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Submitted into Contest #53
in response to: Write a story about another day in a heatwave. ...
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There was a dull throb at the base of his skull. The A/C in the car had been broken for two weeks, and it was August and hotter than hell. The smell of the gas cans in the back was making him feel a bit queasy. Traffic was backed up, it seemed half the city seemed to be trying to leave all at once. Jack and Donna had gone up early to open up and air out the place. Nice that they could just pick up and leave anytime they liked, he thought enviously. It had been a real shit week. He’d come this close to telling them to shove their job. But after 4 months off because of a shut-down, that was out of the question. Their savings had taken a hit. So as his dad would say; he’d “sucked it up and choked it down”. By the end of the week the stress had taken its toll. He was beyond tense, irritable and was plain crabby. OK, he’d been a real prick lately.
He looked at his wife Sherry with a sideways glance. She was obviously still pissed. She was ignoring him, propped against the door with a pillow and a book. They’d been looking forward to this long weekend away for months. Now it was starting badly, and it was all his fault. Last night things had come to a head and boiled over, and he’d dumped all over her. Shit, he was lucky she was just ignoring him.
 He looked and her bare feet with the pink toes. He himself had painted them after giving her a foot rub. She’d had to start waitressing to make ends meet when he was laid off. She had long sexy legs and an ass that had turned him to stone the first time he laid eyes on her. After 15 years of marriage she was still drop dead gorgeous. He was one luck son-of-a-bitch.  His buddies reminded him of that constantly.
“Babe”, he said quietly to get her attention. She put her finger in her book and looked up at him, lifting one eyebrow. He could still see the hurt in those gorgeous violet eyes. It was like a kick in the gut. “I’m really sorry about last night. You know I didn’t mean it. It was a shitty week and I took it out on you. You didn’t deserve that.” He glanced at her again to see if his words were having any effect. She was biting her bottom lip, which drove him crazy. She had full luscious lips and they’d touched him everywhere. He was starting to feel overheated from the memories.
“Greg, you can’t go on like this. You’re not happy at work and you come home and take it out on me and it makes me angry in turn. I work hard too you know. May I remind you when we needed money, so I had to take the first thing I could find. Waitressing is a shit job and it’s beneath me. I have a PHD for Christ sakes!! You bitching about supper not being on the table the minute you get home made me want to turn around and walk out the door and maybe never come back. Your so friggin wrapped up in yourself. You never ever ask me about my day. Well I had a crappy day too!” She started to cry quietly. “Some jerk slid his hand up my thigh and under my skirt and poked at my vagina! I dropped a whole tray of food. Everyone saw what he did and they all probably saw my ass too. It was so humiliating! The manager didn’t even care what happened, he just said it was all coming out of my pay check. I was so upset and angry I told him to get stuffed and walked out on the spot.”
Greg’s guts twisted. “Why the hell didn’t you call me right away!” he yelled. “I’d a killed the bastard!” His face was turning red and his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel.
“I know you would have! That’ why I didn’t call you. Like I needed you in jail for assault, don’t be an idiot Greg. It’s over and done. Take a couple of deep breaths.”
He did as she suggested and counted to ten. “I’m so sorry babe. I don’t ever want you going back there. There’s no way I’ll let you be treated like that again. I got some words for that creep you work for too. The idea of another man’s hands on her, degrading her made him feel like he was going to explode. He wanted to hit someone! “God babe, to have to deal with that shit and then my bad attitude on top of it….I’m thankful that you didn’t walk out on me.  You know you and the kids are the most important thing in my life.” Sherry started sobbing harder.
Looking up Greg cursed and cut across two lanes to make the exit coming up. He’d been so distracted he’d nearly missed it. All he could think was that he needed to hold her. 
There was a shallow creek off the road a bit, about a mile up. This morning he’d slipped a picnic basket into the trunk when she wasn’t looking. He knew he’d been acting like an ass hole lately and that he needed to apologize and try to make it up to her. He had to do something special. He’d proposed to her on a picnic. Early this morning he called the deli and ordered a nice basket with the same things they had on that special day. He had made sure to include all her favorites. There was champagne, strawberries a cheese and fruit platter, a baguette and deli meats. He’d told her he forgot to fill the gas tanks for the boat and needed to run out and do it. Actually he’d picked up the basket, well cooler actually.
Sitting up and looking around Sherry asked “What the hell are you doing, where are you going? Greg, we still have another two hours on the road before we get to up the lake. Donna and Jack will be waiting for us.” 
