Stored Procedure Returning Multiple Result Sets Entity Framework

Stored Procedure Returning Multiple Result Sets Entity Framework





Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table in SQL Example 1

NET supports function import of Oracle stored procedures that Entity Framework can then execute The book first introduces T-SQL’s roots and underlying logic . Posted: (1 day ago) I want to execute a stored procedure to delete records with no return value using the pattern: dataContext How to execute a Stored Procedure with Entity Framework Code First .

Rename engine_debug_ref to be ENGINE_REF_PRINT also for consistency

Step 3: Enter the server name and EnumDemo for the database and click OK Problem: If we are having some temp tables (#table) in the SQL query / stored procedure of the source and in the result set we are getting result (some or all columns) from those temp tables . I need to return these multiple result sets to a Silverlight application from a WCF Data Service/OData The database is a shared database across other platforms and is also established therefore I cannot just changed anything from it .

The Stored PROCEDURE returns three tables, if you want to use the SqlCommand object , you don't use ExecuteReader ()

How can I get multiple result sets from a stored procedure in Entity Framework Core? We can execute use code to issue a raw SQL command to execute our stored procedure The system stored procedures extend the language and provide more features for you to use . Entity Framework supports Multiple Result Sets, which allows it to make and receive multiple requests to SQL Server over a single connection, reducing the number of roundtrips When the ExecuteReader method in SqlCommand Object execute , it instantiate a SqlClient .

How to return multiple results set in Entity Framework? Answer: We can use the following pattern for returning the multiple result sets: One can make the database in the SQL Server or Local DB and occupy the tables by implementing the following script file, STOREDB

UpdateUser -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @UserName nvarchar(50), @Email nvarchar(50) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements Entity framework doesn't like stored procedures which returns dynamic result sets (based on some condition result set has different columns), Entity framework doesn't support stored procedures returning multiple result sets - there are . An entity with solutions as a solution is the left outer join in the endpoint of an attribute Each entity set mapping defines mapping for each entity property .

FromSql – but in this case it should just be a List of ints – the stored procedure is not connected to any specific object

These class objects are basically classes that map to your database tables Capturing Results from Stored Procedures with Entity Framework 6 . Here, choose MVC 5 Controller with read/write actions and click Add button The current documentation of the Data Access framework is available here .

Sometimes when using stored procedures you will need to return more than one result set

NET Entity Framework (EF) is a new addition to the Microsoft ADO Use stored procedures for inserting, updating, and deleting . Nothing is added to the context’s cache, and nothing is read from the cache However, even if you have set this profile option to No and you indicate ship set or arrival set on a order line, the order entry processing schedules the line and sets the Visible Demand Flag .

Stored Procedure returns multiple tables but EF only creates single resultset with the only First datatable result entity-framework-6 sql-server

A set of entity data type definitions that are linked by subtype and implicit or explicit supertype expressions define a set of complex entity instance structures, referred to as the evaluated set in annex B of ISO 10303-11 The context object allows interaction with the database . Useful for executing stored procedures that return result sets Entity EJB example (1) The difference between my code and the example on MSDN, is the POCOs don't necessarily have to be in the DbContext .

Programs shall extend over a period of four academic years, each of a normal duration of one calendar year, divi

Use the record navigation toolbar to identify multiple depth system definitions for a data set In this article, we will go through Entity Framework Core in ASP . With the ever-growing tech stacks and efficient systems, Rapid Development is crucial for any kind of project Creating an Entity Framework Data Model for an ASP .

You can safely run update npc_spells_entries set priority = priority + 1 where priority >= 0; if you want to disable this new behavior == 10/08/2017 == Mackal: Rework regens Regen will now match whats reported by modern clients, besides where they lie due to known bugs HP and END regens are now based on the BaseData

This post tried to explain about using Entity Framework Core with Blazor and implement CRUD functionalities cs to get the output parameter value from stored procedure as in the following code snippet: . The return code is a light-code way to pass any whole-number (integer) back from a stored procedure Bergsma and Wang 1 choose 1500 queries from 36M AOL query set 13 and divide the data set into train, test, validation sets (500 each) to evaluate their segmentation techniques .

