Stepsister Eating An Erection

Stepsister Eating An Erection


Stepsister Eating An Erection
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Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers.… When I was 13, my step sister Tina, who was 16 at the time, was left in charge over the weekend while our parents went on a little weekend vacation. As I have mentioned before my sister is a real “looker” with long beautiful hair, nice boobs for her age and a killer athletic body that’s hard to ignore. Because of this she also quite arrogant and took great pleasure in bossing me around all day the first day after my parents left. As her “little brother” my sister, for as long as we’ve known each other, had always liked to make a habit of embarrassing me just for fun. Often, in more recent years her favorite thing to do was to tease me with her sexiness wearing skimpy clothing, or prancing around in front of me in her panties just to see my how I’d react. When she was really “feisty” she’d even play wrestle me sometimes, grinding her body against me trying to arouse and overpower me, on occasion even playfully tying me up so I was helpless and at her mercy. Once restrained she’d tickle torture me, or do even worse things, till I was either crying, or she had gotten her jollies out of humiliating me. As we got older it curtailed but still she seemed to relish in the roll of showing me she still had the upper hand. This afternoon she had her girlfriend over and after some time stole away to the backyard to smoke a joint. I knew what was going on even if I hadn’t tried anything like that yet myself. Needless to say, when they both came back inside they were acting very silly and weird. They both were making jokes and playfully teasing me, as was the norm at that time in our lives. Then giggling, my sister brought up a very sore subject that had just happened a few months ago. Right in front of her friend she tells the story of how she caught me in my room one Saturday morning jerking off! She made it as descriptive as she could making sure I was fully embarrassed. I could have killed her! Flush with embarrassment I stood there the subject of ridicule as they made one degrading joke after another laughing hysterically the whole time at my expense. My blood was boiling inside. Later that night I was lying in my room in only my underwear (in an attempt to keep cool since we had no air conditioning) watching TV when I heard a knock on the door. Knowing it was probably my sister or friend I got up making my way to the door to lock it saying I wasn’t dressed and not to come in. Before I could even finish my sentence my sister and her friend burst into my room laughing and giggling tackling me to the ground. Before I could react properly they had me pinned down with my arms behind my back. They obviously had pre-planned this because they proceeded to immediately tie my hands together behind me, then my feet. In only my underwear, screaming to be let go, they rolled me over so I was face up. “What’s up Boner Boy? You playin with yourself again… as usual?” my sister giggled to her friend. I could tell that they had been obviously drinking, and were high by the smell of their breath. “YOU BETTER LET..”, I started to scream out before I was immediately silenced by a hand covering my mouth. My head was held and a wash cloth was pushed into my mouth followed by a rope that was tied around my head gagging me. My muffled screams were barely audible now. They both began to tickle and pinch me all over laughing at my spastic reactions. I squirmed trying to break free from their grasp but the situation was hopeless. They taunted and ticked my sides and leg, and feet mercilessly. “Hmmm what do we have under here little brother?” My sister enthusiastically said as she snapped the waistband of my underwear playfully a few times. “Wanna see my brother’s thingy?” Tina laughed asking her friend. Her friend just laughed back showing her support, taking her cues from Tina. Panicked I wildly struggled to break free with all my might but they had me pinned down quite well nearly sitting on me. I screamed, “You better not or I swear I’ll kill you!!” through my gag to only have it come out on the other side as a series of unintelligible staccato’ed “Mffffh-mmffffh” noises. I was near exhausted from my efforts to break free already. “Hmmm should I, or should I not?”, she inquired almost rhetorically as she snapped away at my waistband of my under shorts. “I should”, she said answering her own question. With that she very slowly began pulling them down. With all the struggling and female contact I felt not only angry and embarrassed but unintentionally aroused by the whole situation. As she slowly slipped my underwear down past my hips it hung up as it made it to my bulge. With an extra little pull the elastic waistband stretched slightly and then popped past my semi-solid penis evoking a harmonious squeal of delight from both girls at the sight of my naked exposed unit. Then my under shorts were pulled all the way down to my ankles leaving me basically stark naked apart from my bound ankles which prevented the full removal of my shorts. I lay exhausted with very little fight left in me at this point. Holding me like this they both took a few moments to take in the details of my naked body and full erection. They seemed quite intrigued with it but not intrigued enough to actually touch it at this point. Instead they resumed tickling me all over causing me to squirm and struggle with my fully exposed erection bouncing around. Unbeknownst to them I was incredibly aroused at this point secretly hoping they would eventually make contact with my now rock hard cock. Being held down like I was it was hard to see who was doing what to me but the tickling and touching got more risqué till I felt hands and fingers brushing against and making direct contact with different areas of my shaft. With each brush against and rub I felt my rod pulse and twitch. “Hmmm seems like Boner Boy may like this a little more than he’ll admit” I heard my sister say as I felt a finger slid up the length of my shaft to the tip. I couldn’t believe this was happening. In between the laughing, taunting, tickling and smacking the touching became more and more excessive till I felt a hands grabbing and squeezing my shaft, even jerking it up and down every once in a while. With my heart beating faster and my breathing becoming more rapid I felt the surge build inside of me till I realized I was coming close to actually having an orgasm. The reality that I just might completely embarrass myself by ejaculating all over myself right in front of both of them hit me hard. I tensed up and concentrated as best I could trying to stop this from happening as they continued to toy, touch and tickle me at will. ‘Oh Lord.. stop.. stop.. stop’ I mumbled to myself through my gag squeezing tight trying to stop the inevitable. Then, I don’t know who did it but one of them tickled the top of my shaft near the head one too many times causing me to pass the threshold of no return. The orgasm hit me hard and I ejaculated hard across my chest and right onto Tina’s face and shirt, who had been lying over my shoulders and neck pinning me down from on top. “Ahhhhhhhh!! Oh my G..!” she screamed out as she jumped off me like lighting leaving me hog tied, writhing around and cumming all over myself on the floor. Tina’s friend let go too and began laughing hysterically at Tina now. “Oh my God.. so gross! Ewe –ewe – ewe!!”, my sister blurted out in disgust as she ran out of the room wanting to wipe her face with her hands but hesitating to do so as if it was acid on her or something. Her friend followed her out laughing all the way down the hall leaving me naked and hopelessly tied up and gagged on the floor still. They left me tied and naked for what felt like forever before returning. In the interim I had managed to get to my feet and hop over to my bed trying to figure out how to get myself lose. Before I got too far my sister came barging back into my room all angry and inflamed over what had just happened, as if any of this was my fault in the first place! I think she was most embarrassed about getting squirted in the face with sperm right in front of her friend and being laughed at because of it. I could tell most of the attitude she was throwing at me now was for show in front of her friend, perhaps in an attempt to gain some respect back. “You’re a dirty dirty little boy!!”, she yelled at me. I would have yelled back but my gag stifled that. “I’m going to give you what dirty little boys deserve!” she said with a smirk on her face looking at her friend. With that she grabbed me and pulled me over her lap spanking my naked butt over and over till it hurt like heck! She spanked me till my butt was bright red and felt like it was on fire! After that she threw me on the bed and told me I could lie there like that all night. I was left naked, sticky, spanked and humiliated in my bed for seemingly hours. Eventually I managed to break free of my binds. Once I gained my composure all I could think of was sweet sweet revenge. My arrogant step sister was about to get something she probably never anticipated. Vengeance! And boy was she going to get it good…

