneously sat with in the chow hall that day. I only mention the racial divide because prison can be racially brutal.

A Course in Miracles states, "A situation is a relationship, being the joining of thoughts. If problems are perceived, it is because the thoughts are judged to be in conflict."

But in due time Charlie and I were able to bring out the best in one another after a series of truthful an honest conversation about ourselves..

Your abundant self

The nice man, Charlie, was serving thirteen years in prison for manslaughter. He was backed into a corner and shot and killed the drug dealer who had Charlies thirteen year-old daughter strung out on heroin and was sexually abusing her.

Charlie started confiding with me about that ordeal and how he realizes the situation could have been dealt with in a autor de un curso de milagros and better way. From there I got to learn more of him, and that he has always been and still is a musician, a pianist, since his childhood, and of course there is no piano in prison.

Needless to say, my meeting with Charlie was a gift, a lesson for living in abundance, we can say. While locked up, in there, a bit of hope set in where I could truthfully see myself one day behind the piano, once my "gig" in prison was up.


Thanks to Charlie, and to our holy encounter, this became a goal in the foreseeable future that offered me peace and joy, and who knows--possibly to others.

A Course in Miracles further states that the "whole One Mind of Creation" was being played out by this encounter, and beyond.

If you can, then you will have no problem yourself offering peace and joy through the holy instant of hope, where the whole will come to you.

To bringing out the best in you and, in others, too

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