Strange Assholes

Strange Assholes


Posted by Kane on April 27, 2021 4:54 pm


Tariq Nasheed is a well-known racist agitator on twitter. The backstory is the kid is gay and bi-polar and the black customer called him ‘faggot’ before filming began.
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What an absolute jerk. How could anyone be so mean to another human being..Tariq needs some manners.
I guarantee you this young man was raised by his mother and always received a participation trophy
Just another racist piece of shit doing the only thing he knows how to do, being a typical useless piece of shit.
The question is who is a more protected class, the black race baiters or the gay kid who is bi polar?????
Bi polar? This kid was nursed till the age of 18 more than likely no father figure to show him how to be a man
You know, simply throat punching someone with your bare hands is only a simple assault, a misdemeanor. Hell, you wouldn’t serve any time, and you wouldn’t even lose your CCW permit over it. It would be a shame if someone did that to this punk a$$ little bish.
Try this crap with me and i won’t hesitate to feed you my fist pal
He’s obviously racist against white people!
Video w/o consent. Harassment. Verbal assault with MALICE.
I hope the young man and family win a huge settlement.
Imagine if you will, a white man/woman antagonizing a person of color until they crack. Imagine the racial backlash. IMAGINE! That person of color did this JUST BECAUSE THAT WAGE EARNER WAS WHITE AND MALE!
Why didnt he just leave the worker alone!?
Because he wouldn’t have any material for his dumbass web page. Tariq Nasheed is a scumbag.
I would validate his assumptions by opening his f&&^%*g head with something. Names don’t hurt, entitled ones. Actual violence does.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but hollow points expand on impact.
You are referring to someone with a disability. That makes you a vile bully. Hell has seats reserved for people who bully the disabled.
Why didn’t he just leave the worker alone?
that’s what happens when you believe that you’re a racist
This was a setup. Tariq is a race baiter. He’s out to get whitey. He wants to show that all white people are bigots. This is his MO.
Tariq lies and says he has a reservation at the hotel. When the clerk can’t find the non-existent reservation, Tariq begins to berate him and call him “faggot” and other demeaning names. Tariq is hoping that his victim will respond in kind and call him the forbidden “n-word.” The famous, “Ha, Ha! We can say it, but you can’t!” word.
Tariq knows that once he has the clerk on film saying the n-word, his life is ruined. He will be fired, and be unemployable for life. Tariq has played this game before. To him, ruining people’s lives is fun.
However, the clerk, who is obviously emotionally disturbed, fails to follow the script. He melts down into a puddle of tears.
Tariq doesn’t know how to respond and continues filming. But he has now fallen into his own trap.
He hoped to show what an execrable creature the clerk was, but he has shown the opposite. The clerk is just a pitiful human being. Tariq is the monster.
As the saying goes: “He who digs a grave for someone else to fall in will fall into it himself.”
There will be no consequences because of the current culture. Certain people can say and do whatever they want.
Sadly true. Not today. But this azzhole will get his. He will fuq with the wrong person and end up room temperature. Then, he will toast for an eternity.
The cupcake needs to grow a pair.
Life isn’t fair.
It sure wasn’t fair for the boys in Vietnam…..and far more stressful than a screwed up computer issue.
Article said he was bipolar, dip💩. Try a little sympathy. We all can’t be keyboard tough guys like you.
Whomever filmed this is an insensitive jackass
If this young man’s mental stability is that fragile…customer service is the last situation he should be working in….it’s enough to make anyone lose it….
You ever been up against the new protected class? Anything and everything you do to mitigate the abuse will get YOU fired.
I have dealt with this type, you have to be be smart and call them on their BS in ways that make them look to themselves like the ghetto trash they really are.
You have to be tough but never mocking always just making THEM seem like the problem.
But you can’t afford to have me sit there, I wouldn’t do it for less than $500k a year. So you get soy boy..
You candy asses seem to always pick on the easy targets. Come get some.
This is how some blacks act when they think they have power over you-F them!
Yup. They do it to all easy targets, weak whites, Asians, indians.
They never do this crap to another black person or hispanic. Because they will be called out on their BS and kicked to the curb.
Indeed. The ghetto type is the biggest coward going. They always pick on someone smaller or weaker or they are in groups. Both men and women. Savage jungle behavior.
Ever watch hyenas and jackals as they taunt their victim before they attack. Now watch this video again.