Original here:

I got to the restaurant about an hour before it closed. It was owned by a nice couple and their daughters, both of whom were over 18. One daughter, Jane, was about 25 and pregnant with her first child. She was cute, but a little on the heavy side and not just because she was pregnant. The other daughter, Molly was 21 and very hot, but had smaller breasts and a thin body. Their dad, Frank was on vacation and had gone to visit his parents out of state, so it was just the mom and her daughters there. Gale, the mom was 40ish, I'm guessing, she would never tell anyone her age. She was pretty
The Perks of being a Wall Decoration

As a regular model for fine arts, Andy had been sure this job would be a breeze. Pose for a few hours in an exhibit, wait for the judging and reception, then go free to catch her check and take some h’or d’oeuvres home. It was supposed to be ‘the easiest favor she’d ever do’, as described by Danny, the friend she was doing it for.
This, however, was not what she’d been expecting.
She eyed up the two holes in the ‘wall’ display, encapsulated by a golden portrait frame.
“It’s a piece about how we ourselves, our human bodies, are Art.” Danny m
Not Mine:

Hailey laid upon the bench and heard the buzz of the tattoo gun behind her.

"Now are you sure you want to do this?" The tattoo artist asked.

"Definitely." Hailey said preparing herself.

"You can't undo this you know?" He warned.

"I know that's the point." Hailey said.

"Alright then." The artist said beginning the tattoo.


Two months later Hailey returned from work and kicked off her shoes as she walked in the door. She ran up the stairs to her room and sat on the floor in front of her mirror. She smiled
Not mine, Story here:

Kelli was seriously regretting her decision. As McKenna and Morgan stood behind her in the first floor girls bathroom, she could feel the waistband tighten as the girls locked in the cruel panties. As they locked in just over her protruding hip bones, the thong strand deep inside her, she knew she may have bitten off more than she could chew.

"One entire day, you took the dare so these are on you until tomorrow morning," lectured Morgan as McKenna giggled behind her. "How do they feel? They look like they would fe
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oh my... i'm soo sorry that you went through that at such a young age (sounds like a porno) my advice is to not bottle it up but tell someone you deeply trust and/or confront her

Erection Confessions
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After surgery nurse had inspect nude me. 10” erection. Well a woman could see in. She just smiled & watched. I’ve had an erection for over 5 hrs now. Jerked off twice. Still hard.

