Storiesonline Clit Alien Rape

Storiesonline Clit Alien Rape


Storiesonline Clit Alien Rape
Science Fiction Sex Story: It's a story of invading Aliens which released a virus keeping humans from maturing. They like to eat little girls flesh. One girl under ten and her uncle manages to stay out of their hands and live together building a (sexual) relationship.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft 
Science Fiction 
This story is totally fictitious and does not contain anything or anyone in reality, whatever that is.
Andy was thinking through what had happened the past terrible year.
A year ago he was happily married with his wife Sandra and they were looking after Sandra'ssister Clair, who was divorced and now was living with her daughter Julie. Andy and Sandra often took care of the little girl. Andy was fond of Julie who was 7 at the time. They did nice things together. Andy and Sandra took Julie to amusement parks and sometimes she stayed with them for some days.
Andy loved those days. He used to bathe Julie and he loved seeing the little girl naked. He washed her all over and especially her special places. He loved to dry her with a towel and he paid special attention to drying her between the legs. Then he rubbed her entire body with smooth cream and again especially between her legs on her soft smooth cunny. She loved the attention Andy gave her.
Then about a year ago the Aliens came. They were man-eating monsters.
They especially liked child meat so when they came they spread a hormone throughout the atmosphere that stopped all humans from growing older. Then they took over Earth killing every grownup they came upon and capturing all children under 12.
Slowly they began to eat all the children they had captured. Then they realized that at the rate they were eating them, they would soon run out of meat. Besides having killed most of the adults, the side effect of the hormone was that all humans became sterile. So there would be no more newborns and the population of humans would eventually die out.
Luckily Andy had managed to stay low and hidden. That had protected him and his own from being captured and killed. A few months ago however his wife and her sister were captured and eaten. That was because the Aliens now ate adults as well because of the lack of children.
Now Andy was alone with his little niece Julie. The past few months he was busy building a shelter in an old military bunker he had known for years. It was very secluded and he was working on a very luxurious underground shelter. He was very wealthy and had all the means necessary to do so, buying everything he needed before the Aliens conquered the Earth.
It was time to take Julie there. They would have to stay hidden there until the Aliens left Earth after there was no more food for them to eat.
He took Julie in his car and sped to the remote bunker. On the way they were spotted by the Aliens and Julie got very scared. Andy made her lie down with her head on his lap, making the Aliens think there was only an adult in the car. It worked but he was still chased by them.
However as they were being chased Andy got a thrill with Julie's head in his lap and his cock grew faster than ever. Julie was lying with her head just on top of it and she had a curious look in her eyes. Then they arrived at the bunker. Andy dragged Julie out of the car and they ran to the bunker's door just as the Aliens arrived.
Seeing the little girl the Aliens went mad. They tried to capture them but Andy reached the big steel door just in time. He had left it open just in case. They went in quickly and Andy closed and locked the steel door behind them. They heard the Aliens trying to break the door down, but it was very strong. Andy figured it would take them days before they could break it down.
Long before that he and Julie would be through the maze of corridors and several other steel doors so that they would be safe from the Aliens. Andy did not tell that to Julie however because he had other plans for her. He told her that they had to hurry because the Aliens could come through the door at any minute and they had to run. He dragged her through a maze of corridors and down several flights of stairs.
At the bottom of one he closed another very thick steel door behind them and turned on the lights. They were in a space with some closets. He told Julie that they had to undress completely because the Aliens would smell them and then know where they were. Julie hesitated a minute but then she undressed quickly. Andy also undressed but while he did this he gazed at the little girl as she stripped.
First he saw her flat chest with cute puffy nipples. Then her panties were off and he looked at the amazing softness of the little girl's cunny. It was very smooth, hairless and beautiful. There Julie stood, naked and waiting for instructions. Her long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and down to her buttocks. She was very beautiful and innocent.
Andy opened a steel closet and put away their clothes. He had the underground space well warmed so they could easily stay nude all the time. This was of course his purpose. Then he took Julie through another steel door, securing it properly. They went down another flight of stairs and through several corridors until he closed yet another steel door. Now they were in a very warm and pleasant room.
