Stories Of Girls Tying Up Boys

Stories Of Girls Tying Up Boys


Stories Of Girls Tying Up Boys

The story I’m about to tell is based on actual events (with some of the details enhanced for dramatic effect).
It was a typical night of babysitting the Davis boys, aged 9 & 7 (I was 14 at the time, just before I began my writing venture), and for this one night, the eldest one, Charlie, wanted to do something different. I thought, why not, as our typical evening of watching the Disney Channel or playing their Playstation games (which I stink at playing) was getting a little too routine.
Charlie explained that he saw a show on TV recently that showed a girl being held captive by a robber and wanted to know if we could play that game, with me as the captive girl.
At first, I was taken aback by his unexpected suggestion, for it was not something you hear from a 9 year old boy (at least the boys I know), but they were both very good kids, and I eventually gave in, but only on the condition that I can escape on my own. They both readily agreed.
A few minutes later, they both returned with some shoelaces and a white tube sock. The game was to be like what Charlie saw on the show, a girl taken prisoner by a home robber (or in this case now, two robbers).
They wanted me to sit in a chair, but I refused, fearing I might not be able to break free from being in that position, so I asked to just sit on the floor in the downstairs family room.
Jimmy, the younger brother, wanted to tie up my ankles (it was summer at the time, and I wore only flip flops, so my ankles were bare). I told Jimmy not to tie the laces too tight and to leave the knot loose. Fortunately for me, Jimmy was just learning how to tie his own shoes at this time, and he did a good job at keeping my ankle bindings sufficiently loose-fitting.
Charlie wanted to tie my hands up, and asked me to place them behind my back. I adamantly said no, and told him he could tie them in front. Well, that set him off as he wined, saying he wanted to recreate the tie-up scene exactly as he saw it (the boy has a photograph memory). I finally relented, telling him to make sure that he ties them not too tight (I decision I would later regret as I should’ve switched the brothers in tying up my limbs).
Once he was done, Charlie then grabbed the tube sock, looking all excited at me. I figured what he had in mind with that, but first asked him where he got it. He told me that it was his father’s sock, and he got it from his dresser drawer, so he claimed that it was clean.
Figuring I was already suitably trussed up, I again allowed him to continue to complete the scene. He told me to open my mouth, acting like he was the bad guy now. I went along with the game, and pretended to be all scared, saying that I won’t scream for help if he didn’t gag me. He then told me to be quiet and placed the sock in my mouth, then tied it in back of my head with the knot resting on top of my ponytail I sported (I remembered that, because the sock was wrapped over my ears, muffling any noises around me).
The gag did a good job at stifling my speech, and I continued to play the helpless damsel while the two of them taunted me and asked where the valuables were located. I tried to tell Charlie that I can’t answer him back with a sock in my mouth, but he just laughed at my inability to talk back.
It was then that the innocent game turned more serious…
Charlie pulled out a longer strand of rope he had hidden from underneath his shirt with another look of excitement in his eyes. I quickly realized that he intended to tie me up even more so. Well, at this time I had enough of playing their little game and attempted to free myself of my bonds, except that my wrists couldn’t slip through the thin laces he tied on—that little creep lied to me and did tie them up tighter after I told him not to.
He knew that I wouldn’t break free right away and rushed towards me while I was still vulnerable. Luckily, my ankles bindings were still loose and I slipped my feet through the laces, then used my legs to defend myself. Jimmy, meanwhile, was just watching by the sidelines, giggling through all this as he figured this was still part of the game. I tried removing the sock with my tongue, but Charlie tied that on tightly as well.
Even though I was older than Charlie by five years, I was not that much bigger than him (I am petite, for those of you that don’t know), and I had a difficult time trying to fight him off. I did manage to wrestle him off of me and was able to stand up on my own two feet.
At this time, Jimmy was joining in the fun, trying to tickle me since my hands were still bound. Charlie kept trying to grab my legs to tie them back up. I had a right mind to kick him in the face to teach him a lesson, but he was, after all, still a child, and I didn’t want to risk hurting him badly.
