Stepmom Foot Worship

Stepmom Foot Worship


Stepmom Foot Worship
Created by Zhenya Avilla · Jun 12, 2013

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Stephanie McMahon was walking around looking for her office when she was suddenly knocked out from behind! ( 10 minutes later ) Stephanie: Uhhhhh... My head... Where am I? You: Your in your own personal hell Stephanie grits her teeth: you...*she tried to get up but she was tied to a chair* what the?! You: Don't worry... No one will here you hehe and also, don't worry, I'm not going to defile you Stephanie then put her legs down to feel the cold floor: AHHH WHERE ARE MY HEELS?! You: AHH MY EARS!.... I took them off... So I could have some fun hehe Stephanie: I swear if you touch my feet I will*you sniff her toes*.... Ewww.... You: Wow it's pretty good! *sniffs deeply into her soles* ahhh it's great! *you sniff between her toes* your feet seem a bit sweaty Stephanie: ... Your gross... Your gross and your fired... You: Really? Maybe I can change your mind! *tickles her feet* Stephanie: NOOOOHOHOHO You: Awwwww cute laugh! *tickles her wiggly toes* Stephanie: AHAHAHA FINE YOUR NOT FIREHEHED You stop tickling : Dang. I was enjoying that! Hehe *kisses her feet* Stephanie blushes: You like my feet that much? How long have you loved my feet? You: Long time! But I'm really good at keeping my foot fetish under control... That was until you and your husband got in my business... Stephanie: I promise I'll leave you alone if you let me GOOOOOHAHAHAHA*You began licking her heels and arches* You: Mmmm I love the taste and sound hehe *You lick the balls of her sweaty feet* Stephanie: I WILL MURHERHERHERDER YOU! You smiles wide at her laughter and licked between her wiggling toes: Oh! There's a lot of sweat there! *licks between her wiggling toes* Stephanie was dying of laughter as You licked her sweaty feet... When she felt you suck on her toes she screamed: AHHHHHHH You were in heaven as you sucked on her toes multiple times over and swirled your tongue around her toes: MMMM SO DELICIOUS! Stephanie finally got to breathe: Oh.... My .... Gosh..... You: Hehe sorry. I got a bit carried away Stephanie looked at you in disgust: Your in a 3 on 1 handicap match tonight! You: HA! It was worth it! *you kiss her feet in multiple areas* Stephanie looked on in disgust and anger but it started to sooth into relaxation as you rubbed her feet You: I guess I should do this for you to repay you Stephanie blushes: Thank you...... Your not fired ok? But if you ever kidnap anyone again your fired! And that's not by me. That's just the law! You: Haha ok. I promise I won't kidnap anyone... But can we do this again sometime? Stephanie blushes: Well.... Not around my husband. That's for sure... We'll.... We'll see ok? You smile and untie the ropes : ... I'm really sorry that I tied you up... Stephanie: You are? You nod Stephanie smiles and hugs you then leaves: Bye You smile and do a wolf howl : AHOOOOOOOOO ( please let me know if I did good on it )

In a room filled beyond comprehension with heavy machinery, one Mei Hatsume was hard at work. She'd always been a fairly narrow-minded individual. Her inventions ( or babies ) were her top priority. It was often a bit of a concern to most teachers. Especially one Power Loader, who had to constantly put up with her. Mei hadn't really aquired friends during her time at UA, though she was praised for her help in upgrading various students hero suits. She sadly had no one to talk to. She didn't particularly care though, she's always been seen as odd for her obsession with machines. However, today she would be delivered some of the most unfortunate news ever. "WHAT?! SUSPENDED?!" Mei yelled out. Power Loader was currently blocking Mei's entrance to the support room. "You heard me, Mei." He said sternly "But I've been getting more sleep lately!" Mei continued to yell out Power Loader sighed "The only reason you've been getting sleep lately is because of Shinso Hitoshi! God bless the
Kelli: Hi everyone Kelli Ripa here and were live and just a hour before the first ever Celebrity tickle fight between long time rivals Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Both women have agreed to this challenge if they could raise 1 million dollars for the victims of the latest hurricane disaster. Such a great cause and original idea that one deviantart user had.