He opened a cupboard and took a tube of cream. He said to Julie that he had to rub her whole body with anti-alien cream, because they could still smell her otherwise. He took her on his lap with her facing away from him and her legs on each side of his so that they were spread. He took some cream and started to rub her body. He started with her face and neck. Then he took some more cream and did her legs and feet.
Julie was very happy with her uncle. He made her feel warm and tingly rubbing her body. She enjoyed it very much. He took another glob of cream and started rubbing her flat chest. Then rubbing her nipples he told her that the Aliens especially liked little girls' titties so he had to rub them very well. He did it so gently and caring that Julie loved it.
It made her tingle throughout her belly and down to her cunny. Gently and slowly he massaged her entire chest paying extra attention at her hardening nipples. Rubbing and pulling them he enjoyed fondling this little beauty.
"I have to do your cunny too," he whispered in her ear, "because that's the part the Aliens love best."
"Okay," she whispered back. He took some more cream and carefully he placed his trembling hand on her puffy cunny. He rubbed the cream on her mount and smooth labia. His dick grew even more and Julie wiggled her bum to take it in between her bottom cheeks and make her seat more comfortable.
Slowly Andy rubbed the cream into her little labia. He parted them further and let his finger slip in between them. Julie gasped. Slowly his finger went up and down her pussy lips making Julie pant for air. Andy let his finger go higher until he reached her very tiny clit. Julie almost jumped off his lap at the touch. But when Andy started rubbing and circling her clitty shestarted panting more and more. The panting became moaning and Julie was close to cumming.
Andy was in heaven. He would be the one to give this little angel her first orgasm. He continued rubbing the tiny knob until he felt the little girl pushing up her abdomen and little shrieks came from her mouth. Then all of a sudden she started to buck and scream as her first orgasm ever exploded in the young girl's body. Andy continued rubbing her lovebud until her body came down to rest on his lap as she lay limp on him.
He caressed her body by massaging her tummy and chest. He loved her so much. Slowly she opened her eyes.
"You just had an orgasm," was Andy's response. Although she did not know what an orgasm was she was too dizzy to care.
The orgasm exhausted Julie so much that she dozed off. Andy resumed caressing her body. Very carefully he stroked her smooth body, caressing her upper chest with her flat boobies and puffy nipples. Julie purred in her sleep from the great feeling it gave her. His hands wandered lower and circled her tummy and played with her bellybutton. Lower they went reaching the soft mound of her pussy.
Ever so carefully he caressed the skin there making her feel good without waking her. Lower his fingers slipped over her utterly closed labia feeling her childish pussylips. Tenderly stroking her cunnylips up and down his dick awakened again, sticking out the full 8 inchesof its erect length.
They sat there for about an hour before Julie started to wake up. She tilted her head towards Andy and he got goose bumps when he looked into those beautiful blue eyes. She smiled at him and he planted a kiss on her beautifully formed lips. She smiled some more and then Andy said,"It is time to move on."
He stood up letting her slide from his lap and he took her by the hand. The room had several doors. Only one of them led to the quarters he had made for them. The others were booby trapped in case the Aliens should come this far and try any of them.
However long before they reached this area he would get an intruder alert and he could set off the charges which were placed in every corridor up to here. That would let them get in but then bury everyone and everything in the corridors up to this point.
So Andy opened the only door that led to the luxurious quarters. They went down the stairs that lay behind the door and they were now about 40 feet under the surface. Another steel door and then they were there.
They entered a very large space with different parts. On one end there was a recreation area with soft comfortable couches and a TV and DVD set. At the wall there was a large bookcase with many DVDs. At another part of the space was an exercise area with many workout machines so Andy could keep himself in shape.
Next to the exercise area was an artificial beach. It even had an artificial sun and sun beds. Julie could play there and they could lie in the sun together.There was also a playground for Julie with all kinds of gear. Swings, bars, you name it, it was there.
