Stoltenberg’s Dido moment might put a halt to West’s lies

Stoltenberg’s Dido moment might put a halt to West’s lies

By Martin Jay

The greatest NATO lie is the one about Russia having its sights on European countries to invade and conquer.

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The video clip on social media is a must watch. It’s a recent monologue piece given to a very small handful of journalists where the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg seems to be having a mental meltdown – certainly if you watch the clip without sound.

Of course if goes without saying that you should always watch clips of the NATO boss without sound, as however would you ever grasp what the demented Norwegian is banging on about? But this particular clip shows our Jens really in full animation mode. He’s literally throwing his arms and shoulders about like a ravin’ homicidal maniac having a spazzo attack.

“I will go down with this ship, I will not hold my eyes up and surrender…there will be no white flag up my door, I’m in love” he told a small cabal of mainly NATO officials and hacks. In fact, he didn’t say that at all. I made it up. Lying seems to be the ubiquitous theme now of NATO and western elites so I can be forgiven. Those were, of course the immortal words of Dido from the song White Flag – a narrative which would work well with the NATO supremo who you could easily imagine singing along too at the lights in Oslo in his Volvo estate with the “baby on board sticker” on the rear window.

In reality, ponder what the old fool really said.

“The sooner we can convince Moscow that it will not win on the battlefield, the sooner we can reach a peace agreement in which Russia understands that it cannot win the war, but must sit down and negotiate an agreement in which Ukraine becomes a sovereign, independent state.”

Interesting how the official line is shifting all the time. Our man Jens is now talking about Russia “not winning” compared to Biden just a few weeks ago who told press room wasters that “Putin was losing in Ukraine”. But here is our NATO man actually now calling for peace talks as it becomes embarrassingly patent that NATO has nothing to celebrate on its birthday and that Ukraine is falling village by village, town by town, to Russian forces.

Of course Ukraine and NATO are both banking on the Americans signing off a 60bn dollar of military aid for Ukraine, as though that will make a difference to a war machine which siphons off so much which arrives in Kiev, leaving some pundits recently writing about how much even the staplers in government ministries are being stolen each day, such is the depth and severity of the crisis.

But it’s the lying and level of lying which is astonishing. As Anthony Blinken stunned journalists just recently by saying that “Ukraine will join NATO” – perhaps the biggest lie ever of the entire war as western leaders know this is impossible and can never happen, without, that is the full defeat and exit of Russian forces. Actually it’s the second biggest lie. The greatest lie of all is the one about Russia having its sights on European countries to invade and conquer which is something that Stoltenberg constantly says but not one EU leader believes which is evident in their irresponsible depletion of their own missiles. Macron also plays a key role in the manufacture of these untruths with his recent success in convincing journalists to write up the “we could send French troops into Ukraine” when, in fact, he packed that statement with so many caveats that he really didn’t say it at all. What is clear is that there is a state of panic now which is palpable from the West in general and that Macron, as well as NATO leaders, are having informal talks – or at least are having talks about possible talks – with Russia over some sort of what the Americans like to call an “off ramp” for Ukraine and the West. You could call it a “white flag” which has probably left you humming the song.

Whatever happened to Dido, by the way?

Original article: Stoltenberg’s Dido moment might put a halt to West’s lies — Strategic Culture (

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