A shout out to pikachu1up thanks to your suggestion
we have raised over 4.5 million dollars and tonight live we will see these two awesome ladies go at it.
Ryan how are things going from your view?
Ryan: Well Kelli as you can see people are extremely excited to see this match and
Several weeks later... The pasty white soles of General Esdeaths soft, large and terribly foul smelling feet slapped against the stone floor as she eagerly strolled through the dungeon located deep beneath the Jaeger headquarters, she walked quickly down a dimly lit and door lined hall, she turned a corner and smirked upon seeing a door at the end of dim passageway. As Esdeath approached the two guards at the door straightened their posture and whatnot. "How have you been treating our esteemed guest in my absence?" Esdeath asked with interest. "As you requested ma'am..." The male guard said. "We reduced her water intake to one bowl every three days. And for food, one weekly bowl of soup mixed with dirt." "Perfect, she must be on the verge of breaking now, her criminal friends will face justice soon enough." Esdeath said with satisfaction. "And did she beg to be released any?" "Yes, actually, only a few days ago." The female guard professionally chimed in, tapping the sole of one of her heavy metal boots into the ground. "I threw open the door and stomped the prisoners face until she was cowering in the corner. There have been no further incidents since." "Well, I thank you both for the wonderful news. Now I'll just go in and finish the job." Esdeath said with a grim smile, she cracked her knuckles and entered the dank, dark dungeon room with the door slamming loudly behind her. The two guards then both let out sigh of relief. "That woman is terrifying." The female guard said with her partner nodding in agreement. "Well, well, Akame my pathetic pet, we meet again. It's been so long and I've so very much missed your delicious screams. Also, you look absolutely terrible." Esdeath announced with joy with Akame flinching upon hearing the Generals voice from her position of hiding in the corner. In the month since their last meeting Akame had clearly gone drastically downhill...her generally blank eyes were miserable and cowardly, her black hair was frazzled and her new diet of was so effective at inducing weight lose that her shackles had slipped off days ago, not that Esdeath felt even the tiniest bit threatened by the former assassin as Akame was looking at her with obvious fear on her face. "It's been a few weeks since our last playdate, let's see how much of your slave training you remember. Get over here and lick the tops of my feet while I tell you about my little adventure." Over the past few weeks Akame had been starved, beaten, kicked and just generally abused by the guards but Esdeath returning was what the girl truly feared and as such Akame instantly got to her hands and knees with her arms shaking both out of nervousness and weakness as she wasted no time I serving the Generals pale feet, she slapped her tongue flat against the left one and began to lick at a disgracefully high speed, fast enough that Esdeath snorted with amusement as she felt Akames tongue slip, slide, glid and speed all around her sweaty moist skin. Esdeath placed her hands on her hips and let her head slump back as she remained silent and stood there just to enjoy the sensation and satisfaction of having her feet licked after her long journey, and enjoy it she certainly did as there is nothing more pleasing than having your sworn nemesis groveling as they slurp sweat from the tops of your steamy feet fresh from the boots. And for Akame, there seemed to be nothing more degrading but she didn't let that stop her as she placed her tongue atop Esdeaths toes before she licked upwards in a slow zigzag pattern, the sadistic woman's skin tasted beyond foul, as if she hadn't bathed since their last meeting which wouldn't be very surprising for the twisted General. By the time her tongue reached Esdeaths ankle Akame couldn't keep her disgust in any longer so as she began licking the side of the foot she began to let out little whimpers and groans, all of which she desperately tried to keep quiet out of fear it would provoke Esdeath into doing something cruel, which was admittedly inevitable but still she tried though she failed nearly everytime as Esdeaths feet both tasted and reeked strongly of pungent salty sweat, old cheese with a vile bitterness permeating it all. Several minutes passed painfully slow with Akame managing to spread multiple layers of her own saliva over the tops of the two pale feet before Esdeath finally looked down at and spoke, with the slavegirl not slowing her licking in the slightest. "So, I'm sure you've spent these past few weeks wondering where I went and I think you'll find the answer rather hilarious. I was to the west, quelling another rebellion and guess what? Your Nightraid friends were there." Esdeath felt a momentary pause in the licking as Akame presumably gasped upon hearing the news, Esdeath was then