Стих на английском языке про природу

Стих на английском языке про природу

Стих на английском языке про природу

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And the small children and big ones as well,. Lagging behind a bit, running ahead, waiting at corners for lights to turn red,. Одним из эффективных приёмов развития творческих способностей учащихся при обучении иностранному языку я считаю использование и создание художественных переводов стихотворений. Данная презентация содержит два стихотворения Ф. Толстого, представленные в виде своеобразной раскадровки: Поэтому важно, чтобы у учащихся складывалось целостное восприятие мира при изучении предметов школьного курс Поэтому важно, чтобы у учащихся складывалось целостное восприятие мира при изучении предметов школьного курса. Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции на стихи английских и американских поэтов для учащихся классов Сценарий и презентация 'Мы любим английский язык' для праздника в средней школе. Литературнo-музыкальная композиция на стихи английских поэтов для учащихся классов Социальная сеть работников образования ns portal. Детский сад Начальная школа Школа НПО и СПО ВУЗ. Главная Группы Мой мини-сайт Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы Поиск по сайту Сайты классов, групп, кружков Сайты образовательных учреждений Сайты пользователей Форумы. Поиск по библиотеке Алгебра Астрономия Биология География Геометрия Дополнительное образование Естествознание Изобразительное искусство Иностранные языки Информатика и ИКТ История Коррекционная педагогика Краеведение Литература Материалы для родителей МХК Музыка ОБЖ Обществознание Право Природоведение Психология Родной язык и литература Русский язык Технология Физика Физкультура и спорт Химия Экология Экономика Администрирование школы Внеклассная работа Классное руководство Материалы МО Материалы для родителей Материалы к аттестации Междисциплинарное обобщение Общепедагогические технологии Работа с родителями Социальная педагогика Сценарии праздников Аудиозаписи Видеозаписи Разное. Подборка стихотворений для проведения Недели английской поэзии в школе. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, When woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this, if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. Thanksgiving Day in the Morning A. Fisher What is the place you like the best Thanksgiving day in the morning? With so many things to test, And help to measure, and stir with zest, And sniff and sample and all the rest — Thanksgiving Day in the morning. What are the colours you like the most Thanksgiving Day in the morning? The colour of cranberries uppermost, The pumpkin-yellow the pie tops boast, The turkey-brown of a crispy roast — Thanksgiving Day in the morning. What are the sounds you are gay Thanksgiving Day in the morning? The sizzly sounds on the roaster tray, The gravy gurgling itself away, The company sounds at the door — hooray! Thanksgiving Day in the morning. Roadways John Masefield One road leads to London, One road leads to Wales, My road leads me seawards To the white dipping sails. One road leads to the river As it goes singing slow, My road leads to shipping Where the bronzed sailors go. My road calls me, lures me west, east, south and north. Most roads lead men homewards, My road leads me forth. Mona Lisa Brenda M. We look for something in her smile, We stand to study her a while, Her face of beauty that we seek. What would she say if she could speak? Is her beauty, oh, so rare? Was Mona Lisa just a maiden fair? Is she a mirror image of me? That hint of prison in her eyes Makes her appear to be so wise. The playful curvature of her lip On her cheeks can dance a quip. What is the mystery there that lies Behind kaleidoscopic eyes? Shelley I bring fresh showers for the thirsty flowers, From the seas and the streams; I bear light shade for the leaves when laid In their noonday dreams. I wield the flail of the lashing hail, And whiten the green plains under, And then again I dissolve in rain, And laugh as I pass in thunder. Gould He went to the windows of those who slept And over each pane like a fairy crept. Wherever he breathed, wherever he stepped, By the light of the moon were seen Most beautiful things: Book Look Barbara Walker Since books are friends, They need much care. When you are reading them, Be good to them and fair! Use book-marks, children, then: Books are meant to read, Not cut or colour them No, really never indeed. Spring is coming Edith Segal Spring is coming, spring is coming, Birdies, build your nest; Weave together straw and feather Doing each your best. Spring is coming, spring is coming, Flowers are coming too. Pansies, lilies, daffodilies Now are coming through. Spring is coming, spring is coming, All around is fair; Shimmer and quiver on the river, Joy is everywhere. Stevenson How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air and over the wall, Up in the