Stiletto Boot Fetish Leaf Crushing Trampling

Stiletto Boot Fetish Leaf Crushing Trampling


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Clickety-click…Here I come!
Click-click, click-click goes her metal-tapped heels. Thump-thump, thump-thump goes his heart.
Email me with questions:
LOUIS J GARDINA on Metal taps–50’s or…
soccercleatscrush on A New Tapgrrl!!!!
Last night my hubby and I went to a party at the home of one of his co-workers. At first I didn’t want to go because the wife in the couple that was hosting the party has never been very nice to me. She’s said things about me behind my back and even once called me “slutty” to my face! Well, if she wanted “slutty,” she got it last night! I put on this pair of black above-the-knee boots I haven’t worn in a long time. They have 4 inch heels with steel heel tips on them. I wore a pale blue short skirt and a bright red low-cut blouse and I styled my hair so that my dark roots were showing very prominently under the blonde strands. 
A few years ago I lived in a house with wood floors, and I noticed that my metal taps made indentations in the floor. Ever since then I’ve been conscious of trying to walk lightly on wood floors, but last night I decided I wasn’t going to be bothered by my steel-tipped heels. So, whenever I happened to be standing in the part of the house that had wood floors (the entry hallway and the dining room), I stood hard on my heels and even clicked them against the floor occasionally as I am apt to do with my regularly tapped shoes. I’m pretty sure I left a few marks, but I didn’t specifically look for them. Anyway, I feel like I got back at her, but I’m sure she’ll just have more mean things to say about me now! 
I don’t wear stiletto heels or stiletto boots very often, but I know that men still like women to do that. And I had plenty of conversation partners at the party! 
Here’s some photos that I’ve collected over the years. If you want more of these, let me know.
Googling for metal taps
April 20, 2012
With 3 comments
The marks would have been worse for the floor if there had been some sand; the metal tips would have driven the grains into the wooden floors, leaving a bunch of little pits.
That’s something I noticed back when I wore horseshoe heel plates. Some of the floor was linoleum, and some was wood where I was living at that time. When some sand was tracked in on the floor, a regular rubber heel cap would flex around the grains; but the horseshoe heel plates were unyielding, placing the full force of the body weight above the heel right on the grains sticking up the highest, pitting wooden floors and not all that great for linoleum, either, but the wooden floors got the worst abuse, though in my case it wasn’t intentional.
Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say I intentionally damaged her floor, just that I didn’t try NOT TO. I wanted to dress provocatively to show her what “slutty” was, and if there were consequences for her, so be it.
You made my day, Tapgirl!! The only thing better would be to have been there at the at the party. You have the luckiest husband on earth!
Thanks for the excellent pic’s of metal tapped spike heels. How I wish more women would find some and wear ’em. The OTK, form-fitting boots are smoking hot right now; and with metal taps, they are out of this world sexy! I like to break the sharp edge of such taps (round ones) when I turn them on the lathe. This might save a stocking or two; but it probably won’t help the wood floors. Dance teachers usually reserve their most beat-up floors for tap. I have some BP stiletto boots I bought for Barb; but we’re getting a little old, even for shoe play. I will eventually put taps on them, however, and have her model them for the camera.
It does me great good to know there is a little blonde hottie somewhere in the Southeast, laying down heel steel with each step of her pretty flats…and now stilettos! Oh, you would have loved it in the 60’s.
I agree with Barry that your husband is lucky. Enjoy it while you can. Weight and other ailments denie you these pleasures as you get older.
Many times woman think another woman is slutty because their husband comments on how hot the woman is. You husband coworker probably like your taps and has mentioned it to her.
Keep tapping while you can.
So far, no negative feedback from the party hostess. Maybe my stiletto heels that night weren’t as damaging to her floor as I thought. BuT I’m sure my outfit and hair-styling just confirmed her impression of me as a slut!
Maybe she saw the damage but had no idea who caused it. At a busy party, she probably could not hear heels on a wooden floor, or distinguish the sound of metal heels from another kind. I have read stories like yours where she arrives late to the party wearing exposed nail heels, or stilettos with custom-made floor-killer tips, mingles during the party, and then leaves early. Only when nearly everyone has gone does the hostess discover that her expensive hardwood floor has been ripped to splinters…
Great collection of metal tipped stilettos. I really love the HH looks ones .Check out her videos
on you tube. Great sound walking on tile floors
Yeah, I’ve seen those videos. Although I see the sexiness of stilettos–metal-tipped or not–I’ve heard too many stories from women who can’t wear high heels any more to want to wear them more than just occasionally. That’s the beauty of Eagle taps on chunky and flat heels. You get the same attention-grabbing effect without the long-term problems of wearing stiletto heels.
thank you for these photos. I can imagine the sound of hard floors and crushing some gravels! these metal tip heels could easily crush my fingers under, what pain i think.
Some day someone will have to explain to me the pleasure of painful experiences. I get the pleasure from mild restraint, like in being tied up by someone you trust, and I get spanking, especially during sex (that is nice!), but I don’t get trampling. But then most of the world, these days, doesn’t get “taps” so to each his/her own!
