Stepmother Bondage

Stepmother Bondage


Stepmother Bondage
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A few years ago I created a survey on Mister Poll for Mother's Tied up. I kept checking for months but the poll never got put up. I gave up until a little while ago and discovered it had gone up and people had voted! I can't see the poll for some reason because it states "You have already voted". If the link is still good and anyone wishes to, drop me a line letting me know it's still active. Further if it is and there are mothers, aunts or older sisters and the like who wish to vote, please do. I'd love to see the results. And to that, if you wish to relate your story send it please. I'd be happy to put it up on my Deviant page credited or a
It 's summer and as usual Steve after spending the day playing with friends, come home to late, do a quick shower, turn on your computer and monitor facebook, until you notice the strange, the house seems empty, too quiet, she wonders if her mother will not be output to go somewhere or some friend, curious down the stairs and go to see the house, the garden with the pool is empty, the machine is still in the garage, so think that can be output on foot, in returning to his room wants to take a peek into her mother's room.

When he opens the door he was presented this: his mother is half-naked in bed, completely bound, at the time he was a hit,
The sun had risen on another beautiful Saturday morning and Alex was slowly starting to get out of bed with memories of the previous day.

Friday afternoon after school

Alex was walking home from school with Natalie and they where talking about what people where saying about them and the rumors they where hearing about them and the other captains. The talk about them was flying everywhere like airplanes and bombs in a war zone and was spreading like wild fire.