At another corner was a large kitchen with everything in it. A large burner, several ovens, a dishwasher, a cooler and so on. A big door let you into a very large storage room for food. There were all kinds of canned and frozen food for years and years to come. The water came from an underground well and it was also inexhaustible.
At the end of the place used to be a war room but Andy had torn it down. They walked there and looked over the edge. Wide stairs led them down to a big underground lake. Andy had dumped a large amount of silver white sand there to make a pleasant beach there and the water was free of creatures and pleasantly warm for them to swim.
It was a very large natural cave with many corridors leading away from the living quarters. Andy had explored several of them finding out that there was no easy access through them for the Aliens to come in. He found another big cave where he had installed the large machinery that supplied the electricity.
"Yes my lovely princess?" was Andy's reply.
"You told me that I had an orgas... orgas... orgasm," she said. "Can I have more of those?"
"Of course my love, you can have as many as you like".
"Can I have one now please? I liked it so much!".
"Okay." Andy said taking the little girl by the hand. He led her into the sleeping corner, where a big king-size bed was placed. He picked the little girl up and tenderly he laid her on her back.
He looked down on her beautiful body and hovered with his head just above her. He saw her beauty for the first time up close and it was better than he had ever hoped for.
"I will do it different this time." he whispered to her. "I will use my mouth to please you, is that okay with you?"
"I guess," she whispered back, not sure what he had in mind.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked. She just nodded. Carefully he planted a kiss on her beautiful soft lips which she had pouted. She kissed him back like she would kiss a parent. He opened his mouth to lick her lips with his tongue and absent-mindedly she opened her lips too.
He slipped his tongue into her beautiful mouth tasting her young fresh saliva. His tongue circled in her mouth meeting her tongue and playing with it. She was a quick learner and soon she let her tongue play with his.
After awhile that seemed like hours he started nibbling her lips, then her chin, he nibbled her ears and kissed her neck. Then he moved lower, kissing her flat chest and moving to her puffy nipple, licking it, sucking it. Julie panted hard with excitement, feeling like floating in the air. He kissed and sucked her other nipple before lowering himself to her belly, licking her bellybutton, sticking his tongue in it.
Lower he went, licking her smooth mound, planting kisses on it and on her closed labia.Slowly he went, sticking his tongue in between her pussylips and parting them a little. Licking up and down the wonderful tight slit and tasting her juices, he was in heaven.
Julie was in heaven too. She felt tingles she never felt before, not even when she was first touched sometime earlier this day. The tingles started in her tummy, flew through her cunny, passing her nipples and exploding in her head.
Andy backed up a little and used his thumb to open up her little vagina. He gasped for air when he looked inside her beautiful young orifice. Her pink folds opened up for him to look into her lovely pink virgin love tunnel which was slightly wet.
He stuck his tongue out again, pushing it into her tight hole. It would not go in far, she was too tight and he didn't want to force it in. Then he started licking her up and down again. She flew higher and higher making that high-pitched sound again. Then Andy concentrated hislicking at her tiny clitty. He licked over and around it, tasting its lovely taste, smelling its lovely smell.
Up and over his tongue went while his thumbs pushed her clit hood backwards to expose whatever there was to expose because her clitty was still so small. Ah but then he felt the tiny sensitive bud against his tongue getting a tiny little girl erection. That worked for sure because Julie started to pushher labia into his mouth to increase the pressure of the tongue on her love button.
Faster and faster her breathing went. Higher and higher her wailing sound became until shebucked up her hips, kicked her legs wide, her tummy rose up and she sighed.Then all of a sudden she was there. She screamed out in pure lust as her orgasm overtook her small body and her young mind.
She kicked and begged and screamed until she passed out and shivering, she fell back on the bed. With closed eyes she lay there, shivers going through her body as her cunny convulsed and her new juices poured from her little vagina.
Andy observed all this and he was so excited, seeing how he had brought the child to such a powerful orgasm, his dick exploded. His cum shot out of his dickhead, flew through the air and landed on Julie's tummy and cunny.