Bully! Race hustler! Useful idiot! the CCP will deal harshly with you people once you have outlived your “usefulness”. & to quote Yuri Besmenov (KGB defector) these useful idiots will not realize they are being used to divide the races (divide & conquer-sound familiar?) “until communism kicks them in their fat bottom”..
Tariq has no “stop button” like many in the community. Once they get the upper hand in any argument or fight, there is no mercy. They just keep coming. The word “savage” is now a compliment. They don’t stop and will keep coming at you no matter what. You fall down, they kick your head. It doesn’t matter if they knock you out, unconscious–they will keep kicking you on the ground. Remember this “truth” well in all your interactions, no matter your race, creed or background.
This is a classic BLM tactic. Get in someone’s face and record their reaction (only after you trigger/insult them), then blame the target for defending themselves, post it on the internet. “Look how bad xyz is”.
Problem here genius is that you didn’t dox a white man, you doxxed a kid with mental challenges.
You truly are human trash. I hope they sue you into oblivion. The world would be better off without your racist antics. You will now be judged by the court of public opinion at the least and hopefully sued for intentionally harassing and causing mental anguish. I wonder if there is a hate crime here, given what he called the employee off camera?
I’d love to see what happens if you try this on a man, not a kid.
Hey Tariq– please come and bait me and make sure to video tape it….you will be curled up on the ground crying too you little bitch.
Kids like that are the ones who come back and start shooting people. Just saying…..
Tariq Nasheed come to Minnesota…we’d like to talk to you!
This will be big on tik tok which I think is the whole idea behind the video.
BLM trumps everything because the media and cowards say so.
At least the kid had something that Tariq never had — a job.
What, does Tariq Nasheed not like his whitelibleft allies and how weak they are? People like this worker.
Blacks can do no wrong in Xiden’s Amerika. If the roles were reversed and a black kid had a breakdown because of white abuse it would be FRONT PAGE NEWS.
And you know it.
Dividing America, one citizen at a time. THIS is your Marxist/Democratic Party.
Yeah, but the ensuing riots, looting and arson would never be exposed.
Tariq Nasheed you are a DISGUSTING, loathsome, vile, scum of the earth. You are the human embodiment of sewage. Total human waste. This is abuse. It’s emotional terrorism. What a god awful person you are. You’re just out to destroy an innocent life. Period. That was you soul f-cking purpose. To cause lifelong humiliation to post online, so it can never be forgotten. Never put in the past. We should all pray for this young life, give him support.
Tariq is jealous. It is festering inside him. He or none of his ancestors ever accomplish much of anything. So this is why he strikes out at whites and asians.
“Gay Lives Matter,” also “All Lives Matter.” If you disrespect a customer service employee there might be consequences. Being in customer service all my life the disrespectful ones are the most fun and interesting ones to win over. It is the job of the customer service agent to win people over so they will return. Being disrespectful towards another has no place in any transaction. Civility should be a requirement taught in our schools from early on and through out. No excuses. Instead of the “Woke” agenda try common courtesy, how about that?
We’re losing our humanity at an alarming rate. God bless this young man; please bring him peace and comfort.
A young white guy having a bad day…A black guy egging him on like the idiot he is, knowing full well the white guy cannot talk back…CAUSE HE’S A BLACK GUY AND THAT JUST AIN’T ALLOWED NO MO!
White guy is calm, cool…but the BLACK GUY JUST WON’T SHUT THE HECK UP!
White guy loses it bad…
The black guy likes racism…because it’s to his advantage. HE’S AN IDIOT! and it ain’t the color of his skin…It’s the lack of parenting
I’m wondering where the ‘Anti Bullying Crowd’ is right now. If I was the black guys father I would have knocked him into the middle of next week.
Tariq is a racist agitator?! Bring it on bitch!
The poor clerk has been conditioned to believe that things other people say about him are true. He has been taught that he must defer to black opinion. He has no power to speak up against a black bully and expresses the raid he feels against himself. Supposedly the black customer called him a faggot. How is the liberal kid supposed to respond? A conservative gay kid might know what to say to the rude customer, but also might not internalize the abuse.
The appropriate way to handle abusive customers to call security, and a supervising manager.
The hotel also did not provide the clerk with the tools necessary to deal with an asshole with a camera.
The clerk was victimized by this jerk, but he is not a victim unless he chooses to remain passive in the face of the abuse.
by my estimation, the kid hit the computer in frustration instead of smashing the customer in the face with it. There may be some hope for the kid if he is taught when it is appropriate to smash assholes in the face.

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