incredibly pleased to feel her tongue submissively begin worshipping again. "The rebellion was utterly crushed, thousands were sent to the slave mines but unfortunately all your friends managed to escape. However, just so are aware, your leader, Nejenda, battled Kurome and it ended with Kurome nearly choking her to death under her slender litte foot. It was a beautiful sight." Such a thought was far from pleasant for Akame but she was still incredibly relieved her friends escaped, even if Nejenda did receive what was undoubtedly an incredibly painful trampling from Kurome. As the former assassin was busy dragging her tongue over Esdeaths ten slender toes she was suddenly interrupted as the General grabbed her hair Like a ragdoll, Akame was jerked up onto her knees and was shoved back so that she leaned against the wall with Esdeaths left foot kicking into her neck so hard it immediately cut off her breathing and pinned her to the wall. Akame looked up with fear towards the General whom was looking down at Akame with a pleasant smirk, she barely recognized her new slave with how much pain, misery, regret and terror was on her brusied, dirty face. "Speaking of Nightraid, where is there base?" Esdeath asked matter-of-factly, she then paused and let Akame continue to be choked as she reached into hwe bulging skirt pocket. To Akames surpise and absolute horror, the General pulled out a very rough looking dildo made of ice with several leather straps connected to it. "I made it myself! And I suggest you answer me, otherwise I'm gonna have have put this thing on and absolutely obliterate your throat." "I..." Akame wheezed and choked, nervously turning her head away as if the thing wee poisonous. "...I c-can't..." "Well, I'd be lying if I said I was disappointed." Esdeath said with a voice dripping with perversion. She removed her foot from Akames throat and quickly began to attach the icy strap-on to herself, however Akame, in a desperate to attempt to get mercy or delay the inevitable tried to drop to her hands and knees but was violently stopped halfway as Esdeath happily lifted her knee directly into Akames chin, causing her to yelp as she bit her tongue and was slammed back into the wall once more. The defeated girl stayed in that position, noticeably shaking with fear as a little bit of blood dripped from her mouth while Esdeath finished attaching her large fake penis. Without warning Akames hair was grabbed again and she was forced to look up at the smirking General who was clearly loving every moment. "Okay, one last chance, and before you answer, let me remind you I can effortlessly manipulate ice thanks to my Teigu." Esdeath pointed down and Akame was then forced to at the icy strap-on which was both far too long and far too girthy. Esdeath snapped once and Akames eyes widened in shock as the ice cylinder suddenly gained thousands of small spikes, the General snapped again and the frozen dildo became a literal icy stake, she snapped a third time and it returned to normal. Akame was then forced to look Esdeath in the eyes again while shaking like a terrified child. "So, you feel like betraying your friends yet?" Esdeath joked, releasing her grip on the kneeling Akame who looked absolutely mortified as the General leaned in, poking her face with the icy dildo. "N-no...ple-please don't do this!" Akame begged, breaking down with her face turning red with shame. "...Please Esdeath...My m-mistress I'll do anyt-" "Ohhh!" Esdeath sounded like she had a sadism induced organism. "Call me Mistress again, real nice and pathetically, and maybe I won't destroy your throat." "Y-yes Mistress!" Akame spoke swiftly, stumbing over her words and stuttering as she humilated herself more than she ever thought possible. "I...I-I submit to you Mis-mistress, I'll do whatever want! own me, I am trash and you a-are a divine Goddess, please let me worship your feet again, please! Please!" "You want to worship my feet again, you dirty pig?" Esdeath asked with a wide, sinister smile to which Akame responded by 'eagerly' nodding with a tiny bit of hope in her crying eyes. "Hmm...nope!" Akame nearly screamed upon hearing Esdeaths words however she never had the chance to do so as the General grabbed her hair with both hands and thrusted her hips forward. The icy dildo punched through Akames lips without any resistance, smashing her head against the wall and forcing out a deep, guttural gagging sound as Akame felt her throat be filled with the freezing strap-on which remained stationary at first, leaving Akame to just kneel there making a unending stream of gross, degrading sounds. While in the midst of sobbing and producing countless whimpers, gags and guttural retching sounds Akame heard Esdeaths happy yet threatening voice. "I have a good feeling about this particular torture method, how about you?" Unable to speak, Akame responded anyways with the louder gags and pathetic cries as Esdeath began to slowly move her hips back and forth. Upon feeling the icy dildo slip deep into her throat Akame not only nearly