During the little melee that was going on, my hands finally began to slip through their bindings, and they were soon free.
After seeing that, Charlie instantly ran back upstairs, afraid that I was going to punish him. Jimmy remained where he was and looked upset now. He gave me one of his doleful looks, which makes him look so adorable.
After removing that sock from my mouth, I went over to Jimmy and hugged him warmly, telling him that he was not in trouble—it’s his brother that I wanted.
Charlie had locked himself in his room, and was afraid to let me in. I began to feel a little bad at all this, and I promised that I wasn’t going to punish him (I would leave that to his parents).
In the end, Charlie did let himself out, and the remainder of the evening was spent watching TV and eating popcorn. The events that happened earlier were never mentioned, and there were also no more tie-up games after that.
The coda to this story is that six years later, I ran into Charlie unexpectedly at the local supermarket and we were reminiscing briefly. He apologized about the whole “incident” since he never really told me that before. I accepted it, and even said to him that I was using that game of his as an idea for a story I was planning to write (it became the basis for Lila’s “Perils in Babysitting” story).
I didn’t ask him if he had tied up any other girls since (and I didn’t want to know), but looking back at it, I have to admit that I did find enjoyment in it as well. The experience of being held captive and menaced by the villain (in a playful, controlled setting), gave me some insight and inspiration that would later find itself into my Katie Spencer series.
Great story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Always LOVE stories where the teenage girl babysitter is overpowered by the younger children she is babysitting!
My FAVORITE is on the web-site:
"Stories of Tie-Up Games" (click-on) "Archives" (click-on) "Best Stories from Bob's Old Archives"(click-on)"MY FINAL SHADE OF RED" story in second column--Happy Reading!
Sorry! The CLOSEST link to the afore-mentioned piece is: # My Final Shade of red (by JD)
and when you get on THAT "home page" click-on the story's title in the second column--near the bottom!
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Topic: A Naughty Little Boy (Read 26766 times)



Posts: 54
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« on: July 11, 2016, 12:02:25 PM »
This is not a story totally written by myself. I had the original stored for many years on a memory stick and about eighteen months ago I re-wrote it to my own personal taste. The original author was, (I think), Richard Parker and it was in M/m format. I posted my version to my blog and it was well received, so in the absence of my writing any new material I present it here for consideration. I will of course remove it if there are any objections. Thanks B. Philip was standing in the corner of his room sobbing quietly. His hands were on the back of his head, around his ankles were a puddled pair of pyjama bottoms; Philips pale blue, striped winceyette pyjamas. His bottom stung and was red from the spanking he had just received from auntie Agnes. Philip had been a very naughty boy and auntie had soundly smacked his little bottom until Philip was a very sorry boy indeed. Auntie Agnes had marched into his bedroom. Philip had to be up early as Auntie was going to take him shopping for new clothes. In her opinion, Philips shorts were not short enough. Philip was outraged, he hadn't worn any shorts with an inside leg of more than two inches since he became his aunt's little boy and here she was saying his shorts were too long. Philip had disagreed, rather too vehemently, hence the over the knee nursery style spanking he had just received. Auntie had pulled Philip out of bed, lifting him up by the scruff of his pyjama jacket and marched him over to the chair behind Philip's school desk. She sat herself down and draped the by now sobbing Philip over her upraised knee. She spanked Philip's bottom repeatedly for almost three minutes as Philip had howled and begged auntie to stop, promising of course, to be his aunt's little angel. Agnes Ashburnum placed him in the corner, hands on head, and busily began choosing the clothes her little boy was to wear on the way to the school outfitters. She was rather upset with her boy. How dare he complain or think he had the right to dictate what he was to wear, or how he was to be punished for that matter. Well, by the end of the afternoon, she knew a naughty little boy that would wear what he was given, and thank auntie for it, or he would again be a very sorry little boy indeed. Mrs Ashburnum began gathering the rather fine school uniform her boy would wear. She picked out a smart, little, white, short