Stories Of Girls Tying Boys

Stories Of Girls Tying Boys


Stories Of Girls Tying Boys

The story I’m about to tell is based on actual events (with some of the details enhanced for dramatic effect).
It was a typical night of babysitting the Davis boys, aged 9 & 7 (I was 14 at the time, just before I began my writing venture), and for this one night, the eldest one, Charlie, wanted to do something different. I thought, why not, as our typical evening of watching the Disney Channel or playing their Playstation games (which I stink at playing) was getting a little too routine.
Charlie explained that he saw a show on TV recently that showed a girl being held captive by a robber and wanted to know if we could play that game, with me as the captive girl.
At first, I was taken aback by his unexpected suggestion, for it was not something you hear from a 9 year old boy (at least the boys I know), but they were both very good kids, and I eventually gave in, but only on the condition that I can escape on my own. They both readily agreed.
A few minutes later, they both returned with some shoelaces and a white tube sock. The game was to be like what Charlie saw on the show, a girl taken prisoner by a home robber (or in this case now, two robbers).
They wanted me to sit in a chair, but I refused, fearing I might not be able to break free from being in that position, so I asked to just sit on the floor in the downstairs family room.
Jimmy, the younger brother, wanted to tie up my ankles (it was summer at the time, and I wore only flip flops, so my ankles were bare). I told Jimmy not to tie the laces too tight and to leave the knot loose. Fortunately for me, Jimmy was just learning how to tie his own shoes at this time, and he did a good job at keeping my ankle bindings sufficiently loose-fitting.
Charlie wanted to tie my hands up, and asked me to place them behind my back. I adamantly said no, and told him he could tie them in front. Well, that set him off as he wined, saying he wanted to recreate the tie-up scene exactly as he saw it (the boy has a photograph memory). I finally relented, telling him to make sure that he ties them not too tight (I decision I would later regret as I should’ve switched the brothers in tying up my limbs).
Once he was done, Charlie then grabbed the tube sock, looking all excited at me. I figured what he had in mind with that, but first asked him where he got it. He told me that it was his father’s sock, and he got it from his dresser drawer, so he claimed that it was clean.
Figuring I was already suitably trussed up, I again allowed him to continue to complete the scene. He told me to open my mouth, acting like he was the bad guy now. I went along with the game, and pretended to be all scared, saying that I won’t scream for help if he didn’t gag me. He then told me to be quiet and placed the sock in my mouth, then tied it in back of my head with the knot resting on top of my ponytail I sported (I remembered that, because the sock was wrapped over my ears, muffling any noises around me).
The gag did a good job at stifling my speech, and I continued to play the helpless damsel while the two of them taunted me and asked where the valuables were located. I tried to tell Charlie that I can’t answer him back with a sock in my mouth, but he just laughed at my inability to talk back.
It was then that the innocent game turned more serious…
Charlie pulled out a longer strand of rope he had hidden from underneath his shirt with another look of excitement in his eyes. I quickly realized that he intended to tie me up even more so. Well, at this time I had enough of playing their little game and attempted to free myself of my bonds, except that my wrists couldn’t slip through the thin laces he tied on—that little creep lied to me and did tie them up tighter after I told him not to.
He knew that I wouldn’t break free right away and rushed towards me while I was still vulnerable. Luckily, my ankles bindings were still loose and I slipped my feet through the laces, then used my legs to defend myself. Jimmy, meanwhile, was just watching by the sidelines, giggling through all this as he figured this was still part of the game. I tried removing the sock with my tongue, but Charlie tied that on tightly as well.
Even though I was older than Charlie by five years, I was not that much bigger than him (I am petite, for those of you that don’t know), and I had a difficult time trying to fight him off. I did manage to wrestle him off of me and was able to stand up on my own two feet.
At this time, Jimmy was joining in the fun, trying to tickle me since my hands were still bound. Charlie kept trying to grab my legs to tie them back up. I had a right mind to kick him in the face to teach him a lesson, but he was, after all, still a child, and I didn’t want to risk hurting him badly.
