Stockport Web Designer - Hosting and SEO.

Stockport Web Designer - Hosting and SEO.

Photon Flux

It's REALLY easy to get up and running online these days - and dirt cheap too - you could well even get a site for free depending on your needs. (Although hosting will have to be paid for along with a domain of course).

Stockport web design - also with hosting and search engine optimisation (SEO)

Based in Stockport we offer web design and a whole range of internet related services, we have been programming computer systems for over 30 years.

Our first website was created in 1998, prior to that our involvement was primarily corporate mainframe systems and business applications on a variety of I.T. platforms including MVS-XA, Unix, Xenix, Windows, Novell.

More than a simple web design company putting up little wordpress sites for people, we actually offer medium scale business applications and back end processing solutions including database design, payment processing and web hosting related services.

more than just designs!

Our service on the SEO front involves highly technical customer written web crawlers which evaluate the search landscape and establish the very best patterns of text for inclusion on web pages.

A number of companies do this - but we are leaders in the field with respect to the fact that our first analytical systems were created almost 20 years ago - whilst the new kids on the block are touting this as something "new" - it is not.

Our systems are based upon the PHP programming languages and we use custom built frameworks or indeed implement a laravel solution.

The databases we work with include MariaDB and MySQL - these can handle most of the website requirements we have encountered to date and are established systems used by millions of sites worldwide.

Why not pop over to our own website, we are based in Stockport in the UK but are more than happy to supply websites for people from anywhere in the world - quite literally.

If you require images and other media - we can also supply this via online libraries where licensed material can be purchased, or we can produce photographs and videos for you. People often use these to enhance their website and showcase various services and product offerings. In addition - where you have existing media available - we can also incorporate this into your web design as it is - or enhance it using our skills and software.

Price does not have to be a limiting factor in whether you choose to have a website or not - our prices start at ZERO and go from there depending on your requirement - a typical website to show your business off will cost about £150.

With prices like that - its a no-brainer!

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