sleeved school shirt, a grey sleeveless jumper with red trim around the v-neck and the waist of the jumper, a pair or ankle length grey school socks with two thin red lines at the top. Mrs Ashburnum looked at the bottom of the wardrobe at the footwear section of her collection and picked out a pair of brown, t-bar sandals. She hadn't made her nineteen year old little boy wear sandals as infantile as this before, she was sure that Philip would make a fuss, well let the little scamp; he'll wear them with several hand prints to the backs of his legs if need be. She next searched through her vast school shorts section but couldn't find what she was looking for. Hmm … Just as well we are going to the outfitters. Can't have a little boy without pull-up school shorts. She found the next best thing, a pair of very brief, fully lined school shorts but which had an inside leg of only one inch. They were made of a flannel material, but not thick flannel. As they were second hand, and obviously, many a boy had been smacked in them, the material was quite thin. She chose a grey school blazer with red ribbon trim around the edge of the blazer and the lapels and a grey school cap with very short peak and also with red trim. Mrs Ashburnum called Laura and the maid promptly took the boy's clothes for the day and went to Philip's room and began running his bath. Philip, still sore from his bottom smacking, didn't want to be punished again, so meekly took hold of Laura's hand and was led to the bathroom, undressed and sat in the bath as if he really were a little boy. Philip just laid there soaking in the wonderful warmth of the water and bubbles. "Come along master Philip." said Laura "It's time for you to get dressed. Your aunt is going to buy you some nice new clothes today. Aren't you a lucky little boy? Laura grinned. Philip didn't feel very lucky at all. How many other nineteen year old boys were seen out in a short trousered sailor suit? He might be nineteen but when dressed up, he looked no more than ten or eleven. He was only five foot tall, had flawless smooth hairless skin, and was kept hairless from the neck down. He also had gorgeous straight blond hair with natural highlights that hung straight down in a little page boy hairstyle and had the most amazing blue green eyes, which could melt the heart of the strictest auntie. Philip got out of the bath and was enveloped in a big white fluffy towel by Laura who promptly dried the boy's flawless skin. As Laura was drying off the boys legs he noticed for the first time that Philip's legs now had a beautiful light tan while his bottom was a snowy white; or would have been if he hadn't been spanked by auntie that morning. Having dried Philip, Laura took the boy by the hand and took him to her bedroom where they both found the clothes for today laid out. Philip frowned and rolled his eyes as he saw the little prep school uniform. Philip stood while Laura began dressing the boy. She started with the short sleeved white shirt, then the little school ankle socks. Philip really frowned when he saw those, he much preferred to wear long socks with school uniform, he thought that little ankle socks, with or without the red trim made him look silly and even more childish than he usually did. Laura noted the boy begin to pout but said nothing, she next picked up the grey school shorts. Holding them up she noticed that these were shorter than the lad normally wore, the inside leg was only one inch. The thin flannel material was beautifully soft and had a white cotton lining. She held them open and Philip reluctantly stepped into them. Philip had to admit that they did feel very good, indeed, as Laura slowly pulled them up and tucked the white shirt in before fastening the shorts and pulling up the zip he felt himself shiver with excitement. "Turn around Master Philip, let me see how you look." Philip did as he was told, gently feeling his bottom through the thin flannel. Laura sat back on the bed and noted how well they marked the boy's bottom. As Philip was not allowed to wear underpants, the seam of the tiny school shorts disappeared up his bottom and the flannel clung to his bottom cheeks beautifully. Laura could just about notice a patch of now dark pink skin just showing below the hem of the shorts where Philip had been soundly hand smacked by auntie. Laura picked up the school tie and tied it in a Windsor knot, then came the v-neck sleeveless jumper and the blazer. Again, Laura noted how, with the blazer on, you couldn't see Philip's little shorts; Philip carried on pouting. Laura reached into the left hand pocket of Philip's blazer and pulled out the school cap and put it on the boy, making sure that some of the beautiful blond fringe showed below the peak of the cap, she thought