During the little melee that was going on, my hands finally began to slip through their bindings, and they were soon free.
After seeing that, Charlie instantly ran back upstairs, afraid that I was going to punish him. Jimmy remained where he was and looked upset now. He gave me one of his doleful looks, which makes him look so adorable.
After removing that sock from my mouth, I went over to Jimmy and hugged him warmly, telling him that he was not in trouble—it’s his brother that I wanted.
Charlie had locked himself in his room, and was afraid to let me in. I began to feel a little bad at all this, and I promised that I wasn’t going to punish him (I would leave that to his parents).
In the end, Charlie did let himself out, and the remainder of the evening was spent watching TV and eating popcorn. The events that happened earlier were never mentioned, and there were also no more tie-up games after that.
The coda to this story is that six years later, I ran into Charlie unexpectedly at the local supermarket and we were reminiscing briefly. He apologized about the whole “incident” since he never really told me that before. I accepted it, and even said to him that I was using that game of his as an idea for a story I was planning to write (it became the basis for Lila’s “Perils in Babysitting” story).
I didn’t ask him if he had tied up any other girls since (and I didn’t want to know), but looking back at it, I have to admit that I did find enjoyment in it as well. The experience of being held captive and menaced by the villain (in a playful, controlled setting), gave me some insight and inspiration that would later find itself into my Katie Spencer series.
Great story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Always LOVE stories where the teenage girl babysitter is overpowered by the younger children she is babysitting!
My FAVORITE is on the web-site:
"Stories of Tie-Up Games" (click-on) "Archives" (click-on) "Best Stories from Bob's Old Archives"(click-on)"MY FINAL SHADE OF RED" story in second column--Happy Reading!
Sorry! The CLOSEST link to the afore-mentioned piece is: # My Final Shade of red (by JD)
and when you get on THAT "home page" click-on the story's title in the second column--near the bottom!
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It was a
typical warm May afternoon in Springfield. 
Jamie was humming to herself while she washed the dirty dishes. She had taken a half day off work to take one
of her sons, Brandon, to a doctor's appointment. It was just a regular check-up, and she was
now watching him and her other son, Paul and her neighbor's son, Danny. Rinsing the last plate, Jamie put it into the
dish drainer, wiped her hands on a dishtowel, and went into the dining room to
sort the day's mail. After opening and
setting aside a few bills and throwing away some junk mail, she saw that one of
her monthly magazines had come in. She
glanced up at the clock and saw that it would be an hour or so before her
neighbor, Beth, would be off work and come to get Danny. Glancing down the hall, she saw Danny and
Paul sitting in the bedroom, playing Guitar Hero. Brandon was watching cartoons in the living
room, eating a bag of popcorn. 
Pulling out
a chair, Jamie sat down at the table and opened her magazine. She was halfway through a somewhat
interesting article on the latest hair styles when Brandon ambled into the
bored, Mom," he said, crumpling up the empty popcorn bag and throwing it
away. "What are you doing?"
my magazine," Jamie replied. 
"Can't you find something to watch on TV?"
there's nothing good on," he said, rinsing his hands off at the sink. "I want to play something."
Jamie hid a
small smile behind her magazine. This
was usually the opening line. This was
Brandon's way of letting her know he wanted to play some kind of game where she
usually ended up being the damsel in distress. 
It had all started about a year ago. 
She and her two boys were watching an old western movie on TV where a
group of outlaws had robbed a bank and tied up and gagged the female bank
teller to keep her out of the way. Both
boys had perked up and watched with interest as the masked gunmen tied her into
a chair and tied a cloth over her mouth. 
One of the boys had wondered aloud what it would be like to do that for
real, and Jamie had allowed herself to be tied up. The first ties were pretty simple and poorly
done. A necktie had been tied rather
loosely around her wrists, and an old winter scarf had been tied around her
ankles. The gag was a large dishtowel
tied over her lips, which didn't do much to silence her. Still, she had played along, and both Brandon
and Paul had been thrilled. Since then,
the games had continued, and the ties and gags had gotten better with each new
game. Jamie had given them a few
pointers here and there, and the rest was probably picked up in Boy
Brandon was standing in front of her.