NPC AI will now refuse to attempt to cast a Complete Heal if a previous attempt at casting this spell is less than 8 seconds ago

It is very convenient, but in some cases, its performance is slow When we execute our stored procedure, we get the following results . Today we are making Entity Framework Core RC2 available The method in the service has the WebGet attribute and can only return one entity .

*Rich Salz* * The signatures of the functions to get and set options on SSL and SSL_CTX objects changed from unsigned long to uint64_t type

The first method is by using the RETURN statement but we can only return integer values using it In software engineering, an entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data . NET Entity Framework is an Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that enables developers to work with relational databases in an object-oriented fashion Stored Procedures with Multiple Result Sets, Returning multiple result sets is a feature of SqlClient that Entity Framework can take advantage of .

Select and expand the database and in the Programmability node, select Stored Procedures and then add a new stored procedure

Stored procedure returning multiple result sets Entity Framework Execute the command; Map to what we think the result looks like; Return multiple enumerables . Stored procedures can access or modify data in a database, but it is not tied to a specific database or object If the Stored procedure returns multiple record sets then use the ExecuteReader() method .

EF Core has a new extension method ThenInclude ()

You are going to learn how to retrieve data from a stored procedure, how to pass parameters, return a scalar value, modify data, and handle multiple result sets Entity Framework Sprocs with Multiple Result Sets Updated: October 23, 2016 Sometimes when using stored procedures you will need to return more than one result set . Currently Entity Framework 4 out of the box does not support stored procedurs that return multiple result sets This Stored Procedure returns the result set with computed properties .

Returning multiple result sets from a stored procedure has been supported since Entity Framework (EF) 5

Entity EJB CMP (Container Managed Persistence) Container maintains persistence transparently using JDBC calls In SQL Server, there are 2 methods to return a value from a stored procedure to a variable . You are on the wrong track, Entity Framework is an ORM that maps relational tables to class objects, with EF you can even call stored procedures Here’s a handy extension method you can use to make it easier .

The majority of the wellheads are located in the Ozarks and Southeast Lowlands

This is particularly useful if there's high latency between your application server and the database Create a stored procedure named Product_CountAll in your database that looks like the following code . A stored procedure can be a user-defined function, returning a single value Most of the time it is a very straight forward process of adding the stored procedure to your model, creating the function import, getting column .

Import the stored procedure to the store model using Entity Framework Wizard

Get a single, simple type value from a stored procedure with Entity Framework Core and raw SQL May 26, 2020 With a little sleight of hand and some LINQ magic, it is possible to query scalar values using just Entity Framework Core and FromSql, without having to resort to raw ADO Return values from stored procedures using the Enterprise Library Data Access block I’m not sure why I had so much trouble trying to do this… but because it did I think it’s worth a blog . Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of EF that brings new features, new platforms, and improv to call a single stored procedure that returns multiple resultsets e Free of charge software used to generate Excel spreadsheets from IFC files .

Accept input parameters and return multiple values in the form of output parameters to the calling procedure or batch

An entity is essentially a unit of information, but in the official terms of the While retrieving the results using stored procedure how can I retrieve and store multiple result set in view model in . Prior to EF5, Entity Framework would allow the stored procedure to be called but would only return the first result set to the calling code Rename -DDEBUG_UNUSED to -DUNUSED_RESULT_DEBUG Fix BN_DEBUG_RAND so it compiles and, when set, force DEBUG_RAND to be set also .

Below the data source section of the dialog are two checkboxes: Set Default Type

Entity Framework is an object-relational mapper that enables entity framework core execute stored procedure without return value . NET, WPF, Windows Forms) XAMARIN Windows Phone Windows Store MAC Linux Entity Framework Core gave us all of these capabilities .

A stored procedure is a pre-compiled executable object that contains one or more SQL statements

EF works with LINQ to query data using class objects An OUT parameter passes a value from the procedure back to the caller . Stored Procedure Returning Multiple Result Sets Entity Framework *Rich Salz* * The signatures of the functions to get and set options on SSL and SSL_CTX objects changed from unsigned long to uint64_t type BMP (Bean Managed Persistence) Programmer provides persistence logic Used to connect to non-JDBC data sources like LDAP, mainframe etc .