air so blue? Over the country-side — Till I look down on the garden green, Down the roof so brown — Up in the air I go flying again, Up in the air and down. Hug the Earth Lorraine Bayes The Earth is a garden. Helping Mother Earth We can peacefully roam We all deserve a place We can call our home. Treat Jack Prelutsky Trick or treat, Trick or treat, Give us something good to eat. Give us something sweet to take. Give us cookies, fruit and gum, Hurry up and give us some. You had better do it quick. Stevenson In the other gardens, And all up the vale, From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail! Sing a song of seasons! Something bright in all! Flowers in the summer, Fires in the fall! Impression du matin Oscar Wilde The Thames nocturne of blue and gold Changed to a harmony in grey A barge with ochre-coloured hay Dropt from the wharf: The yellow fog came creeping down, The bridges, till the houses walls Seemed changed to shadows, And St. The trees are green, Blue skies are seen. Grey winter has gone away! The world looks new and gay. Winter winds are not blowing. In the fields all is growing. In the spring, In the spring, Sweet and fresh is everything. Our New Year party is tonight. Around the fir-tree let us play, Because it is a New Year Day. I am skating on bright ice Winter holidays are nice. Help your mother lay the table Every afternoon. Help your mother clean the table, Take the knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother clean the table Morning, night and noon. Grundy washes on Monday, Irons on Tuesday, Shops on Wednesday, Bakes on Thursday, Sews on Friday, Cleans on Saturday, Cooks on Sunday… This is the tale of Mrs. Their ears are pink, their teeth are white. They run about the house at night. But I think mice are rather nice. A peach is sweeter than a cake, A sea is deeper than a lake, A boy is noisier than a bee, A girl is shorter than a tree. Anything you can do, I can do better: I can say wiser, I can draw nicer. Anything you can buy, I can buy cheaper, Anything you can learn, I can learn quicker. March is windy, April — rain, May brings birds and flowers again. Gold September, October — brown — Leaves change colour And fall down. Grey November — Nights are long, December — Christmas comes along. And there I saw A spike of green That no one else had ever seen! On other days the things I see Are mostly old except for me. But this green spike so new and small Had never yet Been seen at all. But again it will come To cover the ground And fill the trees For miles around. Myself ate up the sandwiches, While I drank up the tea, And it was I who ate the pie And passed the cake to me. They all dance, and sing, and say, Winter days are far away. Winter days are far away, Welcome, welcome, merry May. In the merry month of May All the birds are very gay. In the merry month of May All the children are very gay. Winter days are far away, Welcome, welcome, merry May! A bike is slower than a train. A duck is bigger than a frog. A cat is weaker than a dog. Tomorrow, tomorrow We go to the zoo. There is a bear there And a zebra too, A monkey and a tiger And a kangaroo. White are the clouds As they slowly pass. January brings us the snow Makes our feet and fingers glow. February snows again And sometimes brings us rain. March brings us sunny days and winds, So we know that spring begins. April brings the primrose sweet, We see the daisies at our feet. May brings flowers, Joy and grass And the holidays for us. Smooth and clean and frosty white - The world looks good enough to bite! I want to laugh And not to cry! I want to feel The summer sun. I want to sing When life is fun. I want to fly Into the blue. I want to stretch out Friendly hands To all the young of other lands. I want to live And not to die! I throw him a stick, And he runs a race. Then he comes back and licks my face. Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils Now are coming too. Let us skate and ski! I count from one, I love the sun, I count to four, I love Mummy more! We have a snowman, He is tall and fat. He has a carrot in his nose, He has a funny hat. Father Frost is very old. But he is always full of joy, And glad to give me a nice toy. What games will you play? What will you do on a hot summer day? Перевод стихов французских поэтов Одним из эффективных приёмов развития творческих способностей учащихся при обучении иностранному языку я считаю использование и создание художественных переводов стихотворений. Стихи русских поэтов о природе. Интегрированные уроки географии с использованием стихов кубанских поэтов. Сценарий литературно-музыкальной компоизиции на стихи английских и американских поэтов и презентация Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции на стихи английских и американских поэтов для учащихся классов Литературно-музыкальная композиция на стихи английских поэтов для учащихся классов.

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