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Professor at Texas A&M at Galveston was so frustrated with students' performance that he told them he wouldn't pass anyone and that he was done with them. Administrators had other ideas.
Irwin Horwitz had had enough. His students, he thought, weren't performing well academically and they were being disruptive, rude and dishonest. So he sent the students in his strategic management class an email:
"Since teaching this course, I have caught and seen cheating, been told to 'chill out,' 'get out of my space,' 'go back and teach,' [been] called a 'fucking moron' to my face, [had] one student cheat by signing in for another, one student not showing up but claiming they did, listened to many hurtful and untrue rumors about myself and others, been caught between fights between students…."
Horwitz said he would fail every single student. "None of you, in my opinion, given the behavior in this class, deserve to pass, or graduate to become an Aggie, as you do not in any way embody the honor that the university holds graduates should have within their personal character. It is thus for these reasons why I am officially walking away from this course. I am frankly and completely disgusted. You all lack the honor and maturity to live up to the standards that Texas A&M holds, and the competence and/or desire to do the quality work necessary to pass the course just on a grade level…. I will no longer be teaching the course, and all are being awarded a failing grade."
The same day Horwitz sent a similar email to the senior administrators of the university telling them what he had done, and predicting (correctly) that students would protest and claim he was being unfair. The students are "your problem now," Horwitz wrote.
The university has said that Horwitz's failing grades will not stand.
A spokesman for the university said via email that "all accusations made by the professor about the students' behavior in class are also being investigated and disciplinary action will be taken" against students found to have behaved inappropriately. The spokesman said that one cheating allegation referenced by Horwitz has already been investigated and that a student committee cleared the student of cheating.
However, the spokesman said that the across-the-board F grades, which were based on Horwitz's views of students' academic performance and behavior, will all be re-evaluated. "No student who passes the class academically will be failed. That is the only right thing to do," he said.
In an interview, Horwitz said that the class was his worst in 20 years of college-level teaching. The professor, who is new to Galveston, relocated (to a non-tenure-track position) because his wife holds an academic job in Houston, and they have had to work hard to find jobs in the same area. He stressed that the students' failings were academic as well as behavioral. Most, he said, couldn't do a "break-even analysis" in which students were asked to consider a product and its production costs per unit, and determine the production levels needed to reach a profit.
In most of his career, he said, he has rarely awarded grades of F except for academic dishonesty. He said he has never failed an entire class before, but felt he had no choice after trying to control the class and complaining to administrators at the university.
Students have complained that they need this class to graduate, and Horwitz said that based on the academic and behavioral issues in class, they do not deserve to graduate with degrees in business fields (the majors for which the course is designed and required).
Response to his actions has been intense. Horwitz said that he has received (and he shared) emails that were quite critical and mocked him, and others that praised him for taking a stand.
Asked if the decision to fail every one of the 30-plus enrollees was fair to every student, Horwitz said that "a few" students had not engaged in misbehavior, and he said that those students were also the best academic performers. Horwitz said he offered to the university that he would continue to teach just those students, but was told that wasn't possible, so he felt he had no choice but to fail everyone and leave the course.
Horwitz said he believes his academic freedom has been violated in this case, because the university is changing the grades he has assigned.
Henry Reichman, chair of American Association of University Professors' Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University at East Bay, said that faculty members generally do have the right to assign grades, but there are some extreme circumstances where this may be limited. He said, for example, that if a college found that a professor was failing students for clearly inappropriate reasons, the institution would be correct to intervene.
Reichman stressed that he didn't know the facts at play in the Galveston case. But one principle that is important, he said, is that a panel of professors should be sorting out the situation and making any final determinations.
It should be the right of a professor to grade on behavioral issues and not strictly academic ones, whether that means failing a student who engages in academic misconduct or taking off points for people who miss class or turn in work late. So he said he was troubled by the university saying that none of the behavioral issues could be legitimate reasons for failing a student. But Reichman said faculty members should always be clear about such policies. He also said he was bothered by any collective punishment in which a student is failed for the actions of other students.
