Stpeach Hottest

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Dec 7, 2011


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Where its hawt

May 4, 2007


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New Jersey / Georgia

High school, huh.

I wonder if she was weird-looking when she was younger and just recently got hot. Scarlett Johansson looked weird when she was young.

Mar 6, 2017


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I feel so lost and so old when you guys talk about this stuff. "THOTS"?? This idea of women making lots of money doing nothing but showing pictures of themselves or filming themselves and guys throwing money at them???????

At least guys of my generation had some self respect and required the woman strip for us or later give us a lapdance or more. At least we ensured she degraded herself as we did same. Why are guys throwing money at pictures or videos? I just don't get that part.

Oct 2, 2018


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McMinnville OR

I remember that. That mod probably hung himself by now

Mar 15, 2015


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I live in the south and see dimes with big fat neckbeard looking muthafuckas every so often. It's usually because they've been together during high school and he fell apart.

Aug 15, 2015


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Mar 15, 2015


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But haven't these girls mastered the art of making tons of money without having to sleep with the guy?

Seems like the gals have evolved from needing to be a hoe to make big money from idiot guys to doing nothing more than letting him look at a picture or video to get money from idiot guys.

I would call that pretty genius and nothing to do with being a whore unless the term has been so watered down as to be near meaningless.

Jun 13, 2014


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I live in the south and see dimes with big fat neckbeard looking muthafuckas every so often. It's usually because they've been together during high school and he fell apart.

Dec 7, 2011


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Where its hawt

Jan 23, 2019


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Here is the best part of this story. So there is this other Twitch streamer doing the same schtick named Amouranth. This is a conversation a guy who moderated her Subreddit had with her:





Jan 23, 2019


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That's the guy who whacks it to Twitch all day and then makes videos acting like he don't like dem ladies.

Aug 15, 2015


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Don't shoot the messenger, lol.

Nah, but I think that term now encompasses any girl who flaunts her sexuality, regardless of whether or not she actually sleeps with men.

So a girl who shows a lot of cleavage while teaching math on YouTube to get subscribers would be called thot, hoe, all of those colorful terms, even if she's a virgin. Not saying I agree or not though.

Aug 15, 2015


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this video is a must watch. its hilarious but at the same time makes my fucking blood boil

I fully support whores right to do this. but just call it what it fucking is. be honest and straight forward. put a "prostitution" 18+ section on twitch/youtube and let them do their thing. Stop letting them pretend to be le fEMalE GAYmeR or whatever.

if I was president, guys that actually donate their hard earned money to these girls would be used as human shields in a war.

Jun 13, 2005


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Not quite the same because Amanrouth's fans were mostly mad at her for hiding her marriage and pretending she was single to lead them on. Whereas STPeach's fans are legit shocked at the disparity in looks between them.

That guy could pull tail even though he looks like an anime reject. But StPeach's husband is incel tier.

Jun 13, 2014


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First, the unifying denominator there went totally over your head.

Second, wow, do you hear yourself? There is a lot to unpack here with so little written. "But STPeach's husband is incel tier". Is that how you think? Maybe you need to re-evaluate your warped perception of what an "incel tier" is because clearly it isn't all about looks-- that dude is banging one of the hottest women alive, and she apparently loves him.

IMO, this gets to the heart of the "incel" problem because, frankly, you're the one who sounds like an incel to me. Grown-up males who have battle scars in the game don't wince at the truth, and how harsh the mating game is, but it can't be reduced to this. Yes, looks matter, but they aren't everything, and more importantly, they aren't everything to everyone . There is a difference between cultivating qualities that will enable you to have the most success with the greatest volume of the most physically desirable women on a casual basis, and having success with just one girl who isn't necessarily looking for a roll in the hay; some of the latter happen to be hot as fuck.

It's hard to be a poonslaying playboy. It's very demanding to go full GQ: looks, style, charm/charisma, intelligence, friends, excitement, money, (the ability to project) a sense of selflessness where a woman believes you could fall in love with her, and ultimately the inertia of achieving the status of someone who is desired by many because this makes more women covet you by sheer virtue of the fact that other women want you, so they perceive this will reflect well on their own value. We all have self-esteem issues. So there's a lot of boxes to fill. But men aren't doomed to be an incel just because they aren't Don Juan. Don't be a douchebag, and don't get your head down. You can't control everything, but there is more power in what we control than most of us estimate, I'd wager.

To illustrate this let's visit that term. "Incel" became popularized after these two scumbags went on a killing spree. The second left a video explaining his reason. He felt entitled to great success with women despite that he didn't enjoy it:

Alek Minassian

Elliot Rodger

Notice something? These guys aren't ugly. They aren't hideous creatures. Elliott came from privilege. He had nice things, nice clothes, went to a nice school-- spoke with educated diction. He had youth on his side. His problem wasn't that he didn't conform to this strange social perception of what a ladykiller is supposed to be, and it wasn't that girls were sluts who didn't espy his true value. Clearly they accurately gauged his true value in spite of what he had going for him. No, his problem was that he was a monstrous narcissist who felt the world should adapt to him rather than him adapting to the world. Fucking moron. Thinking about him reminds me of a famous quote by Neil Degrasse Tyson.

