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Straight Shota Mom Порно


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Oh my God, I can't believe horrible "people" like this actually exist. Good to hear that some hackers managed to take down the terrible content. Another thing I find creepy is that those people can have access to what you do privately. Worse, they even force you to watch the whole livestream, or else they're gonna make you one of the victims being tortured.
The dark web is a disgusting cesspool filled with equally disgusting human beings. The children whose photos are on the dark web are most likely being forced against their will too, horrible.
How do people enjoy watching children getting tortured? The dark web is like the real life version of the movie Where The Dead Go To Die and Mr Pickles. This is full of sadistic and cruel people who have nothing better to do in their lives other than just be evil.
The dark web has pornographic content so dark and disgusting it makes Boku no Pico and most of Pornhub look like kids stuff. And of course, explicit Child Pornography is the worst it could get. There are videos with children getting brutally raped and molested by some of the worse people on the planet whilst getting it done on live stream! And the worst part about it is that people pay to watch and enjoy it! And the kicker is that you HAVE to watch the entire livestream should you choose to do so, otherwise you might get tracked, kidnapped and killed, simply for closing or destroying your browser. On the bright side though, a team of hackers have managed to take down about 1/5th of all Child Porn on the Dark Web some months ago. Glad to know we have people dedicated to terminating such disgust and evil in the world.
Red Rooms are sites where people pay bitcoins to access sites where they could see live stream of people getting tied and brutally, mercilessly getting tortured, mutilated and/or murdered, whilst people anonymously watch in glee and enjoyment. A famous example is "Daisy's Destruction" in which a little girl was excessively tortured and sexually molested, whilst being recorded live to the entertainment of the viewers. The person responsible, Peter Scully is now in prison in the Philippines and the footage is under the ownership of the FBI so it cannot be found anymore, although it is infuriating to know that these sorts of content is still surfacing around the Dark Web. Not just that, but once you're watching it, you can't go back or close it. Those who monitor a Red Room can gain access to your personal information, including name, address, relatives and many more, and should you disobey an order or attempt to close a live torture stream, you'll get a phone call from a mysterious ... more
I rather watch PornHub (doesn't mean I like or watch it) than to watch innocent people dying for no reason. Even though I hate both, at least
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