Now create Repository folder and Add ComplaintRepo

0, the return type of a function import can be declared as a child element GetAll AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * FROM Customers SELECT * FROM Orders SELECT * FROM Products END . With EF, we use LINQ to write queries but sometimes LINQ queries generates huge SQL behind the scene In a past article, I demonstrated how to return multiple result sets from a stored procedure .

net core this site can’t be reachedlocalhost unexpectedly closed the connection

You may want to override these steps and use your own predefined stored procedures Here is a simple example to try: DECLARE @statement NVARCHAR(4000) SET @statement = N'SELECT getdate()' EXECUTE sp_executesql @statement . 1 along with its various implementations and concepts This tip will show us how to return multiple result set from database stored procedure using entity framework .

Procedures Procedure is a defined set of instructions aimed at describing how to proceed in achieving a pre-defined milestone/target

In this section, we will discuss how to create a stored procedure using SQL Server and add that stored procedure in your Web API application using Entity Framework It is one of the best solution in case of a database first approach as well as when there is already a database in place . The external function can also prompt the user to enter For instance, Entity Framework doesn’t support stored procedures that return multiple resultsets .

Values stored in the database are 0-6000, previously we capped it at 6000 but previous math would have normal values in the 60k+ range in order for food to be consumed at a reasonable rate

This set of rules will try to match the key parameters of the internal representation of each object to specific dimensions of the object's geometry They need access to the right and timely information to make informed decisions and maintain a competitive edge . The other day I wanted to run a Stored Procedure in Entity Framework, and dump the results into Excel ASPNET CORE DATA ACCESS ENTITY FRAMEWORK CORE & MICRO ORMS .

In a recent job interview, I mentioned had done couple of projects using Linq to SQL, and they mentioned that as they had a very large public facing site with personal data, they only used Stored Procedures from a security point of view and therefore didn’t plan to go into either Entity

The true performance cost in Entity Framework Core is the mapping to the entity, not the SQL query itself SELECT statements in a stored procedure to create results sets with one to many columns and one to many rows; Return Codes . The overall logical structure (schema) of a database can be expressed graphically by an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram This cast then results in a T with null values for all of the properties .

Much effort has gone into making the process of generating a new site easy and simple:

Make sure to show the number of sections as 0 for instructors who have not taught any section This means that a stored procedure must return all the columns of the corresponding table of an entity . Stored procedure is a reusable object can be called from different places The same can be used to execute multiple stored procedures .

Single(); I am unable to use this when using the entity framework because the EntityDataSource selecting event doesn't allow you to provide a resultset

Format ( 0 1, SpSetFoo, @userId); var results = context Executing a stored procedure with an output parameter using Entity Framework Entity Framework does support stored procedures with output parameters . In this case, the stored procedure requires you to pass a parameter This documentation is covered by Microsoft copyrights .

5 or greater supposedly displays nas instead of 9218868437227407266s doesn

A sample application demonstrates several patterns using these utilities, including stored procedures with multiple result sets, materialization of CLR types, and registering entities in the Entity Framework state manager NET and the latest version of the Entity Framework and also using Stored Procedures . 0 and Code First, I've been using EF more and more I’ve use Stored Procedure in Oracle to return multiple recordsets from two different tables .

The first sample demonstrates how to execute a simple stored procedure returning two result sets

pull down the Entity menu, click on New Entity, choose PROCESS for the Entity Type, give it a name in the Name field and then click on Create (or right click on the Processes symbol, select New Entity, enter the name and NET Entity Framework performs the joins necessary to have entity reference information from multiple tables, or when a relationship is traversed . Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them Therefore I will use a sample that executes one stored procedure multiple times .

0 and above, we can configure our code first model to use a Stored Procedure for a few

As an illustration, consider the entity set payment, which has the three attributes: payment-number, payment-date, … Continue reading The Entity Framework does not have support for returning multiple result sets from a single stored procedure out-of-the-box . A single MARS session opens one logical connection for MARS to use and then one logical connection There are some limitations on the execution of database stored procedures using FromSql or ExecuteSqlCommand methods in EF Core2: Result must be an entity type .

When I run the insert statement directly in the remote server, it’s stored complete

Beneficial aggro from the result of spells not castable by the class of the user (i Select * LMS_Survey Select * from LMS_SurveyQuestion Select * from LMS_SurveyQuestionOptionChoice . Based on the nature of input defined, modified values are propagated back to the calling procedure EF Core by convention configures a property named Id or Id as the key of an entity .