Part of my crush fetish is imaging the pain the bug is experiencing under metal as he is being squashed. A lot of people don’t understand how seeing a bug being squashed by a girl or woman wearing shoes with taps but it is fantasy of being smal like a bug and squashed under a woman’s shoe. I guess I am also submissive.
I’ve followed the trample and crush scenes a bit, and read many posts from guys talking about their experiences. So, here’s my take. As part of BDSM, trampling has a lot to do with role playing and power exchange, so it sometimes finds its way into BDSM fetish play. As you say, though, some guys are into the pain, and these go for crush and trampling.
I’ve noticed from what the guys say about it that most of this has to do with some form of goddess worship. Many crush fans love to sneak (without being seen) a fingertip, hand, toe, insect, or other object under a raised heel or in the path of someone in heels, and hope she does not notice when her heel crushes these things flat. The idea that so ordinary and casual an action as walking or standing can produce such devastation so effortlessly that she never takes any notice of it…that is awe-inspiring, and these guys want to worship that power and the females who have it.
Then there are the guys who seek trampling in a Dominant/submissive relationship or role play. Guys who talk about that often say 1) they want to demonstrate their strength, endurance, and pain tolerance, and 2) they sacrifice themselves as sincere worship of their mistresses or goddesses. In other words, they want to show themselves to be worthy of her interest and attention. If that sounds familiar, it should, because it is “in the blood,” as a part of human nature.
Then there are the guys who use a pretext in the attempt to get casual acquaintances or even strangers to walk on them in heels, claiming that it doesn’t hurt. They offer themselves as footstools to stand on, ask for a shiatsu massage or “please crack my back,” or something else they hope will be credible. There is also the guy who hides under a length of carpet or outdoor mat, hoping he won’t be noticed at all. This is like the “unknowing” crush described above, but the guys often fantasize that, if she did know he was down there, she would not even care.
Great story, your husband is so lucky to have you and the thought that he isn’t into your shoes and taps is such a waste; I have been looking for someone really into this my entire life
[…] Steel-Tipped Stiletto Boots are Still Useful Sometimes! […]
Thanks for the pics. I love metal taps on slim heels. Every pair of my wife’s heels have been converted over to steel heel tips. Love the sound and how powerful they are. I saw her step on a small pebble with her heel and it turned the peerless into sand. Also saw her accidentally step om a palemetto bug while in Florida and it cut him in half like he was butter.
I forgot to ask…how does your wife take to the steel tips on her heels? At least two of the men here have reported that they had problems with their significant other when they pushed metal taps or tips on them. I had mixed success with my husband, too. Yet others were more successful, including our beloved, but now deceased, friend Barry.
I snuck them onto her shoes. I have had more success with her high heels than her flats. I have put them on her flats though usually after the heel and toe have worn down a little under the pretext that I’m saving her shoes from excessive wear. She doesn’t notice the click clack or at lease never has commented on it. Also she has no problems stepping on bugs and will go out of way to step on one in her path. I check the bottom of her shoes all the time and sometimes see bug parts and bug guts stuck onto the metal taps at her toe where she drags her shoe back.
She MUST notice the steel tips and metal taps! She’s just being loving towards you. If you have taps of different sizes, you might show them to her and ask her which size she’d prefer, and see what she picks out. If she seems reluctant at any point, you can have her email me, and I’ll talk up the wonderful things about having taps on our shoes–woman to woman!
Thanks for posting comments–I replied already to your other one. I wasn’t surprised that you replied to this post about getting back at a woman who dissed me by making dings in her floor. I was going to tell you about it, but I see you already found it!
Hi. I didn’t receive an earlier post from you
Look under the current article. The one titled Long Overdue Photos
Let me tell you a little bit about about myself. I have a foot and shoe fetish which I became aware of around age 5. I was born a “mistake” and have 4 older sisters with the youngest sister being 6 yrs older than me. This was back in the 50’sand 60’s and my mom and sisters all wore flats and heels with metal taps or heel tips. I loved the sound of their shoes clicking and imagined the power of metal striking the floor/cement. About this time I also developed a fetish for seeing girls and women stepping on bugs and insects. My 1st experience was my oldest sister walking down the sidewalk toward me as I laid on the sidewalk playing with a beetle. When she got to me she saw the bug and told me I shouldn’t be playing with bugs because they were dirty. She was wearing a pair of white sandals with about a 3″ spike heel with steel tip. All my mothers and sisters shoes had metal tips or taps. As she berated me she took her heel and squashed my bug cutting into him and smashing him into tiny pieces of shell where heel went through him. He was still wiggling and she finished him off by squashing him under the ball of her foot dragging her shoe back smearing him and the small round metal tap at the toe ripped into him into small pieces. I was in awe over this it made a defiant imprint in my mind. I associated the metal tip and tap doing all the damage and I have been obsessed with it ever since. That’s all for right now. I continue with more if you are interested
Let me tell you you are not alone! Most of the people who follow this blog are in your demographic. Although I don’t qualify as a man who came of age in the 50s and 60s, my mom did and she was one of the girl tap-wearers who drove guys wild, according to her! She also learned to smoke seductively and she said that had an even stronger effect than her taps! I got into tap wearing when I found some old saddle shoes and gogo boots of hers with taps on them. I was in high school then, and I’ve been putting taps on my shoes ever since. Anyway, welcome to the blog and post as much as you’d like. I’m sure the others who frequent here would be interested. I suggest that you add comments to the most recent posting because most visitors don’t look at these older posts. But I will direct them to yours here.