In other words, if you aren't killing it with the ladies, when you think you should be killing it with the ladies, well, the ladies are under no obligation to make sense of that for you. It's your burden to figure out why they aren't responding to you, and then modify your behavior to achieve better success. Man meet universe.

Finally, I also object to the implication that Amouranth's viewers enjoy some justified outrage in being "misled" by her. These jackasses aren't giving their money to charity. They're giving it to a girl who streams softcore T&A. Do you think they "donate" to her nobly out of the goodness of their hearts? You think those donations are rooted in some concern for her biography? Of course not. What this deduces for us is that these guys aren't contributing money without a sense of purchase, and yet they never bothered to negotiate the terms of what they are purchasing. Ergo, these guys are the dumbest "tricks" in the history of tricks. They honestly believe they can cultivate a relationship with a girl over a webcam stream and on message boards? Then that mod is outraged when he realizes he was never anything but a source of income to her? All this belies is what I have just deduced; that he expected something in return for his "donations".

Trick meet universe.

Jan 23, 2019


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First, the unifying denominator there went totally over your head.

Second, wow, do you hear yourself? There is a lot to unpack here with so little written. "But STPeach's husband is incel tier". Is that how you think? Maybe you need to re-evaluate your warped perception of what an "incel tier" is because clearly it isn't all about looks-- that dude is banging one of the hottest women alive, and she apparently loves him.

IMO, this gets to the heart of the "incel" problem because, frankly, you're the one who sounds like an incel to me. Grown-up males who have battle scars in the game don't wince at the truth, and how harsh the mating game is, but it can't be reduced to this. Yes, looks matter, but they aren't everything, and more importantly, they aren't everything to everyone . There is a difference between cultivating qualities that will enable you to have the most success with the greatest volume of the most physically desirable women on a casual basis, and having success with just one girl who isn't necessarily looking for a roll in the hay; some of the latter happen to be hot as fuck.

It's hard to be a poonslaying playboy. It's very demanding to go full GQ: looks, style, charm/charisma, intelligence, friends, excitement, money, (the ability to project) a sense of selflessness where a woman believes you could fall in love with her, and ultimately the inertia of achieving the status of someone who is desired by many because this makes more women covet you by sheer virtue of the fact that other women want you, so they perceive this will reflect well on their own value. We all have self-esteem issues. So there's a lot of boxes to fill. But men aren't doomed to be an incel just because they aren't Don Juan. Don't be a douchebag, and don't get your head down. You can't control everything, but there is more power in what we control than most of us estimate, I'd wager.

To illustrate this let's visit that term. "Incel" became popularized after these two scumbags went on a killing spree. The second left a video explaining his reason. He felt entitled to great success with women despite that he didn't enjoy it:

Alek Minassian

Elliot Rodger

Notice something? These guys aren't ugly. They aren't hideous creatures. Elliott came from privilege. He had nice things, nice clothes, went to a nice school-- spoke with educated diction. He had youth on his side. His problem wasn't that he didn't conform to this strange social perception of what a ladykiller is supposed to be, and it wasn't that girls were sluts who didn't espy his true value. Clearly they accurately gauged his true value in spite of what he had going for him. No, his problem was that he was a monstrous narcissist who felt the world should adapt to him rather than him adapting to the world. Fucking moron. Thinking about him reminds me of a famous quote by Neil Degrasse Tyson.

In other words, if you aren't killing it with the ladies, when you think you should be killing it with the ladies, well, the ladies are under no obligation to make sense of that for you. It's your burden to figure out why they aren't responding to you, and then modify your behavior to achieve better success. Man meet universe.

Finally, I also object to the implication that Amouranth's viewers enjoy some justified outrage in being "misled" by her. These jackasses aren't giving their money to charity. They're giving it to a girl who streams softcore T&A. Do you think they "donate" to her nobly out of the goodness of their hearts? You think those donations are rooted in some concern for her biography? Of course not. What this deduces for us is that these guys aren't contributing money without a sense of purchase, and yet they never bothered to negotiate the terms of what they are purchasing. Ergo, these guys are the dumbest "tricks" in the history of tricks. They honestly believe they can cultivate a relationship with a girl over a webcam stream and on message boards? Then that mod is outraged when he realizes he was never anything but a source of income to her? All this belies is what I have just deduced; that he expected something in return for his "donations".

Trick meet universe.

Jun 13, 2005


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When do we get to see the rest of your thesis, Professor?
"incel tier" in terms of immediate superficial appearance. Relax, it's just a meme description. I'm sure he's a swell guy.

And I don't know the details of how Amanrouth presented herself on twitch, but if she hid her marriage and let her audience assume she was single then there is a degree of misleading there. It's not a big deal because the cat is out of the bag and her career is still intact so perhaps she overestimated its impact to her popularity.

And yes, those guys are the dumbest tricks in the history of tricks. That's why so many girls want to exploit them. It used to be very easy money, but the competition is getting stiffer.

Jun 13, 2014


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The dude in your avatar would be an "incel" according to the logic that STPeach's boyfriend should be one, but he didn't sit around agonizing over the fact that guys he estimated to have a lower mate value than him were scoring girls with higher mate values than he was/could. He told it straight.

The social desire to exert control over a perceived "balance" in mates has always fascinated me. Disparity in physical attractiveness certainly isn't a dynamic that eludes even those within relationships where this exists, and mates objectively rated in surveys who have greater di
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