Storysite Halloween

Storysite Halloween


Storysite Halloween

Halloween 2004 - Season of the Witch
The cold wind howled, and the dark clouds gave way to expose
the silver-gray beam of light from the full moon in the late October sky. The
sky had threatened rain all day, but now it was starting to clear. The full
moon drowned out most of the stars, and cast an eerie pall over the scenery.
It somehow even seemed to send a chill through the campfire,
as Andy went to the cooler to grab another round of beers for the guys. Bob
had suggested the camping trip, and quickly Jake, Martin and Frank agreed to
join. Andy had been reluctant, but they twisted his arm.
He returned with the cans of beer, and the guys all grabbed
one, and started to drink. Out here in the woods, past the border of the state
park, it was quiet and remote. There was no chance of having the park ranger
get them for drinking; they were on private land. They were safe. Or so they
"What's that?" said Andy, turning at the snap of a twig in the
woods past the clearing.
"Aw you big baby, probably some squirrel or raccoon" said
"I don't know. It sounded too big" he replied, defensively.
"Over there!" said Martin, upon hearing a the sound too. "That
was no rodent."
"Quiet everyone. If its a bear, we don't want to have it in
our camp! Frank, grab your flashlight."
Frank took the flashlight, and shined the beam into the woods.
The beam swept across a shape which made him turn back to it. A human shape.
"What would a naked women be doing in the woods at this hour?"
said Jake.
"I don't know, but I want to find out!" said Martin.
"Come on guys, lets go see what she's up to!"
The six young men, all ranged in age from twenty, to twenty
eight. They all worked for the same company, and they were fast friends. Now,
here they were walking together through the woods, chasing what they thought
was a naked women. They were all drunk, and making quite a racket as they
trudged through the thick underbrush, well off the beaten trail. It never
occurred to them to wonder how a naked woman have moved through the
impenetrable thorns and vines they were slogging through. They simple kept
chasing after her.
Now and then, a glimpse of her would appear in the distance,
in the beam of Frank's flashlight. They kept closing in on her, getting closer
and closer. But when they had to be less than a hundred feet away, there was a
problem. Frank's flashlight died.
"Oh great. Now we can't even see" said Jake.
"You idiot! Didn't you change the batteries?"
"Yes!" said Frank, defensively. "I just put in new ones before
we left. Good ones too. This really sucks!"
"Hold still. I've got to take a wiz" said Fred.
Soon they were all going, relieving their bladders of the beer
they had been drinking.
"Look, over there!" said Andy, as he zipped up his fly.
"I saw a light. Come on guys, follow me!"
Nobody else had seen the light, but they followed Andy, mostly
by sound. The night was pitch black now, with the moon having gone behind a
cloud. There was a mist in the air, as the cold dampness of night settled in.
A few times, something silently whirred over their heads as the moved forward.
"Probably just bats. They don't make noise when they fly, like
birds do."
"Oh come on. They're good. They eat mosquitos. Anything that
gets rid of bugs is good in my book."
"Where was that light of yours?" asked Martin.
"Up here. Just past this ridge" said Andy.
They took a few more steps forward, and there below them they
saw it. A small cabin in the woods. A cheery yellow light shone through the
windows. As they got to the top of the ridge, they caught a glimpse of the
naked woman ducking in the door.
"Maybe we should leave her alone" said Andy.
"Aw, come one. We're lost out here. We can say we're just
asking for directions. Maybe she'll give us some food, or let us sleep there
for the night."
"You mean sleep with *her* for the night" said Andy.
"You got that bro!" he replied, high fiving him.
The six guys walked down the ridge, through the flower beds,
and onto the nicely mowed lawn. They went up to the front door, and knocked.
The door swung open, and a woman's voice beckoned them.
"Come in, you must be cold" she said sweetly.
They all walked into the house. The main room was dark, except
for the embers of the fire on the far wall. It had looked so bright from
outside! But it was hard to see once they were in. The moved to the center of
the room.