Oh, I'm sorry, Brandon," Jamie said, snapping back to the present and
setting down her magazine. "What did you say?"
we play cops and robbers?" he asked a bit impatiently.
is here right now," Jamie said, "his mom will be along in a bit to
pick him up. Why don't we wait until he
come on, Mom," Brandon pleaded. 
"Danny will love it. 
Besides, he's busy playing Guitar Hero."
I suppose so," Jamie said. "Let
me change first though. These clothes
are a bit uncomfortable to get tied in."
I'll get everything ready!" Brandon practically skipped down the hall into
the bedroom he and his brother shared. 
Jamie stood up and walked into her own room to change. She took off her shoes and socks and started
looking around for something comfortable. 
Finally deciding on a light blue tank top and matching denim shorts, she
put them on and walked out of her room. 
Walking back into the dining room, Jamie was confronted by Brandon. He was wearing a bandana over his face and
had a toy pistol pointed at her. 
move, lady," he said, trying to make his voice gruff and scary- sounding.
"Are you here alone?"
"Y y
yes," Jamie stammered, playing the part of a frightened woman.
down, do as you're told, and I won't have to hurt you," Brandon said,
pointing at a dining room chair. 
Trembling with pretend fear, Jamie slowly sat down in the indicated
chair. Brandon pulled a length of soft
rope from his pocket and started walking around to the back of the chair.
your hands behind your back," he commanded. Jamie complied, and Brandon tied her wrists
with her palms facing toward each other. 
After securing the knot where she could not reach it, he moved in front
of her and pulled another rope out of his pocket. 
your ankles together," he said.
don't hurt me," Jamie whimpered.
do as you're told, and keep quiet," he growled, bending down to tie her
ankles together.
we wanna play too!" came a shout from the boys' bedroom. Paul came charging out, followed closely by
can't," Brandon said, standing up and frowning. "Mom and I started the game without you,
and two more robbers can't just come into the game."
course they can play," Jamie stated, breaking character just long enough
to prevent a fight. "You can
pretend that the first robber came in to tie me up, and the other two came in a
little later to help steal stuff and to help with the tying if necessary."
ok," Brandon shrugged. "I
wanna gag her!" Paul shouted, "Give me the stuff, Brandon."
handed Paul a small handkerchief and a faded scarf. 
Mister, please, don't gag me," Jamie said, getting back into
character. "I promise to be quiet
and not make any noise."
grinned and gave Danny the thumbs-up.
can't take that chance," he said, "it only takes one scream, and
we're busted for sure. Now, open."
Balling up
the handkerchief, Paul held it in front of Jamie's mouth. Slowly, Jamie opened her mouth and allowed
Paul to stuff the handkerchief inside. 
spit that out," he warned. Grabbing
Danny's arm, Paul went behind her and put the scarf between Jamie's teeth
before knotting it securely behind her head.
good," Brandon said. "let's go get her loot."
The boys
scampered into the living room and pretended to steal items from the
house. Jamie suspected that the boys
hadn't gone far though. She knew they
liked to watch as she struggled and mmmphed into her gag. Time to give them a show, she thought. She flexed her wrists and ankles, testing her
bonds. Brandon had done a good job, but
perhaps in his haste, he hadn't tied her as thoroughly as he could. There was a little bit of wiggle room in her
wrist ropes, and he had not physically tied her into the chair. Jamie worked out regularly and stayed pretty
fit. If she could just twist her left
wrist a little... The rope gave a little
more, and Jamie could pull one of her hands free if she wished. Relaxing her wrists, she slipped her left
hand out of her bonds. Quickly pulling
her hands in front of her, Jamie carefully stood up from the chair. Reaching up to her mouth, she pulled the
scarf out from between her teeth and pushed the damp handkerchief out of her
mouth with her tongue. She began hopping
into the kitchen away from the boys and to the telephone. 
a shout came from the living room. 
"She got loose!"
playing her role, Jamie began to call for help. 