The latest was that Emily was so disgusted of how she got on the basketball team she quite the team and went to another school. Some say she went to a whole different state and others
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    I had been tying up mom since I was young and always when we had the house to ourselves. Nothing too drastic, usually sitting in a chair with her feet tied together and her hands in her lap. Looking back I think at any time she could have just stool up and the ropes would have fallen off of her. And the gag. I don’t think a cloth across her mouth really did anything. But she loved me and indulged my idiosyncrasies. It wasn’t until Brandon came over that I got a clear understanding of what it was to really tie someone up.
    Brandon was the brother of our babysitter. Breann would come over sometimes when my parents were going out and I would play these games with her. She must have told Brandon because I had mentioned to her that I tied up my mother once and a while.
    One day at school Brandon came over and asked if we could play together. I was only six or seven at the time and he was at least twelve. I was confused but happy that an older kid wanted to have anything to do with a little kid like me.
    The day it happened was when he asked if he could come over after school to have a play day. I said sure. He asked me if my mother would be home and I told him sure, where else would she be? Then he asked if my dad would be also. I told him my dad was on afternoon shift so he wouldn’t be home until late at night. This seemed to please him. I sensed something funny about those questions and decided that I should call my mother to see if it was alright to have him over. I told him I’d still have to check with my mother first.
    So after school I asked if Brandon could come over. Mom asked if he was the bother of Breann our babysitter and I said yes. She knew him and thought it would be great. I called Brandon to tell him it would be alright to come over and he said he’d be by after dinner. So after dinner there was a knock on the door. My mother greeted Brandon warmly and invited him in.
    He was very cordial and polite with my mom which was a little out of character because he was more of a tough guy at school. He came in and I noticed he had a knap sack with him. I was hoping that he brought over some of his cool ‘big boy’ toys to play with but he didn’t say anything about the bag. We adjourned to my room and started playing on my game console. I kept looking at his bag and finally asked him what was in the bag.
    He smiled without taking his eyes of the screen and told me that it was things he used when he played cops and robbers. Oh boy I thought, I loved playing cops and robbers. I asked him if we could play. I had the toy gun, police badge and plastic handcuffs; all us kids had at one time. I told him I could play the cop and he could play the robber because I had all the cop stuff.
    He said sure but wanted to change the game. Intrigued I asked him how. He said he would break into a house and take someone hostage. Then I would have to subdue the robber and rescue the hostage. This was a new take on how I traditionally played with mom. She was always the robber and I would catch her in the act to which we’d have a shootout with her missing every shot and me not.
    Now who to play the hostage he asked. Right away I volunteered my mom. His eyes lit up and told me that was a great idea. So off I went to inform my mom we’d be taking her hostage in our game. Once informed she asked how does this go then? I didn’t know so I called Brandon over to explain. He very politely and calmly told my mom that she be taken hostage then be rescued by the cop, her son. I think she was impressed by his sincere and polite demeanour and quickly agreed.
    So off we went. I went to get my gun belt and gun, badge, handcuffs and police cap while Brandon retrieved his back pack. We all met in the kitchen and decided how this was going to take place. Brandon took the lead and said he would sneak up on my mom then take her hostage. I was to wait out of sight and come when he was ready. We decided that I should wait in the living room while he took her to the rec-room downstairs. We all agreed. Then my mom asked how was she going to be kept? In a room, under a table. Where?
    Then Brandon said he would tie her up on the carpet down stairs, this way there wouldn’t be any obstacles like a door or table and chairs to get in the way. Tied up I thought. Up until now I had never thought of playing cops and robbers this way. I wasn’t sure about letting someone else tie up my mom either because that was my thing. But when I looked over at my mom she seemed quite complacent to play. Who was I to object? Until then the only way I saw tying someone up was by the feeble way I had tied my mom. So with a slight regret I agreed.
    As they made their way down stairs Brandon stopped me and said I have to wait up here until he was done. He didn’t want me to interfere or know exactly where she was downstairs. Where could she be I thought, we only have one carpet down there. So I sat in the living room as they went down stairs. It was only a couple of minutes and I couldn’t hear anyone talking after a while like I did when they first went down and the suspense was killing me. So I sneaked to the stairs commando style and peaked over the edge. What I saw caught me completely off guard.
    There was my mom lying on the carpet. She was on her tummy while Brandon straddled her back. Her hands were behind her but they weren’t tied. What shocked me, in a series of surprises yet to come, was that he had tied a gag in her mouth. When I say in her mouth, I mean in her mouth. I had always wrapped a cloth around the lower part of her face over her lips but now there was a cloth deep in her mouth. I realized this because unlike my gags I couldn’t see anything covering the lower part of her face. Now, there was a cloth coming out of the corners of her mouth and tied behind her head. I wondered if she could breathe thinking anything in your mouth would choke you but she didn’t seem to be in any distress so I assumed she was okay.
    Then he took a piece of rope from a pile I now saw beside him and wrapped it around her wrists in front of him but behind her back. He tied them in a way I had never done. Her palms were together and he was wrapping the rope around them. I always tied them across each other because I thought she would slip the rope the way he did it. But here’s the curious part, before he used up all the rope on her wrists he changed directions and circled the rope between her wrists. When he tightened it in made a sort of rope handcuff. This drew attention from her as she half turned her head.
    He pivoted where he was so he was now facing her feet. I ducked down because he would have seen me if he looked up. A few seconds later I chanced a glance. He had tied her ankles the same as her wrists but now he was getting off of her. He turned then sat on her bound ankles facing towards her head. He then wrapped rope around her knees, something I had never considered! He made one band above her knees then for some reason he made a second band below her knees then he got up.
    She was really tied up! I realized by watching him that I was quite amateurish compared to him. The ropes looked tight because I could see depressions in her wrists, ankles and knees where the ropes where, but he wasn’t finished. He took another long piece and began to encircle my mom’s elbows. I was now spellbound. He’d put rope on her where I’d never considered before. I was getting a new appreciation for tying up my mom. He began to tighten the rope. I pulled back from the edge and tried to bring my elbows together behind my back. I could barely move them past my sides. When I looked back my mom’s elbows were touching behind her! And very tightly. He wrapped a rope between her arms making another rope cuff (that’s what I called cinching back then). My mom made some remarks but unlike my gags nothing came out but garbled nonsense. He either didn’t hear her, not likely because I could from up here, or he was ignoring her.
    I had never seen my mom like this. She was in a straight line with her legs straight together and her arms folded behind her. It looked weird but exciting. I was annoyance that someone else was tying my mom up better than I could then my annoyance turned to jealousy because; ‘A’ I wanted to be the one tying her and ‘B’ I didn’t like this kid touching her never mind tying her up. But all of us had agreed to play this way and other than the few words she tried to say she didn’t seem in distress or upset.