They heard the door swing shut behind them. An ash fell from
the embers, sending orange sparks to the bottom of the fire grate, and
suddenly the fire leapt up to full strength, flooding the room with heat and
light. They blinked, trying to adjust their eyes to full light, after so long
in the dark.
When their eyes were able to focus on the room, right away
they sensed that something was wrong. Very wrong. The room was nicely
furnished, and three pleasant looking old ladies were scattered around the
room. One was standing by the door, with a smile on her face. The second was
in her chair, with a black cat purring on her lap. The third was in the
kitchenette area, making something on the stove.
They all looked normal. They all looked nice. But they sent
shivers up and down the spines of the six young men. There was something
menacing about them. Something powerful. Each of the guys felt a queasiness in
his stomach.
"I'm getting out of here" said Fred.
He turned to run out the door, but it was too late. His legs
felt like lead, and he was unable to move from where he was standing. The
others were also discovering that they too were frozen in place, as if their
feet were stuck in cured cement. They struggled, but soon they gave up. It was
useless. They were trapped.
"As you are just discovering" said the first lady, "we are not
who we appear to be at first glance. We are *witches*."
A shiver of fear went through Andy's spine at the word. That
was impossible though. An old wife's tale. Stories to scare children. Witches
didn't really exist!
"We followed a young woman here" said Bob. "Where is she?"
"I'll tell you" said the woman by the door. "She is me!"
"No!" said Bob. "She was, um, younger than you."
"You mean like this?" said the old woman.
She smiled, and waved her hand. Before their eyes, she started
to look younger and younger. Her white hair changed to gray, then to a blonde
shade. The wrinkles on her face disappeared. Her soft roundness got harder,
and her form became more clearly defined. Her sagginess in her breasts went
away, replaced by the uplifted firmness of youth. Now she seemed to be in her
twenties, a nubile young woman. They all lusted after her.
The other two old women walked around to the front, and they
two were changing. Both now had long black hair, and they got progressively
sexier as their ages moved back to their twenties. Their clothes were changing
now as well. Instead of baggy shapeless clothes of an old lady, they were now
dressed in the latest fashion, with short skirts, skimpy tops to show off
their boobs, makeup, painted nails, jewelry, and the works.
"These are our true forms. We assume the guise of old ladies
when we want to keep young men away" said the blonde.
"But you led us here" protested Jake.
"Yes, I did. I brought you here for a reason."
"And what is that?" said Bob defensively."
"You are here to be judged" she said.
The six young men were placed in a row, all facing the south
wall. In front of them, the three witches set up a long table, and place three
folding chairs on the far side of it.
"You will now face our tribunal" said the one on the far left.
"You are terrible sinners, and you are charged with various
crimes. You will be tried, judged, and sentenced, if warranted" said the one
on the far right.
"Let the judgment begin!" said the blonde, in the center. She
was clearly the leader. She was the one they now feared the most. The witches
had shown glimpses of the powers the possessed. All six of the guys were
quaking inside, although they didn't dare let on about how they felt.
"First, is you Robert" said the witch on the left. "The others
may sit. Now."
Andy found himself suddenly weighing a thousand pounds,
seemingly. His knees buckled, and he was forced to lower himself to the floor.
Once on the floor, his legs crossed themselves, as if being pulled by unseen
wires. He sat with perfect posture, staring ahead at the witches. Only Bob
remained on his feet.
"So, Bob, let us begin with you" said the blonde witch.
"You are charged with neglect and abandonment. How do you
"I don't understand" he said. "I didn't do anything!"
"But Bob, you did" said the witch on the right. First was
Angelica. You fathered a baby with her, then left her before she was born. You
also made a baby Tammy, and also you left her. You have not taken
responsibility for either baby, morally or financially. You have not acted as
a father, you have acted as a sperm donor."
"It's not like that!" said Bob. "It's her fault for not
telling me that she wasn't on birth control."
"Did you ask?" said the witch on the left.
"Did you take responsibility for your actions?"
The witches turned to each other an muttered something in a
language that Andy could not understand.