vomited but the pain of having the tight space stretched was enough to make her whole body jerk violently in response but that only made Esdeath chuckle and take a tighter grip on her victims hair. "And just think, slut, this is what's going to happen every single day until you tell me where your friends are. AND you'll lick my feet as well." Esdeath said with pride, while Akame suffered below as she felt the smooth ice dildo moving back and forth, pulling back until it was nearly out of her mouth only to forcibly shoot right back down her throat with the crying girl only growing more and more hopeless with each thrust. "Remember, only you have the power to stop me and all you have to do is point out your little hideaway on a map." Despite that being an extraordinarily tempting offer, Akame somehow resisted the overwhelmingly strong urge to give in and for she was immediately punished. General Esdeath began to thrust harder and faster while gripping her slaves hair so tightly that Akame could feel some strands being plucked out though unsurprisingly that wasn't nearly as agonizing as the feeling of what was essentially an icicle violating her throat. She wasn't sure which was worse....the pure and unmatched humilation of kneeling at the Generals feet, sobbing without resistance as Esdeath had her fun or the pain the icy dildo subjected her to with each thrust as everytime it shot down her throat she erupted with a muffled scream and with everytime it pulled back Akames head moved far enough away from the wall that the next thrust would painfully slam it back again. "Oh, I almost forgot, what happened to your friends head?" Esdeath asked nonchalantly with her voice barely able to be heard over Akames high-pitched gagging, she kept mercilessly throat-fucking her unwilling prisoner and glanced around the dark cell before finding what was now just a skull. Esdeath merely chuckled, kept thrusting and gave Akame a degrading pat on the head. "I see, well, watching your best friends head decompose certainly sounds traumatizing. Good idea sticking her in the corner though, now she doesn't have to watch you gag on the icy dick of the one who killed her! She'd be totally disgusted and ashamed of you." Somehow that made Akame feel even worse than she already was, which was quite bad considering she could feel the inside of her throat beginning to be rubbed raw by the constantly moving strap-on. The pain only grew more and more unbearable with every passing second, so much so that terrible thoughts of betraying her friends began to cloud her mind so without really thinking Akame tried to reach down to Esdeaths bare feet in hopes touching them would inspire the General to instead stomp all over her or something instead of continuing to savagely destroy her throat, however Akames arms were too short and regardless the instant she attempted it Esdeaths leg shot up with the knee uppercutting Akames chin with such force that she bit down on the dildo so hard it left a indent on the ice and it also left Akame absolutely screaming and gagging thanks to the fact she basically just chomped down on a frozen rock. "Well that was certainly foolish of you. No touching my feet until your owner gives permission, I appreciate the initiative however." Esdeath mocked, she released her grip on her slaves hair with Akame continuing to pump out unending tortured cries and whimpers as Esdeath thrusted forward, pinning the former assassins head to the wall with the icy dildo stuck about six inches down her throat. With saliva beginning to leak from her mouth, Akame directed her defeated gaze up to the General whom gave her a friendly smile as she lifted her hand, which she held in the air ominously. "So, how about telling me where your friends are? I'd love to tell them their friend went from a mighty, stoic, overrated assassin to a sobbing piece of trash, desperately trying to lick my feet." Akame, once again, could only answer with a wide array of gross, pathetic whimpers and gags due to her head being grinded into the wall and there being a thick stationary frozen dildo still overstuffing half her throat. After about three seconds of Akame sounding as if she were on the verge of vomiting Esdeath suddenly snapped her fingers. Akame screeched as the Generals snap caused the icy dildo to regain the spikes Akame had been threatened with earlier, instantly the pain the assassin experienced skyrocketed as her throat was forcibly expanded from the inside so much so that there was even a noticeable buldge on her neck. Upon seeing the unbridled panic on her slaves face Esdeath just chuckled and got back to work, she leaned in a bit, placed her hands on the wall before proceeding to begin thrust her hips back and forth with all the strength she could muster, taking great in pleasure in all the misery she was causing. The 'spikes' were far from being razor-sharp, they were more like pointed raised lumps, one may even describe them as 'ribbed for her pleasure' but in t
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