One gob even slid into her open vagina. Eight-year-old girls couldn't become pregnant could they? He came as never before at the thought of accidentally impregnating her, a double ejaculation, without even touching hisdick.
Quickly Andy picked up a towel and wiped the little girl's body clean. He did not want to upset her with his sticky cum right now. He would teach her about that later.He finished wiping her off just in time. Slowly she opened her eyes as her body was still trembling.
"You came again," was Andy's response.
"Yes," Andy said. "Remember that I said you had an orgasm? It's also called cumming. So You just came again, only this time it was more powerful. I used my mouth on your little clittie and that caused such a powerful orgasm in your little body that you passed out for a while. Are you OK now?"
"Yes," she said smiling. "I am fine. It was a great orgasm. I have never felt so good. My whole body shivered and it was like I was in heaven. I felt my cunny pump and electric pulses went from my cunny to my titties. I loved it."
"Let's eat," Andy said pulling the little beauty to her feet.
After eating little Julie went playing on the "beach" while Andy did some workout on the fitness machines. All the time Andy watched the little girl. As she dug a hole in the sand she bent over to do so, giving Andy an amazing view of her beautiful round ass. Between her partly spread legs he could clearly see her puffy pussy. This made his cock rise again. Then he saw Julie looking at him with puzzled eyes.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Andy asked.
"Well," she said. "I think it's funny how your weenie sometimes changes. When you are cooking or cleaning or something like that, your weenie is soft and small. But sometimes, like now, it's big and hard and standing up. How come?"
Andy explained to her that his "weenie" got big when he saw her beautiful body and he liked to play with her.
"Can you have orgasms too?"Julie asked.
"Can I do that for you?" Julie asked again.
"Sure princess," Andy said, taking her hand.
He wrapped her little fingers around his dick and gently showedher how to work her hand up and down on his cock. She let him push her hand up and down and then he felt her take over, so he released her hand and let her do it by herself.
"Just massage my weenie and turn and twist it a little," he told her and so she did.He felt his cock amazingly squeezed in her tiny hands as she used both hands and she actually twisted her little hands a bit. The feeling was awesome and it would not take him long to cum. He could already feel his semen swirling in his balls.
"I'm going to cum soon," he mentioned to his little darling. "Don't be afraid of what will happen. Some fluid will come out of my weenie, but that is OK. That's supposed to happen."
"O goody!" the little girl giggled,"That should be neat."
She pumped more furiously and Andy sighed and fell back on the rug. His seed started pumping and a moment later the first spurt flew out of his cockhead. Julie's eyes flew open at the sight, but she did not stop. She pumped harder and harder, squeezing and twisting her new toy and staring at the spurting semen in amazement.
Finally the spurting stopped and only a few more droplets came out. Julie noticed that Andy went limp and she stopped pulling on his pole.A few moments later Andy came to his senses. He looked into Julie's sparkling eyes.
Andy smiled and said, "It was the best cum ever."
Julie smiled proudly, knowing that she was the one who had given him his best cum ever.
"Can you make me cum now?" the little minx said with puppy eyes. Andy could never resist puppy eyes but in this case he would have done it anyway.
He lifted Julie onto the couch and spread her legs. He buried his mouth between her lovely legs and licked her little slit up and down with his tongue. Almost immediately Julie started purring like a cat. She happened to do that when she felt really good. Andy licked up and down her slit some more until he felt her juices start flowing. Then he concentrated his tongue at the entrance of her little fuck-tube. He tried to push in but she was just too tight. Hemanaged to push only the tip of his tongue into her tight twat, but it tasted ever so good.
Then he let his tongue go up until he reached her tiny clit. He circled and nibbled the tiny knob, making Julie gasp and wriggle. He teased the knob some more until he pushed his thumbs beside her little hood and made the miniature clit pop out of it. It was just enough to take it between his lips and he started sucking it. Julie panted really hard now bucking her hips up against his face, making the contact with her sensitive spot as tight as possible.
After a few more sucks and nibbles Julie went crazy. S
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