"We pronounce you guilt as charged" said the witch in the
"You can't seem to keep yourself out of women's vaginas" said
the one on the left. "This tribunal hereby sentences you to a fitting
She closed her eyes, bowed her head, and began waving her
hands in the air. They others noticed that Bob was starting to turn pale. Pure
white in fact. All over his body, from his hands to his feet, he was turning a
brighter and brighter color of white. His clothes started to melt away, and he
was now nude.
Except that there was something else going on; he wasn't just
changing colors, he was also changing shape. Instead of a man's body, he was
gradually changing into more of a pure cylindrical shape, like a cigarette,
only not as long and not as thin.
Bob tried to scream, but his mouth opened, and only a gurgling
came from inside. His mouth was stuck open now, and it was getting hard to
tell where his head ended and his shoulders began. It was all starting to blur
into a single cylinder. His arms at his side had absorbed into his body, and
his two legs had fused into one. A film started to form over his mouth and his
eyes. Soon they disappeared into the uniform whiteness.
Bob was now a perfect white cylinder, of what looked to be a
soft fabric, except the top of his head was rounded off. And now he was
shrinking. He was getting smaller and smaller. As he shrunk, a glossy film
started to form over him. It was only when he got to be about a foot in height
that Andy suddenly realized what he looked like: he appeared to be just like a
woman's tampon.
It freaked out the guys to see Bob transformed like that. He
continued to shrink, until he reached the proper size for a tampon, it it's
clear shrink wrap. The witch on the right picked him up, and placed him on the
end of the long table.
"Now you will be happy" she said. "You will spend your last
day deep up inside a pussy, until you are discarded. Instead of making a baby,
you will perform a service for your woman, by absorbing her discharge. You
should be very proud of yourself now, and very happy."
Not only was Andy freaked out from what they had just done to
Bob, but he was also now starting to question himself. What had he ever done
wrong? Why were they going to try him? He just didn't understand. But he found
that he could not even speak now. All he could do was watch, as Jake was
brought up next to face judgment.
"You are charged with financial wrongs, laziness and emotional
neglect. How do you plead?"
"I am innocent!" said Jake, quite upset now after seeing what
they did to Bob. It was much worse now, because *he* was the one on the hot
"But Jake, look what you do to poor Carolyn. She works 50
hours a week, and earns all the money for the home, while you sit around."
"I'm trying to get a job!" he said.
"The last time you really tried was when? Waiting for
something that pays a million dollars a year is not job hunting. You make her
do all the work, while you sit around the apartment, not even offering to do
the housework! And you don't appreciate all that she does for you. Do you deny
The three witches discussed it together, then judgment was
"You have been found guilty. Since you were interested in your
woman only for her purse, we have a fitting punishment for you."
Jake's arms raised up, like a ballerina, and made an arch over
his head.
"What's happening to me!" he said in great alarm, as the
others looked on in horror and panic.
Jake's clothes seemed to melt away from his body. All over, he
was getting darker and darker. His legs were fusing together. He opened his
mouth to scream, but his head suddenly threw back, so that his mouth was
facing the ceiling. He was stuck in that position, and now his mouth seemed to
open up wider and wider.
His skin was now all jet black, and his body formed a uniform
block shape, except for his manhood which still protruded out, fully erect.
The end, the very tip, started to change color from black to shiny silver,
like stainless steel. Jake couldn't sense this, because he was starting to
shrink now. His arms were getting thinner and thinner as he got smaller. His
manhood started to rapidly pull in, until only the silver tip was still
As the tip itself started to change to a triangle shape, he
started to get thinner, instead of being a uniform block. Now his front side
was broader than it was tall, and he was getting more and more thin in his
profile. His arms had shrunk down to a thin strap, and the others suddenly
realized what he was becoming: a woman's purse.
His skin started to take on a new texture, and a glossy sheen.
The metal triangle which had formerly been his manhood started to get rounder
corners, and black writing appeared on it. "Prada" it read.