[…] Haig on Steel-Tipped Stiletto Boots ar… […]
Hi tap girl. You mentioned talking to my wife to help finding out where she was with metal taps and steel tips on a woman to woman level. You mentioned talking to her about your perspective to wearing taps. Well I would love to hear myself your perspective and liking wearing shoes with steel tips and metal taps.
I will do that, but it is way too late tonite. I’ll write here when I next have a chance to look at the blog. G’night!
Altogether I’ve written over 150 posts on the blog over a 5 1/2 year period, and then there was the Yahoo Groups before that and even before that a website, long deceased, that I think was called InsideTheWeb.
If you want to find the other posts not listed here, each post links backwards and forwards to the previous and next post in the series. And there are links in various places to the Yahoo group which is still up. And, as you may have noticed, there are direct links to the most recent 60 posts on the right side of every page.
So put your reading glasses on! And enjoy!
I recognize some of these shoes. Counting the photos from the top:
Photos #1, 3, 19, 20, 22 and maybe 21 are all vintage from the middle 1950’s to early 1960’s. Made of hardened steel, these tips included the nails that reinforced the thin stiletto heels to prevent them from breaking. Marketed as ” lifetime heels,” “life-long lifts” and such, these heel tips would outlast the shoes even through a resoling or two. With some wear against pavement, these tips eventually become rounded instead of flat at the bottoms (photo #20), giving them the ability to leave serious dents in hardwood floors, and even in marble. In the 1950’s-60’s, these heels were banned from airlines because they could punch right through the floors. And they are LOUD on pavement and hard floors.
Photo #22 shows the wider steel tips used on shoes made in the later years of the 50’s or early years of the 60’s. The larger diameter tips made the shoes easier to walk in, and reduced the damage they could do to floors. These heels still offered the wearer a slimming effect, as they tapered in narrowly before flaring back out at the bottom…and they were just as LOUD as the earlier 50’s steel tips. Later, when these steel tips were replaced with rubber, the hourglass silhouette was maintained.
The boots in photo #2 look like they were made by Di Marni, a manufacturer of fetish-inspired luxury heels in (Eastern?) Europe. Di Marni is available online, now, through a distributor. Those steel tips look like they should also outlast the shoes.
The Hollywood Mule/slide shown in photo #3 was probably made by Ferncraft, a quality brand of the 50’s. The bottom of that golden heel tip is probably not metal, but a composite material not unlike plastic. Half-metal heels were reintroduced in the 80’s, but they were not a new idea—several different versions were produced in the 50’s.
The boots and shoes in photos #4, 14, 17, 24, and maybe 5 were made in Europe, where they still use metal tips. I suspect the steel may not be as hard as 50’s heels, they are usually not as loud on pavement. When these tips become rounded with wear, they leave fearsome dents in floors because of their small diameter.
The pumps in photos #7, 13, 18, and 23 were made in China during the 80’s, and distributed in the US through such chains as Leeds/Bakers and Wild Pair. Those sold through Leeds/Bakers were usually made of plastic, while those sold through Wild Pair were usually leather.18 and 23 were made for Frederick’s of Hollywood, and sold at their main store and through their mail order catalogs.
The heels taper to a diameter of only 5mm at the tip end. Interestingly, though, they are very LOUD on pavement. As for what they do to floors (and feet), I hear they were banned in nightclubs and many other places,. And after the Ana Trujillo murder trial, they were quietly withdrawn from most of the retail market. They occasionally turn up in the vintage clothing trade.
I’m told this style of half-metal heels (where the upper half is covered with leather or fabric) first became popular in the trendy shops on Melrose Blvd., Hollywood. It wasn’t long, though, before they were being mass-produced in China and Europe. Both these in the photos and the European ones like them were designed so the metal tips screwed onto a shank in the upper half of the heel. This was fortunate for hobbyists who made customized heel tips to replace the original ones. The European version used heavier shanks, so they were much more sturdy than the Chinese ones.
The pumps in photo #6 were probably made in the UK, and possibly by Leatherworks of London, one of the high quality fetish shoemakers that went out of business in the new millennium. The steel heels that Leatherworks used look just like these, and were 5.5 inches high, which these also look to be.
Do you like tap dancing? I think it’s really cool. I would very much like to be a designer of shoes for women. I would also like to learn how to do them. But it’s complicated, you have to have machines for it and I imagine it to be very expensive. If you could buy a high heel shoe from which person you would buy. Ferragamo, Louboutin, Lagerfeld, Gucci, Giuseppe Zanotti, Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, Luis Vuitton. Just to say some of the greatest designers.
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Stiletto Boot Fetish Leaf Crushing Trampling

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