Stereotypes About German People

Stereotypes About German People


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Common German Stereotypes
As the typical stereotypes go, Germans are described as complainers with no sense of humour. They are always on time, efficient and hard-working. Beer is an essential part of the culture as well as sausage, sauerkraut and the Dirndl & Lederhosen.
Living abroad as a German gives you an interesting insight into the stereotypes about German people which foreigners have – some that are true and some ones that are absolutely not.
Germans are considered to be highly punctual and efficient. Whether at work, a guided tour or an appointment of any kind (doctor, date or school) – the Germans are always 10 minutes early – and that’s true. If you arrive exactly on time, it’s already too late for the Germans – especially at work. But if you want to leave work on time – beware – it’s almost rude to leave work on time – you should stay at least 15 minutes after the official finishing time.
Although that sounds very strict, that’s probably the reason why one of the main German stereotypes is their efficiency. Deadlines are stuck to, they work hard and are reliable. When you do business with a German you can rely on their word and their dedication to customer service is second to none. Their high productivity can explain their high levels of economic growth. This means great jobs and internship opportunities across the country.
First of all: Yes, the stereotype that Germans love beer is absolutely true. It is a part of their culture and many Germans enjoy a beer almost every day. It is an important part of BBQs, after work activities or when meeting up with friends.
This stereotype is only reinforced by Oktoberfest and similar festivals, too. You can find a “Biergarten” (‘beer garden’) in almost every street. This is a comfortable outdoors area in which beer and local food is served on typical tables and benches, which the Germans call “Biertisch” (beer table) and “Bierbank” (beer bank).
With more than 5000 different brands, more than 15 sorts of beer and 1300 breweries, it is no surprise that Germany ranked second in beer consumption in Europe.
Besides that, nearly every German is able to open a beer without a bottle opener. A considerable feat for many a beer drinker.
The Germans are known as direct-talkers as they don’t like to beat around the bush – they are very goal-oriented so they want to get to the point as fast as possible. If they say YES it means yes and if they say NO it means no. Very easy. Also they are not a fan of small talk – if they ask you “How are you?” – they really want to know how you feel. If you ask them, they are going to speak for more than 5 minutes about their feelings.
In general Germans tend to be more formal to people they don’t know and need a little bit longer to warm up with a person. You can interpret this as respect to your privacy rather than they don’t like you at all – but if you make friends with a German, it’s forever. It’s honest, valuable and definitely not superficial. Many Germans still meet up with their friends from school for decades after they leave.
Across Europe, one of the most familiar German stereotypes surrounds their lack of humour. This, however, is not the case; jokes about politics, life’s hardships and other German regions are most popular. Many German jokes do not translate well either, due to their language’s structure and grammar rules, which make puns almost impossible. This may be an explanation for the common stereotype – they are really just misunderstood.
How many Germans do you need to change a light bulb?
Only one – Germans are efficient and don’t have a sense of humour!
Bockwurst, Wiener Wurst, Blutwurst, Bratwurst, Currywurst, Weißwurst, Brühwurst, Kinderwurst, Sommerwurst, Rostbratwurst, Mettwurst, Teewurst, Fleischwurst, Jagdwurst, Leberwurst, Pfefferwurst, Bregenwurst, Debrezinerwurst, Salamiwurst, Blutwurst.
Germany has 1.500 varieties of wurst and those are only examples which came right to my mind. Each region has their own speciality with another type of sausage – in Bavaria, for example, the “Weißwurst mit Brezn” is really famous.
At the top of Germany’s big list of rules is the governmental office, which is called “Ordnungsamt”. Translated, it means “office of order” – and yes, they’re creating lots of rules to keep everything well structured. For example, the garbage is sorted in at least in 8 different sections: Plastic, metal, paper, organic, one for white, brown and green glass and the general garbage. Although this is not a rule as such, every German is strictly regimented about recycling. In addition, there are lots of traffic signs, strict rules and parking prohibitions on every German street and motorway.
It is undeniable that the rules and the structure work really well in Germany. After all, it provides an explanation for their high efficiency.
If you are going to Germany, you might be disappointed if you’re expecting to see any German on the street with their traditional dress. If you do see one, you can be sure it is a Bavarian who got onto the wrong train after Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest has helped keep the myth alive that all Germans wear Dirndl (traditional dress for women) or Lederhosn (traditional leather pants for men). The Dirndl was originally a working robe of the female servant and created from peasant clothing in Austria and Bavaria around 1870. So, only the Bavarians wear it to traditional occasions like the Oktoberfest, Weinfest (traditional wine festival) or Dorffest (traditional village festival).
Not forgetting that Germans also absolutely love football. This picture should cover it.
The common German stereotypes may actually ring true in some cases, but it’s best to spend time living in the country to form your own opinion. If great beer, delicious food and efficiency at work sound good to you, why not find a job in Germany with your native language?