“Just sit back and relax honey, you’ll find out soon enough.” He looked at her and smiled tenderly, anticipating her surprise. What he saw was a look of annoyance on her face. 
He saw the dirt road and turned off into the bush.  Not many people knew about this spot, he’d never seen anyone else there. After two minutes of a bumpy dirt track he spotted the path to the creek. It was overgrown and partly concealed. Unless you knew it was there you’d drive right by. He parked the car by the narrow path and got out. He got the cooler and a bag with the blanket and towels from the trunk. He opened her door, and held out his hand, “come on sweetie, I got a surprise for you.” 
After a long pause she took her husband’s hand, slowly unfolding her long leg from under her and got out of the car. “Lord it’s hot out here, what are you up to?” Looking around place seemed vaguely familiar. She could hear the babble of the water and Greg looked back at her with a mischievous grin and a sparkle in his eyes. He pulled at her hand and picked up his pace to a trot. She kept up easily.
“Surprise Babe!”  He dropped the cooler and bag and swept he up into his arms, spinning her around and laughing. “We’re having a picnic, a swim and whatever else you feel like doing.” He said in a low husky voice, with his eyes darkening with desire. He kissed her deeply with all the passion he felt for her. “God I love you, and I’m so sorry I hurt you.” 
“OMG, you planned all this?” Sherry looked up at him with a big smile. “We don’t have any suits, so I guess we’ll just have to go without” she said as she started to unbutton his shirt.
Five hours later, as the sun was setting they pulled up at the cabin. Donna and Jack hearing their car came out on the deck. “Hey you two what the hell took you so long? We were getting a bit frantic. Why didn’t you answer your phones? We both started calling you when you were 2, 3 and then 4 hours late!”
Sherry looked at Greg, and glad it was getting dark, she knew she was blushing. “Thing got a little hot and steamy with the A/C out so we needed to get out and cool off a couple of times.” Sherry though about their afternoon by the creek, and then Greg following her into the washroom when they stopped for gas. He had completely ravished her again. She had always known Yoga was great for the body but it was equally good for their sex life. Her flexibility was a real turn on for Greg. Man……..Hot and steamy was an understatement!
“Hey, are you two hungry? We waited and waited, we were just about give up on you and put the steaks on.” Donna proclaimed. Just then her stomach growled and they all laughed. “Well I guess that;s my answer!  What’s the matter honey didn’t Greg let you fill up on the way out?” 
Oh yeah, he filled me up all right she thought. Sherry looked at Greg and he was starting at her hotly. She blew him an air kiss and turned to Donna “Yeah, we’re both real hungry let’s get things on the grill. Jack how about you help Greg unload the car?” Sherry asked as she climbed the steps to the deck and disappeared into the cabin.
“Wow dinner was great, thanks for cooking. Me and Sherry will look after breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, fruit, juice…the works. Fresh air sure can work up your appetite.” He gave Sherry a wink. “ How about I go get the bonfire started and we can do some S’mores for dessert?  Come on babe, grab your wine and give me a hand.”  Greg took Sherry’s hand pulling her up from her chair. “Donna wanna grab the green Tupperware container with all the fixins and Jack if you can cut us some sticks the fire’ll be roaring by the time you get down to the beach.”
Sherry got the chairs out of the shed while Greg lit the kindling and built up the fire. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her a kiss on the temple. “Babe you make me hotter than those flames. You forgiven me yet?” He asked.
Sherry turned in his arms and smiled. Sliding he hands up his chest she wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tip toes fitting her body to his. “Oh I think that if you work hard at it I can forgive you completely by the end of the weekend.” She said coquettishly, and kissed.
“Hey you two, this ain’t your honeymoon ya know!” Jack yelled as he came down the trail. “Yeah, don’t you know you’re an old married couple and past all that by now” Donna teased coming up behind Jack. They had all been friends since high school. She and Greg had grown up next door to each other. It was Greg that had introduced her to Jack. Greg and Jack had both been on the football team freshman year. Donna had in turn introduced Greg to her good friend Sherry. They had been inseparable all through high school, but had separated as couples during University. They had never lost touch. They spent all their holidays together and had stood up for each other at their weddings. Their kids were friends and their lives were intertwined. God life was good, Donna though with a satisfied smile.
“Hey buddy, how about fishing in the morning? We’ll let the girls sleep in and head out early with the sunrise.” Jack asked.
