Стихи про любовь на английском

Стихи про любовь на английском

Стихи про любовь на английском

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Главное меню Открытки Стихи и пожелания Календарь праздников Голосовые поздравления Интересное Что нового? Поздравления на День святого Валентина СМС в день влюбленных Стихи о любви на английском языке. When I think of love I think of roses and red hearts I envision an eagle taking flight on a crisp fall morn I envision a glorious sunrise But most of all, I envision you Let me give you my hand; May it ever be there for you. Let me give you my shoulder; May it always comfort you. Let me give you my arms; May they only hold you. Let me give you my heart; May it only love you. It is almost here, that special time of year. When hearts and flowers by the hours are brought to all who seek; When kisses swirl and words do peak into little tuffs of cotton candy my sweet. Is it really love? If ever two were one, then surely we. Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense. I hid you for a long time the way a branch hides its slowly ripening fruit among leaves, and like a flower crystal of ice on a winter window you open in my mind. In my heart I keep the sparkle of your eyes the tender warmth of your smile the small tilt of your head the delicate curves of your soft body and I dream dream of holding you close caring for you, protecting you and loving you always. Here is a valentine. I made it just for you. I cut it with my scissors And designed it with my paint. If I tell you that I love you, Do you promise not to faint? Deare, when I from thee am gone, Gone are all my joyes at once; I loved thee, and thee alone, In those love I joyed once, And although your sights I leave, Sight wherein my joyes do lie, Till that death do sense bereave, Never shall affection die. A VALENTINE Gentle quiet of her eye, To my asking deign reply; By the impassioned day made bold, Be thy hoarded secret told; Or by trusting glance or fall Of thy fluttering look from mine, Dower my thought with hopes divine, Hopes no coldness may recal; Sweet betrayer, bid me see If not in thy depths there be Love thy coyness keeps from me. Stained whiteness of her cheek Quit thy fear and prithee speak, All to-day should bid thee tell, All that thou hast hid so well; Through the day-dawn of a flush, Dimpling ripple of a smile, Oh, let watching love beguile Thy sweet secret from its hush! Give me, this sweet day, to know If, thy rosy calm below, Love lurk not, thou wilt not show.

Romantic Collection: Classic English Love Poems

Стихи о любви (Love poems) на английском с переводом на русский часть 1

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