Jake was a purse now. The witch on the right picked him up,
and placed him next to the tampon, which used to be Bob. Although they
couldn't see inside of him, he was not an empty purse. His internal organs had
changed to, becoming a tube of lipstick, a small bottle of perfume, a change
purse, a lighter, a compact, and a small tube of mascara.
All four of the remaining guys were in utter panic inside,
thinking "Am I next? What did I do? What are they going to do to *me*?" They
looked at each other, their hearts in their mouths as they waited to see who
was next. The witches talked to each other for a while, then decided to take a
break. The guys were stuck in place as the witches went to the kitchenette,
and drank herbal tea as they chatted about their garden, the weather, and the
sacred night of Halloween, when their powers were at their fullest.
Halloween! How stupid the guys felt for having picked *this*
night to be out camping. They had stumbled into a coven of witches, and now
they were in over their heads. The longer they had to wait, the worse their
impending doom seemed. It was almost a relief in a way, when the witches
brought the tribunal back into session.
"Martin" said the blonde witch. "You will now be judged."
It was instant relief for Andy, but a moment of utter fear for
Martin, as he went through his memories, trying to think of what he had done
wrong. Obviously, they were being judged on how they had wronged women. Andy
couldn't think of anything he had done, but Martin had a dark secret, and it
was already dawning on him what they would nail him for.
"You are charged with invasion of privacy, lewd conduct, and
profiting from your illegal actions. How do you plead?"
"Guilty" said Martin, his head down in shame.
"Please tell the court, in your own words, what you have
"I have used my digital camera in my cell phone to take
picture's up women's skirts. Then I sell them on the internet."
Andy was shocked. He had no idea that Martin did something
like that! Yes, he knew his buddy seemed to have more money now than normal,
but he had never thought the source would be something disgusting like that!
"Is that all?" said the black haired witch on the left.
"You're not leaving anything out?" said the one on the right."
Martin froze, his face flush. How could they possibly know
about her, and what he had done? They had dated for two years, and it had been
wonderful except that she wanted 'to wait until they were married' before they
made love for the first time. But Martin couldn't wait. So one night, he
arranged a romantic evening for her, and made sure to get her really drunk. In
her stupor, with her inhibitions down, she let him make love to her. They
broke up soon afterwards, because she could not live with the shame of having
given in. He had all but forgotten her. That was five years ago, and he had
dated six other women since.
"Tell us. Did you get her drunk, so she would have sexual
relations with you?"
"Even though you knew it was in her morals to wait until
"Even though you knew that emotionally, she wasn't ready for
The witches conferred. Their concurrence was swift.
"You have been found guilt, as charged. Since you like going
up women's skirts so much, whether by photograph or by getting them drunk, you
will receive a fitting punishment. You only see women for what they have
inside their skirts, so that is where you will spend your time from now on."
Martin was shaking, as the spell began. His clothes just
melted away, and he was standing there naked before them. He looked at
himself, and noticed that his skin was getting tan. A nice, uniform color all
over his body, with absolutely no variation, although it started to take on a
very fine grained texture.
Martin's manhood started to pull back up inside him, and
within seconds, he was completely flat in the front, with no bulges to be
seen. He screamed as he looked down and saw what had happened to him. But now,
he started to collapse back into himself, from just below his belly button.
His torso seemed to be sinking down into himself, and soon his whole middle
was gone, and his arms and head were all that was visible above his waist.
Meanwhile, as he started to collapse inward, his hips started
to flatten and get wider, like a woman's. His rear end changed shape, and Andy
could have swore that he was looking at the legs of a very sexy woman, wrapped
up in pantyhose, with Martin's frantic head at the top of them, slowly sinking
Both Frank and Jake knew what was going on. Their friend was
being transformed into a pair of pantyhose, right before their eyes. Now his
chin had sunk down, and soon his mouth would be hidden too, as he sank further
"Good-bye" he said, as he sunk further in. Within moments all
you could see was his head from they eyes up. His eyes were pleading for it to
stop, but the witches were not going to relent now. The top of his head
disappeared inside him, and how he was just a set of female legs and hips,
covered in pantyhose nylon material.
A white crack started to form in the crotch, getting longer
and wid
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