When Students Misbehave and Professors Walk
When faculty members take action because students have crossed lines (frequently involving technology), the conduct of everyone is debated. In some of the most talked-about cases, collective punishment was an issue.
In 2010, two professors who taught an introductory engineering course in chemistry at Ryerson University in Canada jointly adopted a policy in which they vowed to make tests more difficult, to encourage students to pay attention. And the professors said that after three warnings about disruptions such as cell phone discussions and movies playing on laptops, the professors would walk out of class -- and students would have to learn the rest of that day's material themselves. The professors abandoned the policy amid much debate.
In 2008, a philosophy professor at Syracuse University sparked a controversy with his policy of leaving class immediately , without covering material that would have been discussed, if he caught a student texting or reading the newspaper.
Scott Jaschik , Editor , is one of the three founders of Inside Higher Ed. With Doug Lederman, he leads the editorial operations of Inside Higher Ed, overseeing news content, opinion pieces, career advice, blogs and other features. Scott is a leading voice on higher education issues, quoted regularly in publications nationwide, and publishing articles on colleges in publications such as The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, Salon, and elsewhere. He has been a judge or screener for the National Magazine Awards, the Online Journalism Awards, the Folio Editorial Excellence Awards, and the Education Writers Association Awards. Scott served as a mentor in the community college fellowship program of the Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media, of Teachers College, Columbia University. He is a member of the board of the Education Writers Association. From 1999-2003, Scott was editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education . Scott grew up in Rochester, N.Y., and graduated from Cornell University in 1985. He lives in Washington.
Resources for faculty and staff from our partners at Times Higher Education.

Humanity is now officially getting dumber.
The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of
Whatever incredibly dumb things humanity got up to in the 20th century (and there were, as you know, some doozies), we all had at least one thing to crow about: as measured by IQ tests humans were at least steadily getting smarter .
The steady uptick in average IQ scores is known as the Flynn effect , and it lasted for decades. Basically wherever scientists looked they found a rise of intelligence of about three IQ points per decade.
But recent research has worrying news: this trend appears to be reversing .
It probably shouldn't worry us if some pocket of the population saw a decline in IQ as things like education and diet affect IQ and these factors can vary from one group or time to another. But according to this new study it doesn't appear to be some small segment of the population whose IQ is going down. It appears to be the entire nation of Norway.
When scientists from the Norway's Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research analyzed some 730,000 IQ tests given to Norwegian men before their compulsory military service from 1970 to 2009, they found that average IQ scores were actually sinking. And not just by some miniscule amount. Each generation of Norwegian men appear to be getting around seven IQ points dumber. 
And as PsyBlog points out , this isn't even the first study to find that the Flynn Effect has reversed, though it may be the most convincing to date.
That's pretty horrifying news for fans of progress, but it also begs one incredibly important question: Why? What's causing IQ scores to start heading in the wrong direction?
You might first wonder if it's genetic. Maybe some change in the makeup of a particular group being studied has caused the decline (crudely, you could call this the 'dumb people have more babies' hypothesis). But that seems to be ruled out by the new research, which shows that even within single families IQ has declined. Marginal Revolution blogger economist Tyler Cowen sums up what that means: "In other words, we have started building a more stupidity-inducing environment."
So we know that the culprit is nurture rather than nature (or, sorry xenophobes, migration), but scientists are still baffled as to what exact aspect of modern life is driving the decline. Some have proposed that our tech obsession might be to blame, but as the decline started in the 1970s, well before everyone spent their days staring at screens, that can't be the whole story.
Other proposed explanations are unhealthy modern diets, increasingly trashy media, or a decline in the quality of schooling or the prevalence of reading .
The issue could even be down to a technical detail of IQ tests. Scientists make a distinction between crystallized intelligence (all the stuff you've been taught and remember) and fluid intelligence (your ability to learn new stuff). IQ tests generally measure crystallized intelligence more, so changes in schooling that de-emphasize memorization might be driving a decline in scores. If this explanation is true, students remain as smart as ever (just way more reliant on Google).
The bottom line, however, is that the cause of the decline remains a mystery. Whatever it turns out to be, however, we should all probably start worrying about what our sedentary , screen addicted, junk food-munching lifestyles might be doing to our brains.