In honour of the week of Portugal, Europe Language Café today is uncovering which Portuguese Stereotypes are true and which ones are fake. European countries have stereotypes aplenty, and Portugal is no exception. So far Europe Language Café have talked about German, Dutch, Spanish, French and English stereotypes. Now it's…
So far in Europe Language Café we have discussed Spanish, Dutch, German and English stereotypes. Of course, we can't leave out French stereotypes! The french stick eating, onion wearing nation - or is any of that actually true? French people wear berets Yes, some people do still wear berets, but…
These common stereotypes about Italian people will probably have been heard by just about anyone in the world. Everyone loves to use them to annoy other people, but no one likes to hear it about themselves. So far Europe Language Café have talked about German, Dutch, Spanish, French, English and Portuguese stereotypes. In this week’s blog,…
I am a German-American despite my Slovak surname. I was raised by my German-speaking grandmother whose name was Alfriede Wunderlich in German and with a love of her traditions. I then studied German philology at the University of Pittsburgh, worked two years for a German-language daily in New York and then went to live in Germany for 30 years. Yes, I am biased more tilting toward Germany than toward my US side.
Not all Germans are exclusive beer drinkers. Many Germans savor wine and are true connoisseurs of Rebensaft (wine). Besides wurst auch Wurstwaren, e.g. Aufschnitt, Leberkäse, Terrine, Pasteten and Leberwurst und Co, which are smeared on bread and not eaten as whole saussages. To go with the many beers, wurst and Wurstwaren (French: charcuterie) are many types of bread and rolls. Cheeses also abound. After the hardships imposed by WWII German cuisine was reborn based on French cuisine and Italian cuisine and the wealth of new foreign foods sweeping into the country. then came theGreeks, and Turks, and Syriens and Lebanese – thel Asian boomed. und dann dadruff (wie man es uff Hesisch säscht, entdecke man die Regionalküchen.
German do have puns and they are hard to translate into other languages.
Fasching/Fassenacht/Karneval (auf französisch mardi -gras ) ist die Kalauerzeit, time for rustic jokes Germans enjoy a custom called “verällele sisch” make fun of one’s self.
Die Deutschen habe eben entdeckt, dass wenn man nicht jeden Punkt regelt, dann kommt irgendein Schlitzohr und hammert jede schwache Regel platt. Regeln müssen fest sein, damit dies nicht geschieht.
Weswegen Deutsche dann Freunde aufs Leben bleiben, weil die als eng verbundete Freunde die dreckige Wächer der Freunde kennt und diese Freunde ihre bzw seine auch. Nicht dass man den Freund damit beraten will, sondern man empfindet die gleiche gemeinsame Reue darüber. Dann ist man “dickste Freunde”
Ich wohne im Ausland , in den USA, und finde es alles hier ein schmäh. Keine Regel sind echt festgelegtEs wimmert von unverschndlichen Ausnahmen {s.g. Loophole} und hängt von deiner Hautfarbe, Religion, Herkunft und schließliĉ Status ab.
If we mesure eficiency with per capita incum (not considering countries that owe their welth to a special product like oil), the germans must be considered efficient, if we compare to the whole world. But not for the region ware they are: 3 nabors of Germany ar poorer, 6 ar richer. They’r better off than Poland or France, but not better off than Austria, Netherlands, Danmark etc. Thare economic power comes from the bigger population, the germans ar the chinese of the EU.
What you say about the Germans and stereotypes is true , but you should have been more “ gründlich” and explain why they behave like that and where it comes from . Everything has an explanation and is grounded in history . You need to understand why to accept others with different behaviours . Listing up specificities is not enough and leads to misunderstandings .
Florence, french but brought up in Germany .
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Here are the facts behind some of the most misleading and worn-out German stereotypes.
Germany, home of bland food, efficient-but-rude people, and a harsh, guttural language — at least if you listen to outdated, tone-deaf stereotypes. But this is a diverse country with over 80 million people, so those German stereotypes are overly simple at best, and totally wrong at worst. Here are a few of the most worn-out stereotypes about Germany that we’re sick and tired of hearing. 
It’s probably fair to say that many Germans aren’t socialized to engage in small talk. If you’re living in Germany, don’t expect to make casual chit-chat at the supermarket or bus stop — there’s a time and a place for socializing, and sometimes a queue isn’t the right place. (Though there are exceptions to even this widespread belief, as a lot of Germans, especially in the south, are quicker to embrace casual conversation.)
But it doesn’t mean Germans are inherently unfriendly. My take is that a lot of Germans are just more particular about when they socialize. If you’re in a space that’s made for socializing — anything from a dinner party to a nightclub or even a dating app — that cold shoulder you get in public will usually melt away, and bam, you’ve got new German acquaintances.  
It’s not that Germans are actually inefficient, but rather that this is a pretty subjective stereotype. For example, you might notice that the public transit runs frequently and (usually) on-time, and that there’s a lot of enthusiasm for recycling and careful uses of resources. All of this might explain GDP’s #4 ranking in the list of richest countries in the world. 