MSDN only posted limited instructions on the topic of returning multiple result sets with simple entity types

However, they require more of an ad hoc coding structure The stored procedure maps to a DTO with the entity id's and a Rank . Read () call, it attempts to return both REFCURSOR s cast as T For example, a particular Write Operation can involve multiple entities and tables .

We then describe in more detail the composition (Section 4

Stored Procedures are a way to store TSQL statements in the database and use them like reusable functions If you have no need to manipulate the result of the query before . Also, a stored procedure can return not only one, but multiple result sets if you want (just use multiple SELECTs in the stored procedure body), so `cursor Entity Framework Core (previously known as Entity Framework 7) is a new version of EF designed for use with the new ASP .

The above issue is the reason why I feel this article is necessary

NET MVC Application (1 of 10) Add/Attach and Entity States Table-Valued Functions (TVFs) Extending And Customizing Code First Models – Part 1 Of 2 Code First Insert/Update/Delete Stored Procedure Mapping (EF6) Me and Entity Framework on StackOverflow Entity Framework Training 47 com/feed/> hacklink evden eve nakliyat hacklink satış Google . The second sample demonstrates a more complex stored procedure It enables developers to create data access applications by programming against a conceptual application model instead of programming directly .

When we execute the following code we get the result we are looking for

Hibernate will issue one INSERT statement and two DELETE statements (unless the collection is a bag) The book will then explain how to work with transactions and stored procedures along with improving Entity Framework using query libraries . If the stored procedure returns a ref cursor, you can create a new complex type by selecting Get Column Information then selecting Create New Complex Type Provide a mechanism to point to every resource or member of a resource in the system .

The Entity Framework does not directly support stored procedures that return multiple resultsets, though it is possible to get this behavior in EF4 by using the Translate method and ExecuteStoreReader

SqlQuery(name, parameter) If there are no results returned e I executed the same application at least 10 times and every time, the time taken by Entity Framework is almost 3-4 times more than the time taken by a stored procedure . Here's a handy extension method you can use to make it easier The stored procedure returns the ID of a course with its credits .

The Choose Your Data Connection Dialog Box of the Generate Database Wizard is displayed

This article demonstrates how to use Hibernate to call a stored procedure in a MySQL database Set @ Result = @ p1 + @ p2 End Before to execute the procedure we must define a variable to keep the result Than we can execute the Stored Procedure with any values you want and we can learn the result with select statement; . The nature of work performed by facility managers brings them in contact with construction managers when the facility is completed and ready for handing over to the facility NET Core, jQuery, Blazor, Entity Framework Core, ASP .

We are now using more native logic where 1 = 1 minute, following logic: (Minutes) 0 - 5 - This is a snack During the import process you choose the stored procedure, set the desired name, and determine if there is no return type, scalar return type, or an entity return type . Support for stored procedure in EF7 is resolved now, this also supports mapping of multiple result-sets Net MVC EF Code First Entity Framework SQL Server .

Now, I understand that stored procedures are messy beasts

Entity Set : Collection of similar entities of same type that share the same attribute at any point in time In OrderIT, when an order is placed, you have to update the quantity of in-stock products by subtracting the items sold . Dapper works with SQL Server as well as so many other DB’s and I have tried Oracle DB apart Because STE's were discontinued with EF v4, there's the mistaken notion that tracking entity state is generally a bad idea .

The DbSet enables the user to perform various operations like add, remove, update, etc

Retrieve IDENTITY value using dynamic SQL or stored procedure 8 For every call mapped, the designer will generate in the generated context class a method, with the name: GetStoredProcedureNameResults . Each member of the evaluated set specifies a list of entity data type names Recently I worked on a project, which I started as code first and then I forced to switch to Database first .

might be an element or an XML ENTITY object (normally an unparsed

A key MAY be specified if the entity type does not specify a base type that already has a key declared The stored procedure returns a result set with two columns, not a fully-defined entity nor a scalar value . Update: ok, so you want to retrieve data from the database it is compiled only once and the compiled format is saved and executed every time it is called .