Place your bets: what do you think is behind the recent mental decline of humanity?

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A string is an object of type String whose value is text. Internally, the text is stored as a sequential read-only collection of Char objects. There's no null-terminating character at the end of a C# string; therefore a C# string can contain any number of embedded null characters ('\0'). The Length property of a string represents the number of Char objects it contains, not the number of Unicode characters. To access the individual Unicode code points in a string, use the StringInfo object.
In C#, the string keyword is an alias for String ; therefore, String and string are equivalent. It's recommended to use the provided alias string as it works even without using System; . The String class provides many methods for safely creating, manipulating, and comparing strings. In addition, the C# language overloads some operators to simplify common string operations. For more information about the keyword, see string . For more information about the type and its methods, see String .
You can declare and initialize strings in various ways, as shown in the following example:
You don't use the new operator to create a string object except when initializing the string with an array of chars.
Initialize a string with the Empty constant value to create a new String object whose string is of zero length. The string literal representation of a zero-length string is "". By initializing strings with the Empty value instead of null , you can reduce the chances of a NullReferenceException occurring. Use the static IsNullOrEmpty(String) method to verify the value of a string before you try to access it.
String objects are immutable : they can't be changed after they've been created. All of the String methods and C# operators that appear to modify a string actually return the results in a new string object. In the following example, when the contents of s1 and s2 are concatenated to form a single string, the two original strings are unmodified. The += operator creates a new string that contains the combined contents. That new object is assigned to the variable s1 , and the original object that was assigned to s1 is released for garbage collection because no other variable holds a reference to it.
Because a string "modification" is actually a new string creation, you must use caution when you create references to strings. If you create a reference to a string, and then "modify" the original string, the reference will continue to point to the original object instead of the new object that was created when the string was modified. The following code illustrates this behavior:
For more information about how to create new strings that are based on modifications such as search and replace operations on the original string, see How to modify string contents .
Quoted string literals start and end with a single double quote character ( " ) on the same line. Quoted string literals are best suited for strings that fit on a single line and don't include any escape sequences . A quoted string literal must embed escape characters, as shown in the following example:
Verbatim string literals are more convenient for multi-line strings, strings that contain backslash characters, or embedded double quotes. Verbatim strings preserve new line characters as part of the string text. Use double quotation marks to embed a quotation mark inside a verbatim string. The following example shows some common uses for verbatim strings:
Beginning with C# 11, you can use raw string literals to more easily create strings that are multi-line, or use any characters requiring escape sequences. Raw string literals remove the need to ever use escape sequences. You can write the string, including whitespace formatting, how you want it to appear in output. A raw string literal :
The following examples demonstrate these rules:
The following examples demonstrate the compiler errors reported based on these rules:
The first two examples are invalid because multiline raw string literals require the opening and closing quote sequence on its own line. The third example is invalid because the text is outdented from the closing quote sequence.
You should consider raw string literals when you're generating text that includes characters that require escape sequences when using quoted string literals or verbatim string literals. Raw string literals will be easier for you and others to read because it will more closely resemble the output text. For example, consider the following code that includes a string of formatted JSON:
Compare that text with the equivalent text in our sample on JSON serialization , which doesn't make use of this new feature.
When using the \x escape sequence and specifying less than 4 hex digits, if the characters that immediately follow the escape sequence are valid hex digits (i.e. 0-9, A-F, and a-f), they will be interpreted as being part of the escape sequence. For example, \xA1 produces "¡", which is code point U+00A1. However, if the next character is "A" or "a", then the escape sequence will instead be interpreted as being \xA1A and produce "ਚ", which is code point U+0A1A. In such cases, specifying all 4 hex digits (e.g. \x00A1 ) will prevent any possible misinterpretation.
At compile time, verbatim and raw strings are converted to ordinary strings with all the same escape sequences. Therefore, if you view a verbatim or raw string in the debugger watch window, you will see the escape characters that were added by the compiler, not the verbatim or raw version from your source code. For example, the verbatim string @"C:\files.txt" will appear in the watch window as "C:\\files.txt"
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