On the flip side, though, anyone who has lived in Germany for a spell will likely have had a painfully drawn-out experience with German bureaucracy, which can feel like a timewarp to the pre-internet era. From taxes to visas, almost everything happens slowly and on paper. Then there’s the German reluctance to adopt electronic payments (less-efficient cash is very much still king). Even in realms where Germany is usually efficient, there are exceptions, like the saga of Berlin’s new airport, which was a cool nine years behind schedule. Really, it turns out that efficiency is in the eye of the beholder. 
There’s probably more truth to this than the efficiency stereotype, but it’s similarly subjective, and it might be better to say that law and order is more consistently enforced here. For example, jaywalking in front of other people or running a lawnmower on Sunday (Germany’s treasured day of peace and quiet) may well draw complaints or at least side-eye. 
But, delivery vans double-parking? No problem! Or take a look at graffiti-riddled Berlin, an international hub for rule-ignoring counterculture (although to be fair, Berlin is often an exception within German culture).  
Then there were the large anti-mask protests during the COVID-19 pandemic — while these were hardly isolated to Germany, these marches regularly draw thousands of supposedly rule-loving Germans out into the streets across the country, with one group even attempting to storm the Bundestag, or national parliament in Berlin. That’s decidedly against the rules. 
Ask a few auslanders (foreigners) about food in Germany and it’s likely you’ll hear grumbling. It’s stodgy and heavy on sausage and pretzels, but light on spice or seasoning, they might say. 
But those complaints overlook a wealth of fantastic food, both cheap and fancy. 
For one thing, Germany has a whopping 309 restaurants with Michelin stars, more than any country except France, Italy, and Japan. For those who don’t want to throw down €100 on a meal, Germany also has a rich baking pedigree. The country’s historic and diverse bread-making culture has its own UNESCO listing, and sweet treats from doughnuts to apple or cherry cakes excel too.
Even stereotypically German food — sausage, spaetzle, sauerkraut — can be done well. It’s somewhat fair to say that German food tends to be lighter on some seasoning, so high-quality grains, meat, and veggies make more of an impact on flavor. So, keep an eye out for restaurants and stores that offer good produce, and you might just develop a soft spot for some German cuisine.
Speaking of food (and drink), there’s much more to German culture than Oktoberfest. While the 200-year-old celebration of beer has been exported around the world as a German icon, it’s really a Bavarian thing. Old-fashioned lederhosen and dirndl, novelty beer glasses, and cavernous beer tents are all things you’ll see if you head to Munich for Oktoberfest, but not as large of an affair in cities like Berlin or Hamburg. In fact, the world’s biggest Oktoberfest celebrations outside Munich are in Canada, Brazil, and Ohio, with individual celebrations that each draw hundreds of thousands of people annually.
That said, cities and towns across the country do have their own volksfeste (folk festivals) which could be loosely compared to Oktoberfest, in that they offer plenty of food and beer. But these otherwise vary a lot from region to region, they aren’t necessarily in October, and they’re smaller events that draw locals — a far cry from the millions of tourists who show up to Munich’s annual Oktoberfest.  
It’s a fact that Germany is home to a number of big-name car manufacturers, like Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Volkswagen. So Germans love owning flashy cars and racing down the autobahn with no speed limits, right? 
Not exactly — while car ownership in Germany is pretty common, countries like Italy and Poland have more cars per person. And there isn’t as large a driving culture that other big car-making countries like the U.S. have. Public transport is robust, frequent, and covers most of the country, and research suggests it’s no more or less car-focused than anywhere else in Europe.
As for the “no speed limit” thing? Well, that’s only on freeways (the autobahn), and even then, it’s complicated. About one-third of those have speed limits, and even when there’s officially no speed limit, you can still get in trouble for going over the suggested 130 km/h speed. Oh, and for the record, most Germans would like to see firmer speed limits imposed. 
The German language is certainly less melodic than, say, Italian or Spanish. But harsh, blunt, or aggressive? Hardly. Spoken German is often fairly understated and flowing, and while it does have a number of throaty sounds, these are usually soft and rounded in everyday German. These, combined with plenty of “ch” and “shh” sounds, can make German sound rather soothing.
It’s unclear where exactly the “German is ugly” stereotype came from, but it might be connected to anti-German attitudes back in the World War II era. Propaganda at the time made the language seem militaristic and forceful, and this image certainly wasn’t helped by the aggressive style of Nazi speeches. But that’s a tired old trope, and a far cry from everyday German in the 21st century.
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Tim is a Berlin-based journalist and editor, and quite the all-rounder with experience writing about everything from reality TV to Michelin starred-restaurants to the international satellite industry. He speaks fluent French (helped by nearly a decade living in Montreal), some Spanish, and is making progress in German.
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