I spent over an hour masturbating before I realized a roommate was watching me. She was peaking into my room. I was so close to finishing I just let her watch the finale. My thing is fat; and over 11 inches, so I guess it’s a big show.
She asked me why my pink head is so big one day. Women always like looking at it for some reason. I guess they just don’t see ones that big very often.
She says her boyfriends is only 5 inches. Is that possible? Mines that big soft.

I used to let women see me nude. Most women like how I look. They will smile or look lustful. Only the most attractive usually have to confidence to hit on me. So I used to let them see me nude if they wanted. They were very happy to see my massive muscular body and giant election with long term elections matched my movie star type face that still hasn’t wrinkled. They’d even pay to see me nude.
But there was a price to pay. A childhood of forced nudity; being molested, and rape.
I tried to shame women sneaking peaks at me (violating my privacy); whether it was my older sisters friends or whomever, but that didn’t work. In society people don’t seem to think men should be modest.
I’m all messed up. I’m too old to get over it.
At least I never treated others the way I was treated. In life we choose. I chose to be kind to others even though kindness was not shown to me growing up.

For two years now my stepfather and I have been close and done almost everything together. I don't know if he has changed or I am just now noticing. When we cuddle or even hug, sometimes I feel his hard penis against my body. I don't push into it because I don't want him to know I notice. Maybe he doesn't even realize. Now, if I don't feel him, I move around or press him just enough to find out if its erect. Even my tits feel better and not as sore when we squeeze. Every time gets a bit more arousing and I think that's what has increased my frequency of masturbation. My favorite fantasy is of us cuddling naked, kissing, and touching. I have a crush on him. Someday I want him to take my virginity.

Its really embarrassing for me to admit this but for more than 6 months I have intentionally ignored the fact that my cousin Tara and I'm pretty sure 4 of her friends have watched me shower. I work for my uncle on weekends and stay at his house Friday and Saturday nights. We usually work until 7 or 8 pm and I'm tired after we eat so I normally get a shower and go to bed by 10. I use the 2nd floor bathroom and even though I always knew there is a deck outside never thought anybody is out there after dark. I'm 17 and Tara is 14 so I think her friends are all around that age. The curtains on the window won't stay closed all the way and one night I saw Tara and another girl looking in. The next night it was Tara and a girl who I know is Melanie but the other 3 girls I don't know their names. The first night I noticed them I think it embarrassed me. Not so much that they saw me naked but I know they saw me jerking off. By the time I went the following weekend I changed from being humiliated by it to where I kinda liked them seeing me naked. So now when I am there especially when my uncle and aunt go out for dinner I'm in the bathroom a long time. I even tell Tara that I'm going to shower and go to bed and she is usually in the family room with some other girls. Her sister Teresa is always in her room and she is a year older than me. It is Tara and 1 or 2 other girls most of the time and I even let them watch me undress before I get in the shower. As soon as I know they are outside on the deck I can't help it and get an erection right away sometimes before I even get into the shower. The whole time I'm washing myself I have an erection and make sure they can see me when I do masturbate. Some nights I just stand under the shower and keep turning around letting them see me front and back. I never said anything to Tara and she just pretends nothing is going on. I probably could close the curtains more or put a towel over the window but I like them watching me. It might only be 3 other girls but I'm almost sure there have been 4 of them on different nights. I feel a little funny when I see these girls downstairs but I never act like I know they are watching me and mostly just say hello to them. During the week I'm obsessed with the thought of them watching me and I masturbate a lot thinking about it. I just don't want my uncle to find out about it. I like working for him and he pays me good.
I really want sex write to me here faster >>>
Don't get too ambitious here - they are under age, and the penalties are harsh, rightfully so in most cases
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
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May 28th, 2021 Views: 270569 Starring: Honey Hayes
This video is just small example of the whole story. Each story is made out of 3 scenarios!
Click Here For Membership To Full-Length Episode!
September 16th, 2022
Views: 100908
Description: Honey Hayes and her stepbrother are on vacation with their family for Memorial Day - but there’s a small problem with accommodations. Forced to spend their vacation in a place with only one bedroom, Honey and her stepbro get a little too close...
Copyright Ⓒ 2022 My Sis Loves Me. All Rights Reserved.

December 27th, 2016 Views: 813618 Starring: Jade Jantzen
This video is just small example of the whole story. Each story is made out of 3 scenarios!
Click Here For Membership To Full-Length Episode!
September 16th, 2022
Views: 100924
Description: Little Jade has been studying to be a magician! She decides to go show her stepbro what she's learned. She starts him off with the whole pick a card any card routine. He picks, remembers, puts it back and closes his eyes until Jade says open. Not only does she pull his card, but she pulled all her clothes off ... too! That's enough to knock stepbro for a few bucks until tomorrow. The next day, jade has a new trick up her sleeve. She barges into stepbro's room while he was jerking off. She told him to close his eyes, and before you know it, WOWZERS!  Read more
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