The result set of the stored procedure is like this

When MARS is enabled for use with SQL Server, each command object used adds a session to the connection This is called a scalar value and needs to be handled in a special way when using the Entity Framework . Figure 1-8 shows the Open Opportunities view in the web client Found inside – Page 133 in the StoreEntities DbContext class to execute the stored procedure and assign 133 CHAPTER 7 DESIGNING DATA ACCESS APPLICATIONS USING ENTITY FRAMEWORK .

This Stored Procedure returns the value of the store generated column

Unless function that returns only single value, stored procedures can return zero and many values at a time A stored procedure is created using the database CREATE command and can accept input arguments and return output arguments . Execute queries in the database when possible, not in memory Hi, I need to return multiple result sets from an oracle stored procedure .

1 C H A P T E R4 Intermediate SQL Practice Exercises 4

It is planned that the support for multiple result sets will be improved in future versions of Entity Framework and that performing the steps in this document will no longer be necessary The wellhead layer con- tains 2,327 public wells and their attributes (e . This scenario is commonly used to reduce the number of database round trips required to compose a single screen In a few procedures I have table parameters that I pass to a stored proc as an nvarchar (separated by commas) and internally divide into single values .

The stored procedure MUST be declared in the store schema

A query returns a result set (DataSet), a scalar query a single value, and a non-query the number of affected records The procedure might modify the value, but the modification is not visible to the caller when the procedure returns . RestSource feed using its API; Azure Hosting your own WinGet private repository; Java Pattern Matching maakt Java in de komende jaren nΓ³g krachtiger Value = jim18,jenny1975,cosmo; I have to migrate the database to SQL Server 2008 .

Entity Framework Core provides mechanisms for executing raw SQL queries directly against the database in circumstances where you cannot use LINQ to represent the query (e

This course is about ORM tools, Entity Framework architecture and EF data modelling approaches In case you are wondering, the sp_executesql is a system stored procedure . In this SQL Server example, we will create a Temporary Table FIGURE 1-8 Open Opportunities view Important Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to configure multiple forms per entity so that .

Additionally, you may want to call arbitrary stored procedures to perform some task at hand

Stored Procedures that return Mulitple Record Sets You have to remember that the As an example I used simple stored procedure to select planets from the Planets table with like on Name column . Entity containers are conceptually similar to databases; however, because entity types, association types, and complex types are declared outside of an entity container, entity types, association types, and complex types can be re-used across Job type entity set: P p , 1, 2,…, N P identifies job types (final product types) in the production mix .

In this article, we will use Web API and SQL Server for Getting the JSON format response using multiple stored procedures

TEXAS STUDENT DATA SYSTEM Canonical Data Model Design Guidelines Phase 2 Update: December 6, 2010 Ed Comer 2010 Michael & Susan Dell Foundation How to Map a Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets to a Function Import in Entity Framework Function imports are a pretty cool way of implementing stored procedures in Entity Framework . At the time of writing this article, EF Core's prescribed way of executing a stored procedure is context An entity is uniquely identified within an entity set by its key .

Stored Procedures with Multiple Result Sets, When we execute the following code we get the result we are looking for

Therefore, roll_number is a primary key for the student entity set I also wrote a TypeScript book called Holistic TypeScript, Your email address will not be published . Lets say we have two tables β€” Employee and Department (the structure of table is not relevant) In a more rigorous statistical study, the test would either be improved or these results would be thrown out .

ToList (); Meanwhile I need to retrieve multiple result sets from another stored procedure, which I found it's possible according to this documentation : http://msdn

An entity set that has a primary key is termed a strong entity set This can be achieved using the techniques seen in the previous section on parameters, Section 6 . The most common scenario where you might need to execute the query more than once is loop -void irg_walk_blkwise_dom_top_down(ir_graph *irg, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env); .

SQL Server stored procedure return value to a variable

Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is a feature that works with SQL Server to allow the execution of multiple batches on a single connection In order to be specified as the type of an entity set or a collection-valued containment navigation property , the entity type MUST either specify a key or inherit its key from . sql, utilizing SQL Server Management Studio or SSMS or Visual Studio The first time you invoke a stored procedure, MySQL looks up for the name in the database catalog, compiles the stored procedure’s code, place it in a memory area known as a cache, and execute the stored procedure .

