Stefano Skoro, Bachelor of Science, M.D., Ph.D., 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine. "Translated from Italian by"

Stefano Skoro, Bachelor of Science, M.D., Ph.D., 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine. "Translated from Italian by"

⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ🎙    

Documentary evidence for law enforcement agencies and courts of general criminal jurisdiction of any country in the world about a crime against humanity. The vaccine is not a vaccine according to the documents.

Fragment of the article (c)Stefano Skolo, Bachelor of Science, M.D., Ph.D., Ph.D. in Medicine 2018. "Translated from Italian by"

In fact, the reality has been even worse since May, The CDC has released a new definition of a "probable case" of Covid-19: you just need to live in a state whose governor declared a state of emergency because of Covid-19, as well as the presence of even a small cough or a combination of two other symptoms, such as headache and chills or stiffness and myalgia, which should be identified as a "probable case" covid-19, and therefore immediately equated to a confirmed case covid-19. After that, the number of positive results is multiplied by the involvement of all people with whom the "probable" case of Covid-19 was contacted.

This pandemic project is based on a Covid test, which is based on OT-PCR (polymerase chain reaction of reverse transcriptase or polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription): a sample of organic material is taken from the throat or, less often, from the bronchollecular fluid of the individual being examined, and then subjected to the OT-PCR procedure to check the presence of the SARS-Covin virus. This is the same OT-PCR methodology used to initially "separate" the virus from the zero (very first) patient. Thus, the Covid test is largely dependent on the initial or unproduced release of the SARS-Cov2 virus, as the initial release of the virus using PCR is the gold standard required to confirm subsequent Covid tests.

There are many problems with the release of the original virus and therefore with the subsequent PCR test, and they all indicate that the SARS-Cov2 virus has never been isolated and has never been tested for pathogenicity.

As you know, microbiology is based on the famous Koch Postulates, which establish common-sense principles of microbiological research: to determine that the microorganism is a riic disease, it is necessary to go through 4 main steps:

(a) physically isolate (isolate) microorganisms using filtration methods from the sick patient;

b) To grow isolated microorganisms in a nutrient environment;

(c) Introduce this broth with microorganisms into the experimental host and assess whether the symptoms caused by this injection are similar to those of the original patient;

d) re-isolate the microorganism from the newly infected patient and cultivate it in the cultural broth.

These postulates have been applied to living microorganisms such as bacteria, but because they are logical postulates, they also apply to inanimate "inorganisms", such as viruses, which are non-living particles consisting of RNA fila (or DNA) covered with lipoprotein membrane (capsioma).

Well, despite the fact that at least one article has been published stating that Koch's postulates have been implemented, the reality is that the SARS-Cov2 virus has never been isolated and tested. I looked at all the studies that claimed to have isolated and even tested the virus, but they all did something completely different: They took the patients' swallow or bronchoalveolar fluid, then centrifuged it to separate larger and heavier molecules from smaller and lighter molecules such as the supposed viruses. They then took a supernatant (the top of the centrifugal material) and called this extremely complex matrix a "dedicated virus" to which OT-PCR (1) was then applied. Zhu N et al, A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019, N Engl J Med. 2020 Feb 20; 382(8): 727–733.)

It's quite a technical thing, but I'll try to simplify it: the supernatant contains different types of molecules, billions of different micro and nano particles, including the so-called extracellular vesicles and exosomo - all of which are useful for us particles produced by our own body and are completely indistinguishable from the virus:

"It is now almost impossible to separate extracellular vesicles and viruses using canonical methods of vesicles, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are often co-granulated (come together) because of their same size." (2.Giannessi F. etal., The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses, Viruses 2020, 12, 571; doi:10.3390/v12050571, p.4.)

So how do we distinguish a particular virus from this huge mixture of billions of indistinguishable particles that include the most useful exosomos for us?

Well, it's impossible to do, and so the virus is "recreated" through OT-PCR: two primers are taken for this purpose, the two pre-existing genetic sequences available in gene jars put them in contact with the supernatant broth until they join some fragment of RNA in this broth, thus creating an artificial DNA molecule that is then multiplied by a certain number of PCR cycles: each cycle doubles the amount of DNA, so theoretically the more cycles, the larger the amount of DNA produced.

But the more cycles you conduct, the lower the reliability of PCR, that is, its ability to actually "produce" something meaningful from a supernatant, something that has minimal relevance to the virus you're looking for. As a result, it is inherently pointless to conduct more than 30 cycles. (As one of the world's leading experts on PCR, Professor Stephen Bastin, also stated). In all studies, as well as in current tests, PCR is always used from 35 to 40 cycles.

The first unanswered question: each primer consists of 18-24 bases (nucleotides); SARS-Cov2 virus is believed to consist of 30,000 bases (nucleotides); thus, the primer represents only 0.07% of the viral genome. How can you detect the specific virus you're looking for, based on such a small primer, as well as in a sea of billions of virus-like particles? It's like looking for an elephant with very small gray hairs on its tail: relying on this gray hair, you can find gray cats, gray dogs, gray people and so on.

But that's not all. Since the virus you are looking for is new, there is clearly no ready-made genetic primers corresponding to a specific fraction of the new virus. So you have to take primers that are thought to resemble the supposed structure of the virus, but that's just an assumption, and when you put primers on a supernatant broth, they can join any of the billions of molecules present, and there's no certainty that what you've created in this way is the virus that you're looking for. In fact, it is a new artificial creation created by researchers, then called the SARS-Cov2 virus, but it has no connection to the alleged virus responsible for the disease.