it made Philip look like a mischievous little scamp. "Ah. We almost forgot your footwear, didn't we little boy, we can't have you going out in stockinged feet now can we?" Laura looked under the bed and almost giggled when she saw the childish, brown T-bar school sandals, she just knew that Philip wasn't going to like them; she was absolutely right. Philip took one look at the sissy little sandals and all he could do was flap his mouth open and closed like a goldfish out of water. " I can't, I won't wear those. " Philip almost screamed. "You will put these lovely sandals on right now you naughty boy. How dare you be so naughty when I'm trying to dress you? Your aunt will be told about your disobedient behaviour." Laura managed to force Philip's little right foot into the sandal and fasten it, when she tried to put the left sandal on Philip wailed and stamped on her hand. "That's it young man." Without another word she held the left sandal by the heel, took hold of Philip's left arm and began smacking the back of Philip's legs with the sandal. "You will wear SMACK, SMACK, whatever you are told, SMACK, SMACK. Six smacks landed from the sandal to his left leg, from the hem of his shorts to the back of his knees. Six perfectly marked, dark pink outlines on his leg. "Your aunt, SMACK, SMACK, has spent a lot of time and effort turning you from a tearaway teenager into a well behaved, polite little boy. You're not going to disappoint her or me with behaviour like that." Six more smacks of the sandal landed on his right leg. "Now little boy." asked Laura, holding onto Philip's arm, "do I need to give you a proper spanking over my knee before you do as you are told?" Philip didn't answer, he just wailed. He was smacked one more time on the left leg. "Well?" "No Miss Laura." "That's better." Finally, Philip was dressed in his very traditional, prep school uniform with little ankle socks and sandals and a blazer that covered his shorts, and what was worse, a stupid school cap. The slipper marks, showing clearly on the backs of his hairless legs, stung painfully. He went to rub and soothe them. "No, leave those marks alone, let them be a reminder of what happens to naughty little boys. "I'm so sorry Miss Laura." Philip sniffled, rubbing his eyes with his little balled up hands Laura sat the nineteen year old boy on her lap and stroked the inside of his thigh. "There, there little one, it's all over now." She said, gently kissing his smooth hairless cheek. "Just remember to be a good little boy and you won't have to be punished again." Laura took hold of Philip's hand and led him downstairs to the study. She knocked on the door and entered. Laura, instead of taking little Philip to stand in front of his aunt took him to the corner of the study and made him face the wall, hands on head. Mrs Ashburnum noted the back of the boy's legs. "Well, well Laura, I see you have had to impart a lesson to the little scamp." Philip was standing with his hands firmly clamped on his head, causing the bottom of his blazer to lift a few inches. Mrs Ashburnum could now see the hem of the tiny little shorts, but more importantly, see the bright pink thighs of her chastised little boy. "I'm dreadfully sorry Mistress, but your naughty little boy decided to throw a tantrum when he saw the sandals he was supposed to wear and well …" "Hmmm … don't worry Laura. From now on you will obviously have to take a more, shall we say, hands on approach in young Philips upbringing. You have my permission to administer smacked bottoms and legs at your own discretion." "As Mistress wishes," she turned and looked at the back of the boy's legs, bright and pink under the hem of his little shorts. They left Philip in the corner for half an hour; "Philip, come over here little boy." Philip turned around and saw his aunt sitting behind her huge, leather topped desk and Laura standing to her right. Philip walked slowly over and stood in front of the desk, eyes cast down, staring at his infantile school sandals; Goodness how he hated them. "I hope you've learnt your lesson little boy, I really don't want to have to punish you again today. "Sniff .., you wont auntie" replied Philip in a low voice. "We'll see." she said, then patted her lap. Philip smiled and ran over to auntie like an obedient puppy dog, who picked him up and sat him on her knee. Philip liked it when she cuddled him. "Well young man, today we are going shopping for some new shorts and a few other thing for you.. Now, I warn you Philip, if you misbehave while we are shopping, I will have no hesitation in giving you a good smacking, in public wherever we are." Auntie had put on her stern face as she warned. "Then, upon our return home you will get a sound spanking an
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