    I got ready to come down because I assumed she was now tied up and he would be calling for me to rescue her now. Wrong! He took another piece of rope then tied it to her already bound elbows. Strange I thought because they were already tied. But then he brought the free end of the rope to her ankles and what he did caused me to loose what little mind I had left. He threaded the rope between her already tied ankles then pulled the rope back to her elbows. Her feet started to rise and not just into the air.
    They bent at the knees and once they were in the air he kept pulling. He brought her feet back to her butt. The rope passed through her elbow ropes again and back down to her feet. Then he sat on her bent legs causing them to fold down on her wrists. He kept pulling and taking the slack out of the rope. Her front started to come up off the floor while her hands were trapped under her calves. I heard her grunt then try to say something again but he just smiled. I guess he decided it was tight enough because he tied off the rope and when he stepped back she relaxed slightly but remained tied in an arch. She rocked forward causing her chest and thighs to come up off the ground while she rested on her hips. And I use the term rest figuratively, I couldn’t see how anyone could rest like that.
    I was about to pull back to go back to the living room to await my signal to come to my mom’s rescue but just then he pulled out his cell phone. When he started taking pictures of my mom she put up such a fuss that Brandon stopped and bent down to whisper in her ear. I couldn’t hear the one way conversation but I noticed my mom went tense. Then after a few seconds she relaxed and nodded her head. He resumed taking pictures without further objections from my mom.
    As he went around her taking pictures, he would issue commands or orders. For instance at one point he was standing beside her and told her to roll over onto her side. She twisted and struggled and finally flipped over so she was laying on her side. He took some pictures. Then he made her flip back onto her tummy. He brought over a chair, placed it behind her and stood on it so he was looking down on her. Then he told her to look up. Even though she was bent up like a pretzel, she still managed to bend further until she was looking back up and over at him. He had her hold that pose for a few seconds while he snapped some shots. When he said ‘good’ she relaxed. Then he got down in front of her and got real close with his phone and took a picture. He told her to look up then this way and that way while he continued to snap away. He even told her to smile and I think she did! Because although I could only see her from the back and to the right, the inflection in her face seemed to indicate that she had. Plus he smiled while taking that picture.
    Then he made my mom do something I didn’t like. I didn’t know the emotion at that age but looking back I think it was humiliation. I could be projecting my own thoughts at this time. Truthfully I didn’t actually know what she felt but to me it seemed like he was treating her like his slave, which was the best interpretation I could think of at that age. Because he first told her to struggle to get out of the ropes which I figured was impossible. She tried her best but any attempt she made was futile. Once that failed he took a few steps back and told her to ‘crawl’ to his feet! I couldn’t see how this could be accomplished but then he said something in a low voice which I couldn’t hear. She then started twisting then finally flipping on her side and using the limited amount of play in the rope between her elbows and legs to shimmy by flexing her legs, hips and head. It took a long time for her to get there but she did. All the while Brandon was video tapping her.
    I started to wonder, hey, when was he going to call for me to rescue her? But just as I was ready to charge in there unannounced to rescue her, he put away his phone gathered the left over rope. He went over to her, said something to which she nodded, patted her on the head then started to make his way upstairs. I darted back to the living room as he came up the stairs because I didn’t want to get caught; silly. When he got to the living room he told me he had to go but he had a good time with my mother. “She’s all your kid.” were his parting words.
    I immediately ran downstairs to find her just as he had left her. The first thing I did was remove her gag which wasn’t easy. It wasn’t until I did that I discovered he had packed her mouth with another cloth, no wonder she couldn’t talk. Once I pulled it out I asked her if she was alright. She seemed in better spirits than I’d thought she’d be because she said sure dear, not, “Untie me right now!” or something like that.
    Untying her proved almost impossible. Since I wasn’t allowed to use a knife I had to cut some of the ropes with a pair of scissors. It was slow going because I didn’t want to slip and cut my mom but I eventually got her to a stage where she could help me untie her. Once the ropes were off I noticed deep welts where she had been tied. She massaged those spots while I watched. She must have thought I was in distress because as she looked up. I asked if she was alright and she told me that of course she was. We threw the rope away and she went to the washroom to clean up.
    Later she was having a coffee while I drank hot chocolate. I told her I didn’t like the way he played with her. I didn’t even get to play I said. She looked at me with sad eyes and said she knew. I told her I had never seen anyone tied the way before plus I didn’t like the way he treated her. She thought for a moment and told me he was a bit older so the game looked different through my eyes. At the time I didn’t know what that meant so I just accepted it. Then she asked if I liked the way he had tied her up. That question caught me off guard because I had liked the way he had tied her but I didn’t like the fact that he was the one tying her up. I didn’t know how to answer but she must have sensed my confusion because she told me the next time I tied her up, I could try to do the same thing if it made me feel better.
    My eyes lit up, of course I wanted to but didn’t know if I knew how or how good it would be. She smiled as she turned to me and told me that practice makes perfect. I did find out what the phase meant eventually.
I can relate to this story. For me it was my stepmother. I wanted to see her bound and gagged so bad.

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Let me start of the story by explaining my self. My name is Michael and I live in my own apartment in New York, but at the time of this story I lived in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. When I say wealthy, I mean everyone has a bug, expensive house, a nice car, and lots of toys to go along with it. This story takes place when I was in middle school. I was part of a friend group with lots of people. My good friend Shawn's parents were always out of town on business. Shawn is the youngest of 5 children in his family. His older sibling would stay home and watch him and make sure he didn't get into too much trouble. One day Sean and I were hanging out at my one friends house playing video games like we usually did. The friends house we were at had some crazy parents though. They were always fighting. We could here them arguing from across the house. It was so irritating so we decided to leave with all of our friends. Once we left we began to discuss what we would do now. Shawn said that no one was at his house but he wasn't allowed to go their with out his older sister their, who had stuff planned all day. We decided that we would go their and chill and leave right before his sister got home. We arrived at his house and immediately went into his basement where his flat screen tv and video game console were set up. Their was 5 of us down their just playing video games for a little while. Eventually, I had to go to the bathroom. Shawn told me to go use the bathroom in his room in case I made a mess or something like that. Like I was explaining earlier, the houses in our area were not small. I had to walk across his massive house. And as I was nearing his room I h
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