The standard OT-PCR methodology suffers from fundamental problems, and that is why they are now trying to develop a new technology called NSG (next generation sequencing), which is also full of limitations.

The most honest researchers recognize:

"The most commonly used PCR-based methodologies require knowledge of the microman genome sequences of the microorganism; however, this knowledge is not always available. Typical case - outbreaks of new pathogens ..."

"Since random/non-stop amplification multiplies host nucleic acids along with microbial acids, the search for microbial nucleic acids is similar to finding a needle in a haystack."

And this is consistent with everything I've been saying all along, and it's about both OT-PCR and NSG. Also, many studies have shown that up to 95% of the virus-like particles present in patients' bodies belong to the patient's own genome: "The identification of nucleic acids of pathogens in clinical samples is complicated by the presence of the usual prevailing host background ... In the study, Brown and his colleagues found it possible not to attribute only 0.4% of the total reading to the human genome." (3. Calistri A. Palù G., Unbiased Next-Generation Sequencing and New Pathogen Discovery: Undeniable Advantages and Still-Existing Drawbacks, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2015; 60(6):889–91, p.889.)

This confirms my metaphor for the patient's swallow or bronchoalveolar fluid as a sea of billions of virus-like particles, most of which, such as extracellular vesicles and exosomals, belong to the patient's genome. This raises the following question: if you don't know what the virus is, and what it is made of, how can you know that it is causing something at all?

However, Chinese researchers have tried to prove the pathogenicity of the virus. In a specific Chinese study (4. Bao L. Et al. The Pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in hACE2 Transgenic Mice, Nature (2020) 10.1038/s41586-020-2312-y.) They took a supernatant of the swallow fluid (posing as a dedicated virus) and injected it to mice, comparing it to a placebo. Now, even if the virus had not been isolated, if it had indeed been the cause of the disease, then, the virus would still have been present in significant quantities in the supernatant of the patient's pathological fluid. Therefore, after the injection into the experimental host, it should still have a devastating effect on the animals. But the worst effect it produced was "weak bristles" and a minimum weight loss of 8% (maybe this virus should be offered as a means to lose weight?); but even these minimal effects were only obtained on genetically modified mice, while there was absolutely no effect on natural, non-genetically modified or "wild" (WT) mice. This means that the virus, if it is, cannot cause any harm to normal mice and therefore to normal humans.

The mice were genetically modified to produce a special enzyme ACE2, whose overproducte could explain some of the mild symptoms found in genetically modified mice. ( To give an example, the ACE2 enzyme breaks down or destroys the hormone ghrelin responsible for stimulating hunger, so over-producing ACE2 can reduce hunger and promote weight loss. Unger T, Ulrike M, Steckelings UM, dos Santos RA (eds.). The protective arm of the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS): functional aspects and therapeutic implications, Academic Press. pp. 185–189.) 

Undoubtedly, the so-called virus had no effect on normal mice (normal humans). And this is the most important study demonstrating the pathogenicity of the Covid-19 virus, and in this regard it was even published in the world's most important scientific journal Nature!

Since this virus has never actually been isolated, and so there is no gold standard for further research or tests, no standard for their guidance, everyone can create their own private SARS-Cov2 virus!

That's why there is currently an organization in the GISAID Genome Bank that collects and stores all genomic sequences. They store more than 70,000 sequences of SARS-Cov2 virus genes, each claiming to be the real one.

To adapt to this madness, they now tell us that the virus is mutating, which is why there are so many different sequences. But can we assume that 70,000 different gene structures correspond to the same virus? It would be as if you had a guy named John who has 70,000 different images in each of which he looks like a man, then a woman, then a dog, then a snake and so on, but you would like to convince me that they are all John!

This, among other things, raises another very important question: if the suspected virus mutates so strongly that it has even produced more than 70,000 different genetic sequences, which one will be selected for the vaccine? And how can a vaccine protect against anything if the remaining 69,999 sequences are not covered, and the virus is constantly mutating anyway?

And here we are faced with the problem of the TEST PCR (smear) for the diagnosis of Covid, the real engine of this pseudo-pandemic. As we explained at the beginning, the same method that we saw above for pseudo-isolation is used to test the smear, starting with the supposedly infected fluid of the patient.

This liquid is centrifuged, then placed in a given test, which should include a viral standard, that is, a dedicated virus. But if the virus has never been highlighted, what standard is used?

Various studies have found many mutations and variations between different geographic strains: one article, which also includes Robert Gallo, found dozens of mutations that have grown over time in parallel with the suspected spread of the virus from Asia to Europe and the United States. (6.Pachetti M. et al., Emerging SARS-CoV-2 mutation hot spots include a!novel RNA-dependent RNA polymerase variant, J Transl Med (2020) 18:179 While another author analyzed 85 different SARS-Cov2 genomic sequences available in GISAID, and found 53 different strains of SARS-Cov2 from different regions of China, Asia, And the U.S. (7. Phan Tung, Genetic diversity and evolution of SARS-CoV-2, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 81 (2020), 104260).

So which of these viral strains is looking for PCR researching a smear? If the virus is constantly changing (this is assuming that the virus exists at all, which has not been proven), then the test is useless because it is always looking for an older virus than the one that is currently circulating. This alone would be enough to understand that the PCR test on Covid-19 is completely, 100% wrong!

Continuation follows...

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