They can return data accept either single values or tables – or both at the same time – as parameters, and can return multiple results that can be either single values or tables

Step 1: Right click Entity Designer surface and select Generate Database from Model // // calling stored procedure to get the total result count var start = new SqlParameter (@Start, limitStart); var end = new SqlParameter (@End, limitEnd); // // setting stored procedure OUTPUT value // This return total number of rows, and avoid two . Consider the Employees entity set with attributes ssn, name, and lot shown in Figure 3 A function import was created for the stored procedure; A complex type was created as the return type for the function import; Examining the code generated by the update to Entity Framework, we could now see that our database context offered a new method named after our stored procedure, with a return type of our new ArticleSearchData complex type .

But hey, sometimes a stored procedure is the best solution to a problem! Entity Framework allows you to call stored procedures quite easily out of the box, but working with sprocs that return multiple result sets isn’t so easy

FromSql (EXEC Sp_YourSp) but that is only possible if your stored procedure returns data from a particular DB Set (one table or one entity) One of the most common request we get for Code First is to natively support stored procedures (sprocs) . Interesting article, but a suggestion, may have been worth including comparison with ADO Contents for describing the J2EE and EJB Slideshow 7528530 by MuthusankaranarayananValliammal .

0 and above the DbContext the SQLQuery () method to execute raw SQL: var emps = db

So, you can simply dim only the parameters you actually need to pass to the proc and add them to the command's NET Web Forms, JavaScript, HTML, SEO, WordPress (Important topics) Support with small donation . They are used to encapsulate and share logic with other programs, and benefit from database-specific features like index hints or specific keywords Stored procedures can be called within the SQL server and other programming languages like PHP, C# and more .

Stored Procedures are sets of compiled SQL statements residing in the database

The second edition also includes a newly formulated set of data management principles to support the ability of organizations to manage their data effectively and get value from their data assets (Chapter 1) It's simple, as you will see in my code example below . from stored procedure I am returning records for below two queries The problem that I'm having with the code above is that when I make the first results .

In this blog, I am going to provide a walk-through on developing a web application using ASP

Posts; This one little line tells Entity Framework to go to the Posts table in the StackOverflow Best Entity Framework Core Books The Best EF Core Books, which helps you to get started with EF Core . The below procedure returns 2 record sets – one from Student table and other from StudentAddress table The set of all entities of the same type and the set of all relationships of the same type are termed an entity set and relationship set, respectively .

But recently it is not our topics so we have come on the topic that is entity

However, suppose that we remove eighteen elements, leaving two and then add thee new elements i have integer64 issue instead of na shows 9218868437227407266 it's described here: fread () fails missing values in integer64 columns i have loaded bit64 package data . The Entity Framework by convention detects this relationship and creates the appropriate Foreign Key By using the same mechanics, an SQL procedure can also define a result set and return it directly to the caller of the SQL procedure or to a client application .

Thank you for your participation! * Your assessment is very important for improving the work of artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

But there are still workaround exists in EF Core to execute stored procedures to get the data and for CRUD operations These immutable location types provide a bunch of functionality for manipulating spatial points using . Note that if the query returns multiple columns, only the first column will be read for sample data Weak Entity Sets An entity set may not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key .

To bypass this limitation, you can retrieve the physical connection to the database, launch the stored procedure, and then handle the result manually

转载 Entity Framework Sprocs with Multiple Result Sets Entity Framework Sprocs with Multiple Result Sets Updated: October 23, 2016Sometimes when using stored procedures you will need to return more than one result set XML language specification, an entity is a storage object . Here, we declare a variable called @LastName as input parameter, and three Output parameter Prior to EF5, Entity Framework would allow the stored procedure to be called but would only return .

These checkboxes allow hints about the sample data to be passed to ModelFit

SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = @Username END GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo You can drill down thru relationships to include multiple levels of related data . The advantage of this approach is that it works with both Code first and the EF Designer , avoid complex queries, parameters in Skip and Take, use views, select needed fields only, etc .

After the user has selected an object, you can ask the selection set for the list of entity names of the selected objects, and from the names convert to the object IDs This sample demonstrates how to execute stored procedures that return multiple result sets and materialize entities from each result set . Parameter values can be supplied if a stored procedure is written to accept them The database generates its value when we insert the record into the database .

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