Step by Step Guide to Report on SMACC

Step by Step Guide to Report on SMACC

Normal People

Last update: Oct 5, 2023.

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Report cat abuse website to Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC)

A. For individuals

  1. Go to

2. Fill in " "under "LINK" section

3. Fill in:

Web name: Jacklatiao, same name as the man who put cat in blender. Page lists cat torture videos, uploaded daily, organized by a highly organized group of cat abusers. The people who post are extremely brutal and inhumane. Unimaginably cruel acts: tearing off limbs and wombs, gouging eyes, burning alive (immolation), forceing mother cat to eat her baby kittens (forced cannibalism), live bisection, amongst other brutal forms of mutilation and sadism. The animals are usually killed in the process of torture. For more evidence of these crimes, see pdf document:


B. For NGOs members

Take 2 minute max. Follow steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Tick one fits you better

3. Fill in under "LINK" section

4. Tick one fits you better

5. Fill in "Web name: Jacklatiao, same name as the man who put cat in blender. Page lists cat torture videos, uploaded daily, organized by a highly organized group of cat abusers. The people who post are extremely brutal and inhumane. Unimaginably cruel acts: tearing off limbs and wombs, gouging eyes, burning alive (immolation), forceing mother cat to eat her baby kittens (forced cannibalism), live bisection, amongst other brutal forms of mutilation and sadism. The animals are usually killed in the process of torture. For more evidence of these crimes, see pdf document:"

6. Views: 14,000,000,000

This number is quoted from cat abusers themselves.

7. Platform: Other

8. Animals involved: CATS

9. Main Theme (can only select one)

10. Sub Theme

11. Specific Abuse: choose as many as possible

12. Fill in your own observation or copy paste "Tear off limbs, wombs. Dig eyes alive. Burn alive. Force cat mom to eat her baby kittens. Knife cut body in half alive. All unimaginable."


14. Fill in Additional Notes "Platform: Cloudflare, Namesilo. Crime Evidence of the Cat Torture Group see pdf document:"


For more info about SMACC visit

Report Page