All three boys came running into the dining room and tackled her to the
floor, and one of them put a hand over her mouth.
didn't tie her up tight enough!" Paul said to Brandon. "Go get the handkerchief."
stood up and went over to where Jamie had dropped the handkerchief on the
floor. He was back with it in a flash,
and he shoved it back into her mouth. 
Danny reached down and pulled the scarf back in between her teeth.
did I say about listening to us?" Brandon asked, pointing the gun at my
mmmmpph!" Jamie cried. Meanwhile,
Paul had grabbed the rope and was retying her wrists. This time, he pulled the rope as taut as he
could before knotting it off. There was
no give in it this time. 
bring her to the living room where we can keep a better eye on her," Danny
suggested. Working together, the three
boys managed to half drag, half carry Jamie into the middle of the living room. 
we tie her wrists to her ankles? If we
did that, she won't be able to hop away," Paul suggested.
idea, the other two chimed. More rope
was quickly found, and soon, Jamie was in a tight hog tie in the middle of her
living room floor. 
we should blindfold her too," Paul suggested. "Even if she was to get
loose, she couldn't go anywhere if she couldn't see."
yelled a protest into her gag, but Brandon pointed his gun at her and said,
"It'll be all right, lady. Just
cooperate with us, and we won't hurt you."
faded scarf was tied over her eyes, and Jamie was plunged into relative
darkness. The scarf was thin enough to
where she could see a little light through it, but she could not see anything
now she's nice and secure. Let's finish getting the stuff," Brandon
said. All three boys made noises like
they were leaving the room, but after a few minutes of silence, Jamie could
hear whispers coming from across the room.
play these kinds of games, and your step mom is cool with that?" That must
have been Danny.
we do this a lot," another whisper replied. "Don't your mom play games like this
sort of, but she's never let me tie her up like that before, just a little
cloth over her mouth, and some loose ropes. 
She can get out any time."
no fun. Maybe we can show your mom how
it's really done."
I dunno. She might not like it."
talk to her when she gets home and see what she says."
whispers followed, but Jamie stopped paying attention. Her thoughts began to race. What if she thinks I'm weird or something for
playing these kind of games with my kids? 
What if she thinks I get some kind of enjoyment out of this? 
indeterminate amount of time later, Jamie heard the honk of a car horn
outside. That must be Beth, she
thought. The boys all ran outside, and a
few minutes later, Beth walked into the living room, followed by the kids. A long silence ensued, followed by laughter.
they really got you good, didn't they?" Beth asked, bending down and
untying Jamie's blindfold.
Jamie asked, shaking her head.
sure," Beth said, also untying Jamie's cleave gag. 
pushed out the handkerchief, which was completely saturated with her saliva,
out of her mouth with her tongue.
"I can
explain, Beth," Jamie said after licking her dry lips. "You see, the kids and I saw this movie
where a girl got tied up, and they asked me if they could do the same to me. I agreed, and..."
ok, Jamie," Beth said, smiling. "Danny has asked me a time or two to
play these kinds of games. I was a bit
afraid to let him tie me up too well though, but there's nothing wrong with
what you're doing. At least the kids are
staying out of trouble and not breaking up the house, right?"
Jamie felt
a knot unravel in the pit of her stomach. 
She wasn't doing anything immoral or illegal, but she was hoping her next-door
neighbor would understand. Fortunately,
Beth not only understood but had played a bit herself.
please, Mommy, will you play too?" Danny begged, giving his mother his
best version of puppy dog eyes.
ok, I suppose so," Beth said, staring down at Jamie. "What kind of game should we play, cops
and robbers like you guys were doing before?"
that's getting boring," Brandon said. "Let's see who can get out of
our ties, you know, like a contest."
Paul and Danny both shouted. 
want a break before we do this though," Jamie stated. 
the boys almost chimed in unison.
walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of cold soda. Her mouth had gotten very dry. Beth came into the kitchen and leaned against
the counter.
you like something to drink?" Jamie asked.
please," Beth said, slipping her feet out of her high heels.
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