Glancing at Sherry he turned to Jack; “Naw, no way man. I’m exhausted and I wanna sleep in too. How about we have a late breakfast, light the sauna and do some waterskiing tomorrow. We can go fishing the next morning.”
“Sounds like a plan man. Now who’s gonna make the S’mores, wanna flip for it?” Jack asked. 
Sherry spoke up “ I need to give the kids a call before they go to bed. Greg will make them, but watch he doesn’t burn them. His attention span is pretty short these days.” She teased. Standing up she turned and gave her shorts a little tug down. In their haste at the creek this afternoon Greg had torn her shorts. She had had to put on her “back-up pair” which apparently had a tendency to ride up and expose the bottom curves of her cheeks.
“Ha, cheeky little wench!” Greg said as he reached up and caressed her bottom giving her a pinch. “Tell the kids goodnight for me and that they better behave for grandma…or else”.  “Hey Jack, you get the gas cans outta the trunk”
“Nope, I was more interested in the dinner you two made me wait for. I can get em now.”
“No-no, I may as well get em and say good night to the kids too” Greg jumped up and caught up with Sherry on the trail. “You teasing me again with those tiny shorts? You know I can’t keep my hands to myself with you shaking that gorgeous ass in my face.” He panted in her ear, squeezing her ass almost lifting her off her feet to press her against him. 
“Behave yourself! Honesty, didn’t you get enough at the creek and then again at the gas station?”  
“Well I gotta remind you and show how much I love you, don’t I? Not take you for granted like I have been.” He breathed into her ear. He took her hand and gave it a tug. “Common, let’s get to our room, I got something for you” he chuckled.
“I have a better idea” she said backing off the path into the shadows pulling him with her. When she though they were far enough off the path she sank to her knees, she licked her lips. Slowly she undid the button and the zipper of his shorts. Giving him a teasing lick she said “remember, not a sound.” As usual, even gritting his teeth he lost the battle to stay silent.
“Hey man, I though you were just gonna get the gas tanks.” Jack said as hand in hand Sherry and Greg reappeared at the fire. Jack gave Greg a knowing look, waggling his eyebrows at him. “Have you two forgotten how sound travels at night and by the water?” Donn asked. She and looked at Jack and he gave a silent nod and they broke out singing the Steve Perry song….” Oh Sherry ” Donna broke out laughing after the first verse. They all laughed together. This was a running joke ever since high school. Near the end of their freshman year they’d gone on a double date to the drive in. As teenagers do, they’d been making out when forgetting himself Greg had groaned out loudly “Oh Sherry” and Jack and Donna had started laughing. Then Jack, always the funny one had started singing “Oh Sherry, I’m in love….” with Donna quickly joining in….”Hold on….hold on, Oh Sherry I’m in love, hold on, hold on. I won’t let go” until they had collapsed in laughter. Ever since it had stuck.  
“Man that will never get old for as long as we live!” Jack laughed. “Yeah, I thought our duet at your wedding was pretty dam good!” Donna added. “The whole room joined in”
“That was to drown you out! You were both so drunk you weren’t on key!  Now never mind memory lane and let’s get to those S’mores.” Greg laughed. 
They spent the rest of evening reminiscing about the scrapes and adventures they had shared together. The sun was long up by the time they all stumbled out of bed. The day was hot, the water warm and like they had all their life; they just enjoyed being together. True friendship like what they shared together was rare. They were more like brothers and sisters, they couldn’t be closer. 
“Drive safe back. NO more pit stops in garage bathrooms! Those places are filthy!” Donna laughed hugging Sherry tight. “Now go on both of you, we’ll talk soon!” Greg opened the car door for Sherry and in the blink of an eye they were off, with Jack and Donna waving from the deck.
“You didn’t tell them” Jack said gently. With his emotions chocking him he went on, “You know we can’t keep this from them forever. I think they’ll both notice when your breasts are gone. Sherry will never forgive you if you go through this alone. By that I mean without her. You need her, we both need them.” Donna sighed deeply, laying her head on Jack’s shoulder. She tightened her arms around his waist. “If things go south, and I don’t make it they’ll be there for you and the kids. I promise I’m going to fight this with everything I have. I don’t want to leave you. The surgery is in two weeks. I swear to you, I’ll tell them before it comes. I just wanted us to be together like we were at the beginning. No kids, no one but the four of us. I just wanted one more beautiful memory for us all to treasure, just in case.” Holding each other they watched Greg and Sherry’s car turn the corner and they were gone. 
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